16. Mom

Hello and Goodbye

Since I have an hour to spare before picking her up, I went back home to change into something much nicer. When I arrived home, my mom was at the living room packing a couple of our stuff.


"You're here early. I though you had plans?" She asked


"I do. I want to change first befo-"


"Before meeting your girlfriend?" she cut off


"Mom, she's not my girlfriend." I whined


"Why not? You like her, she likes you" she amended


"Yes, but I don't want to string her along. We'll just enjoying each other's company now" I responded


"Well my son, you should bring her here." She said, giving me a brochure of a restaurant. I looked at her confusedly. She just smiled back at me and handed her credit card.


"Here, just don't go over the limit!" She entreated as I hesitantly took it. I gave her a hug before going up my room to change.


After changing into the nicest outfit I have, I hopped back into the living room.


"Thanks mom!" I whispered to her as I hug her again.


"I know I may not look like I appreciate what you and Dad do for me, but trust me I do." I confessed


"I'm really sorry if I seem ungrateful to you both. I really do love you." I added, hugging her tighter. I know that the anger I felt for them was covering up the lost I feel. I remember spending a lot of time with them when I was little. Up until their business blossom and didn't have enough time to spend with me. Here I am complaining that my parents are successful..


My mom hugged me even tighter and said


"I know. I promise, I will make up for lost time." We were hugging for about couple more minutes until I felt a vibrate on my pocket. I pulled away and looked at my phone. It was the alarm I set to pick her up.


"Go. Just be back before midnight. I don't want to miss our flight" she said, gesturing for me to go


"Thanks Mom!" I replied, heading out of the house.



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EeteuksAngel #1
Chapter 21: Oh! Did you already make a sequel??? :0 I have to check now!
EeteuksAngel #2
Chapter 20: Awww! This was so good... *sigh* It ended too soon...
I'm going to imagine they meet again and have a happy ever after when he comes back. ^^
Anyway, lovely work Author-nim! I'm becoming very addicted to your stories. ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!! Praise the lord jesus for a squel!!
Chapter 19: Oh *crys* I *snif* will *snif* miss *snif* you!!!
Chapter 18: AWWWW *crys*
Chapter 17: AWWWWE ! I love the song
Chapter 16: Aww fhat was really cute !
Chapter 12: YEH WE CAN't be together!!!!
Chapter 11: Lord !!!! Wow that killed me!!