infinitestarz94 - Spell of Fate

☼Summer review shop ft. SHINee

Spell of Fate - romance tragedy exo kris exokris sadlovestory - main story image

Title: 10/10

Wonderful one! It pulls a reader's interest to click on your story. Your capitalization is also perfectly done!

Description/Foreword: 19/20

It was very nice >< I like those kind of descriptions and forewords so much!^^ Teehee, I somehow understood the plot a little after reading your foreword :D Is it saying that the girl died? /slap me if I got it wrong/

Plot: 8/10

THIS IS WONDERFUL. I'm sorry if I took away 2 marks from you only because of my stupidity of not understanding the story at first. Okay then, I think it's a bit confusing at first because you didn't state who's point of view was it that time. I even thought it was Kris who died and Yura who was left alone! (I know I'm stupid)

Language*: 28/30

I don't think I could find any major mistakes in your story. Although I spotted some minor ones, it isn't that important so I ignored it XD Anyways, the thing is, you had too many paragraphs and direct speeches. You could've pile them up in a descriptive paragraphs instead of opening the inverted commas all the time. After all, this is a story, not a dialogue, right?



*sighs* Although your plot is wonderful, I can't give much more because it is cliche. (Though not as cliche as the school stories) However what made me satisfied with this work of yours is how you wrote it :) You made the girl character dead instead of the boy one. Honestly, fanfics are usually filled with the girl being hurt but this really took me aback as the boy is the one being hurt and the girl is the one who died. Great job!

Flow: 9/10

I think you have the perfect flow, it's just that you skipped some parts at times :)

Characters development:  3/10

I don't think there is any character development here... You only have two characters (?)


FINAL: 82/100


Reviewer's comment:

Fantastic! I enjoyed reading it although it didn't made me cry. You write angst really well :) 






*Language refers to punctutaion, paragraphing, grammar, etc.

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Iloveyounot22 #1
I just applied~ Please PM me if I made it or not!
Chapter 23: Thank you for the review :) I'll credit you now !
requested ^^
requested :3
Chapter 14: Hey! Im so sorry that it took so long for me to credit you guys! Ive been having some problems at home:( Thanks for the reviews! Lots of love <3
Chapter 22: I will credit when I get to use the computer! :)
Chapter 22: Read it, thank you!
Chapter 21: aww, thank you. though i think you flatter it too much.
thank you for taking your time reviewing my fic, i'll surely credit this shop on the foreword. :)