
When I met Mr. Simple ^_^

I couldn't believe this. Like, seriously?? What does Donghae want from me? Wasn't me being rude to him enough for him to get the hint that i want nothing to do with him??

I was now on my way to his office right now. I had to take more documents over to him and apparently i needed to do some editing for him.

Oh, did i mention what kind of company i work for. I think i've been a bit selfish and just talked about myself.

Well, Siwon own and runs one of the biggest editing companies in the country. In the company we edit things from movies, songs, movie scripts and much more. I guess that's why the company is so well known. There are so many workers here already, which makes me wonder how many there are in other cities. Yes, Choi Edt has so many branches from all over the country. I've heard that they also emply those top student, so sometimes i wonder why Siwon hired me. I'm probably one of the worst editors in the company in my opinion. But then i'm thankful towards him for giving me a life..hehe.


Heading towards the reception area, the young ladies really like staring at people, don't they?? Shouldn't they be working and keeping their eyes off dudes in skinny jeans??

"Um, excuse me." I swear i would've been there for long if i hadn't called them.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, how may i help you?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Lee. I have some documents for him."

"Oh, it seems that he's in a meeting right now. But he'll be done soon. Could you please go and wait in his office thank you Cha Eun Joo-ssi."

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Weird how she knew my name. I don't recall telling her my name at all.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder, calling for my attention. I quickly turned around only to meet the face that I hate the most.

“Good morning Eun Joo-ssi.” He smiled. He still looks stupid.

“Yeah, umm. Here are the documents you wanted. So what else did you want me to do??” I really don’t like this guy. Just his face alone makes me so annoyed.

“OH, still the same manners I see. Follow me.”

He started walking and led me to his office using a totally different way than the one I used when I went to see him before. I have to admit, it was totally beautiful. The lights were very bright and hit the beige marble walls creating a very warm and happy environment. The whole place was nicely decorated, with beautiful flower vases in every corner. The place looked amazing, even I couldn’t imagine how much money was put into such beauty. Without knowing, I walked through the hall way smiling like a fool. We reached his office and he opened the door gesturing for me to enter first.

“Ladies first.”

“Well, thank you.” I smiled. I quickly wiped the smile off my face once I remembered who I was with. “What did you need me for??”



Donghae POV:


“Wow, you actually look beautiful when you smile.” I couldn’t believe she was smiling. And for a moment, she said something nice to me. This was a totally different person. I’ve never seen that side of her and I actually like it. *Ooh, someone is being melted.* *Shut up brainy. don’t get me wrong. She aint my type.*

“What??” Oh, I forgot she hates me.

“What I mean is that you should smile more. You look better that way. Not that it would make a big difference, you’re still… you know… not that pretty, and definitely not my type.”

“Ouch, that was kind of rude. But then again, it came from someone such as yourself. Your type is probably those skinny bimbos that you can find at every club. So your words don’t hurt me one bit. They actually make me feel better because I know I’m better than all of those s.”

“Excuse me??” Like, did she just say that to me? Like seriously? How in the world does a girl like her exist? She just makes me want to hate her even more.

“Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that… So what was it that you need me to do?” I couldn’t believe this girl.

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Tomboy84 #1
Chapter 17: Hehe, chappie 14 is cute.
Chapter 14: MOM!! I just read over this Chapter, and realised just how cute Siwon is...
OMG, I'm like blushing right now..
Weird, esp. since it's my fic haha
Chapter 15: Donghae had to ruin it -.-"
Chapter 14: Siwon is just sooo cute with her <3
Chapter 13: O.o...who can the doctor be?
*Curious mode*
Tomboy84 #6
Chapter 12: I wonder who the doctor is.
Since it's Doctor Jung, here are some possibilities.
Jung Yunho, Jung Daehyun, etc.
Good update!
Tomboy84 #7
Chapter 11: I'll admit, at first I wasn't so interested in this fic because I wasn't into SuJu.
But now that I love SuJu, I love this fic as well.
Great update. ^_^
Chapter 11: I really like Chanyeol in this fic ^^ hahaha xD
Chapter 7: Oooh, the beginning of his feelings for her. (・о・)
Chapter 7: Hahaha! Such a cute chappie ^^
And no problem sweety it's my pleasure :)