A Promise

The Lost Diary
Dear Diary,
I know it's silly of me to write here. 
But you know? My life is a mess, wanna hear about it?
- Troll King
Chen closed the door of the room he just entered. He fell on the floor and was still panting from the running he did. He was being chased by the schools' greatest and scariest bully, Huang Zitao. He knew it, he shouldn't be trolling that guy.
He looked around the room, and just like the other days, his feet bring him here, in the old music room where an old grand piano stand.
He hates this place for sure, but sometimes, this place can make him feel better. He stand and walk to the piano. He took the seat and open the cover. Slowly, he started playing, but it's just a few notes when he messed, again.
"Arghh!" He pulled his own hair and throw his bag to the side. The contents of his bag scattered, just like earlier when he bumped to a girl. But he noticed a notebook that was not his'. He stand and pick it up
"A diary?" He said and read the contents. "Indian princess? Tss. How can she write on something that's not hers?" he said to himself "But she's lucky, her life is good, unlike mine." He added and lay on the floor beside a big cabinet.
Chen didn't realized that he already fell asleep. He woke up to the sound of the piano. 'Who's playing it?' He thought.
Chen sat up and peek at the piano, and there was a girl who was playing. He slowly stand up and walk nearer. The girl notice him and abruptly stand, looking shocked
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Chen said
"I'm sorry too, I didn't notice you earlier" she said
"it's okay, and you're good" he said and look at the piano
"Thanks, but I'm still learning " the girl said and smiled.
Chen was attracted by her for sure. Her smile made her skip a beat. 
"Yah! Namjoo-ah what's taking you so long?" A guy with big round eyes entered. 
"Aish, sorry" Namjoo said and get some folders on top of the piano, which Chen didn't notice earlier. The guy noticed Chen and just greeted politely.
"Let me carry that" he said then walk out
"bye" Namjoo said to Chen and followed the guy."yah Kyungsoo-ah wait for me" He heard her shout
There was an unknown feeling on Chen's heart. He's hoping to see the girl again, to know her more, and he's also hoping that the Kyungsoo guy is not her boyfriend. 
"What am I even thinking?" He said to himself amd sat infront of the piano.
"When can I play again like that?" He said then started playing but stopped when a crumpled paper hit the back of his head.
"Yah!" he shouted and turn to the door and there he saw his friend, Zhang Yixing a.k.a Lay, controlling his laugh.
"What do you want?" Chen asked
"Stop playing, it's irritating." Lay said instead of answering
"shut up"
"but seriously, you're here again?"
"I don't even know why my feet always brought me here" Chen sighed
"I don't know also. But hey man, try attending your classes sometimes. If you keep ditching class, you're just the same with Tao."
"Don't even compare me with him, we're different"
"whatever, come on" Lay stand 
"Hey wait" 
Lay turn around "what?"
"Do you know someone named Namjoo?"
"she has this short wavy hair and had pretty eyes, I think she's our Junior"
"you're trolling again right?"
"ya I'm serious"
"What's with that girl?"
"aish, nevermind"
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
I know I'm a hopeless musician,
but who would have thought that I would find hope again?...
-Troll King
After class, Chen was once again inside the old music room. Still hoping that Namjoo will come. And lady luck was with him today because he saw her again entering the room.
"Hello" he greeted which shocked Namjoo
"Ah hello. You're here again?"
"yeah, well I'm always here"
"ah, I will just return this" then she showed him some folders. Maybe old files . Then she went to a shelf and put it there.
"I'll be going now" she said
"Ah wait"
"C-can you...play the piano again?.. I -I mean, if you're not in a hurry" Chen didn't why he's stuttering
"it's okay" she said and positioned herself.
"I..I haven't introduced myself formally. I'm Kim Jongdae, but you can call me Chen. I'm a Senior"
"ah, Chen sunbaenim. I'm Kim Namjoo, a junior"
"cute name"
"thanks" and started playing and once again, Chen was in awe....
After she played, Chen was still looking at her
"Sunbaenim? Are you alright?" She asked
"Ah...yeah...sorry" he said "I was just amazed"
"really? But I'm not really good at it"
"you are, I wish I could play like you"
"you also play piano?"
"Yeah, before"
"what happened?"
"I can't do it anymore.. maybe it was trauma... I made a mistake in my performance before. I'm a big dissapointment to all the those who support me. There were so many audience and I failed" Chen told his story and sadness can be traced in his eyes. Yes, he may be a troll and pull pranks, but when it comes to music, he's serious.
"So you never tried to play again?"
"I tried, but I always fail. It was hopeless... I was hopeless. You know what, this room is my paradise before. I always practice here...and this old piano? This is what I use when I failed. And every dream that I build here were all shattered." Chen didn't know how can he shared  those things to her. He always try to avoid the topic and he was not really fond of sharing his life to others whom he just met.
"Then why don't you try again? You know, if you really try harder, you can do it. You need to look beyond, even if you try, but you already assumed the same result,which is the failure you did before, you will never succeed. Just believe in yourself that you can do it"
Chen smiled
"Thank you very much, but you know, it's easy to say that but--"
"I was hopeless before too, just like you. You know, I find it hard to play instruments, but then someone told me to believe in myself, and make my dream come true. All we need is an inspiration. You, look around you and find the thing that will inspire you and motivate you"
Chen was moved..she's right... and right now, he don't need to look around, because he already found not the thing, but the person who will inspire him. It's the girl in front of him.
"Ah, Chen sunbaenim, I have to go now" 
"ah , thank you again" he said and she smiled, and before she went out..
"You're right. I will try harder to be able to play the piano again"
Namjoo smiled "you can do it! Fighting!"
"If the day come, when I can perform again.. can we made a collaboration? It's my last year here and I want to perform with you... is it okay?"
"of course, I would love to" she beamed
"promise! I will also practice more and look forward to perform with you on one stage" she said and smiled brightly before she go
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
"Yah!Kim Jongdae!" Chanyeol called his friend who just entered the school gates
"Hey derp boy!" He responded
"You look happy today, gonna troll someone"
"am I that bad in your eyes"
"yes actually" chanyeol laughed "and you're early today. You are always late right? What's with the sudden change?"
"just shut up Yeol" Chen said.
"where are you going?" Chanyeol asked when Chen turned to the right.
"To class" he answered
"Our buiding is this way" Chanyeol pointed to the left
"There's also a way here"
"it will be easier this way.." Chanyeol said then act like he's thinking something "hmm so it's true that you're stalking a junior?"
"yah, who said that?"
"Don't believe him, he's trolling you"
"you're the troll here you know"
"just shut up and go to class. And also, I'm not stalking her" he said but chanyeol more before going to class.
Chen continue to walk to the juniors' building and try to find for Namjoo.
He's smiling while looking around and didn't care even if the other junior students look at him weirdly. He can't find her so he continued to walk up to the rooftop. And as he did, his smile faded and regret that he went there.
That exact moment, he saw the Kyungsoo guy and Namjoo together...
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
Maybe she's not really for me... but I will still fulfill my promise to her.
To perform with her. So even for the last time, I can be with her.
-Troll King
Chen closed the diary when suddenly Tao grab it and just throw it ouside the window.
"Hello hyung" he said then smirked
That time, Chen was so sure that he was really hopeless when it comes to girls and this panda in front him.
Meanwhile, the diary that was thrown out the window was falling down...
and down..
and down
and hit the head of a sleeping boy.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Yaay! second chapter
A big thank you for supporting my story
Here's a sad ChenJoo for now. Mianhae.
More pairings on the following chapters :))
Who could be the next to find the diary?
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!