Super Junior's Angel



Soooo I realized that I made a mistake in the beginning. It says somewhere in the beginning that Sungmin and Angel are best friends cause they're the same age. So I realized my mistake in thinking that Sungmin is younger than he really is (it's cause of the aegyo XD). Anyways, she is 23 years old (internationally), and is the same age as Jiyong, Ryeowook and Kibum. Hope this clears up possible confusion :) 


[Angel’s POV]


After Heechul’s phone call, I just sat in the kitchen, staring at my phone, at a specific phone number.


Aish, should I call her? But I don’t really want her to get involved. Ottoke?


I sighed, and started dialling the phone number. But just before I hit the call button, I received a message.


From: Ferocious Unnie


I found out what happened. Dongsaeng, we really need to talk. Text me the address where you are staying. I’m coming down there tomorrow. Don’t worry, we’ll find a way out!


I texted her the address of the dorms, threw my phone away, laid down on the couch, and shut my eyes so I could get some more sleep.


I guess I’ll have to tell them the whole truth tomorrow. I wonder how they will react though.


The little hours of sleep that I had left were just pure torture, and I woke up way too soon. I tried to stand up carefully, anticipating the hangover that was bound to come. The moment I stood upright, it felt like someone hit me with a huge hammer, and I staggered and bumped my leg against the corner of the table.


I muffled my scream with the sleeve of my sweater, and made a mental note to myself to put cushioning around sharp corners the next time we would drink like last night.


After checking that everybody was still asleep, I walked tried walking cautiously to the bathroom. In the end, I ended up failing to stay upright, and bumped into the bathroom door with my head. Like full-on. It felt like I just got punched in the face.


When I finally got to the bathroom mirror, I just gasped. Not only did I have panda eyes that could challenge Seungri’s panda look, one of my eyes started to turn blue. Well, there’s only one solution for this: sunglasses 24/7.


I combed with my fingers through my hair until I looked decent enough. Well, I still looked like someone with a serious hangover, but at least my hair was ok.


I then walked back to the living room, where I started poking Jiyong until he was half awake. He refused to move until I pulled him up, and dragged him to the kitchen.


I grinned. “Good morning Ji oppa! You look like hell.”


He grumbled “Good morning.” And ignored the rest of what I said. Oh well.


I then pointed to my black eye and said “Look what happened when I walked to the bathroom this morning.” He just snickered and said “It looks like you got into a fight, with your clothes and hair like this and then that” while pointing to my eye.


“Yah not funny. At least it doesn’t hurt. But uhm” I paused for a bit “can I borrow sunglasses?”


He giggled, nodded and pulled me to his room. And in there, it’s like fashion heaven. I’m telling you, the times that I borrowed clothes from him is uncountable.


He handed me a pair of awesome black sunglasses, that I immediately decided to keep. I mean, borrow and never return. He laughed when he saw the look on my face.


“Fine, you can keep these. I got another pair of these either way.”


I squealed “Gomawo” and hugged him tight. I then put them on and asked “How do I look?”


He just gave me a thumbs up and then sat down on his bed. “So you’re leaving now? The rest is gonna be sad that they can’t see you off.”


I just sighed and said “Something happened at home and I need to fix it. The crazy woman made someone throw a brick through the living room window of the dorm and attached a letter.” I rolled my eyes. “Seems like she saw too many movies. But it’s time that I tell them everything.”


I looked at Jiyong and saw that he was scrutinizing my face. Then he softly said “Are you sure about this? You’re going to tell them every single thing? Even about .. you-know-who?”


I looked down to avoid his gaze. “Uhmm .. I might save that for later, you know. I mean, I’m just back and I don’t want anybody to think that I, you know, changed that much cause of one little thing.”


He nodded. “Even though it’s kind of unfair towards them, I guess it sounds reasonable enough.”


“Anyways, I gotta go now Ji oppa, cause Seohae unnie is coming to the dorms to help explain.”


He smiled when I mentioned her name. “Tell her I said hi!” We walked to the door, and I gave him a big hug before I went outside.


“Tell the rest I’m sorry for leaving early! They can nag about it later, I promise!”


I walked to the elevator, pushed the button and waited until it arrived. The doors opened, I went inside and pushed the button for the ground floor. I wasn’t really paying attention when it went down, but when it stopped sooner than expected, I looked up.


The doors opened and …. YG walked in. I immediately bowed to him, and said “Annyeonghaseyo seonsaengnim.”


He looked at me in surprise, but then he just smiled at me. “Annyeonghaeseyo, Angel. I see that you’re back again.”


“Neh, I just returned from the US.” I replied, not really sure what he wanted from me.


“So you visited the Big Bang boys?” He asked. I nodded in reply. “I guess that would explain the noise from yesterday.” He chuckled.


“Choesonghamnida. We kind of forgot about the other people living here.” I aplologized.


With a smile, he said “Gwenchana. I’m glad that you had fun.”


Right then, we arrived at the ground floor. I bowed at YG and was about to walk out, but then he said “Now that you’ve returned, do you want to resume your previous job?”


I looked at him unsure, and he seemed to understand. “Don’t worry, I’m not pressuring you, but if you want, I’m sure we can reach an agreement with the others.”


“Kamsahamnida.” I replied with a bow. “I will definitely think about your offer, seonsaengnim.” He nodded at me with a smile, and got out of the elevator.


After a couple of seconds, I walked out too and got into a cab. Then I started thinking.


I wonder how they are going to react when I tell them everything? 


Aishhh I'm such a horrible writer :(

But anyways, I hope you guys are happy with this extra long chapter. I'm actually quite satisfied with it, except that it took me ages to actually write it. 

I'll be writing the next chapter now, which hopefully will be finished soon :) 

BTW the picture has nothing to do with the chapter, I just thinks Seungri looks really cute in here :D 


Thanks to my 11 wonderful subscribers whom I love veyr much for putting up with me! 

Comments are appreciated as well, since I don't actually know if you like what's happening in the story! 

If you want, I can like make the characters answer to your comments (cause I always wanted to try that!) 

- Coralie 

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)