Chapter 15: Like Donghae Oppa in the water

Super Junior's Angel


[Angel’s POV] 


After I returned to the hotel, I went straight to the bathroom, a hot shower, and just let everything be washed away. But scenes of today kept repeating in my head while the magical hot water was doing its work. How whenever I’m with him, I just feel safe. How comfortable we were sitting together at the painter’s shop. How his smile automatically made me smile too. How when I pulled him close to make those fangirls go away, my heart just started beating like I ran a marathon. How his lips looked so kissable from so close. How … Stop it, Angel, stop it!


After I got out of my shower, I prepared myself for the second day of SM Town Paris. Since today I would just stay backstage, I didn’t dress up that much, just some skinny jeans, a SM Town shirt and my sneakers. Soon after I was done, it was time to go, and if yesterday I totally enjoyed myself, today I was like Donghae oppa in the water. I spent time in every single waiting room. I also ended up helping out some of the staff, like when Heechul freaked out because it was almost time for his act and he wasn’t in his dress yet. Either way, the trip to Paris ended with a bang, and it was one of my most enjoyable experience abroad ever!


[One week later]


Today marks the first day that I officially returned as a SM dancer and choreographer.


I was quite excited from when I woke up, since I’ve been sitting around doing nothing for a while now, and also because it’s been a while since I went inside. My ride to the office was with SJ, because they had to continue to do recordings for their next album, that is supposed to be released in about a month and a half.


Anyways, when I entered the building, the first place that I went to was a small office hidden in what seemed a random hallway. I walked in without knocking, and in the room, I saw only one person sitting with her back towards me. I tiptoed towards her, trying to be as stealthy as possible, but I guess I would never make it as a detective or spy. Before I was even close to her, she swirled her chair around so she was now facing me. It was Haeri, another SM choreographer, and one of my best friends.


With a wide grin, she launched herself at me, causing me to stumble backwards.


She started laughing and crying at the same time, while hugging me tight. I started feeling emotional as well, and before I knew, we both ended up with wet patches on our shoulders from the tears of the other.


When we finally calmed down, I grinned at her and asked teasingly “Missed me, Haeri-ah?”


She softly hit me on my shoulder and said seriously “Of course, Yuri-ah.”


I giggled and exclaimed “I missed how you say my name!” I was quiet for a while, and then laughed out “Our reunion seemed like in some dramas, when the two leads meet each other again.”


She rolled her eyes,  and remarked: “You’ve always been the dramatic type anyways.” She then looked at me with eyes full of curiosity and asked me “Why did you return?”


I shrugged. “I came back here cause I was getting tired of being all alone in the US, and decided to move in with Jungsoo oppa and become a freelance dancer-slash-choreographer for SM, YG and JYP.”


Haeri looked at me with raised eyebrows. “That seems a suspiciously smooth chance, even for you. I bet they arranged this before you came.”


I gave her the I-don’t-care-and-I-won’t-ask-look and quickly glanced at the clock that hung on her wall. I got a shock when I noticed that a lot of time had already passed, and that it was time for me to go to Lee SooMan-ssi.


I explained this quickly to Haeri, promised to see her soon, and bid her goodbye, before I took the elevator to the fourth floor.


I walked through a hallway that was full of posters of SM artists from now and before, from H.O.T. to DBSK to SNSD to SHINee. I stopped in front of a large door, that had a polished name on it. I knocked, and when I heard a sophisticated “Come in”, I opened the door. Once inside, I quietly sat down in one of the leather chairs, in front of a desk large enough for three people to sit comfortably next to each other. The desk itself was full of files, papers, merchandise, a computer and lots of other stuff.


The man behind the desk was on of the phone, but once he finished his call, he turned towards me with a smile and inquired “How are you today? I hope everything is well.”


I bowed respectfully towards him before answering. “I am good, only a little bit worried.” I gave him a small wry smile that must have shown my nervousness.


He nodded sympathetically, and immediately launched into what had to be discussed. “Did you receive the folder with the necessary information? I asked someone to send it to the SJ dorms, but I didn’t know if you got it or not.”


“I have it, and I’ve read it thoroughly.”


He looked at me expectedly, and asked “So what do you think?”


I cleared my throat, and started explaining the conclusion I’d made last night. “It doesn’t seem that these kids are really troublemakers. Some just need some, uhm, adaption. Of their attitude I mean.”


He nodded, and so I added “Clearly they have enough talent, especially since they haven’t been training for a long time. I think I can work with them.”


“Arasso. I will bring you to HyunJae, the coordinator that is responsible for their training. He will introduce them to you, and then you can lay down some ground rules with them. Just a hint, it’s better to be tough with them in the beginning. We actually had someone else working with them, but they proved to be hard to handle, and she quit two weeks after she started.”


I gave him a smirk. “Well, seems that my AB temper will come in handy. Don’t worry, I don’t think it can be worse than the people I had to teach in New York.”


Sajagnim nodded at that, and then walked out of his office, with me following him. He introduced me to Hyunjae and soon the two of us went to one of the many practice floors that were assigned for trainees. We stopped in front of a door that read 4-12, and we could hear the bass sounds of a dance song. Hyunjae quickly looked at me, and after I nodded back at him, he opened the door with a bang.


Once inside, I saw six students that were dancing, but they were clearly not pushing themselves like other trainees would. When they noticed us, they stopped dancing, and one girl with bubblegum pink highlights turned off the music.


Then Hyunjae spoke up: “Yah, you guys call this working hard? I have never seen any of our other trainees slack off like this.” He then sighed, and motioned me forward. “This will be your new coordinator. She will take care of you from now on. You better treat her with respect, and I will not hear any complaints from you guys, arasso?”


They mumbled their replies, and with that, Hyunjae gave me a smile that said ‘good luck’, and exited the room.


I cleared my throat, and then said “Sit down.” They all sat down, except one guy with spiky hair, who stated without respect “I’d rather stand.”


I shrugged, and replied “Do as you wish. But seeing that I will be here for at least two hours, you might want to reconsider your decision.” I then gave him an evil smirk, and reluctantly he sat down.


I then started my introduction. “Now, let’s get down to business, shall we? I will first introduce myself. My full name is Park Yuri, but I will only be addressed as Seonsaengnim, Park seonsaengnim, or even Sunbaenim. I condemn informalities between teachers and students, or in this case, coordinator and trainees. You can talk informally between the six of you, but the moment I’m involved in the conversation, no banmal is allowed. Those breaking this rule will be punished accordingly. Is that clear?”


The all looked at me indifferently, but after I glared at them, they mumbled “Neh.” I then gave them a stern look, and realizing they just broke the rule, they said “Neh, seonsaengnim.”


“Now, please introduce yourselves. Say your name and your speciality.”


The first person that introduced herself was girl that seemed a bit of a tomboy, with hiphop clothes. “My name is Kwon Hyorin and my strength is dancing.”


I nodded, and looked at the next person in the row, which was a boy with shaggy lightbrown hair. “My name is Lee Yongjae, and I’m known for my power vocals.”


Then it was the turn of the girl with the bubblegum pink highlights, who also had a very pretty face. “My name is Cho Haneul, and I’m strong in both visuals and vocals.”


The next one was the rebellious boy with the spiky hair. “My name is  Lee DongYul, and my strength is everything.” I raised my eyebrow, and he elaborated “I’m a triple threat, skilled in rap, vocals and dance, plus visuals as well.” He then added with a conceited smile “The perfect package.”


I rolled my eyes at that, and then the last boy introduced himself. “My name is Park Changsun, and I’m a rapper and dancer.”


Then it was turn of the last girl, who had straight black hair, and a face that seemed quite ordinary. She tried to look away from my eyes, which made the others giggle teasingly. She quite intrigued me, because I didn’t remember reading anything about her in the profiles that were sent to me. I became a little impatient, and said sternly. “Please introduce yourself.”


“My-my name is Choi Minjung, and … I .. I don’t seem to be skilled in .. anything in particular.”


I frowned. “Please repeat that.”


With a scared look on her face, she repeated “My name is Choi Minjung, and I don’t seem to be skilled in anything in particular.”


I don’t seem to be skilled in anything in particular.  


w00t w00t, author's note! 

anyways, I've finally gotten to updating this story! and yes, the addition of 8 more characters XD lol with all the characters in this story, I'm going to get lost :) 

either way, tell me what you think, and as always, comments and subscribers are loved ^^ 

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)