Welcome To School

Minho took Dillon off the school campus to eat lunch after she was done with her morning classes.  She invited Suho to come but he had student council things to do, she even invited Tao, but he had to go meet up with the EXO-M guys as well.  So it was just the two of them.

Minho: So how is school going?

Dillon: Okay, I guess

She shrugged her shoulders.  She didn't want to tell him about the fight and how a guy almost beat her to death on her very first day.  Minho would not only hurt Jonghyun for letting that happen he would kill about half of the guys to prove that they shouldn't touch her.  That's the type of brother he is to her.  So sweet and kind no matter what happens to her. 

Minho: Just okay?

Dillon: Yeah, Suho is nice to me. There's this rude guy named Kai, though.

Minho: Really?

Dillon: Yeah, he makes me think of Tae a little.

Minho: What about your roommate?  Keeping his hands to himself?

Dillon: I don't really know just yet.  He is nice to me. 

Their order came out.  Minho thanked the waitress and she smiled as she walked back to the kitchen.  He always of having every girl in the world fall for him no matter what.  Dillon on the other hand didn't have that problem with men.  They thought she was cute, but not enough to date. 

Dillon: Hey what do you know about this school groups?

Minho: Not that much, why?

Dillon: Well, there's this group called EXO-M...

Minho: What about them?

His voice became cold and a little angry.  Something about the way he sounded made Dillon know she should stay away from them.

Dillon: Well, I kind of kicked Jonghyun yesterday in front of everyone and two of these guys said I should hang out with them.

Minho: Who where they?

Dillon: Kris and some really cute prince like guy. 

Minho: How did they want you to hnag out?

Dillon: Well, they said I should jion EXO-M.

Minho: Don't.  Stay away from those guys.

Dillon: Why?

Minho: Just do as your oppa says, got it?

Dillon: Neh.

She put her head down and just ate her food.  He seemed really to dislike EXO-M so Dillon made a mental note to find out more about those guys and why they are so hated.  AS they sat in awkard silence his phone rang and he answered it.

Minho: Neh.... I'm eating lunch with someone right now...... Of course I'll be there right away.

He hung up his phone.

Dillon: You have to go?

Minho: Yeah, soccer practice.

Dillon: Go, I'll walk back

Minho: I can drive you, the field we are at today is about two miles passed your school.

Dillon: Oh.

Minho: Don't want to be in a car with me?

Dillon: That's not...

Minho: Sorry.

Dillon looked at him and Minho hand his hands clasped together and they where leaning against his lips.

Minho: I yelled at you, sorry.

Dillon: I shouldn't have said anything.

Minho: No, I'm glad you did.

Dillon: Why?

Minho: I would rather me yell at you and you be a little angry at me for that then have you find out the hard way about those guys.

Dillon: Why?  What's wrong with them?

Minho: There is a group of students who give Jonghyun hyung the hardest time for no other reason then they can.  That's them.  Please stay awya from them.

Dillon: Okay.

Minho: Good, I'll go pay so go out to my car, okay?

Dillon: Neh, oppa!

She smiled and watched him walk to the counter to pay and she walked out of the little shop they where eating at.  I'll find out what he is really hiding.  They should learn not to treat me like a little kid.  Dillon was waiting in the car when Minho came out putting on his sunglasses. 

The drive back was queit.  At the front gate Suho was coming back from a run, with a shirt on this time, and took out his head phones smiling at Minho and Dillon.  Dillon waved as she was getting out.

Minho: Dilly...

Dillon: Yes?

Minho: There are going to be some boys fighting for you and you'll have to choose and you might hurt on of them.

Dillon: What are you talking about?

Minho: Just be very careful, okay? 

Dillon: Fine.  You too.

Minho: Love you.

Dillon: Love you too.  See you later.

Minho: Better.

He drove off and Suho jogged up to Dillon.

Suho: He's leaving?

Dillon: Soccer pratice.  Ready for after noon classses?

Suho: They got canceled today.  That's why I'm running right now.

Dillon: Oh.

Suho: How was lunch?

Dillon: Fine.  Oh could I ask you something?

Suho: Sure.

They began to walk through the gate and back to the dorm rooms.  Suho was twriling his headphones around his ipod and Dillon was gripping tightly on her backpack straps.

Dillon: What is EXO-M?

Suho: Why?

Dillon: Two of them asked me to join them.

Suho: There are two main groups in this school, Exo-M & Exo-K.  It's to sperate the Koreans form the Chinese students here. 

Dillon: Does it really matter?

Suho: At first it was so that students from China could feel a little more comfortable, but then of course Jonghyun came into control of the school.

Dillon: So this is Jonghyun's fault?

Suho: No. It started when the old principal left.  He didn't care what the students at this school did as long as the police weren't invovled, but Jonghyun wanted them to be amazing students that two month babies look up to and every girl in the world would want to marry a boy from this school.

Dillon: That sounds like him.

Suho: Why?

Dillon: He went here, the only one other then me to leave America for high school.

Suho: Really?

Dillon: Yep.

Suho: Anyways he put rules into the school for those groups.  Some hated them and just left the groups.  But the ones in EXO-M now hate them so much that they plan to run him out of this school.

Dillon: I guess they don't know Jonghyun.

Suho: What do you mean?

Dillon: When I was thriteen and going through puberty I wore a bathing suit that showed off my body and Jonghyun made me put on his sweatshirt so no one would look at me, and I went around telling all the girls that he loved men and he said it was true and the only girls in the world he could love is our mother and me.

Suho: You?

Dillon got nervous and looked down.

Dillon: I look girly so the girls thought I was a girl at the time.  It happene with Taemin, too. He often gets called a pretty boy by everyone. 

Suho: Oh, that's cute.

Dillon: I guess.

They walked into the dorms laughing and Dillon waved goodbye to Suho and went into her room.  Suho looked at his phone adn saw that Jonghyun had asked him to come to his office for a while.  He took a wuit shower and headed out.

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~