Chapter 17: A mix of emotions

Super Junior's Angel


Hi guys, it's been a long time, right? *hids face in shame* Anyways, I hope you've all been good! I have been good too, in case you wondered xD I hope you like this chapter, iI started it a really long time back, almost right after my last update, which is like months ago, but I never finished it until today. The person you can thank is theconfusedone or my lovely friend Amelia, who reminded me that I didn't update in ages a short while back :D 

Yeah, I have absolutely no excuse for not updating, except that I was watching a lot of dramas, like the Moon That Embraces The Sun, which is now one of my top dramas everrrr :D Kim SooHyun was so amazing in it, and so was the rest of the cast! anyways, I'm now watching To The Beautiful You/To You In Full Blossom, with SHINee's Minho and f(x) Sulli, and ZE:A's Kwanghee and Lee Hyun Woo, who is such an adorable cutiepie :D 

Please comment to let me know what you think ^^ and thanks for sticking around and not unsubscribing *bows really low* thank youuuu :D 

- Coralie


Author's Note: When some of the characters speak English, it's gonna be in this blue :D 



After hanging out with some of the YG family members, I went back to the SJ dorms. The others weren’t home yet, they all had their individual schedules to attend, so it was all peaceful. The first thing I did was wear some more comfortable clothes, namely some cropped jeans shirts, and a colorful tank top.


I walked to the kitchen and put my iPod in the docking system there. Music started to blast out of the speakers, and I my favorite play list. 


After I rummaged through the fridge, I started cooking some fried rice with meat and whatever vegetables I could find, while moving to the beat of the music. “I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow” I mumbled to myself, “I’ll do it after my session at SM I guess.”


Just when I started thinking about what else I had to do tomorrow, the doorbell rang. I quickly turned the fire down, and ran to the door, while yelling “I’m coming!”


When I opened the door, I saw one of the security guards in front, holding a small box. He saw me looking at it, and said “It’s a package of fan mail for Henry and Zhou Mi. Can you please give it to them?”


I smiled, answered “Sure thing. I’ll make sure they get it” and took the package that he handed me.


I closed the door after he walked away, and walked inside, carefully holding on to the package, while trying to avoid the pile of shoes in the hallway. I successfully reached the living room, but I didn’t notice Heebum, who walked in front of my feet. Before I realized, I fell with my face down, and landed with a loud thud on the floor. After standing up again, I saw that the contents of the box had spilled all over the floor.


I started picking up random envelopes, when I saw one paper on which was written in blood red letters “Henry and Zhou Mi, get lost! We’ll never accept you as true Super Junior members!”


I dropped everything I had in my hands again, and I could only see the red letters dancing around in front of my eyes, with their painful message stabbing my heart over and over again. How could anybody do things like this?


Looking at the other contents of the box, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were pictures of Henry and Zhou Mi, ripped up in pieces, and even some that had stuff written all over them. I opened some letters, and I could only see threats, insults and mockery. Not being able to control myself anymore, I cried out “How dare they do this to them! Poor Henry and Zhou Mi!”


I kicked the box, before storming off to the kitchen , where I turned off everything, and grabbed my phone.


 Some random Chinese ring tone started playing, and I could only understand some very basic words, like “love”. Then the owner finally picked up, and with a cheerful voice he said: “Hello, Henry Lau speaking.


“Hi, Henry, it’s Angel. How’s everything in China?”


He hesitated before answering. “Okay I guess. It feels weird not having to attend full schedules now that promotions ended.”


“I see. And how’s everything else?”


“Everything is fine, nothing special.” Then he carefully asked “But why did you call?”


I pretended to be cheerful and retorted “Can’t I just call one of my favorite dongsaengs to see what’s up?”


He made a snorting sound and said “Ever since we’ve met, you’ve never just phoned me up to check up on me. What’s going on?”


I sighed. “Alright, alright, I’ll tell you. Is Zhou Mi there? It concerns him too.”


“He’s in his room, I’ll call him. Hold on a second ..” I heard him put down the phone, and walk to some other room, while yelling “Zhou Mi gege, Angel’s on the phone!” and some other incoherent words and noises.


Then Zhou Mi’s calm voice sounded through the receiver. “Annyeong Angel-ah.”


I replied “Annyeong oppa!” and then said “Oppa, put the phone on loudspeaker so I can talk to both of you at the same time.”


“Arasso. There, all done!” Then Henry asked curiously “So why did you want to talk to both of us?”


I cleared my throat. This is it. “Today a package was delivered to the dorms, addressed to you two,” I paused for a bit, and then whispered “full of hate mail.”


“Ohh…” Then it was quiet for a while, before Zhou Mi said “It’s okay, just get rid of it and pretend you never got it.”


Softly, I asked “Do the others know that you guys still receive packages like this?”


Henry answered quickly “No, we don’t want to burden them. Those anti’s are our problem, not theirs right now.”


Zhou Mi added “And it’s like we haven’t had worse. I mean, getting yelled at to get off the stage-“


I interrupted him. “They screamed for you to get off the stage?” My voice shot up another octave. “When did this happen? I didn’t know!”


Henry shushed me. “Noona, it’s okay. It’s not like you knowing would have changed the fact.” I nodded to myself, realizing that what he said was the truth. “Don’t worry about it.”


I sighed, and then said sincerely “I’m sorry for not being there for you guys. Going to the States, you were the two that I worried about the most. Mianhae.”


They both went like “Awww” and then Zhou Mi said “Thank you for your nice words. And stop worrying about us, we’re more than fine now.”


“Arasso. I’ll see you guys next week, when you come back. Annyeong!” and with that I hung up the phone.


I walked back to the living room, and started putting all the hate mail back in the box. If they don’t worry about it, I guess I shouldn’t either.


But while I was doing that, I kept thinking about what Zhou Mi had said. In the end, I gave the box a kick so it fell over again, and my computer. I went to youtube, and started searching. I started watching fancams of one of the concerts where some ‘only13’ supports where booing Henry and Zhou Mi of stage. The


After about fifteen minutes, I was so upset that tears where running down my face, especially after reading Henry’s message that he had posted online.

Just when I was about to watch another fancam, I heard the front door open, and all the noise signaled that the others had come home.


[Eunhyuk’s POV] 


The first thing that I did when I came home was look for Angel, for some odd reason. I don’t even know myself why. On our ride home, I just felt that something was wrong, which of course I got teased for by the others. One day, I’m going to get back at all of you guys. One day…


After I quickly took off my shoes, I walked into the living room and was met with an unexpected sight. There was a bunch of things on the floor that I could only describe as trash. And sitting on the floor with her laptop, back towards us, was Angel. At first, nothing seemed wrong, but when I looked more at her, I saw that her shoulders were shaking.


I wasn’t sure what I should do, so I just sat down next to her, and slowly put my arm around her shoulders. I then looked at her computer screen, and immediately understood why she was upset. All of us know how much she cared for Henry and Zhou Mi, and she’s always been sort of their guardian angel. The thought brought a wry smile to my face, but then I decided to push these thoughts out of my head, and just focus on her.


After a while, she buried her face in my chest and I felt her tears stain my shirt, but after a while, her sobs became more quiet. And after about ten minutes, she lifted her head, looked at me with puffy eyes, and whispered “Sorry for making your shirt dirty.”


I gave her a sweet smile, patted her hair, and to not make her feel worse, I replied “It’s okay, it’s one of my older shirts. As long as you feel better.” The first part was a lie, it’s one of my favorite ones, but the second part was genuine.


Just when I looked around to check for the other members, I noticed Donghae and Siwon enter the living room carefully. When they saw that Angel had calmed down, they came closer.


In his normal, gentleman-like ways, he sat down in front of us, and asked Angel in a serene tone “Are you feeling better now?”


She nodded, and even though her expression wasn’t really happy, she wasn’t that sad anymore either.


“Good, cause you’re going to do something that very little people have done before.”


She lifted her head with a curious expression on her face, and lifted one of her eyebrows.


“You’re going to the gym with us, Eun-Si-Hae.”


[Angel’s POV]


About an hour later, I found myself throwing punches at a punch bag in the gym, completely drenched with sweat. When I agreed to go to the gym with them, I didn’t expect to be subjected to a full-on power training. Feeling really tired, I just laid down on the floor, not being able to bother about dirt.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hyukjae oppa approach me, wearing a black wife beater that showed off his nice build. Dayummm. I quickly looked away to hide my red cheeks. It’s weird, normally I can handle guys wearing clothes like this, but for some reason I can’t with Hyukjae oppa.


He handed me a bottle of water, and then sat down on the floor, close to where I was laying. 


“So are you feeling better already? You were hitting that punch bag so hard at some point, that I was scared you were going to hurt yourself!”


He was scared that I was going to hurt myself! Awww. Aishh, Park Yuri, focus! 


I gave him a small smile and said “I’m feeling better for sure! How can not when you guys are all so nice?”


He laughed his adorable gummy smile, then leaned towards me, with a suspicious look on his face and whispered “Do you want to ditch the other two? They’re so obsessed with working out, that if we wait for them, we’ll be stuck here for a long, long time.”


I giggled, and then asked him “Oppa, but don’t you have to work out as well?”


Jokingly haughty, he replied “Of course not! I already have the perfect body that those two are jealous of!” and hit his stomach.”


I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, until he gave in and admitted “Fine, fine, so my body isn’t as nice as like Jihoon hyung, but I’m close. Anyways, don’t change the subject! Let’s escape to the dance studio!” He looked at me with such a pleading look in his eyes, that made me feel like he was some cute kid that was asking to go to the candy store.


“Arasso, let’s get out of then!”




About half an hour later, we were at the SM building, sitting in the dance studio where Super Junior normally practices. Yes, the famous cloud practice room that appears in almost all the dance practice videos.


I sighed “Couldn’t they really have a more interesting colored studio?”


Hyukjae oppa just shrugged, but said nothing, so I mused out loud“My mum used to have her own studio here in the building, and it was so colourful! With graffiti and posters and pictures everywhere. It was really her room.”


Suddenly he jumped up, yelled “I’ll be right back” and ran out.


Puzzled, I just stood up, walked to the sound system, and put on some music, cause being in a dance studio and not dancing is for me like making food and not eating it.


DBSK’s Mirotic started to play, and my body almost automatically started to move along to it. I was so into it, that I didn’t even notice somebody coming in, until the song ended. I turned around, and came eye to eye with …


“Greg oppa!” I squealed and threw myself in his arms. Yes, SM’s famous choreographer, Gregory Hwang. “I missed you! How are you? How are the others?”


Laughing, he slightly pushed me away. “You and your excessive skinship.” I pouted at him. “Arasso, come here” he laughed and hugged me again. “I missed you too, my dancing Angel. I am doing very good, as you can see, and same goes for the others.”


I grinned at him, and then asked “How did you know I was here though?” He laughed and then said mockingly “Were you hiding from me or something?” I chuckled and said cutely “Ani oppa, why would I hide from you?” He ruffled my hair, but then said “Hyukjae came to ask something and he said you were in here.”


“Oh yeah, did oppa say where he went? He randomly ran out, and he didn’t come back yet.”


Greg oppa then blurted out “Oh I forgot! He told me to tell you to go to where your mother’s old dance studio was, and that he’d be waiting for you.”


“Oh gomawo! It was nice to see you oppa, I’ll see you around!” I responded and then grabbed all my stuff. “Do I have to turn everything off?”


“Ani, just go, so you two lovebirds can spend more time.”  He giggled.


My face turned red again, and embarrassed, I quickly said “Ani, we’re not like that!”


Seeing that he wouldn’t believe me, I quickly went out of the dance studio, and took the stairs down to the basement, running down three flights of stairs. Running down the hallway, I turned left and then right again, until I was in front of a door that was painted in flashy colors.


Opening it, I walked inside, and it was as if I went back more than 10 years in time, when I was still small, and when I used to come with my mum to this dance studio almost every single day. Everything was still the same, with mirrors that completely covered three of the walls, and the other wall was covered with graffiti that looked as colorful as when it was just painted. In one of the corners, there was my mother’s old sound system, that she had nicknamed Joe, because apparently she felt like it worked like a Joe, whatever that means. There was also a small couch, full of fluffy pillows, that could also be used to sit on the floor, and that I remember falling asleep in countless times. On top of the walls, and even part of the mirrors, there were lots and lots of pictures. Walking around, I took a look at some of them. There was one of my mum, teaching in front of the class, a picture of her and DBSK when they were still trainees, a picture of Jungsoo oppa kissing her on the cheek, and even one of my mum and I together, when I was still very small, with both of us having pigtails and a cute expression on both of her faces.


I was so concentrated on the pictures and all the memories I had of this place, that I didn’t notice that Hyukjae oppa was standing really close behind me, until he suddenly whispered in my ear “Are you happy to be in here?”


Without turning back, I nodded, too immersed in my thoughts to say anything else. He showed his gummy smile again, and then said a little bit louder “Good, because from now on you can come in here anytime you want.”


Shocked, I turned around. “What did you say?” Entertained, he replied calmly. “I asked Lee Soo Man seonsaengnim, and he said that from now on, this is going to be your dance studio, and you’re the only one that can come here, except when others have permission from you.”


Overly happy, I yelled “Chincha?” and then hugged Hyukjae oppa tightly. “Gomawo oppa! You made me really happy!” I looked up, and we locked eyes. His eyes were looking at me so tenderly, I was swept away by the pure affection I saw in them. I then noticed how close we were standing together, I practically felt then heat of oppa’s body radiating from him. My eyes wandered down to his lips, and I suddenly wondered how they would feel like. His eyes never leaving mine, Hyukjae oppa slowly started to lean closer and closer? His lips were so close to touching mine, and the moment he started to close the last gap, I suddenly felt a vibration in my pocket, and my obnoxious ringtone started to play, effectively breaking the mood. Oppa moved away, with a blush on his cheeks, and after a sigh, I picked up my phone.




“Neh, yeoboseyo.” A deep male voice replied. “Is this Park Yuri I’m talking to?”


“Yes it is, who is this?”


“Yes hello Angel-ah, it’s Jihoon oppa.” 

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Guys,I won't be ale to update for at least a week! I amgoing to start uni soon and i still have to organise a lot of things! But please don't unsubscribe ;)


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N'aaaw not a problem Coralie! ^^
Great chapter! I feel bad for Henry and Zhou Mi and also have a whole new hatred for cell phones >.<
Why do they have to ring at the worst times? TT.TT
9th chapter..... 'even about you-know-who?'.... Voldemort? XD
MewNikkiChan #3
Cool story...
As for the question in one of the earlier chapters... I want MBLAQ and U-KISS
kyaaah I got a shoutout! xDD I love you too~ <3 xD
hehe Heechul figured it out so quickly O.o I hope he'll help Eunhyuk confess >.< cause those two are so cute!! <3
EXO PANTS! Sorry, it had to be said xD
Unnie!! I looove this story!! xD Eunhyuk's character is freaking adorable~
And Seungri too~ I'm so happy you didn't go with the whole cliché of having
Angel's stepsister as an enemy ^^" that happens way too often ><
I'm an Angel-Eunhyuk shipped now~ Anhyuk? Eungel?? xD
@peodbear: actually I'm not sure yet who she'll end up with, but yeah XD why not with Eunhyuk though? :)
hmm .... i don't really see her together with eunhyuk but cool story
@ohpinocchio: hehe yes indeed :D <br />
sorry, you guys will have to wait a whiel, cause I haven't written it yet and next week I have to work every day, but I'll try to finish it as soon as possible :)
Dorm invasions are the funnest thing ever. Cant wait to see the next chapter.
@bigbangvip: first of all, thanks for commenting and subscribing, it really makes me feel good :)<br />
Yeahh, I recently became a big bang fan, so I just had to put them in! <br />
invading their dorm sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;) <br />
kekeke who do you think it is? :)