Super Junior's Angel


Sungmin’s POV

[In the van]

I’m sitting in the van together with the other members, coming back from dinner. Next to me was Kyuhyun who was so tired that he fell asleep on my shoulder. Yesung was on my other side, softly humming some song. Very soothing of course, because of his beautiful voice that we are all jealous of.

I was so surprised that Teukie hyung let us go out for dinner. Normally he would never do that, especially not when he’s not there. I guess we’ll find out soon enough why he went home alone. Oh wait, not alone. Heechul hyung went with him as well, because he didn’t feel like nagging at us all the time. Probably also because he needs to get his “beauty sleep”. I scoffed softly.


After ten more minutes of blessed silence in the van, we arrived at the dorms. We all got out of the van, and quickly walked inside, out of the cold wind. We managed to all get in the elevator. I sighed because I missed the old times when all thirteen of us tried to get into the elevator, but always had to split up in two groups.


Oh wait, not thirteen, but fourteen. Angel was still with us too.


Angel is Teukie hyung’s cousin, although they consider each other as siblings. But at the same time, Angel was also one of my closest friends. She was almost the same age as me, only a couple of months apart. Because of that, her, Ryewook and Kibum were pretty close since we’re all pretty much the same age. But she was really loved by all members, and not only from our group, other boy groups too. But in the end, she was OUR Angel.


My mental rant about Angel was interrupted by the soft “ding” of the elevator. We all got out pretty quick, since we were all quite tired after our full schedule today. At the same time, I realized that Siwon hyung was with us too because he actually lives in his own apartment, not too far from the dorms. Curiously, I asked “Siwon hyung, aren’t you gonna go home? Or are you staying at the dorms?”


He smiled his angel’s smile and answered brightly “I’m sleeping over here tonight. I got a text from Teukie hyung that he has a surprise for us, so I don’t want to make it too late so I’ll just sleep here.” I smiled back at him and nodded.

I followed the rest of the group to the door that lead to the top part of the dorms. We all went inside, and I found Yesung hyung suspiciously eyeing a pair of shoes. I wondered what was going on, so I just asked him “Hyung, why are you looking at those shoes like they come from outer space?”


He looked at me weirdly and just said “Have you seen these shoes before?” 


The shoes were silver coloured, with black patterns on it. They looked, well, expensive and definitely limited edition. I shrugged. “Nope, never seen them before. Aren’t they Hyukkie’s?”


At the mentioning of his name, Eunhyuk popped up. “They’re not mine.” He sighed. “I wish they were though. Those are limited edition sneakers from Nike, and around the world only 1000 were available. I just missed out on getting a pair.”


I shrugged and said “They’re just shoes, really.”


Eunhyuk gaped at me and then started rambling again “They’re not JUST shoes, they’re one of the finest pair of shoes on the planted. Everyone should know that. But I really wonder whose they are.”


I shook my head at him in pity and said “I guess that’s just another mystery that’s unsolved. No big deal.” We then walked away to the living room, to see where the rest was. 


Teukie hyung saw us and waved us towards the couches, where everybody was sitting on, around and next to. “Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Yesung, come sit here so I can start.”


We sat down, Eunhyuk with his legs on Donghae’s lap, Yesung next to Ryewook on the floor, and I found a spot next to Kyuhyun.


“So everybody, I have a big surprise for you guys.” He smiled, and so did Heechul. I got excited,, because it’s been a while since we had time to all sit together at home, and of course I love surprises as well. I looked around me, and all the members had an expectant look on their faces, mixed with excitement as well.


Suddenly a girl’s voice spoke up. “Yah, why so official? It’s just me.” I quickly turned to where the sound came from, which was the kitchen door. The girl … it was Angel. I gaped at her for five seconds, then jumped up and ran towards her. She smiled as she saw we coming towards her, and held her arms open for a hug. I was so happy that I jumped in her arms. I guess a bit too energetic, because we fell to the floor.


And like a second later, all other members jumped on us too, so we were a big pile of arms and legs everywhere.


“Yah, Eunhyuk, get your smelly feet out of my face!” “Shindong, seriously?” “Yah, I don’t want to have to go to the hospital again!” “Wookie, for a skinny looking boy you really weigh too much!” I just laughed at all this sillyness and looked at Angel, who was pretty much crushed underneath Siwon.


She was smiling very brightly, but after a minute or so she started to grimace because of all the people on top of her. She screeched “PABOS! Do you want to get me killed???”


“Mianhe!” All the members yelled back. They got off and kind of sat around her. On the side, I saw Teukie and Heechul hyung laughing like crazy while looking at the ridiculous scene before them.


Suddenly Eunhyuk spoke up. “Wait, so those shoes in the hallway are yours? The really nice looking ones?”


“Yes, they are.” She suddenly shot up, said “Oh, I have presents for all you guys. Just wait one sec!” and ran out of the room.


While she was gone, I looked all around me and everybody just seemed so happy. I haven’t seen the members like this in a while. They looked … completely happy and relaxed.


She came back to the living room and started handing out presents. Eunhyuk was the happiest with his, because she got him the exact same pair of shoes as she had. He was literally jumping around with the shoes on, jumping on everybody and hugging Angel over and over again until she pushed him to the floor.


She got me a pink sweater with a bunny on, a pink scarf and pink sunglasses. She just knows me too well! 


For the rest, we had an amazing time hanging out, laughing, telling stories and catching. All of us were so happy that Angel had returned, and she seemed happy to be here too. All was good in the Super Junior dorms. 

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)