What He Really Does

A Heart Divided

Shadow: So did Victoria actually fall down or was that all a lie?

Luna: No we were serious about that. She really did fall down and was unconscious for a little bit, but awoke seconds later.

Shadow: I see. Are you okay Victoria?

Victoria: Mmm. I’m fine.

Shadow: *sigh* I’m sorry ladies.

Luna: For what?

Shadow: For this…

Shadow then does another series of hand signs. Once he finishes, the room starts to glow. A few seconds later, the glowing stops and everything appears to be normal.

Luna: Oh~ Oppa! What’re you doing here? When did you get here actually?

Shadow: Ohh uhh..?? Surprise! Haha! Just thought I’d drop by and surprise you all!

Luna: Ohh, well you really surprised me!

Shadow: Haha~ Then my surprise worked then huh?

Krystal: Yeah haha~

Sulli: Oppa! I have to ask you about something!

Shadow: Yeah?

Sulli: I saw you jump over the stairway railing two weeks ago! How are you still okay?!

Shadow: Ohh, you saw me do that?

Sulli: Yes…

Shadow: Well, I had a grappling hook that I used to quickly get down.

Sulli: A grappling hook?

Shadow: Yeah. I don’t like walking down the stairs or taking an elevator. It takes too long, so I use a grappling hook to get down quickly.

Sulli: Ohh~ Well that explains everything then. You had me really scared you know that?

Shadow: I’m sorry~ I didn’t mean to scare or worry you!

Sulli: It’s okay.

Victoria: I was worried too you know!

Shadow: I’m sorry Victoria.

Amber: Oppa, Victoria eomma was unconscious a while ago. We were going to call you, but I guess we won’t be needing to anymore.

Shadow: She did? Hrmm, should I examine her then?

Krystal: Yes! Just to be safe. *wink wink*

Shadow: Haha~ Alright. Victoria, would you mind if I “examine” you?

Victoria: What will you be doing?

Shadow: Just going to check your heart rate, eye dilation and make sure you're not hurting too much from your broken ribs.

Victoria: Okay.

Shadow then starts examining her all over again just to satisfy the needs of the girls. Shadow was doing his best not to cry, but inside he was breaking apart. He didn’t want to have to wipe their memories, but the master of these demons must’ve sensed their knowledge of Shadow. After a few minutes of re-examining Victoria, Shadow was finally done.

Shadow: Well now, you seem to be perfectly fine. Your ribs seems to have healed quite quickly.

Victoria: I told you I wouldn’t be a burden to anyone! I worked hard, and now I’m stronger than before!

Shadow: I’m proud of you~ Well it’s late, I should be going home now. Wouldn’t want people to get any bright ideas of my visit at such an odd time.

Victoria: Yes yes. Thank you for your help! We’ll scold our manager later when we get a hold of him.

Shadow: You do that! Alright good night everyone. Sleep well!

F(x): Yes, You too!

Sulli: Oppa! You’re not going to jump over the railing again are you?

Shadow: Haha~ No not this time. I’ll take the stairs just for you.

Sulli: Whew~ Thank you!

Shadow: Mm. Bye!

Sulli: Bye!

Shadow then drove all the way back home to pick up his car transporter to bring back to the warehouse and pick up his cars. It was around midnight when he returned back at the warehouse and was surprised that there were more people there than before.

Shadow: "Don't these people have anything else better to do? Oh well..."

He left his truck outside and walked inside the warehouse to drive his cars out.

Gal: Oh Shadow you're back! You sure took your sweet time.

Shadow: Hey Gal! Thanks for watching my cars. I tried to hurry but I had to run back home first to grab my truck to haul these cars back home.

Gal: How far do you live from here?

Shadow: Bout an hour and thirty minutes if you're driving speed limit.

Gal: I'm assuming you drove speed limit?

Shadow: Had to. Cops were eyeing me the entire time.

Gal: "Eyeing" you?

Shadow: Yeah, they followed me for quite a while. Just waiting for me to make a move.

Gal: Did they follow you back here?

Shadow: I doubt it. I drove a truck back remember?

Gal: Oh yeah. So bout my reward.

Shadow: Haha~ Yeah, about that. Where'd you want to go?

Gal: Surprise me!

Shadow: Alright, so if I took you to McDonald's you'd be fine with that right?

Gal: What?! No! I said a nice fancy restaurant.

Shadow: Haha~ I know, just teasing. I'll take you some where nice, well at least I hope you think it's a nice place. Well it's late and I got things to do in a few hours so I'll talk to you later.

Gal: Alright. We'll set a time later when you're not so busy.

Shadow: Sounds perfect. Thanks again Gal for watching my cars.

Gal: Mhmm no problem! Bye, good night!

Shadow: Good night.

Shadow then drove each car one by one into his truck to take back home. He was not looking forward to the drive home because it would be another long drive. It was about 2am before he made it back home. He was going to drive the cars out of the truck, but figured that could wait until later and headed back into his house to wash up and sleep. He jumped on his bed and opened up his phone and looked at his display picture. It was Victoria.

Shadow: *sigh* I miss you so much. I just wish you'd remember us. I want to tell you about us, but I'm afraid of what might happen. So I'll just bear the pain and smile bravely in front of you.

Shadow fell asleep for what felt like ten minutes, but was rudely awakened by his watch alarm that goes off whenever a monster is near.

Shadow: Now of all times?! Well I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that they're attacking now. This is the main reason why I never EVER get to sleep.

Shadow then grabs his weapons and gear to prepare for battle. He exited his house to find a fully grown Volkanosaurus standing on his lawn. Shadow lived in a house that was very secluded from people. He lived in the country away from people. His nearest neighbor was about a mile away, but he chose to live this way to keep innocent lives away from danger whenever a monster would show up at his door step. The Volkanosaurus was the biggest Volkanosaurus that Shadow had ever seen. It stood at least 30 feet and was completely massive in build. It had spikes coming out from it's back, knee's and elbows. It had a huge tail with spikes protruding out from the top of the tail. The spikes glowed red and emitted a strong sense of heat. The Volkanosaurus is able to spit fire and shoot fire from it's spikes.

Shadow: Well since you're here, guess we should start dancing so I can go back to sleep.

The Volkanosaurus then roared out a deafening roar that shook all the tree's around Shadow's house as well as everything in his house.

Shadow: You're pretty loud you know that. I know we're outside, but you should practice your indoor voices.

The Volkanosaurus then started charging at Shadow causing him to pull out his pistol and start shooting at the Volkanosaurus' face. Shadow tried to hit a very precise spot on the monster's face because despite it's massive body and strength, there is one spot on a Volkanosaurus, which is known as the sweet spot, and once hit would render it useless. If the spot was hit, it would leave it wide open for a deadly blow if it didn't die, but normally a Volkanosaurus usually dies after being shot in it's sweet spot. Shadow is normally really accurate when shooting, but due to the Volkanosaurus' massive size, each step it took shook the ground beneath Shadow, causing him to have to try and balance himself. The monster eventually stopped running so that it could take a swing at Shadow, which allowed Shadow a few milliseconds to try to aim and shoot the Volkanosaurus, but once he got his aim, he had to dodge the beasts arm that was striking down on him. Shadow ran behind the Volkanosaurus to try and lure him away from his house, or else he'd have to sleep in his car and he was in no mood to sleep uncomfortable. Shadow then started shooting at the monster again and hit the monster's sweet spot numerous times, but for some reason the Volkanosaurus didn't drop down. Shadow started to worry because if the shots to the Volkanosaurus' head wasn't rendering him useless, he didn't know how he was going to stop this thing. Shadow then holstered his pistol and unsheathed his sword. The monster then tried striking downwards at Shadow again, but missed. Shadow then took this moment to run up the monsters arm to try and hit the monster in it's sweet spot but with his sword instead. Shadow made it up to it's shoulder, but was stopped by the Volkanosaurus activating the heat in it's spikes. The spikes started to glow red then started spewing out fire and lava.

Shadow: Well this is new. I never seen a Volkanosaurus able to create so much heat that it made lava!

Shadow then jumped off the Volkanosaurus to avoid being burnt alive by the lava. The Volkanosaurus was now completely covered in lava which rendered any of Shadow's weapons useless against it. Shadow didn't know what else to do until he remembered his sealing technique. He did some hand signs and slammed his palm to the ground which caused a blue circle to form and glow around him. Then a blue line shot out from the circle and attached itself to the Volkanosaurus' foot. This then caused the Volkanosaurus to stop moving and the fire and lava to stop spewing out from it's spikes. Shadow knew he couldn't hold a Volkanosaurus that massive in size for long so he took this opportunity to take his sword and penetrate it through the Volkanosaurus' sweet spot on it's head. Once Shadow had pierced through the monsters head with his sword, he noticed why none of his bullets were doing anything. This Volkanosaurus' skin was soo tough that the bullets were stuck on it's head. Shadow then forced his sword deeper into the beasts head and dropped down onto his shoulder. He felt the monster start to move again, signifying that his sealing technique was wearing off. He then did the same set of hand signs that caused his arm to glow when he killed the Dark Mist back at F(x)'s dorm, but this hand sign pattern was slightly different. Shadow went to separate the beasts head from his body, but instead of slicing at it's neck as with the Dark Mist, he punched at the Volkanosaurus' neck instead. The moment Shadow's fists made impact on the Volkanosaurus' neck, a white light shot out from Shadow's fist, cutting straight through the monsters neck which caused the monsters head to start falling off, but like the Dark Mist, the Volkanosaurus started to disappear into thin air like a smog.

Shadow: *sigh* Finally that is done and over with. I don't know how much more I can take of this.

Shadow then looked at his watch to see that it was now 5:45a.m. He did a perimeter check to make sure there weren't anymore monsters and then headed back to sleep.

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