12. Conflicted

Hello and Goodbye



I looked up to her and met her gaze. I held out my hand to hold hers and said


"Trust me when I say that I can't. Not right now though..." I replied


"Then when?" She asked in a worried tone, voice getting smaller


"When the time is right.." I said, trying to assure her that I will eventually tell her.


"You don't really make sense right now" She grumpily said as she cross her arms across her chest with her lips pouting. Even if she's angry, she's still cute.


"Hey, don't be like that" I cooed as I try to cheer her up. She gave in and showed me a weak smile.


"I trust you~" she sincerely said as she pecked me on the cheeks. 


Man, can't get enough golf that. I don't want her to feel down because of me not telling her, so we decided to go to the park. 


We rented bikes and cycled all over. We even played at the play ground along with the little kids playing. We settled down to a bench nearby overlooking the beach. We can clearly see the sun setting. I feel really bad about not telling her anything. I can imagine having a future with her. But how am I suppose to do that when I'm leaving...


"Penny for your thoughts~" she said, trying to get my attention.


"I have a lot of things going on my mind. I don't know where to start.." I replied. 


"Well, I'm always here~" she said, lifting my chin up, fixing me to look at her. 


Her eyes was sparkling. It was pure sincerity. I leaned in and placed a hand at the back of neck. I pulled her close and whispered 


"I think I love you" and kissed her fully on the lips...



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EeteuksAngel #1
Chapter 21: Oh! Did you already make a sequel??? :0 I have to check now!
EeteuksAngel #2
Chapter 20: Awww! This was so good... *sigh* It ended too soon...
I'm going to imagine they meet again and have a happy ever after when he comes back. ^^
Anyway, lovely work Author-nim! I'm becoming very addicted to your stories. ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!! Praise the lord jesus for a squel!!
Chapter 19: Oh *crys* I *snif* will *snif* miss *snif* you!!!
Chapter 18: AWWWW *crys*
Chapter 17: AWWWWE ! I love the song
Chapter 16: Aww fhat was really cute !
Chapter 12: YEH WE CAN't be together!!!!
Chapter 11: Lord !!!! Wow that killed me!!