Not so easy

Will I do it again? - Sequel to I let you go

These days, Park Chanyeol and have become closer, finally. We’ve gone out, stayed inside, done many things and none at the same times, just like we used to before all of this happened. Don’t get wrong, one more time: even though we have been spending a lot of time together, nothing but just the remembrance of the best friendship happened, and nothing more. After all, I still had Joonmyeon going all around my head. His embrace was still in there, and his smell was stuck in my nose. And that never left me, not even for one single second.

Until the last day before Joonmyeon’s arrival came, I was at Chanyeol’s place, watching a movie. When it was time for me to go, he grabbed my shoulder. ‘He’ll be back tomorrow, isn’t it?’, he asked. I nodded happily. ‘Yeah, he couldn’t make it earlier so he had to come back the date he had originally been assigned’, I told him.

- I guess we won’t be seeing each other from now on – Sighed Chanyeol, beginning to pout

- I’m not cheating on him, I’m just getting my friend back – I told him smiling

- But I guess if you tell him you’ve been seeing me all this time he’ll be angry – He said shrugging

- You are taking this as if I was doing something really wrong

- For you it’s just a friendship – Said he letting my shoulders go – But to me, I want you back the way we were that weekend, but forever.

- Chanyeol – I called him so he could see that the topic was not in discussion

- Just forget about it – He said smiling – Just don’t say he won’t be worried because he knows you love him because that will only break my heart in too many pieces.

- It broke mine when you couldn’t stop talking about Hana – I told him bluntly.

Chanyeol lowered his head in shame. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up’, I apologized, subconsciously putting my hand on his chest. He shook his head, grabbing the hand that I had placed on his chest and smiled: ‘It’s alright, I had it coming’

- I will go now – I told him, and for the last time in a long time, I leaned in for a hug. Apparently, he wasn’t expecting, as he stood there frozen, until he put his arms around me. ‘I’ll see you soon’, I promised.


Next morning I dressed up in a hurry. Even though I wasn’t late, I had to arrive at airport early enough to wait for Joonmyeon and paying attention to not let him go : last night I told him I wasn’t going to be able to get to pick him up so he would have to go back home alone and we would meet in there after I finish my shift, only to come today and do this. I arrived on time, and sat there to wait for him to arrive, until I could finally see him, walking clumsily towards the exit. I ran behind him until I could reach him and quietly I went and covered his eyes. ‘Mr. Kim, aren’t you forgetting anything?’, I told him. He turned, taking my hands out of his eyes, and hugged me. ‘I thought you’d wait for me at home!’, he said after kissing me. I shrugged and grabbed his hand.

- I wanted to give you a surprise – I said simply

- You did! – He laughed, pulling me in front of him – Let me take a look at you – He said serious – I want to see how different and beautiful you look!

- Joonmyeon, I’m not a baby! I haven’t changed or grown during these days – I told him chuckling

- What did I say long ago? You are my baby, so I need to see by myself!

- Kim Joonmyeon, why so cheesy? - I asked him, a little embarrassed

- Because I love you! – He yelled at the airport.

I smiled and jumped to hug him. We went to the parking lot, got his car and drove home. Ordered some food and took it to eat it in bed.


‘I can’t believe I’m back’, he said while looking at my hand, carefully grabbing each finger and kissing the tips. I smiled and turned my body to look at him closely, feeling his breath against mine. ‘You were away for two weeks only, and I missed you so much!’, he smiled and kissed my nose. ‘What did you do while I was away?’, Joonmyeon asked, supporting his head with his hand, lying in bed. I sighed. Should I tell him about Chanyeol now or later? We didn’t do anything wrong, well, apart from me telling him that I loved him…

- Byul! I asked you a question! – Said my boyfriend, fixing the quilt to cover my upper body. I shook my head.

- You know, the same old thing. Worked at the hospital, took some classes, went out with some friends… - I began

- Friends?

- Yes. I know I rarely talk about them but I do have some of those

- To me your only friend was Park Chanyeol – He said bluntly

I drifted my view, but he softly grabbed my face.

- You are friends again, aren’t you? – He asked calmly

- Yes – I had no other choice. If I denied it, sooner or later he’d find out and it would have been worse than this anyway. He smiled, eyes closed.

- I’m happy about that, Byul – He said, still smiling, I tilted my head in confusion – You really needed him as your friend again, baby. Especially if you were so close ever since you were young. Are you happy?

I was honestly happier about his reaction, really. I nodded softly. ‘Yes, but you do know that it’s you who I love, right? I asked him, fearing that he might be saying all that because he was just about to break up with me.

- Your love for me isn’t going anywhere, remember? – He patted my nose with his index finger, and I hugged him. ‘I love you, Kim Joonmyeon’


Four days later, Joonmyeon and I were pointlessly walking through the streets of Seoul during a fresh evening, and we felt hungry. ‘I could eat five burgers right now’, he groaned, while pretending to bite my arm. I immediately remembered the restaurant I went to with Chanyeol.

- There’s this amazing restaurant with the best burgers I've had so far – I told him pulling him towards the place - I went the other day and all I could think of while eating was me wanting to come back here with you

- Don't they have a delivery service? I prefer to hurry home, get in bed and eat like pigs – He chuckled

- But I really want to go now – I insisted - Come on, you kept me thinking about you like crazy, the least you can do for me is coming now. You want to eat burgers? Let’s go and have the best ones in town! – I asked pouting - Then we can come back and uddle and all you want until we can't stand it anymore.

- You know I would do anything for you, don't you? – He said, finally giving up and following me.


We walked until we got to the place, sat on our table and ordered. After about an hour, the stage was cleared up and the lights went off. When they went on, the one I saw on stage was no other tan Park Chanyeol. He looked through the crowd and found me, then took a deep breath and began: 'I have been waiting for her to come to this place. Now I see her and I can finally get to do what I wanted. Park Byul, this song is for you', He said. In no time, the tunes of Geeks' Officially Missing you started to come to life, and Joonmyeon turned to look at me, grabbing my hand over the table, then looking to see if Chanyeol could see that, with a stare that mixed both confusion and anger. I looked back at him, and tried to smile, but couldn't. What was I supposed to do?


After the song finished, Chanyeol and his band kept singing ant occasionally talking to the other costumers who were sitting next to the stage. But Joonmyeon was not going to let that go.

- Did you know he worked here? – He asked me, clearly angry, I shook my head - But he said that this song was for you. He even said your name and last name, Byul.

-  I didn’t know he worked here, I swear – I told him honestly. Now that I remember, he did talk familiarly with the waiter but he told me it was because he was a regular costumer! Anyway Joonmyeon didn’t care about that - I got you here because I really wanted you to have the burgers that they prepare here, nothing more than that

- How did you now hat hey made them here? Who did you come with? Did he brins you here while I was not here? – He asked quickly

- Yes – I admitted it

- Did you cheat on me with him? Were you with him when I called you all those days? – He asked again -Were you with him during nights?

- No. Who do you think I am? – I asked him. He had no right to ask those questions.

- Who do you love? – He asked angrily: I had never seen that side of him

- What? – I asked him, unable to believe what I was hearing

- Who do you love! – He said one more time

- Don't ask me that. You know it’s you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love you. I spent two weeks without you, enough for me to leave you for him. Don’t be stupid, Joonmyeon – I told him rudely

- Do you? – It was as if he wasn’t even listening to me

- Joonmyeon... – I began softly, trying to calm him down

- He wants you back. Make a decision. – He said, with a sad look on his eyes

- I already did! – I told him, grabbing his face for him to look at me only, and stop checking if Chanyeol was looking at us

- Well then kiss me – He asked - Right now when he's looking at you.

- I'm not gonna do that. I love you, but that's mean and not who you are. That's not who I fell in love with – I told him, letting him go and grabbing my bag.


I certainly didn’t know how all of that happened, and I didn’t even know what happened to my boyfriend. Wasn’t he all loving, caring and nice? What the heck was that?


And Chanyeol, what kind of plan did you plot this time? Is it because you know me so well?


For all I knew I was going home alone tonight. Sleeping alone tonight.


For all I know tomorrow is going to be a long day.




One more time, and I really thought I was not going to say this anymore, how did I end up like this?





... Crap.

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littlelyllian123 #1
I ship her with suho too even though chanyeol is my exo k bias
Chapter 19: Odg i really love this story<3

suho is really nice and caring but it would be much better if byul ended up with chanyeol tbh.
and wheres hana btw cx
Chapter 19: I ship her with suho.
Byul has a messed up life right now
Chapter 18: You're back :D .. poor byul .. she get her self into real mess
Chapter 17: So i checked out your other fics and i found this as well as I'll let you go

Just update soon pls

Byul's life is like a huge mess @@
Poor Byul @@ :(
yeollieka #6
Chapter 16: Even though Chan is my ultimate bias, I ship her with Suho.. They love each other. Maybe she's just confused right now. But I think Suho and her have the chemistry thay she doesn't have with Chan :')
Chapter 16: You have no idea what your story make me feel :)
attatya #8
Chapter 14: Whaaaat? I actually want her to be with joonmyun, because imho chanyeol in this story is merely a jerk who always gets what he wants. Pleeeasee author-nim, give justice to baby joonmyunnie....
Chapter 14: The things now are so perfect :$
Chapter 12: That was great chapter I really love this story