14. I promise Nanny

Hello and Goodbye
I started my last day morning as early as possible. After the talk I had with Dad, I went to sleep as soon as possible. I also told him my plans for the whole day so he allowed me to go out and come home a little later than usual. I also SMSed my friends and her that I'll be spending some time with them. Now starts the day. 

I went downstairs already dressed up. I saw Nanny in the kitchen taking out the pans. I rushed over to her and stop her.

"No cooking today" I said

"I know you don't like eating breakfast but your parents needs to" Nanny replied

"I asked for their permission. We're eating outside" I intercept 

"I have no say to this aren't I?" Nanny asked. She knows me too well. I simply nod and we went out. She has no idea where we're going. 

Nanny used to bring me to this restaurant every time I miss my parents whenever they're away. Her son, who now has his own children, runs the place. That's why it's much more meaningful. He also acted as an older brother towards me and I do look up to him. I used to have meals with her family and I feel like I'm part of it too! 

Since Nanny have been busy taking care of me most of the time, she hadn't visited him that often. I called him up earlier that we're coming. He sound very excited over the phone and said that his kids can't wait to see her again.
Nanny and I took bus on the way there. We passed by all those places she used to bring me to. Those memories I will surely miss. She practically raised me as her own. Don't worry nanny, I'll come back. When we arrived at the restaurant, her grandchildren was waiting for us outside. They both ran to her and hug her legs. Nanny bent down at their level and gave them a proper hug. I can really see that they miss her. I feel so guilty for taking her away from them.
Nanny's son came out and hug her as well. I can see tears rolling down nanny's cheeks as she hugs him. It really feels heartening to see them. Soon enough, they broke off and her son also have me a hug. We went in and started eating.
"It's been a while since we had this kind of gathering." Nanny's son said
"I know. Your father was still here with us." Nanny added. I forgot to mention. Nanny's husband died from an illness I cannot even remember. I was really young.
"Grandma, can you stay longer?" One of the kids, who was sitting beside me,said with his hands together like a prayer, with his eyes glistening like puss in boots
"Actually kiddo, Grandma is here to stay" I said as i ruffle his hair.
"Really Ma?" His son looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Yes, I'll be staying~" She answered.
Both of the kids cheered and her son hugged her again. He then looked at me and said
"What about you?"
"I'm actually leaving for school" I said
"School? Aren't you only a junior?" he asked
"Yes, but he's smart enough to get into an early admission to a really good university" Nanny answered on my behalf.
"Oh~ I see. Well, all the best for you bro." He said offering his hand for a hand shake. I took it and smiled. We continued eating and chatting about what happened in the past. It was close to afternoon. I have some other things to do. Both Nanny and her son send me off.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the airport?" Nanny asked
"Yeah~" I barely said audible
Nanny felt how down I was feeling. She pulled me in for a tight hug. She was caressing my back and whispered
"Don't worry baby boy. We'll see each other again." 
"I know but Nanny, I'll miss you" I said weakly
"I'll miss you too. Make me proud?" She said smiling
"I will. See you tomorrow" I said as she kissed me on the forehead. I waved goodbye and walked off
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EeteuksAngel #1
Chapter 21: Oh! Did you already make a sequel??? :0 I have to check now!
EeteuksAngel #2
Chapter 20: Awww! This was so good... *sigh* It ended too soon...
I'm going to imagine they meet again and have a happy ever after when he comes back. ^^
Anyway, lovely work Author-nim! I'm becoming very addicted to your stories. ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!! Praise the lord jesus for a squel!!
Chapter 19: Oh *crys* I *snif* will *snif* miss *snif* you!!!
Chapter 18: AWWWW *crys*
Chapter 17: AWWWWE ! I love the song
Chapter 16: Aww fhat was really cute !
Chapter 12: YEH WE CAN't be together!!!!
Chapter 11: Lord !!!! Wow that killed me!!