The Confession

A Heart Divided

Junho, Wooyoung, and Nickhun just left Victoria’s room and were walking down the hospital’s hallway until Nickhun abruptly stopped.

Wooyoung: Hyung, whats wrong?

Nickhun: I still have feelings for Victoria.

Junho: What?!

Nickhun: Look she doesn’t remember anything from the past eight months. Maybe she still have feelings for me like when we had our pretend marriage!

Junho: I’d advise you stop this ridiculous thinking right away!

Nickhun: What?! Why! Shouldn’t you be supporting me?!

Junho: Nickhun, Victoria is Hyung’s fiancé! You will not go between them, you understand!

Nickhun: But she doesn’t even remember!

Wooyoung: Your point?

Nickhun: My point is, maybe this is my opportunity to try and get her back! I missed my opportunity last time, maybe it’s fate throwing me a second chance! I should go back and declare my feelings for her before it’s too late!

Junho: Nickhun, if you value our friendship, then you will stop this way of thinking immediately and forget we ever had this conversation.

Wooyoung: The same goes for me as well. Hyung’s been there for us through everything and yet you want to go and stab him in the back like this?

Nickhun: Some friends you two are.

Junho: We won’t let you interfere with hyung’s relationship.

Nickhun: Screw this, I’m going back.

Junho: Nickhun!

Before Junho could grab Nickhun, Nickhun darted and ran back to Victoria’s room. Junho and Wooyoung chased Nickhun back to her room to try and stop him. Nickhun crashes through the door startling everybody.

Luna: What the heck?!

Nickhun: Victoria-sshi!

Victoria: Yes?

Nickhun: I--

Just then Wooyoung and Junho caught up and tackled Nickhun. Everyone was startled at how badly they were rough housing.

Unknown: What the heck are you three doing?

Nickhun: Victoria I--

Junho: Shut up!

Unknown: You three! Outside! Now.

With that, the three got up and marched out the door.

Unknown: What the heck is wrong with you three!

Junho: Hyung, Nickhun was going to confess his love for Victoria noona.

Unknown: What?

Nickhun: Hyung, I respect you, but I love Victoria-sshi. I messed up eight months ago and I lost my chance with her. I figured this was fate giving me a second chance.

Wooyoung: I oughta beat the snot out of you right now!

Wooyoung was just about to hit Nickhun until Junho stopped him.

Junho: Wooyoung, that’s enough! Lets let hyung handle this.

Nurse: Excuse me! You all are creating too much noise and madness. This is a hospital, do you not remember?! If you don’t stop rough housing this instant, I will call security.

Unknown: I apologize for their behavior. Tension is high because Ms. Victoria Song was injured and everyone is on edge. Please forgive them for their ill manners. I’ll deal with them personally. Please do not call security.

Nurse: Very well, but the moment they act out again, I will call security.

Unknown: Understood, thank you very much for your compassion. *sigh* Nickhun, you say that you’re in love with Victoria, eh?

Nickhun: Yes!

Unknown: And you expect me to just let you put your moves on my fiancé?

Nickhun: Umm…

Unknown: Say I let you try to get her heart again. What would I tell her parents when they see you holding her hand or have your arms around her?

Nickhun: Tell them you two broke up and she’s now with me.

Unknown: You expect them to just accept that statement without much of an explanation?

Nickhun: *sigh* It doesn’t matter! I love Victoria and you’re in my way!

Unknown: *sigh* I knew something was wrong the moment I looked in your eyes when you came back in with Luna and these two.

Junho: Hyung, we’re so sorry, we tried to stop him, but he just wouldn’t listen. I even told him that if he didn’t stop thinking this way then our friendship ended here, but apparently our friendship doesn’t account for much anymore.

Unknown: So Nickhun, you love Victoria that much that you’re willing to lose your friends and their respect?

Nickhun: Yes!

Unknown: Then go ahead and confess your love.

JW: What?! Yah hyung--

Unknown: Junho, Wooyoung, it’s alright. If Victoria will have him back then leave it be. Understood?

JW: …

Unknown: I said do you understand?

JW: Yes hyung.

Unknown: Well Nickhun, she’s right in there. Go and work your magic.

Nickhun: Thank you hyung!

Unknown: Don’t thank me, just go.

Junho: Hyung aren’t you going to regret this?

Unknown: I do, but I love Victoria more.

Wooyoung: Hyung…

Unknown: I want her to be happy and smiling. If her heart still beats along with mine, then we’ll be back together. However for now, I want her to be happy and with someone whom she’s comfortable with.

Luna, Amber, Krystal, Sulli: WHAT?!

Unknown: It would appear Nickhun has confessed his feelings. Let’s go back in and calm things down.

Luna: Nickhun are you crazy?! Lets talk privately now!

Nickhun: Victoria-sshi do you still have feelings for me?

Victoria: Ahh~ Nickhun. I’m not sure. In my heart I feel like there’s something or someone important to me that’s missing. There’s this gap missing and I want to find out what’s missing.

Nickhun: Well I’m probably that person you’re missing.

Victoria: Could you be? How long have I been in here Luna-sshi?

Luna: Nearly six hours.

Victoria: Hrmm, don’t we have a performance tomorrow?

Luna: No, tomorrow’s Saturday Victoria. We have our break on the weekends remember?

Victoria: What?! Isn’t today October 10th?

Amber: Victoria-eomma, it’s June 14th 2013.

Victoria: 2013? No that can’t be it’s October 10th, 2012. You're all just messing with me again aren’t you?

Sulli: No, here look at our phones.

Victoria: This can’t be! It can’t be 2013 already! Have I been in a coma?

Luna: No, you’ve been in here for only 6 hours remember?

Victoria: Well then why is it 2013 already?!

Unknown: Victoria-sshi. The doctors said that you suffered from a severe head trauma. This trauma likely caused you to have some sort of amnesia or memory loss. That’s probably why you don’t remember me helping you eights months ago.

Victoria: But but why don’t I remember? I need to think this straight! Ahh!! Why can’t I remember what happened yesterday!

Unknown: VICTORIA!

Victoria then looks at the guy startled because she just got yelled at.

Unknown: Deep breaths!

Victoria: What?!

Unknown: You want to remember what happened right?

Victoria: Yeah but what does--

Unknown: Then deep breaths!

Victoria: Wha--

Unknown: Deep breaths!

Victoria then starts to inhale deeply and exhale.

Unknown: Very good. Now calm down. I know you’re scared and worried, but if you start panicking we won’t ever solve anything understand?

Victoria: *sigh* You’re right, I’m sorry. Thank you.

Unknown: No problem. Now one thing at a time okay?

Victoria: Alright.

Unknown: Today is June 14, 2013 right?

Victoria: Yes. That’s what their phones say anyway. So I must believe it is June 14.

Unknown: Okay, good. You’ve been at this hospital for how long again?

Victoria: Six hours.

Unknown: Okay. So you couldn’t have possibly been in a coma right?

Victoria: No.

Unknown: Very well then.

Victoria: But, but what happened these past few hours? What about what happened in the past eight mont--

Unknown: Victoria, breathe~

Victoria then starts breathing deeply again.

Unknown: Junho, Wooyoung, didn’t you all have to go back to your schedules?

Junho: Yes, if you’ll excuse us we have to leave.

Unknown: Very well, take it easy. If you have any problems, call me understand?

Wooyoung: Araso.

Unknown: Nickhun, you leaving with them?

Nickhun: No, I must stay here with Victoria to make sure she’s okay.

Victoria: Nickhun, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Go and finish your schedule before your manager gets angry with you.

Nickhun: But I want to stay here with you.

Victoria: I’ll be fine as long as Luna and them are here with me. And since oppa here is helping me stay calm, I’m sure I’ll be fine. Go and take care of your schedule.

Nickhun: Victoria-sshi!

Victoria: I’ll be fine.

Nickhun: *sigh* fine, but once I finish, I’ll come right back here okay?

Victoria: That’s fine just finish your schedule before you get in trouble.

Nickhun: Ok. Bye.

Victoria: Bye.


Nickhun: Dang it! I was so close! If only hyung didn’t get in the way! *sigh* I’ll be back and she will be mine!


Victoria: Oppa, so what happened to me? How did I get here?

Unknown: Now now, let’s take this memory thing one step at a time. You're already exposed to a lot of stuff. Let’s let you get some rest and we’ll continue this tomorrow, maybe, alright?

Victoria: But--

Unknown: No buts, now rest.

Victoria: Araso…

Unknown: Luna don’t you ladies have a schedule today too?

Luna: Ahh! I almost forgot. I’ll call our manager to see if we can cancel our schedules today to help take care of Victoria-eomma.

Unknown: Okay that’s fine, but if you all have to leave then that’s fine as well. I have nothing else planned for today so I can be here all day if need be.

Victoria: How much does SM pay you to baby sit me like this?

Unknown: Haha~ Not enough, but I do it out of the kindness of my heart.

Victoria: Thank you! I know you probably have other things you could be doing, but you’re stuck here taking care of me whole heartedly. Thank you!

Unknown: Aww it’s no problem. It’s my pleasure!

Luna: Well our manager said he can cancel almost everything on our schedule but we have to perform at MBC tonight.

Unknown: Very well, so you can help me take care of Victoria until you have to leave right?

Sulli: Yep!

Unknown: So are you all hungry? We’ve been here for six hours after all.

Krystal: I’m so hungry!

Unknown: Luna when do you ladies have to go perform?

Luna: 8

Unknown: So I suppose you all could have something to eat before you perform right?

Luna: Yeah that sounds good.

Unknown: What do you all want? I’ll go get it. Just don’t choose anything that’s ridiculously far away please…Sulli..

Everyone then looks at Sulli.

Sulli: What?! I was craving sushi that one day and you offered to go get whatever we wanted!

Unknown: Haha~ alright alright, so what did you want? Victoria I’m assuming you want some samgyupsal?

Victoria: Yes please!

Krystal: I want some McDonalds!

Unknown: Really?

Krystal: Yeah I’m craving American food right now!

Unknown: Alrighty then what do you want from Micky D’s?

Krystal: Give me the Big Mac meal please!

Unknown: K~ Sulli, Amber, Luna?

Sulli: Appa-- Err I mean Oppa!

Victoria: Sulli why did you call him Appa?

Sulli: Haha~ Just slipped that’s all.

Victoria: Really now?

Sulli: Mhmm! Oppa! Can I get some McDonalds too?

Unknown: Haha whatever you want.

Sulli: Okay! I want what Krystal’s getting too!

Unknown: Very well. Amber? Luna?

Amber: I’ll just have what Sulli and Krystal are having.

Luna: I want some samgyupsal and kimchi!

Unknown: Haha! Luna you always order the most, but no worries, I will be back with all your food A.S.A.P.!

Luna: HEY!

The guy left immediately before Luna could scold him for teasing her. He returned twenty-five minutes later with their food. Everyone was so excited to see food except Victoria because she was fast asleep. The guy forgot that he told her to rest, but decided that it was a good thing he brought her food anyways so that he could keep it there for her to eat whenever she woke up. The girls were smiling brightly as they finally got to eat something. It was 6:45p.m. The girls had to leave to go do their performance at MBC. Despite the fact that they wanted to stay and watch over Victoria, they knew they had to go perform at MBC. They knew that Victoria was in good hands so they were able to leave with no worries. The only thing that worried them was what Nickhun said about coming back to the hospital later, but they had to dismiss these thoughts and focus on them getting themselves prepared for their performance. They did however debate about whether or not they should come back to the hospital or just go back to the dorm.


a/n: Hope you all are liking the story so far! There'll be some twists to the story in the next few chapters so hopefully it doesn't kill the story for you!! =D

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