Welcome To School

Two weeks had passed since Dillon had her little accident.  Jonghyun kept his promise of not telling anyone what she had said.  However she was on fire with the soccer team.  It was like she was a Greek God the way she could take the ball from people and win the game so fast.  Suho would go to all her games, which she had two.  Even the book club went to the games as well to suuport her.  However when Suho watched the game he wasn't really focused on the fact if the team was winning, he was more focused on if Dillon was looking hot or not.

Suho was walking back to the dorms after a student council meeting.  Man it really ran late tonight? He thought as he walked to the door and opened it.  As he was walked up to his door he thought about turning and asking Dillon to grab a bite to eat.  She must be asleep already. He walked in and saw Sehun sitting at a desking looking at stuff on his computer.  When Suho looked closer he saw that his head phones where in.  So he walked up behind him. 

Here at SM Entertainment......  Suho laughed at Sehun reading about news going on in the entertainment world.  He put his stuff down and shut the door loud enough for it to get through Sehun's head phones.  He took them off and looked at him.

Sehun: What;s up?

Suho: Nothing much.

Sehun: Yeah okay.

Suho: What is that suposed to mean?

Sehun: You come in here moping now a days. 

Suho: No I don't.

He began to unpack his backpack.  As he was puttng things away he looked over at the picture of Dillon he put on his night stand and he began to smile.

Sehun: Don't even get me started on that picture you suddenly put up.  Who is that anyways?

Suho: This girl

Sehun: No duh.

Suho turned to smack Sehun but he hopped on to his own bed laughing.

Suho: Can I talk to you about something?

Sehun: You pregnant or something?

Suho: No joke.

Sehun: What is it?

Suho: There's this girl I like.

Sehun: You met a girl?  She got any friends?

Suho: Yeah.... (Me, if that would even count.)

Sehun: OKay, what about her.

Suho: I've never thought that I would start to like a girl like her

Sehun: What is she like?

Suho: Boyish

Sehun: Ew.  That's the gross kind.

Suho: No.... She's really cute.

Sehun: She korean?

Suho: Does it really matter?

Sehun: You're right.

Suho: Anyways, when she smiles it makes me fly.  My heart will race so fast. 

Sehun: What does this girl look like?

Suho: That's a picture of her.

Sehun looked at the picture on the night stand.  The girl with the chocolate spread over .  His jaw just dropped.

Sehun: Wait you know this hotty?

Suho: Yeah, she's amaing.

Sehun: Have you had ?

Suho: What!?

Suho's face turned bright red and looked away from Sehun.  He maybe younger but he wasn't that innocent and he thought it was funny that Suho was kind of like that. 

Sehun: Okay, okay.  No more teasing.  Anyways what is this girls name?

Suho: Di....

Sehun: Di?  That's weird, is it short for something?

Suho: Yeah.  It is. 

Sehun: This girl sounds great, you have to let me meet one of her friends.

Suho: Sure.

Suho laid in his bed.  As he laid down he felt something lumpy in his bed.  He stood up and ripped the covers up and saw Dillon passed out.  She had her shirt she was wearing pulled up her stomach a little bit.  His eyes where fixed on her flat plae stomach and he traced the cruves on her body.  You would think that most boys would notice the curves of a girl on a boy, but no one ever did.  Then his eyes went to how low her shorts where riding on her hips.  As his trance was getting worse she slightly turned making a small "MMM" noise as she did.


Sehun: He was waiting for you to get back so you two could go to dinner like normal.  We're in book club together and got talking about books.  I said I had to do some homework and he asked if it was cool for him to wait for you.

Suho: Really?

Suho looked back at Dillon and her small frame that was curled up in his bed.  Why does she have to be Jonghyun's little sister?  Suho swallowed hard and sat next to his bed and tapped Dillon's shoulder.  She stretched her arms up and slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

Dillon: Suho oppa, what are you doing in my room?

Suho: You awake?

Dillon: Yeah, but why do we have to dance?

Suho: What?

His face got red again.  He looked back at Sehun who leaned in since he thought he heard the word Oppa.

Sehun: You need help with him?

Suho: Yeah you want to open the doors for me?

Sehun: Sure.

Suho picked her up bridal style and Sehun opened the doors and let him into her room and left right after that.  Suho put her on her bed and then thought about how he would have to change her, but his face got so red. 

Suho: Calm down Suho it's nothing, she's just a friend jeeze!

He put a blanket over her and turned to leave but something cuaght his sleeves and he turned to see Dillon's small pale hand holding onto his sleeve. 

Dillon: Don't leave me.  The dance isn't over.....

Suho smiled.  He put her arm back adn pulled up a chair next to her.  As he sat there he patted her stomach and brshed her hair with his hand.

Suho: I'm not going anywhere beautiful girl.  You can count on that.

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~