Super Junior's Angel


[Angel's POV]


The next morning, I woke up because some crazy SM Town members were jumping on my bed and making lots of noise.


I groaned, opened my eyes and pushed the closest person, which turned out to be Taemin, off my bed.


Then I whined “Seriously guys, making so much noise so early in the morning?”


Siwon grinned at me. “Early in the morning, it’s already 11 am in Seoul. And it’s a beautiful hour to go to church and pray.”


I rolled my eyes at him. “I have had a lack of sleep lately, and so have you guys. Why not make use of this spare time and catch up on some sleep? And church? Not going to happen anytime soon! I’ll go to church when Heechul oppa does.”


Siwon shrugged, and then said cheerfully. “Anyways, we were going to eat breakfast with everybody today, so shower, put some clothes on and come down to the lobby. You have” he checked his watch “about 20 minutes before we’re scheduled to eat.” With that, he walked out of my hotel room, pulling Donghae, who just entered, with him.


About half an hour later, we were all eating breakfast in one of the separate halls. To describe what was going on: in one room together, there were lots of good genes, natural beauty, talent, but also an overload of dorkiness, lots of laughter and all in all, a heck load of noise. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, still tired after my not –so-nice wake up call. I finished my juice, and then walked to one of the gardens outside. The weather was really nice, and I enjoyed the peace.


Suddenly a voice whispered into my ear: “Why are you out here all by yourself?”


I looked to my side, to see Eunhyuk oppa flashing his gummy smile at me. I pushed my hair, that got messed up by the wind, back behind my ear, and grinned back at him. “It’s like a zoo in there, and it’s nice being outside.”


He frowned at me. “You seem so … stressed out lately. You don’t smile as much anymore as when you just came.”


I just kept quiet, not sure what to say. He then came close, he laughed out of what seemed embarrassment, and then asked me sweetly “Come on, tell oppa what’s wrong.”


I felt my cheeks heat up, and tried to hide it by putting up a cool front. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


He just raised one eyebrow, and shot me the ‘are-you-kidding-me?’ look.


I shrugged and stared of at a random point in the garden, where a little boy was playing with a football. I pointed at him and popped my question: “Don’t you ever wish that we could just all go back to our childhood? No worries about the future, and just doing whatever feels best to you?”


Eunhyuk oppa glanced at the playing kid, and then scrutinized my facial expression. He then murmured “Of course living under someone’s protection and no obligations often seems like more fun, but then again, what would be the fun in that?”


When I didn’t react, he scooted even closer and said quietly “I know you’ve been worrying a lot lately, but just try to enjoy our trip here, and don’t trouble yourself too much.”


Honestly, after talking to Eunhyuk oppa for a while, I already felt much more relaxed, so I gave him a hug to show my appreciation for what his nice words. Initially, he seemed kind of shocked at our sudden contact, but then he put his arms around me too. My heart started beating faster and faster, so I let go of him, and with burning cheeks, I waved at him and quickly ran inside.


I tried to sneak past the others, but some of the Soshi girls grabbed my arms and pulled me to a remote corner of the room. They sat all round me, looking at me with suspicious looks in their eyes.

Then Taeyeon looked at me and asked “Unnie, what’s going on between you and Eunhyuk oppa?”


And that’s when the real interrogation started. I managed to escape when Leeteuk oppa came towards our side, and I dashed off. But it seemed that they were satisfied enough with my answers to lessen some of their interest. Or so I hoped.


The rest of the day, I hung around with the whole SM Town family, although I tried to avoid being alone with the Soshi girls, just to avoid being interrogated again.


Before I realized it, it was time for the first concert here in Paris. Everybody was extremely excited, and at the same time honoured as well. All the artists left a couple hours before it started to the venue, for the last sound check and the whole make-up – hair – outfit ritual.  I stayed in the hotel, pimping myself as well. From my luggage, I took the outfit that Ji oppa and Chaerin put together. It consisted of black, sparkly leggings, a silky black top on top and a cute jacket, paired up with black studded wedges. I actually wanted to wear something a little less, well, attention grabbing, but they coaxed me into wearing this, and on top of that, the Big Bang boys paid for it together. Either way, from Ji oppa and Chaerin’s wolf whistles when I had the whole outfit on, I deduced that I looked pretty good. Or as Youngbae said; “y enough to make all the guys in the neighbourhood turn their head.” I giggled just thinking about his facial expression when he said that.

[ For those that kind of want an idea what Angel’s wearing:

pants: http://www.thisnext.com/item/B92CE628/The-Black-Abstract-Sequin

top: http://www.josephm.com/ladies-store-8/tops-blouses-shirts-14/matthew-williamson-ladies-black-silk-flower-339331-101824_zoom.jpg

jacket: http://images2.chictopia.com/photos/pandafly/6477192952/6477192952_400.jpg

shoes: http://cdn3.iofferphoto.com/img3/item/205/951/590/sale-black-open-toe-pierced-studded-wedge-sandals-y227-d15f1.jpg]


After taking a shower and washing my hair, I just dried it so it hung loose over my shoulders. (like this: http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs034.snc3/12161_201193323382_137689013382_3968271_6100817_n.jpg)

Then I put some make-up on, including black eyeliner and red lipstick.


When I was all done, I grabbed my purse that had everything I needed: phone, wallet and of course my SM badge that allows me to go anywhere, even backstage. I flagged a cab and went down to the venue. When I arrived, there were already tons of dedicated fans waiting outside. Now completely excited, I walked to the special entrance were I could go inside, causing some fans to look at me with envy. The security guards standing outside were the same that chased me yesterday until Yunho oppa intervened. I gave them a fake smile and showed my SM badge. They scrutinized it, and then unwillingly stepped out of the way to let me go in. Of course I passed them with a 'I told you so' attitute. I first went to pick up some of the stuff that I asked the manager to put away. This included the light sticks of every artists present, and fans with the pictures of some of them. Then I made my way to the waiting rooms.


[Heechul’s POV]


After our preparations for the first concert of SM Town in Paris were finished, all of us sat around in the waiting room, doing our own thing. Eunhyuk and Donghae were playing some game, the K.R.Y. members were each humming some song, Sungmin and Shindong were joking around with some of the coordis, Siwon was praying in a relatively quiet corner, Leeteuk was gone to DBSK’s waiting room to chat with Yunho and Kyuhyun was of course playing on his laptop. I scoffed, and logged into my twitter to read some of the tweets my Petals sent me. ‘Oppa, good luck tonight!’ ‘Lady Hee Hee in the house!’ ‘Have fun! Oppa saranghae!’ I grinned, and was about to tweet something, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Everybody kind of stopped doing what they were doing, and looked at the door, unsure about who it could be. After all, the other SM Town members would just randomly come in, and so would the staff.


Then I suddenly heard someone calling: “YAH! Do you guys think I have 3 arms or something? Open the freaking door!” It was a voice I would recognize anywhere; of course it was Angel.


Eunhyukkie jumped up, opened the door, and then seemed to kind of freeze where he was standing. I stood up to see who was there that made him like this, but when I reached the door, I immediately understood why he was like this. In the door opening stood Angel, dressed up like some y, bad- goddess. Oh wait, did I just think that?


Before I could make sense of my thoughts again, she had already bust inside our waiting room. She excitedly started showing all her glow sticks and other fan things to the other members, completely unaware of what just happened. Or maybe not so unaware, cause I saw her taking a glimpse at Eunhyukkie, who was sitting kind of quietly in one of the makeup chairs, completely distracted. I smiled my evil smirk, and thought ‘I know what’s going on here.’


I plopped down on a chair next to Eunhyuk, and glared at him. This is going to be fun.


He tried to be casual, but in my eyes, he clearly failed. “What’s up, hyung?”


Aish this kid, he just makes it too easy for me. “Did you think that I didn’t see you stare at Angel?”


He swallowed, and then replied quietly “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


I scoffed, and started pressuring him. “I noticed that you went after her in the morning too, and you seemed to have some serious talk outside? Did you confess your feelings to her?”


His eyes got big, and he said loudly “Aniyo!” When he noticed that the other members were looking at him, he just whispered urgently “It’s not what you think hyung! I didn’t confess anything to her!”


Caught.“But that means there are feelings, right? Cause otherwise you wouldn’t have stared at her right now as well!”


He kind of waved his hands, alarmed by my attack. “Aniyo, aniyo, we’re just friends.” He calmed down, with an unreadable expression on his face. “Just. Friends.” 


I wanted to keep grilling him to know his real feelings, but just then Teukie came back. I shot Eunhyuk a look that said ‘we-are-not-done-with-this-so-don’t-be-too-happy’ and then walked away.


[Angel’s POV]


Well, that was weird just now when I came. Eunhyuk oppa opened the door for me, but then he just stared. I felt awkward, but somehow shy as well. Aishhh, what is this? Then after, when I was laughing with the boys, I glanced at him, but he was sitting unusually quietly in one of the chairs. I think Heechul oppa saw me look, so I quickly returned to what I was doing before. After that, I didn’t dare looking at him anymore.


After a while, Teukie oppa came back to the waiting room, and then everything became a blur to me. Coordis came and went, together with other staff, like coordinators, back-up dancers and other artists as well. I said ‘Fighting’ to all of them, even Eunhyuk oppa, although that was rather awkward. And the look on Heechul oppa’s face made me feel uncomfortable, although I didn’t know why. Then I went out of the backstage area, holding on tight to my glow sticks, fans and of course my ticket.


To get the best experience, I actually went to stand with the audience, and it was totally awesome! I enjoyed it from the first second of the opening video until the the last of the joint stages. The best act was of course Lady HeeHee and their Beyoncé cover. I was having so much fun acting like a fangirl, especially since the ELFs around me were all very nice. I love the friendliness created by the fact that at that moment and time, nothing mattered except the wonderful people on the stage. Of course, ELFs are the best! 


Hi guys, 

whoa it's been 3 weeks since I last updated. I'm such a fail writer :( 

anyways, I hope you liked it! But seriously, I'm taking ages to write these chapters up, and I'm still only at SM Town Paris. That's like ... 7 months ago? *facepalm* 

on a side note, IT'S BEEN A LOVELY TIME FOR DRAMAS LATELY! Dream High 2, Shut Up Flower Band, The Moon Embraces the Sun and so much more! *sigh* I am in drama paradise. 

well, not a real paradise, since I have exams and stuff. *sniff* I hate school! 

anyways, that's it for today. i'll try to type up some more tomorrow, but after that it's gonna have to wait till thursday, cause that's when I get off. 

by the way, a special shout-out to @theconfusedone! I love youuu amelia <3


- Coralie

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)