Fiction & Fact Pt.2

The Facts and Fictions of Neverland

Hello ^^ 

I finally figured out how to update this thing with my new tablet.

The Fiction&Fact Chapter with be a series.

Idk how long it's going to be. But We'll see

and the reason I haven't been updating is because of school and I tried joining the tvN star Hunt: CUBE AUDITION

Sadly I didn;t make it into the top 100

But there's always next time!



Fiction and Fact
Part two.~@ the Mall~

[Junhyung's POV]
 I can't believe I even agreed to go shopping with these three.. Walking slowly behind Yoseob, Hyunseug and you, I pulled my hood over my head. "Ya.. Are you guys done deciding what store to go to? Or are we just going to keep going in circles?" Seeing them all turn there head to face me, Yoseob took a step back to stand beside me. "Hyung.. What's bothering you?" Seeing him stare at me with concern in his eyes, I just sighed and walked into a store not bothering to see if the other two followed. "Hyung!!" Ugh... Yoseob go away... I can't even begin to tell you what's bothering me!! Feeling a hand land on my shoulder, I shrugged it off and started looking at clothes that you might wear.

 Seeing a figure come up to me I just pretended to seem inerested in what I was doing. "Ya Junhyung." Not wanting to look up I shifted away just a little. "Go away Yoseob.." Feeling my arm being grabbed I tried to yank it away only to be turned around and faced by Dongho and his two followers.

"If I was Yoseob I might go away, but sinse I'm not I'm going to stay here."

"What do you want? Don't you have someone else to go bother?"
"I heard you were going back to Seoul tomorrow, are you bringing you?
"You don't need to know if we're bringing her or not."

 After saying that, I took a couple shirts off the rack I was looking at paid for them and left. Once I was out of the store, I felt two hands fly around my waist. WHAT IS UP WITH PEOPLE TOUCHING ME TODAY!!! "Hyung we were worried sick! Where did you go?!" Turning around to see Yoseob hugging me I sighed and just shrugged.

"We need to get to another part of the mall."
"Dongho is here and with the way you're acting, fans are going to notice us."

[HyunSeung's POV]
Playing with the straps of the shopping bags I was holding, I looked over Junhyung's shoulder to see that he was right, Dongho is here. Quickly grabbing Yoseob's shirt and you's hand, Junhyung and I started speed walking in the opposite direction Dongho was going.

Arriving at a little cafe we all took a seat at one of the booths. Glancing over at Yoseob who looked like he had just been to hell and back, I rubbed my hands together while he just waved it off. Raising my hand to fix Yoseob's hair, you finally said something. "Junhyung and Hyunseung oppa? What's going on?" While fixing the boy's hair, Junhyung and I looked at each other trying to come up with a lie. "Uhh.. Dongwoon and Kikwang texted us saying for us to meet them here." Raising an eyebrow I pulled out my phone and handed it to Yoseob. "But I thought we ru-" Sandwiching Yoseob between Junhyung and I, I removed my hand from his hair and covered his mouth. "Ne ne.. We rushed here because we thought they were here already." Nudging him in the ribs, he looked up at you who looked very confused. "AHHH!! YEA OK." Hearing him say that both of us let out a sigh.

Watching Yoseob excuse himself so that he could explain everything to the others and tell them to come over, I looked over at you who was still very confused. Trying to pry her mind away from what just happened I asked, "you-ah why don't you show Junhyung what you bougtht?" Seeing her looking up at me, I just gave her a smile and handed her the shopping bags. Watching her carefully open the bags, she pulled out a few loose white shirts with various designs on them. Turning to face JunHyung, I just smiled at his shocked expression. "Nice.. They look like the shirts me and HyunSeung have... just in white."

Hearing you-ah laugh quietly, I just joined her. "It's or when we take pictures together." Leaning against the back of the booth we were sitting in, I pointed at the other bag. "you-ah show him what's in that bag." Seeing her bush a little, she nodded and folded the shirts that she iously had taken out before opening the other bag. "B-before you comment, it was HyunSeung oppas idea to buy these."

~Flashback to when JunHyung had left them.~
"you-ah! Let's go into that store while JunHyung is busy~." Taking her hand and walking torwards the store, I looked back to see Yoseob looking at which way to go and just pointed at the store we were going to be in. Once inside, I let you sit down and rest for a little bit before walking off to find a sales lady.

After walking around for a bit I aproached the register and tried to get someones attention. "Ah! Mr. Jang it's nice to finally meet you. Would you like to see the dresses you called in about?" Smiling to the lady I nodded and whispered, "Yes I would, but please in a place where my friend over there won't see?" Pointing over to you I saw her jaw drop.

"Ahh so the dresses are for her? She's very pretty, are you sure she's just a friend?"
"Haha. Yes, actually.. You see she's my sister I'm trying to help her out."
"Well aren't you kind. This way please."

Following her into the back room I texted Yoseob to keep you busy while I checked on the dresses.

To: Yang Yoseob
From: HyunSeung
Please keep our little sister busy while I check on something.

From: Yang Yoseob
To: HyunSeung
Ok :D

Upon entering the back room, I clapped my hands together with delight. "She'll love them!" Looking at both dresses I couldn't help but remember when JunHyung and I first met you. Mianhae JunHyung.. I didn't mean to cut your time with her. But it's time for both of us to let her go. Taking both of the dresses, I gave the white one to the sales lady and kept the red one to show to my baby sister.

Walking back to where I left her, I quietly snuck up behide Yoseob and simi pounced on him. "YA! HYUNG!!!" Laughing uncontrollably, I didnt notice that you was now holding the red dress that I accidentally dropped.

"Oppa. What's this?"
"It's what you'll be wearing to the party CUBE Ent. is having when we arrive."

~End Of Flash Back~

Watching her hold up both mini dresses in front of her, I took a quick glance over at JunHyung who had his mouth wide open. "Oppa you ok?" Was all she could say when she put both dresses away. Snapping out of it, I felt JunHyung nudge me in the ribs. "You'll look beautiful in those."

[Yoseob's POV]
Sitting on the side lines, I couldn't help but notice when JunHyung's jaw dropped. Trying not to laugh, I finally heard DongWoon's voice on the other end of the phone.

"DongWoon?! You guys need to come to the mall I'll explain when all of you are together!"
"*Sigh* Ok. DongHo is here at the mall."
"We're on the way! Where are you?"
"The small cafe that we usually go to."
"Ne. Be there soon."

Hanging up the phone, I sat back in my chair and watched as people would pass by not notice who I am. While staring at the people, I couldn't help but notice three guys sitting at the cafe across from where we were staring at me and holding camera phones. Pulling my hood over my head, I just tried not to panic and prayed that the rest of B2ST would come faster.

After a few minutes of texting DongWoon, Kikwang and Dujun asking where they were constantly, I saw them waling torwards the cafe. Motioning for them to becareful, they all looked the other way and swiftly walked into the cafe and sat down in front of me. "Ok explain why we're here and not asleep." Taking a deep breath, I started explaining.

"OK. we came here to buy you some boy clothes so that we won't get noticed watching around Seoul with a girl. You guys know that part. So after 2o minutes of walking around, JunHyung got tired of following us and just walked into a store to look to random stuff. I went to go follow HyunSeung and you when I heard JunHyung call my name. Ignoring him, I followed HyunSeung and after we were done buying some clothes we couldn't find JunHyung anywhere. After a few more minutes of looking, we saw him walking out of a store looking very annoyed. Next thing we new DongHo was right behind him. so UKISS knows we're going to be in Seoul and their wondering if we're bringing you-ah. Not only that, but you doesn't know DongHo is here so we used you guys as an excuse to come to this cafe."

After finally finishing my explaination, they just nodded and one by on went over to the table where JunHyung, HyunSeung and you were. Walking over to the table, I took a seat next to Dujun who still looked tired as hell. Wait.... How did they know we were oing to be in Seoul? Leaning close to Dujun I whispered, "Hyung.. How did they now we were going to be in Seoul?" And with that we all spilt into three groups and promised to meet each other in the parking lot. 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
yuxuan #2
Update soon
yuxuan #3
update soon i like this story
finally new chapter wahahaha
ahhhhh.....hope you can update...soon
@Nohnikko thanks asahan ko yan <br />
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wahahaha<br />
<br />
LOL ^^
@princessEL Lol Sure ^^
@nohnikko can dongho be my partner? wahahahaha<br />
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can he?<br />
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can he?<br />
<br />
hahaha<br />
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at list he still have me on his side ready to love him and take care of him<br />
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wahahaha<br />
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gosh I'm going crazy....i can't believe this<br />
<br />
hahaha <br />
<br />
update soon:-) wow pilipina karin pala now ko lng nalaman <br />
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@princessEL As much as I didn't want to make him the bad guy. My fingers just made it that way.<br />
And everything will be cleared up in the next chapter ^^