Welcome To School

The first part of the day was hard.  It wasn't like any of the guys would talk to her, some did.  But they just acted weird around her.  It might be becuase her brother is the principal and they'll get in trouble if they mess with her.  However when lunch hit she walked with the guys to the lunch room.  It was this big room with tables spread out for everyone to sit at.  Dillon snuck out with her cell phone to call Minho.  

When she got outside she looked around to see if anyone was around her.  No one was so she went to her contacts and tapped on Minho's.  The phone rang and then someone answered it.

Minho: Hello Dilly, how are you?  How's the new school?

Dillon: Minmin oppa!  Jonghyun the jerk is the principal and appa is making me go to an all boys school.

Minho: And?

Dillon: You knew!?

Minho: Look Dilly, I love you, you're my little sister, but this school is the best place for you.  Appa didn't tell you why he sent you there?

Dillon: No!  Why?

Minho: Appa wants you to get married.

Dillon: Not this again.

Minho: That's why he sent you there.

Dillon: I'll get married, but does he have to do this?

Minho: He wants beautiful grandkids of course he would send you here.

Dillon: He should have made Tae come to.

Minho: Really?  You want Taemin there with you?  

Dillon: I would say you, but you already graduted from high school, Tae hasn't.

Minho: The second you make him mad you know he would run down the hall screaming that you are a girl.

Dillon: That's true, then Jonghyun would yell at him.  

Minho: Feel better?

Dillon: No..... I heard you're coming to the school.

Minho: Yep, I'll spend all of my time with you when I don't have to give a speach.

Dillon: You better.

Minho: Haha, I love you, you know that?

Dillon: Of course I do Minmin.  See you soon

Minho: Better!

Dillon hung up the phone smiling at her brother since he was always good to her.  When she first enetered High school he would walk with his arm around her and tell all the guys to back away from her.  Minho did really want Dillon to be safe.  He even told her that some guys where bad.  She would seem him soon and she would be happy with that.  As she got up and started to walk back into the school building she ran into a tall man  He knocked he down on her .

Man: You're Kim Jonghyun's little brother?  What a whimp.

Dillon: EXCUSE ME!?  Don't you dare call me his little brother!

Dillon kicked the tall man and he fell to the floor.  She galred at him.  It was bad enough that she had to come to this school, but now she was getting called a boy and she wouldn't stand for it.  The boy glared up at her and the she started to run.  Dillon didn't know hwo to fight and she could hear the guy running after her screaming to stop.  

Little did he know that Dillon was good at running.  Jonghyun used to make her run with him and now that they would be, somewhat, living together he was going to make her start running with him again.  But at the end of their run they would race home to see who could get the last cold bottle of water adn Dillon would alwyas win.  Mainly becuase Minho would always open the door for her to run right in and grab it.  But anyways, back to the story..

She jumped over a bench and dodge people that where in her way and did a few spins and kept running until she ran into a door and then she opened it.  It was into the gym and when she got half away across the gym the guy came in with a few other guys this time and he looked very angery.  As Dillon looked at her ways out she saw that one of the guys in the gym was Kai, the guy she meant earlier. 

Kai: Leave him alone.

Guy: He kicked me.  You know the EXO-M  doesn't like Jonghyun.

Kai: Lay, just drop it.  Dance team will kick you out as well.  He isn't worth anything, not even dirt.

Dillon: WHat to say that again?  How 'bout to my face!

Kai looked at her and gave a glare.  Dillon just glared back and Kai waved his hand for her to follow him and she did.  The Lay guy was right behind her and he kept glaring since he wasn't to happy with her.  They walked out till they got into the front part of the school for everyone to see.  Kai looked at her and then waved Lay over.  Lay pointed to another man that looked Chinese.  He was short, but he also looked girly.

Lay: This is Xiumin, show him what you're made of.

Xiumin took out a large stick and Dillon swallowed a large gulp.  She looked at him and then thought about how Minho had taught her how to defend herself in case he wasn't around.  Xiumin went charging at her and she fell to the ground and trip Xiumin as he ran.  When she stood up he was on the flor and more boys came around to watch the fight.  Everyone couldn't believe the Xiumin had gotten taken down on the first move.  

Xiumin: You're going to regret that.

He took the stick and went to hit her in the head.  She went to take it but soemthing stopped the stick in it's tracks.  When Dillon opened her eyes she saw Jonghyun standing there and he was glaring.

Jonghyun: What's going on here?

Lay: He kicked me after running into me.

Jonghyun: So you try and beat him to death?

Xiumin: He got me down on the first move, just teaching a lesson that he won't forget.

Jonghyun: I won't do anything this time, but do it again and I will be forced to take action the next time.  I'm very nice to the EXO-M members, but you push me to the point where I must be mean.  

Lay: What ever.

Jonghyun: Kai, get them out of here.

Kai: But....

Jonghyun: Just do as I ask, it's to much of a hassel to call Suho right now.

Kai: Fine!  Come on let's go.

Jonghyun: Dillon are you okay?

He looked at her with worry and Dillon just started at him.  She only knew him as the sappy brother, not the strong tough brother she just saw.  All she could do was stare at him.  

Jonghyun: Dillon?  Dillon, are you alright?  Hey, can you help me with him?

That did it.  Dillon heard him call her a boy.  No.  HIM.  She looked at him and smiled very sweetly.  Dillon stood on her tiptoes to use her ballet skills and she took her right leg and brought it down on Jonghyun's head.  Everyone, encluding all of the EXO-M memebers, saw her do that.

Dillon: Don't call me that..... When Minmin get's here you're so much trouble.

Jonghyun: I have to call you that, Dilly....

She punched him in his face and he went back to the floor and just looked up at her

Dillon: Only Minmin calls me Dilly.  Don't forget Jonghyun I maybe the youngest but I do have power over you.  Tell appa I'm not talking to him as well after what he's done.  I almost died becasue of him.

Dillon walked away and Jonghyun got off the ground and Suho was helping him up.  Jonghyun knew that Dillon was mad at getting called a boy, but he had to call her that for her own good.  Dillon had found the dorm rooms and found her name and opened the door and saw her stuf put on one side of the room.  When she walked in there was somene in the shower and she looked around to who he roomate was.  Altough the guy came out of the shower with out a towel on and she looked right at him.

Dillon: uh............

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Sorry I haven't written in so long, new chapters coming soon. Promise :)


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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 26: Omg!!! Who is that guy!!!~~~ ...I think is Tao oppa >.< ahhh~~ so cute ~~ please update soon ~~ love ya ~~
Chapter 26: please update
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 23: Wow L.Joe oppa is so scary ~~ >< when is Dillon unni going to see Tao oppa again ??? ~~~
Oh n please update soon author nim~~ love ya ~~
Kittycatploy #5
Chapter 22: Oh oh is that guys is Tao oppa!!!!~~~ ?????? ...I hope is Tao oppa but I want something to happened something interesting happened ~~ please update soon ~~~~ n this chapter is very short update so sad TT^TT
Kittycatploy #6
Chapter 21: Dillon unni making out with Tao oppa !!!! >\\\\\< OMG!!! I like it >\\\< please update soon ~~ oh n make Dillon unni end up with Tao oppa please ~~ I find them cute together ~~ love ya author nim ~~
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 20: She~~ Tao oppa~~ please update soon ~~
Kittycatploy #8
Chapter 19: Ahahah~~ >< now Tao oppa know that she is a girls ~~ hahaha ~~>< I want Dillon to end up with Tao oppa I find them cute together somehow ~~ >\\\< please update soon author nim
Love ya~~
Kittycatploy #9
Chapter 16: L.Joe oppa jelly ~~~ of Tao oppa n Suho oppa ~~ ahh~~ so cute
Lol XD please update soon
Love ya~~