Welcome To School

The light was creeping in through the window's of the dorm room.  Dillon sat up looking around. 

Dillon: Morning Suho.....SUHO!?

Suho: What?

He stand up and looked around.  He ended up crawling into her bed with her and they slept next to one and other. However he saw nothing wrong until  he remebered that Dillon is a girl and he jumped out of the bed and fell to the ground just looking at her with big eyes.  Both of their faces where turning bright pink today.  Then another boy happened to wake up.

Tao: What's with all the yelling?  People sleep ya' know.

He was passed out by the latter to his bed.  Last night he went to a party and didn't get back until late and drunk at that.  His hang over now was pretty bad.

Suho: Why are you on the floor?

Tao: Ya know I don't like you yelling.

Dillon: Are you still drunk or hung over?

Tao: Um.....Still drunk, haha

Dillon: Come here.

She helped him into his bed and put a blanket over him.  When he got like this she didn't mind helping him out every now and again.

Suho: Does this happen a lot?

Dillon: No, why?

Suho: I don't know I'm worried about you.

Dillon; Why? Aren't I just another boy?

She laughed to herself thinking of what Suho would response with.  It made her giggle. No, you aren't just another girl to me.  Suho strached the back of his head and just sat there thinking of what he could say to her. And then the best thing that could ever happen to Suho did, someone came bursting through the door.

Suga: How's party animal Tao?

Dillon + Tao: Still drunk.

Suga: Ha,ha good good. 

Dillon: What's up?

Suga: We're throwing a party tonight and you told me to come and tell you about it the next time we were.

Dillon: Really what time is it?

Suga: 7

Dillon: I'll try to make it.

Suga said his goodbyes and Suho just looked at Dillon.

Suho: You're really going to go to one of those parties?

Dillon: Yeah is there something wrong with that?

Jungkook doesn't know how to keep it in his pants!  That's what's wrong with that.

Suho: No, not really.  Are you going to go by yourself?

Dillon: I thought that girls weren't allowed on campus.

Don't you already show it's wrong?

Suho: Yeah, but you could show up with a guy as a freind with you really want to.

Dillon: Is this your weird way of asking to go with me?

Suho: What, no.

Suho was laughing and rubbing his hair. Dillon just laughed at Suho becuase he was turning a little pink.

Dillon: Do you want to go with me?

Suho: I mean if you want me to...

Dillon; Don't try to play it off cool.  Alright go get ready for school.

Dillon kicked him out and Suho just smiled as the door shut.  As he walked back into his room the picked up her picture and just smiled at it. 

Suho: Why are you so cute?

He put it down adn got ready for school.  During the day Tao didn't show up to classes until noon which he got yelled at for, but he said he was sick.  Of course the teacher didn't belive him since he got busted twice for being on the rooftop after Jonghyun found out he hangs out up there.  It was around 6:35 when Tao came busting through the room and Dillon just looked at him.

Dillon: Dentetion over?

Tao: Yeah. 

Dillon: What are your plans tonight?

Tao: Going to BTS's party, you?

Dillon: Same.

Tao: No way.

He jumped over to her and she was looking at herself in the mirror and looking at how her shirt looked on her.  She was wearing light blue shorts and a dark green shirt that she slightly tucked in.

Dillon: Hat or no hat?

Tao: You sound like a girl.

Dillon: Becuase I want to look nice?

Tao: You do know it;s going to be a bunch of guys?  We can't sneek girls in on a week night, weekends are when all the girls come over, that's when you get dressed up.

Dillon: It's my first party.

Tao: What do you mean your first?

Dillon: None of the other kids ever invited me to parties.

Tao: Why not?

Dillon: Who knows.

I hate Jonghyun sometimes!  He's the reason that I ended up getting shipped here when I think about it.  He would never let boys come near me too!  Him and Minho!  Oh those two are in some much trouble next time they are togther.

Tao: No hat.

Dillon looked at Tao.  He gave her a small smile and ruffed her hair up a little.

Tao: You'll have fun tonight, I promise.

Dillon: You gonna personally see to it?

Tao: Yeah.  Come on let's go.

Dillon: Okay.

Dillon told Sehun to tell Suho that she would meet him up at the party.  When they walked in the party was fully going adn it was only 6:52. 

Dillon: They started early!

Tao: WHat!  Let's dance!

They couldn't hear a word.  Tao took Dillon onto the middle of the dance floor and started to dance with her.  He put his hands up and jumped along with the other guys and Dillon just followed him.  If Tao drank, she drank.  They where partying hard.

Suho showed up at about 9:30.  As he walked in all the guys where raving out.  He saw that a few girls snuck in for the party.  Tao was making out with one of them and Suho saw Dillon sitting on a table dancing with a drink in her hand.

Suho: Hey.

Dillon: Suho!  Get a drink for my friend.

She shoved V and he nodded his head and handed Suho the drink and went back to flirting.

Suho: Are you drunk?

Dillon: I don't know!  Hahaha, is this how Tao feels all the time?  It's amazing. 

The song Crank it up came on and Dillon jumped down off the table and grabbed Suho.

DilloN; Let's dance.

She shook her hips and dropped low and worked back up on Suho.  Suho didn;t know how to act because of two reaons.  1.) He has never seen a girl act like this and 2.) He never thought Dillon would act like this.

Suho: Dillon..

He turned her to have her face him and she leaned into his face to hear him talk becuase the music was loud, but she leaned to closely.  He just felt a pair of warm lips touch his.  Her eyes closed becuase she was getting tired and Suho stood in shock and didn't know what to do.  Suho pushed her away a little and she just giggled. 

DIllon: Oppa, I'm tired.

Suho: Alright, come on.

He walked her down stairs and when they got into her dorm she started to trip and fall.  Suho pulled out his phone.

SUho:Jonghyun?  You might want to come to Dillon's room.

Jonghyun: Why, what's wrong?

Suho: She might have gotten drunk.

Jonghyun: Those damn parties.  I can't get out of my meeting right now.  Can you wait like an hour or two?

Suho: Yeah, I just think you should be here for her when she wakes up.

Jonghyun: Thanks,

He hung up and looked back at a little drunk Dillon. 

Suho: Come on let's go to bed, that sound good?

Dillon; I need my PJ's.

Suho: Okay what do you sleep in?

Dillon: A tank top and shorts.

Suho: Okay. 

He went to look through her clothes to find a pair of shorts and a tank top.  He grabbed a t-shirt with the badn SHINee on it and cup cake print PJ bottoms.  He handed them to her.

Dillon: What am I suposed to do with that?

Suho: Change your clothes and go to sleep/

Dillon: Fine.

She took off her shirt and Suho dropped the clothes and put his hands over his eyes.

Suho: What are you doing?

Dillon: Changing like you told me to do.

Suho: In front of me?  Have you no shame?

Dillon: I'm done anyways.

Suho opened his eyes and looked .  She was sitting down looking sad/

Suho: What's wrong?

Dillon: The reason I'm at this stupid school is becuase Jonghyun and Minho wouldn't let me go to parties and have fun like Taemin got to. 

Suho: Maybe they where jsut looking out for you more then you think.

He sat across from her.  She looked at him.

Dillon: One boy told me I was the hottest girl in the grade and Minho told him he would end his life.

Suho: He loves you very much.

Dillon: I want a boyfriend.  I want love, but my dad feels that I can't do it by myself.  I hate it.

She began to cry.  Suho didn't know what to do.

Suho: Don't cry.

Dillon looked up and kissed him again.

Suho:: Why do you keep doing that?

DIllon: See you don't even like me.

Dillon got up and locked her self in the bathroom.  An hour later Jonghyyun showed up and saw Suho looking sad.

Jonghyun: How is she?

Suho: Drunk, lonely, and sad.

Jonghyun: Will she be alright?

SUho: Who knows.

Jonghyun: Where is she?

Suho: Locked herslef in the bathroom.

Suho walked out and put his back aganst the door. You' might never knwo how wrong you are Dillon.

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~