Birthday Party

The Lost Diary

Suho just went home and enter his room. He needs to think of something, Chorong's birthday is coming and they have a little misunderstanding now. 


"Think Suho, think.." he said. He opened his bag and look for his phone, but saw an unfamiliar but familiar notebook inside.

Unfamiliar in the sense that he didn't remember putting that notebook inside his bag, but familiar because before he owned a notebook like that..


Dear Diary,


I miss the sweet her. Very much.




♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥


Suho headed to his class, he was greeted by other students like usual and he greeted them back. He entered the classroom and greeted Kris who was sitting cooly at the back before sitting down on his chair. He look to his left but noticed that the no one is occupying the seat beside him.

"she's still not here?" he asked himself. But a few minutes later, Chorong finally came and sat beside him.

"Good Morning lovely" he greeted his girlfriend but Chorong just smiled at him.

Usually, she would reply with a sweet goodmorning and a very bright smille on her face, and sometimes, a peck on his cheek.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked, Chorong didn't answer him because the teacher already came in.



At lunch break, he followed Chorong to the cafeteria. He don't like what's happening, he is not used to the cold treatment that Chorong is giving him. He talks to her but she will ignore him or answer with a word or two. When they came inside the cafeteria, he still followed Chorong to their usual table and sat infront of her.

"Chorong-ah" he called


"I'm sorry, I know I'm not spending time with you these past few days, but please don't treat me like this, I miss the sweet you"

"fine" she answered


"yes" she answered

"your birthday is coming right""

"yes, the party will be on saturday"

"do you invite many people?"

"I haven't, I'm just thinking of some friends. I just want a small celebration" she said and gets a paper on her pocket "on my list are my cousin Chanyeol, Bomi, Eunji and her boyfriend Baekhyun, Kris, Luhan. Xiumin, Naeun and Lay. I told Xiumin oppa to invite her girlfriend too, Naeun is also coming with Kai."

"how about me?"

"of course, you are on the list, your first see?" she said and showed him her list.

"By the way,invite your friends too, Tao and Chen those two trouble maker. And I'm inviting Hayoung and her boyfriend, and Namjoo and Kyungsoo."

Suho just look at Chorong, did she just said Hayoung?she will invite her? Can that be possible?
"what?"she asked
"nothing, just"
"Curious as to why I invite her? I just want her to be my friend, is that wrong?"
"no it's not, it's.."
"It's already the past Junmyeon, I don't mind it,. Why? You haven't still forgot about the past? About her?"
"can we just skip that topic"
"ok, but I realy don't know why you're avoiding it" Chorong said and stand up, walking away from the table where her food was not even touched.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Suho knew, she was still mad, but what he didn't know is that why is she talking about her?
"Tao, could you please explain why is she acting like that?"
"why me? I don't have any experience with girls."
"aish, but hey, what do you think of a good surprise for her?"
"just be you, use your talents"
"solving math?"
"aish, not your academic skills. I mean, Singing! You sing right?"
"but, I haven't practiced for a while, because I'm busy."
"Sing for her, have you ever done that?"
"well, once when I'm courting her"
"then make her feel that again"

♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥


Dear Diary,


I haven't sing for a long time now,


But I believe that I can do it for her...



Suho and Tao went to Chen's house and called for Chen

"Hey bro" Tao greeted
"Chen, I need your help" Suho told him
"what can I do?"
"I'll surprise Chorong by singing for her on her birthday so can you play the piano for me?"
"piano? Me? I'm sorry but-"
"Why not?"
"I can' know"
Tao suddenly pulled  Chen to the side
"Hey hyung, just play the piano please"
"Tao, I'm not ready yet"
"when will you be? When it's end of the world?"
"then give me reason why I should"
"First, I know that you can do it. Second, Suho hyung and his girlfriend fight because of me"
"then why I have to?" 
"I'm not done yet! So they fight because of me, because that time, hyung is helping me with my problems, and one of those problems is you, so you also need to help him. And third. Namjoo is invited in that party. You promised to her right? That you will play the piano again? This is your chance to show her that you are ready! Your first step!"
"but.. wouldn't her boyfriend be also there?"
"yeah so what? you won't flirt with her, unless you want to, what I'm saying is just show her that you're ready"
". ah okay okay.."
"hyung!" Tao called Suho "everything is settled!" 
Suho went to them
"You didn't scare him right?" Suho asked Tao
"Of course not, we're friends now" Tao then hugged Chen
"yah yah get off me!"
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Chorong's day came. The day was fine. Suho have prepared his gift for Chorong, he bought a boquet of flowers and bought a necklace.
They will all go together at Chorong's party. Suho went there earlier than the others, he talks to Chanyeol and her parents about her surprise. Chorong was still in her room, grooming herself. Soon she came down and smiled at Suho, even if she's a little bit mad, actually she's just playing with Suho. Because she can'T resist that guy.
"Chorong ah, you're so pretty" Suho said and Chorong blushed
"I know" she acted cold that made Suho pout
"yah don't pout!" she said
"wae? can't resist my cuteness?"
"whatever, you're not even cute"
"for you" he said and gave her the flowers, received it and smiled
Soon, the other came. First to arrive is Chorong's bestfriends Bomi and Eunji, together with Baekhyun. Chorong welcomed them with a hug. 
"Chorong ah!" Bomi said and hugged Chorong 
"hey Bomi what's your problem?"
"save from these two! I'm sick of them!" Bomi said, reffering to Baekhyun and Eunji 
"oh why?"
"they act as if they were the only two together, they forget that I'm even with them" she told while acting crying so the others laughed at her
"hey, we talked to you on the way, don't say those things!" Eunji said
"Don't worry Bomi, at least you are not alone with them now" Suho said and Bomi look at him then hugged Chorong aagain
"yah, don't take Chorong away! Ah why are couples all over me?!"
"Then I'll be your partner tonight!" Chanyeol joked
"Chanyeol oppa! great thing you are here!" the Chanyeol and Bomi high five
"yah, don't take Chanyeol!" Eunji shout
"Chanyeol is mine!" Baekhyun said and pulled Chanyeol to a hug, causing for them to laugh.
"yah! why nobody wants me?!" Bomi cried
"then get a boyfriend" Chorong said, and just in time, Kris and Luhan entered. The laughter subside and became awkward
"uhh,, Hello" Kris greeted noticing the atmosphere
"Happy birthday Rong!" Luhan greeted her and give her his gift, Kris also do the same
"aww thank you so much"
"I think we ruined something?" Luhan mumbled
"huh? it's nothing hehe, go inside"
"okay" The two go inside, while the girls nudge Baekhyun and Chanyeol to follow.
"why did they have to come together? at the moment you said for me to find a boyfriend?" Bomi said
"maybe the 'boyfriend' is one of them" Suho said that made Chorong glared at him "oh, sorry"
"it's okay oppa" Bomi smiled.
The next to came are Tao, Chen and Lay.
"Happy birthday noona!" They said and give their gifts which Chorong gladly accept, and before entering Tao whispered something to Chorong that made her blush, Suho saw this and said 
"Hey Tao, what are you doing?!"
"nothing" he grin and enter the house
"what did he say?"
"why should I tell you?" Chorong said and stuck her tongue out "bleh!"
The other couples came together
"Happy birthday!" they greeted
"Chororororororong! Meet my girlfriend! Hong Yookyung" Xiumin happily introduced her to Chorong
"waah, she's so cute!" she said and Yookyung smiled
"here's our gift sunbaenim"
"ah, call me unni okay?"
"okay unni"
"Naeun! you gorgeous kid, so is Kai already your boyfriend?"
"No he's not"
"hey babe don't be shy to Chorong noona, just admit it, anyway Happy birthday Noona!"
"Thank you Kai, Naeun he's right, don't be shy to me"
"whatever" Said and they just laugh
"Happy Birthday Chorong unni" Hayoung greeted
"Hayoung! Thank you so much"
"unni, This is my boyfriend, Oh Sehun." Hayoung introduced him
"Hello Sehun"
"why?" Suho said, making the other's to look at him.
They saw Kyungsoo staring at Suho with wide eyes, as if their having a competition in who is the first to blink will lose.
"why are you looking aat me like that?" Suho asked again
"You are the Student Council's president right? Kim Junmyeon?" Kyungsoo asked and Suho nodded
"yes I am. why?"
"I'm Do Kyungsoo, I'm your fan."
"yah oppa!, ah mianhae, this guy is sometimes really crazy, I'm really sorry for the way he act" Namjoo said
"it's okay, I never tought I had any fanboys"
"Kyungsoo, can you please stop that?!" namjoo said
"why? oh Happy birthday Chorong noona"
"hahaha, you're cute, all of you, come in now."
They all went in. Chorong's party was just simple, just a celebration, she make more friends and anjoy the night. Eat lots of food and played games. That time, most of them forgot the awkwardness and just enjoy the night.  Suddenly the lights turned off that shcoked everyone, Chorong felt that Suho leaves his place beside her. when the lights open again, Suho was now standing in front beside the piano and Chen was sitting.
Chen and Suho look and nod at each other, before Chen started to play, soon Suho started singing

This moment feels like I was born as a child who knew nothing
I closed my eyes again in case it would be a dream
You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying
Just once, I want to walk side by side with you

His eyes were filled with emotion

Taken by the soft wind to your world
You asked me brightly where I came from to your side
And I told you that It was a secret
Wherever we walk together
Will be paradise

You are an eye-blinding entity compared to Michael
Who would remember you, I will not forgive it
Like the beginning when stepping into Eden
Believing you every day from the bottom of my heart

I alway want to protect you
So that even the small things won’t tire you out, I’m eternally in love

Suho went to Chorong and hold her hand, she got up and stare at him as he sang. 

As your guardian, I will block the stiff wind
Even though people turn their backs to you
If I could become the person
Who can wipe your tears on a tiring day
It will be paradise

I, who has fallen in love with no other place to
Go back, my wings have been talen away (oh no)
Even though I lost my everlasting life, the reason to my happiness
You are my eternity Eternally Love

Suho finished his song and smiled sweetly to Chorong, while others teased them

"Happy birthday, my love"

"aww, my boyfriend is so cute" she said and pinch his cheeks

"so, were okay now?"
"you have to do one thing first before I forgive you" Chorong said
"what's that?"
"aegyo" She said, Suho hates doing it because his friends always teases him that it doesn't suit him
"uh..okay, anything for you" he said and made a buing buing with matching wink to Chorong
Chorong smiled brightly before kissing him
"ah, get a room!" their friends said, 



... and it feels great to see her happy,

and finally I get a kiss from her.




♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥


Yehet! I finally get to update again.

Here's Surong couple with a lot of other couples hehe

I'm really running out of ideas lately , sorry for that >.<



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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!