Welcome To School

Dillon came out of the bathroom to find her brother asleep on the couch and Tao sleeping next to the bathroom.  She grabbed her head becuase it was splitting.

Tao: First hangover?

Dillon: It hurts.

Tao: Sit down.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to him.  The pain went away a little bit.

Dillon: How did you do that?

Tao: Years of practice.

Dillon: Is that good or bad?

Tao: A little of both.  Your brother came to check up on you.

Dillon: I can see that.  Do you have weird dreams when you get drunk?

Tao: Like what?

Dillon: Like you kissed, let's say Suho?

Tao: No... Why did you have a dream like that?

Tao laughed and pushed Dillon a little.  Dillon pushed him back and she just laughed as well. 

Dillon: I didn't, I'm saying what if.

Tao: Three more mintues down here and we're going to class, okay?

Dillon: What time is it?

Tao: Uh.... *(checks watch)... almost noon.

Dillon: Is there even a point to going to class?

Tao: Show them all that you can party and study.

Dillon: I want more sleep.

Tao: To bad.  Come on. 

He pulled her up and they walked over and began to change.  She forgot that Tao didn't know and changed right infornt of him, luckily he didn't notice that she was a girl.  When they where done, she left a note for her brother and they began to walk across campus to go to their afternoon classes.

Tao: So how was your first party?

Dillon: I wish Suho was there with me, but it was pretty fun.

Tao: Told you you'd have a great time.

Dillon: You did.

Tao: Oh you haven't eaten anything yet, right?

Dillon: I don't think so.

Tao: Come here

They walked by the cafe and two kitchen women where standing out side and saw Tao and smiled.

Woman #1: Hello sweet heart.

Tao: Hi, can I have some breakfast for me adn my roommate?

Woman #2: Since when do you have a roommate?

Tao: Since the beginning of this year.  He's Jonghyun;s little brother.

Woman #1: Oh really?

Tao: Yeah.

Woman #2: Here you go dears.

They handed them something to eat and Tao thanked both of them Dillon bowed her head.

Dillon: Do they always do that for you?

Tao: Yeah, I help out in the kitcen a lot. 

Dillon: I didn't know that.

Tao: Not many people do. 

They were about to walk in the building when Dillon found out that the door was locked.

Dillon: How do we get in when the door is locked?

Tao: Not that way, over here.

He had her crawl through a window.  When she got in through the window and helped pull Tao in.

Tao: Thanks.

Dillon: No problem.

Tao put his arm around her and they stroled into class.  Everyone looked up at them as they strolled in like they where on time for the whole day.  Suho made a little eye contact and then looked away from Dillon. 

Dillon: Hey Suho.

He didn't look at her and Dillon looked down.  He was avoiding her and she didn't know why.  Tao patted her back.

Tao: Come on we should sit before the teacher comes in.

Dillon: Oh, okay.  Talk to you later Suho hyung?

He still didn't look at her.  She took her seat behind him.  Professor Yunho walked in and set down his papers.

Yunho: Dillon can I talk to you out in the hall way?

Everyone in the room looked at her and laughed.  Tao stood up and looked at him.

Tao: Why?

Yunho: It's alright you aren't in trouble.

She stood up and followed him out into the hall way.

Dillon: Why was I called out?

Yunho: You're failing this class.

Dillon: Oh....

She looked down and then remebered how much she hates this subject.

Yunho: I'm giving you this extra credit project, okay? 

Dillon: Yes.

Yunho: If you can give it to me by tomorrow I won't fail you for this month, got it?

Dillon: Neh!

She smiled and he patted her head.

Yunho: Good, now go back to learning, got it?

Dillon: Of course.

She walked back in and looked at the project but she had no idea where to begin.  After classes ended she walked back to her dorm to do the project.  About an hour passed and a knock came upon the door.  She got up and saw Suho in a striped shirt and white shorts with a plastic bag.

Dillon: Hey...

Suho: You need to eat diner, I just came to remind you.

Dillon: Did I do something wrong?

Suho: Why would you think that?

He looked at her like he was hurt.

Dillon: You don't want to talk to me.

Suho looked down adn looked back at her.

Suho: Why did the teacher cal you out earlier?

Dillon: I'm failing he gave me this project but I don't know where to start.

Suho: I'll help.

Dillon: Are you sure?

Suho: Yeah, and we can eat together like normal.

He patted her head adn smiled.  A huge smile grew acrossed her face. How can I say no to that face?  He walked in and helped her with the project.  Tao went to another party. As they stayed in and worked Tao thought about something he heard the other night.

Dillon: Suho oppa.

Tao took a sip of his beer and just smiled at the thoughts dancing in his head.

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~