Chapter 14: Lost In Paris, City of Love

Super Junior's Angel


[Angel’s POV]


The morning after the first concert in Paris, I woke up quite early, even though I was exhausted the night before, or rather the early morning. I put on some random cargo short, my SM Town shirt with cut-off sleeves, a sweater, and some silver colored sneakers. After looking in the mirror, I decided that today I would wear sunglasses the whole day to conceal my dark circles. I gave up trying to do something about my hair, and just tied it up in a loose bun on my head. I started humming DBSK’s Why Did I Fall In Love With You while I made my way down to the lobby for breakfast. I just rounded the corner of the hallway to the elevator, when I bumped into Yunho oppa who came from another corridor. He smiled at me when he heard what song I was humming, and gave me a thumbs up. He then walked next to me, clearly going down for breakfast as well.


“Oppa, did you sleep well?” I asked him.


He grumbled “Would have been better if the maknae wasn’t playing his games in the middle of the night.”


I nudged him. “Oppa, as the hyung, shouldn’t you make him stop then?”


He shrugged. “Like I can. He and Kyuhyun are two of the same kind, nothing to do about it.”


I giggled. “I’m sure that even those two can’t go against the amazing U-Know Yunho’s glare.”


“Aish you sweet talker.” He cocked his head to one side. “What are you going to do today, Angel-ah? I’m sure you don’t wanna stay in the hotel the whole day.”


I smirked at him. “Now why would I do that? No, I’m probably going out today. I promised some people to bring back presents from Paris.”


Yunho oppa frowned. “You’re not going alone, are you?”


I shook my head. “Aniyo, I’m going with one of the coordis. She lived here in Paris for about two years, so she knows the little streets and the good places.”


“Sounds like fun, do you want me to-“ he was interrupted by the ringtone of his phone. “Neh Changmin-ah? … Hyung’s in the lobby, I’m going for breakfast with Angel. … arasso … neh~” He then hung up and looked at me. “The food monster has awoken when I mentioned breakfast.”


I laughed at him and said “Aigooo oppa, you should be nicer to your team member.” , while sticking my tongue out.


“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He then tried to mess up my hair, but I quickly dodged him and ran away from him. I turned around and yelled at him “I think you should spend the day with Changminnie today, it will be good for you two!” He laughed and gave me the okay sign.


When I finally came to the breakfast hall, I saw nobody from SM Town, except Heechul and Yesung oppa, who were sitting at a table, acting like five year olds. As expected from the two most 4D people in Super Junior.


I grabbed some breakfast, skipped to them and sat down at their table. “Annyeong oppa!” I said cutely. They both smiled at me, and replied “Annyeong!” I asked them “What are you guys going to do today?”

Yesung oppa replied “Nothing much? Hang around in the hotel and bond with some people. And a swim in the pool sounds really nice.” I nodded and then asked “Heechul oppa, what about you?”

He looked up from his phone and replied “About the same as Jongwoonie. And I’m gonna take a look at the spa here in the hotel as well. Some relaxation would be nice. What are you going to do today?”


“I’m going into the city with one of the coordis, to buy souvenirs and experience the atmosphere.” Then I started pouting “But I want somebody else to come with me, cause otherwise it might be awkward.”


Suddenly Heechul oppa got this look in his eye, that I could only describe as the essence of evil. If people think that Kyuhyun outshines Heechul oppa when it comes to evilness, they’re wrong. Definitely, definitely wrong.


He returned to his phone, typing furiously, and a constant stream of incoming and outgoing messages was heard for about five minutes. Then he looked up, with a smirk on his face, and said “You’re taking Eunhyuk with you. Nobody else wants to go out today, since we’re going tomorrow anyways.”


I shrugged. “No problem with me. He can come if he wants to.” I then put my tray away, waved at them and walked back to my room. I grabbed my purse, checked if I had everything I needed, put on some BB cream and lipgloss, and then went to the room where Eunhyuk oppa, Siwon oppa and Donghae oppa stayed. I knocked, and Donghae oppa opened the door. I smiled widely at him, and of course he smiled back with his adorable kiddy smile. He let me into the room, and when I entered, I saw Eunhyuk and Siwon oppa play some game together on an iPad.


When they noticed that I was there, they stopped playing and stood up. Siwon oppa waved at me in his gentleman-like way, and Eunhyuk oppa smiled his gummy smile at me. I then asked the latter “So oppa, you’re going with me into the city today?”


He nodded and replied “Neh, I don’t feel like staying inside, and whenever we go out with the whole group, we don’t really get to see a lot.”


“Arasso. Are you ready to go then? Don’t forget a cap, sunglasses and all that. We don’t want fans to recognize you today.”


Suddenly Siwon oppa asked “Angel-ah, are you going like this? You look so different compared to last night.”


I rolled my eyes, until I realized that I was wearing sunglasses, so he wouldn’t see. “Of course. I’m not a celebrity that needs to look like they’re going on a catwalk any second. And it’s comfy.”


He just moved his hands in a signal that clearly meant ‘okay, do whatever you want’ and went back to playing the game they were playing before, although this time with Donghae oppa.


Eunhyuk oppa grabbed a sweater, some things that would serve as his disguise, his phone and his wallet.


Although I felt slightly awkward when riding the elevator down with him, I tried to push away this feeling, and made up my mind to have fun today, no matter what. 


Once we met the coordi that was going to accompany us, by the name of Ailee, we grabbed a cab and drove to Montmartre, the area of Paris known as the artists’ district. All three of us were enjoying the atmosphere, and were thrilled by all the little corners full of sights worthy to be put in a magazine. We had a coffee in one of the little places, and I fell in love with, so that I wanted to stay there forever. The nice thing was that not one time we talked about work, and were totally relaxed. We also get closer and more comfortable with each other, which was nice as well.


We were currently walking along the shops of the painters, and one of them stopped us, while saying something in French. Me and Eunhyuk looked at Ailee with confused looks on our faces, and she quickly translated, with a big grin on her face.


“He says that he wants to draw you two together, since you look like a loving couple.”


Surprised, I exclaimed: “Bwoh?” and then looked awkwardly at Eunhyuk. He just shrugged, although I could detect a slight blush on his cheeks.


The ahjussi then said something else, and Ailee nodded. Then she looked at us and said: “He says that it would be a waste not to draw you two together.” In a lower voice, she then said “If I were you, I would do it. These artists are some of the best, and they don’t draw just anybody.”


Hearing that, Eunhyuk put his arm around my shoulders, and whispered in my ear: “Let’s do it, it could be a nice memory.”


With red creeping up to my cheeks, I just nodded. Ailee translated our decision to the painter, and with a nod, he gestured us to come inside. The shop itself was full of beautiful paintings, including paintings of people, of little corners of Montmartre, and of nature. He made us sit together on a little bench, with Eunhyuk’s arm still around my shoulder, and me slightly leaning into him. Although it was initially awkward, once he started painting and we got more comfortable, I didn’t mind at all, and even leaned closer to him.


[Eunhyuk’s POV]


After sitting still for over an hour, our portret was finally finished. After paying for it, and thanking the painter over and over again, we went outside again. Ailee, who had stepped out for a bit, joined us again, and started walking towards our next destination. I then started unrolling the painting again, to take a look at it in natural light. Angel looked at it too, but when I looked up again to check where Ailee was, I couldn’t find her anymore.


Angel had noticed too, and she exclaimed “Oppa, Ailee is gone!” With that, I quickly put the painting in its cover, and started looking around too. She took out her phone, but in the narrow street that we were in, she had no connectivity.


I felt sweat starting to roll down my back, and said “What if we don’t find her? I have no clue where we are!” But then an idea started to form in the back of my head. I wouldn’t mind spending more time with Angel though. Although I wonder how the others would react!

Then I suddenly realized what happened. Heechul hyung, you must be behind this.


I decided to give him a piece of my mind when we would return to the hotel, but then at the same time, also thank him.


Angel noticed the smile on my face, and asked: “Oppa, why are you smiling?” Lee Hyukjae, here is your long awaited chance. “Nothing special, but let’s not worry about finding Ailee. We can probably find our way to a higher place, and then you can try calling her again.”


She nodded, looking reassured, and then started walking into the direction that we last saw Ailee walk in. I suddenly felt courageous, and pulled on her hand. She gave me a look, but I just continued walking, while holding hands with her. And at that moment, I felt like the happiest man in the world. We kept walking like this, behaving like how a normal couple on holiday would. We shot some selcas together, and I had to suppress my laugh every single time our faces came close together, and Angel’s face turned red. I guess underneath all her sass and power, there is still a shy girl.


However, after a while I noticed some girls following us, and whispering to each other. All of a sudden, I heard them say ‘Super Junior’, and Angel’s eyes got wider when she heard it too. Then they abruptly passed us, and somehow my cap and mask got ripped of my head, exposing my identity. But before I could do anything, Angel reacted quickly and pulled my face close to hers, so our lips almost touched, although I’m guessing that to the outside, it would look as if we were kissing. Feeling her breath so close to my lips, I just wanted to hold her tight and kiss her.


I heard the girls say something and walk away, and too soon for my feeling, Angel let go. My eyes met hers, and we both blushed tomato-red and looked away. I tried to think of something to get rid of this awkwardness, but my throat felt as if I just walked through a desert without a drop of water. But then her phone rang, and she answered, glad to do something else.


“Neh Ailee? … arasso … see you soon.”


After she hung up, she looked at me and said: “Ailee is waiting for us at the fountain that we’re supposed to see in like five minutes.”


I nodded, and this time too shy to grab her hand, walked next to her, although our shoulders brushed against each other sometimes. Like this, we continued to our meeting place. After we met up with Ailee, we went back to the hotel, and this time around the cab ride was very quiet.


[Heechul’s POV]


Towards the afternoon, I heard that Angel, Eunhyuk and Ailee had returned to the hotel. Curious as to know whether my plan had worked, I called over my evil apprentice, aka Ailee. She came downstairs to the poolside restaurant, where I was sitting with Jungsoo, enjoying the weather.


When she sat down and had finished ordering her drink, I immediately asked her: “And how did it go?”

She laughed and told everything that happened that day, including the part where she made them believe that they were lost. My master plan indeed. She even showed us a picture on her phone, and when I looked at it, I almost dropped it. “They kissed?” She smiled. “Almost. They came close.” Jungsoo laughed his high pitched laugh, and was clapping like a seal. “Heechul-ah, I never thought you would be this good.” I gave him a smug smile, and said “I’ll try not to take that as an insult. But yes, it worked out better than I thought it would.” After sharing high fives with both of them, I laughed to myself. Oh dongsaengs, it won’t be long before you’re dating. 


Oh writer's block, you have no idea how much I despise you ... 

anyways, let me know what you think of the latest chapter XD 

please comment and subscribe! 

- Coralie

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)