Working Together?

The Facts and Fictions of Neverland



Working Together?


[DongHo's POV]

           While getting ready for school, I couldn't help but keep checking my phone every five minutes. Could they still be sleeping?... I doubt it... Knowing ____ she always wakes up at 5:30.. EVEN on the weekends. Pacing around my room, I shoved my hands in my pockets. Even if she's awake, I don't want to get a response from the BEAST members. Biting my lip, I decided to take my chances and text her. Holding my breath, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started typing.

To: ____

Can we meet at lunch?


           Sighing, I sat on my bed and tarted packing my school bag. Might as well get ready for school before Kevin hyung comes in and chops my head off. Heading for my closet I felt my phone vibrate. Pulling it out of my pocket, I looked down at the Text ID number. Opening the message, I let out a sigh of relief to see that it was from ____.



From: ____

If you're going to text me, text this number.

We can't go and have BEAST find out that we're talking to each other.

I can't meet you at lunch, but I can meet you at first break.

See you then?


           Reading the message over and over again, I couldn't help but feel happy that she wasn't mad at me. Two seconds later, I felt my phone vibrate again. Opening the second text message, I felt my heart skip a beat.



From: ____

I take that back....

Meet me in an hour in front of the school.

I want you to meet someone.


           Nervously swallowing, I put the phone in my bag and changed quickly. Grabbing my bag I headed for the door of my room. Before turning off the lights, I double checked that I had everything before I closed the door. Turning around I saw Eli hyung also getting ready for school. “Hyung! I'll go first, my teacher wants to see me before class.” Walking towards the exit of the building I tried not to make it look like something was going on. Pushing the huge door open and stepping out into the dim sunlight, I lifted my arms over my head and stretched before starting my walk over to my school.



           Kicking some of the stones that were on the road, I finally lifted my head to see where I was. Stopping to look around I slapped myself. I was supposed to make a right a couple blocks ago... Aish.. wait.... Walking a head just a little bit I remembered that there was a small dirt path that lead to the school's library. Taking a deep breath I to the path. “Please no flashbacks. Please no flashbacks. Please no flashbacks.” I kept repeating while taking in my surroundings.



           “Who are you talking to? And why don't you want to have any flashbacks?” Stopping, I looked around to see who said that. Slowly turning back around to continue walking to school, I took a step back when I saw a girl in front of me. Where did she come from.. and she's wearing our school's uniform. Straightening myself out, I rubbed the back of my neck. “I .. um.. well.. you see..” AISH!! WHY CAN'T I TALK!! Mentally slapping myself I couldn't help but stare at how cute she was. “I'm going to guess you have some happy memories on this path huh.” Snapping out of my daydreaming, I just nodded. “Well something like that.” Feeling my phone vibrate, I smacked my forehead. “Mianhae but can we walk and talk? I have to meet someone.” Hearing her light laughter I couldn't help but melt. What is wrong with me??? “I'm Moon SoonHee. It's very nice to meet you Shin Dongho.” Looking up at her I couldn't help but feel shocked at how she knew my name.



Umm.. How do you know my name?”

Everybody in school knows your name.”

Ahh yea..”

But don't worry! That's not how I found out your name.”


           Sighing with relief I watched as she walked in front of me. “We're here!” I heard her yell and wave at someone. Pulling out my phone I checked to see who texted me. Kevin... Kevin... Eli... Kevin... Doojoon... DongWoon... Kevin... Jun...Hyung... I'm dead.. They found out.



Looking up I stepped back with shock written all over my face.


Oh.. ____! It's you! I thought it was someone from BEAST.”

I'm guessing they found out?”

Ne.. Mianhae.”

Wae? Anyways. I see you've already meet SoonHee.”


           Seeing two arms go around ____'s waist, I couldn't help but smile on the inside. “She's who you wanted to introduce me to?” Watching as SoonHee played with ____'s uniform and ____ scold her every now and then, I didn't notice the six BEAST members approach us.



You: “Ne.. SoonHee will be hanging out with you from now on.”

SH: “Don't worry I'm filled in on everything so no one has to go and explain.”

DH: “Well that's good, then I won't have to die trying to tell you everything.”

DW: “Dongho I suggest you two be careful. This maybe a place where we don't have to worry about our idol reputation getting messed up, but some students do try to make a little pocket money off of us.”

DJ: “That's right, and since SoonHee just transferred to this school people will be talking and digging on what school she came from, why she transferred here and why she knows us.”

HS: “So from now on we need to work together but not let Kim and everyone else find out.”


Nodding to each other we went our separate ways to get ready for class.


[DongWoon's POV]

           While walking to class I couldn't help but feel like all of us were being watched. Nervously looking over at ____ walking next to me, I could tell that she was in pain. Just a couple minutes ago we all watched as she unwillingly gave Dongho away. Taking her hand I looked at her and gave a comforting smile.



____-ah.. It was that right thing to do.”

I know oppa.. I just hope he doesn't hurt her too.”

Seeing the way he looked at her, I doubt he will. Especially because she's like a sister to you.”

Yes.. a much stronger sister.... emotionally”


           Stopping in front of our classroom I let go of her hand for just a second to get the forged doctors note from my bag. “You think this looks real enough?” Seeing her lift her head to look at me she held out her hand. Watching her look over the note she had the guard of her neighborhood write, I felt the stupid butterflies flood my stomach again. Aish.. Really... Feeling my face go red, she looked up and felt my forehead. “Oppa are you ok? Your a bit warm.” Holding her hand that was on my forehead I just nodded. “I'm fine.. Let's go in before we get in trouble.”



           Walking into the classroom all eyes landed on us. “Mianhae for being late, ____ got into an accident and was just released from the hospital last night.” Watching our teacher wave his hand for us to take our seats we quickly bowed and sat down. Pulling out my notepad and pens I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from the side.




JunHyung and I have our first class with the UKISS brats.

We might be late for break so don't go far without us.



           Leaning back in my chair I looked up at the bored and started lazily taking notes. Copying down the last lines from the board onto my paper, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Not wanting to get in trouble I just ignored it and focused on what the was saying.



[Yoseob's POV]

           “Doojoon you think we'll get caught?” Following him to the students lounge he just shushed me and pushed me into the room. Once inside I closed my eyes for a little so that they could adjust to the dim light. Opening them slowly I saw Doojoon already on the other side of the room. “Ya! Hyung wait for me!” Running to catch up to him, he suddenly stopped. Oh ! Unable to slow down I closed my eyes and accidentally tripped on the carpet.



           Upon landing I felt something soft under me. Peeking with one eye. I gasped and sat up covering my lips. “AHHH!!! MIANHAE HYUNG!! I DIDN'T ME TO I SWEAR!!” Quickly standing up I turned around and ran. Why must I be so clumsy! I didn't mean to.. now what is he going to think about me!! Stopping to catch my breath I coughed a few times and looked around. Seeing a near by bench, I walked over and sat down.



           Before I could even make out where in the school I was I saw Junhyung and HyunSeung sitting at a table staring at two stacks of paper on the table. Hyungs? JunHyung always skips class... but HyunSeung? Standing up, I moved a little closer to see what they were looking at. “Yoseob you might as well just sit with us.” HyunSeung said while scooting over a bit. Taking a seat next to him I asked, “Hyung how'd you know it was me?” Seeing him look up; he placed a hand on my head and ruffled my hair. “Only four people in this school have blond hair.”



           Thinking about what he said I tried counting the people who did have blond hair in our school. Holding up a finger for each person I named I sighed in defeat. Pouting I leaned back and fixed my hair. Looking over at JunHyung who was sitting across the table, I couldn't help but notice that he was staring at the paper looking like he wanted to rip he stack to shreds and clenching his phone as if his life depended on it. Leaning closer to HyunSeung I whispered, “Hyung.. What's wrong with JunHyung??”



           Seeing HyunSeung look up at JunHyung, he sighed and took away Junhyung's phone before it snapped in half. “More bad news is what happened.” Looking at JunHyung I waved a hand in front of his eyes. “Hyung you want to add to what HyunSeung hyung said?” Feeling JunHyung grad my hand and squeezing it somewhat hard I tried to hold back a shriek from the pain. “Kim is making UKISS leave today.”



“H..hyung hand!!!” Feeling him let go, he stood up and walked towards ____ and DongWoon's classroom. Looking at HyunSeung we both stood up and pulled him back to the table.


HS: “You can't just barge into their class and take them now.”

JH: “Then what! We wait for Dongho and the rest of them to leave before ____ finds out?!”

HS: “She has DongWoon now.”


[Junhyung's POV]

           With hearing those words, I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Turning around I quickly walked in the direction of ____'s classroom. I knew this would happen... Why am I so mad that she'll end up with DongWoon? Am I even mad about that or is it because I don't want to give my sister away yet? Thinking about it for awhile, I came to I stop when I saw DongWoon standing with his arm around ____'s shoulder trying to help her stand.



           “Ya! DongWoon is she ok?” Seeing him look up I rushed over to ____'s other side and lead the way. “Hyung why do you look like you're about to kill something?” Shrugging I motioned for him to just carry her. “Let's just say we won't be working with UKISS anymore.” Staying by his side making sure that she doesn't fall I could tell that DongWoon was now also mad. “Why aren't we working together anymore?” Sighing I tried to think of a way to tell him with out both of us exploding with anger. “Kim is making UKISS leave Korea.”

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
yuxuan #2
Update soon
yuxuan #3
update soon i like this story
finally new chapter wahahaha
ahhhhh.....hope you can update...soon
@Nohnikko thanks asahan ko yan <br />
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wahahaha<br />
<br />
LOL ^^
@princessEL Lol Sure ^^
@nohnikko can dongho be my partner? wahahahaha<br />
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can he?<br />
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can he?<br />
<br />
hahaha<br />
<br />
at list he still have me on his side ready to love him and take care of him<br />
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wahahaha<br />
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gosh I'm going crazy....i can't believe this<br />
<br />
hahaha <br />
<br />
update soon:-) wow pilipina karin pala now ko lng nalaman <br />
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@princessEL As much as I didn't want to make him the bad guy. My fingers just made it that way.<br />
And everything will be cleared up in the next chapter ^^