dennisse - P.S. Forgotten

☼Summer review shop ft. SHINee


P.S. Forgotten - angst romance exo kai kyungsoo kaisoo - main story image


Title: 10/10

Definitely a superb job! The title is super eye-catching, and I started to understand why you chose that as your title. Well done :)

Description/Foreword: 19/20

Your description is really asdfghjkl I can't even desccribe it with words. Just.. too.. wonderful. You succeded in summarazing everything into two sentences only, yet not spilling the plot too much. This is just wonderful.

For your foreword, it's just as wonderful as your description. The sentences you wrote there told me about the story, yet not spilling too much. Fantastic. However, when writing, you should use 'six' instead of the number itself, '6'. I don't even know why English created that rule. But oh, whatever. Aside from that, perfect.

Plot: 10/10


Language*: 29/30

There aren't major mistakes AT ALL. Like literally, all of your mistakes are minor mistakes, and it doesn't affect the story that much. It's just that sometimes you switch tenses from present to past and back to present. Also, your vocabulary is a liiiiiitle bit too uhmm.. well, I don't know how to say this. You could've used more descriptive words to describe the scene, and I think that would be better :D

Originality: 10/10

Never saw a storyline like this before, so great job!

Flow: 8/10

I think it's just right, but sometimes it's a little too fast. Just that, and the rest are done smoothly ^^

Characters development:  10/10

Well done! You described Kyungsoo's character including the minute details, as well as Kai's too. I really love how you did this, it's just wonderful!


FINAL: 96/100

Reviewer's comment:

My oh my. I'm not a big fan of fanfics but this is definitely an exception! Also, I'm super sorry for the late review ;-; I love you, and I'm subscribing to your fanfic because I just can't asdfghjkl I need to continue reading! <3

*Language refers to punctutaion, paragraphing, grammar, etc.

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Iloveyounot22 #1
I just applied~ Please PM me if I made it or not!
Chapter 23: Thank you for the review :) I'll credit you now !
requested ^^
requested :3
Chapter 14: Hey! Im so sorry that it took so long for me to credit you guys! Ive been having some problems at home:( Thanks for the reviews! Lots of love <3
Chapter 22: I will credit when I get to use the computer! :)
Chapter 22: Read it, thank you!
Chapter 21: aww, thank you. though i think you flatter it too much.
thank you for taking your time reviewing my fic, i'll surely credit this shop on the foreword. :)