Welcome To School

Suho swallowed deeply as he was driving the car.  Dillon wasn't allowed to leave the house without a guy by her side, which .  So she grabbed Suho to go with her.


Dillon: Come one Suho.

Suho: What?

Dillon: I want to go to the mall.

Taemin: Why are you taking him?  Do I hear wedding bells?

She punched him in his face.

Dillon: No you hear the sound of your funeral.  Umma is out and I'm not asking that old man to take me anywhere.  Jonghyun won't take me because he knows I want to shop and he hates going with me.  Minho will try to buy the whole store for me too if he goes with me. 

Taemin: What about me?

Dillon: You're willing to take me to the mall and stay?

Taemin: No I'd ditch you and tell appa you disobyed him again.

Dillon: This is why Suho we're leaving.

Suho: Oh okay.


Now he is sitting right next to her while she is wearing a pink skirt that rode up when she sat down and a light blue tank top.  She even had a little pink purse to go with her outfit.  They were hitting every red light on the way to the mall too!  Suho looked over at her and watched her as her eyes traced the outside world that she wasn't allowed in with out a man.

Suho: So........ Why the mall?

Dillon: Farthest away from Jonghyun and that old man.

Suho: Why don't you like your appa?

Dillon: It's not that.

Suho; Then what is it?  You two fight all the time and it seems like you really hate him.

Dillon: It's hard to explain and it's a real long story.

He pulled into a empty parking lot and parked the car.  He looked over at her

Suho: Now we have all the time in the world, so tell me.

Dillon: Well..... Umma, isn't really a woman.  I learned that the hard way.  But he always went to the school meetings for me and even went to the mother daughter events.  People told us that we couldn't be there, but some of the other moms felt bad for me since they thought that my real umma died.  However I was the only girl and then one day Appa started showing his interest in my life.  He had been to busy with Jonghyun. Minho, and Taemin to worry about me.

Suho: So that's why you hate him?  Because he started to care?

Dillon: No, it's not because of that.  He got mad that I asked Onew to go with me to a father daughter dance instead of him!

Suho: Why didn't you ask him?

Dillon: He was never there.  His son's were more imporant until Minho told him about the dance coming up.  He got so happy and told me he couldn't wait and I told him I asked Onew.  He got so angery and told me I couldn't go. 

Suho: Becuase you couldn't go to a dance?

Dillon: No I went.  Jonghyun snuck me out of the house and showed up with me.  All the parents knew he was my brother and a teacher called my him.  He came and saw me having fun with Jonghyun and how happy we were.  That was one of the only times I called Jonghyun oppa.

Suho: Really?

Dillon: Yeah.  He helped me out.  Then he came over and made this huge scene about how he was happy that his two children where getting along.  A parent said that I have three older brothers and a teacher said that he wasn't my father.  He got angery and said he was and that Onew wasn't even realated to me. 

Suho: You didn't know?

Dillon: No, we knew we are all half related but we didn't know who the "appa" was.  They just told us to call them that and we have.  When he said that I wasn't in any way related to Onew I began to cry.

Suho: All because of that?

Dillon: You don't get it.

She got out of the car.  Suho ran  out and grabbed her and held her wrist.

Suho: Then explain it to me so I do.

Dillon: Key, my appa, he doesn't care I'm his daughter unless he gets told it's an imporant event for a girl.  Onew, he gets it.  Key doesn't.

Suho: That doesn't change the fact that he's you're father.

Dillon: Take a good look at him.  He sent his daughter to an all boys school, knowing it was an all boys school run by his eldest son.

Suho: So?  That means....

Dillon: He wanted another son.

Suho didn't speak.  He finally understood. Dillon didn't hate her appa because of the things he did, it was because he treated her like he never wanted a daughter. She wanted to be wanted for her gender, that was all and that was reasonable.  He pulled her in for a hug and she lightly wrapped her arm around him.

Dillon: Sorry for this.

Suho: Don't be.  It's okay.  I understand.  Let's go to the mall okay?

They hopped into the car and Suho was happy.  He got a little closer to Dillon today.  They got to the mall and saw not only Taemin, Jonghyun and Minho, but Onew and Key as well.

Key: Look out on a date, that's good knews!

Dillon sighed and tried to get away from them.  As she tried to get away she ran into someone.

Dillon: Sorry.

Key: Look stay close to appa and you won't run into people!

Dillon: Shut up old man!

He got angry and went to yell at her but the man grabbed her face.

Man: How about we get back to me.

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~