The Race

A Heart Divided

Two weeks passed since Shadow left Victoria at her dorm. Shadow wanted to go enjoy himself for a little bit so he thought he’d call Gal.

Shadow: Gal? This is Shadow.

Gal: Hey~ What’s up?

Shadow: Know of any race meets happening tonight?

Gal: Why do you ask?

Shadow: Felt like racing that’s all.

Gal: Ha~ Alright, well there’s some racers meeting over by the old warehouse.

Shadow: You mean the one you led me to?

Gal: That’s the one.

Shadow: You going?

Gal: Why do you ask?

Shadow: Just curious.

Gal: *chuckles* I’ll be there only if you’re there.

Shadow: Guess I’ll see you there later then. What time are they meeting?

Gal: 9p.m.

Shadow: Alright thanks!

Gal: Catch you later!

Shadow: You can try!

Gal: We’ll see about that.

Shadow went to his garage to tune up his car to make sure it was in top racing shape. It was 3:30p.m. so he still has a few hours to kill before the race meet. He checked his engine to make sure there weren’t any leaks or cracks that would cause the engine to blow up or something. Then he realized he wasn’t going to race with his DB9 and turned to his Skyline to inspect it instead. He took out his subwoofers and amps to reduce some weight from the car. He didn’t know what would happen when he raced, so he set up his roll cage. He checked his tires to make sure they weren’t flat, his oil, and other fluids. He hooked up some nitrous bottles to give him an edge against any racer or cop if need be. There was about two hours left before people would start showing up at the race meet. He checked his gas and figured he should fill up the other half of the tank. He cleaned up his hands, changed his clothes and took off to the nearest gas station to fuel up. He lived about an hour and a half away from the Old Warehouse, so he decided to just race there. He hopped onto the highway and floored it while cautiously keeping a look-out for any cops that could be waiting for an unsuspecting speedster. Thankfully there were none because the speed limit was 65mph but he was going about 178mph, so he wouldn’t have been able to stop in time anyways. He arrived sooner than he expected and was just about to turn around and come back later until he noticed a familiar looking car. A white Porsche parked on the opposite side of the field staring at him. Shadow figured it was Gal so he drove up to her.

Gal: Aren’t you a bit early?

Shadow: Isn’t that what I should be saying to you?

Gal: Haha~ Maybe?

Shadow: What are you doing here so early? There’s still thirty minutes before anyone starts showing up at the warehouse.

Gal: That’s what you think. The warehouse is already filled with people.

Shadow: So what’re you doing out here then? You weren’t waiting for me, were you?

Gal: Haha~ Don’t flatter yourself. People showed up early so I figured I’d wait out here to let you know that we don’t meet out here in the open, but inside the warehouse. New comers aren’t particularly welcomed with open arms.

Shadow: So you’re my ticket in.

Gal: It would appear that way.

Shadow: So what’re we waiting for?

Gal: Are you that anxious to lose your car?

Shadow: Haha~ I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Gal: Confidence? Or just plain Stupidity?

Shadow: Well you raced me didn’t you? Who won?

Gal: Well the top racers here aren’t a joke.

Shadow: So then are you saying you’re a joke?

Gal: ….I’m leaving.

Shadow: Look sorry, that was rude.

Gal: You think?

Shadow: Just a bit anxious that’s all.

Gal: Hehe~ It’s alright. I set myself up for that one. Let’s go inside.

They each got back into their cars with Gal taking the lead. She lets the door man know that Shadow’s with her and he lets Shadow in. He didn’t expect a lot of people, but once he got in, he saw many beautiful girls dancing wherever..and most of all, the beautiful cars. It was like stepping into car heaven. There were makes and models from all era’s. The two parked next to each other in an open space. Shadow was completely blown away by how many racers there were.

Gal: You look a bit surprised.

Shadow: That’s because I am.

Random Guy: Pshh~ People still riding them tuners. We all know tuners are weak. You gotta roll in that muscle!

Shadow: Afraid muscle can’t keep up with my precision.

Random Guy: Tch, those are racing words over here. You ready to do this?

Shadow: Any day, but don’t be disappointed when you’re left in my dust.

Random Guy: You talk big, you willing to put up your pink slip?

Shadow: Gladly, are you?

Random Guy: Tch~ I won’t need to, but to be fair, I will.

Shadow: What’re you driving?

Random Guy: Dodge Charger.

Shadow: Ready to race now?

Random Guy: I’ll meet you at the starting line and be waiting for you at the finish line.

Shadow: Let’s hope so for your sake.

Gal: Let's hope you race as good as you talk.

Shadow: Why?

Gal: That was Yumin. He’s one of the top drivers here. A real punk, but he knows how to drive.

Shadow: An arrogant driver will always think he’s winning which will cause him to be blind.

Shadow then proceeds to the starting line where Yumin was waiting.

Yumin: You ready to get smoked?

Shadow: It looks like your car is already smoking from just trying to get here.

Yumin: Yeah yeah, just you wait.

Announcer: You two ready?

Yumin then revs his engine to show that he’s ready. Shadow then follows suit.

Announcer: This is a street race remember. If the cops get you, you’re on your own. The only rule is there are no rules. Race hard and try not to kill each other. You’ll drive around Grand Central and come back. Alright. Ready! Get set….GO!!

The two peel out of the warehouse accelerating at speeds so fast that they had to slow down once they got onto the dirt. Shadow had a feeling this guy was good, so he gave him the respect that he deserved as a racer. However Shadow didn’t at the least back down. Once they hit the street, Yumin turned left and floored it. Shadow followed closely behind to see what kind of driver Yumin was. Yumin was sure he had this race in the bag so he started to toy with Shadow. Shadow figured Yumin would try to do this so he played this little game with Yumin for a while. Shadow tried to appear as an amateur racer to fool Yumin. They were nearing the last two miles and Shadow had gained enough intel on how Yumin drives so he decided to kick it into gear. Shadow downshifted and slammed on his gas pulling him right next to Yumin. Yumin was surprised to see Shadow next to him. Shadow then looked Yumin straight in the eyes and flashed a peace sign, changed gears and then shot forward. Yumin was baffled and frustrated that some amateur driver was going to beat him so he changed gears as well and tried to catch up. Shadow saw a change in Yumin’s driving. He noticed that Yumin was driving seriously but unfortunately for him, he was too late. Yumin used his nitrous-oxide to try and catch up but Shadow just blocked him off. Yumin tried to get around him but before he could, Shadow used his nitrous and disappeared. Yumin started freaking out that he lost to some nobody. Shadow passed through the finish line, did a 180 degree turn and waited for Yumin to drive into the warehouse. Shadow stepped out of the car to take in the praise of those who were watching the race. Seconds later, Yumin pulled in.

Shadow: So what was all that talk about you waiting for me at the finish line?

Yumin: You cheated!

Shadow: Cheated?

Yumin: You’re using illegal mods!

Shadow: Last I checked, there were no rules. So I guess I’ll be driving home in a new Charger. Thanks for your donation.

Yumin: Dang it!

Gal: Shadow you’re better than I expected. To have made Yumin look like some second rate racer, you must be extremely good.

Yumin: Double or nothing!

Shadow: What?

Yumin: Double or nothing! You win again, I’ll give you my Ford GT.

Shadow: And if I refuse?

Yumin: Then you’ll just lose face in front of everyone here.

Shadow: I doubt I’ll lose as much face as you did just now, but sure I accept your challenge. However, where’s your Ford GT?

Yumin: Right there. I’ll be racing you in that instead.

Shadow: Alright bring it.

They raced again only to find out that the results would still be the same. Shadow beat him again except that he was waiting at the finish line a few seconds longer.

Yumin: Dang it! How can this be?!

Shadow: Thank you kindly for the two cars. They will make a nice edition to my collection of cars.

Yumin: *sigh* Here are your pink slips and keys.

Shadow: Thanks for the race.

Yumin: Yeah whatever~

Gal: You beat him even when he started driving with his actual car. I’m impressed.

Shadow: Thanks, so do I get to race you for your Porsche?

Gal: You would rob a girl of her car?

Shadow: Only so I can drive her home.

Gal: Thanks, but I still need my car.

Shadow: Alright, how about just a regular race. How does 2k sound?

Gal: Nah, how about a nice fancy dinner instead? You win I give you 2k, I win, you take me to a nice fancy dinner.

Shadow: Alright you’re on!

The two proceeded to the start line.

Announcer: You racing again homeboy? You must have something to prove, but if that’s your thang, then all power to you. You both ready? Ready, Get set….GO!!

The two blasted off, both trying to gain their spot in front of the other. They made it about half way through the race course when Shadow got a phone call.

Shadow: The heck? Who’s calling me at this hour?

Shadow looked at his phone to see that Sulli was calling him.

Shadow: Hrmm~ What does Sulli want?

He then picks up his phone to see what Sulli needed at this time.

Shadow: Yes?

Sulli: Oppa!

Shadow: What is it? Is it important because I’m kinda doing something at the moment!

Sulli: It’s Victoria eomma! She fell and lost consciousness! I didn’t know who else to call. Luna and them called the manager, but we can’t get a hold of them right now.

Shadow: Alright alright, calm down. I’ll be there in a little bit.

Sulli: Okay hurry!

*end of phone call*

Shadow: Dang it! I got two cars waiting for me, how am I supposed to get them tonight and take care of Victoria?

Shadow then turns into the highway and starts driving towards F(x)’s dorm.

*calls Gal*

Gal: Why’re you calling me? We’re in a middle of a race!

Shadow: Sorry Gal, but I’m afraid I have to go take care of some business. I’ll treat you to a nice fancy dinner next time. Watch over my cars for me for the time being. I’ll be back to pick them up in a bit.

Gal: *sigh* alright, I would’ve won too you know!

Shadow: Haha~ Yeah, we all believe that. Thanks Gal!

Gal: Sure thing. See you later.

*end of call*

Shadow arrives at the F(x) dorm five minutes later after leaving the race. He then runs up the stairs as quickly as he possibly could and starts knocking on the door. Sulli opens the door crying.

Sulli: Oppa~ Hurry she’s inside we don’t know what to do!

Shadow: It’s okay. I’m here.

Shadow proceeds into the dorm to see Victoria lying on the floor. He places his hand on her head to check to see if she has a fever. He checks her heart rate to see if her heart rate was abnormal. He checked to see if she was still breathing. Everything was fine, he couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. He didn’t know what to do, so he was going to pound on her heart and perform CPR until she woke up.

Victoria: Hitting me won’t be necessary!

Shadow: What?!

Victoria: I’m fine! We said all that to get you here asap and from the looks of it our plan worked!

Shadow: *Sigh* Sulli~…

Sulli: Y-yes?

Shadow: Why did you all lie to me just to get me to come here? All you had to do was call me. Why did you have to lie to me?

Sulli: Uh…uhh?

Victoria: It was all my idea. Don’t take it out on Sulli.

Shadow: I’m not taking it out on Sulli. I was just asking her. Look if you don’t have anything for me then I’m going to leave.

Victoria: What’s the rush?

Shadow: I was racing when Sulli called me. I pulled out of the race half way through to come check on you because I was worried.

Victoria: Ohh~ So then you lost huh?

Shadow: Yeah I did.

Victoria: Sorry~

Shadow: Luckily it was a friend I was racing. All I owe her is dinner.

Sulli: Her?

Shadow: Yep.

Luna: Where are you taking “her” to dinner?

Shadow: The wager was if I won, she would give me two thousand dollars. If she won, however, then I would treat her to a nice fancy dinner.

Krystal: What?! You didn’t agree right?

Shadow: I did and I lost because I got tricked into coming here.

F(x): Mianhae!

Victoria: There was a reason why we called you here though.

Shadow: What is it? My patience is very low at the moment.

Victoria: Two weeks ago Sulli saw you jump off the stairway railing.

Shadow: Sulli saw what?

Sulli: Oppa~ I saw you jump over the railing. I thought you were hurt, but you just walked to your car perfectly fine.

Shadow: *sigh* I just tossed my jacket over the railing that’s all.

Sulli: But that doesn’t explain how you got to the bottom so quickly. When I thought I saw you jump over, I ran to the ledge to see if you were okay. There’s no way you could’ve ran down four flight of stairs before I ran to the ledge. Or could you?

Shadow: *sigh* I guess, there’s no way else to put this. I’m actually a hologram.

F(x): WHAT?!

Shadow: The real me is at home right now.

Luna: So then how’d you drive here?

Krystal: Not only that but how come I can touch your arm?

Shadow: Ow! Why’re you pinching me?

Krystal: So then you aren’t a hologram!

Shadow: You just now figured that out….Look I want to tell you all the truth, but for your own safety I can’t.

Amber: And why not?

Shadow: Once you ladies know the truth, you’ll all be in danger. All you need to know is that I’m not who I appear to be.

Victoria: Are you involved with gangs?! You are aren’t you?! That’s why you like racing so much!

Shadow: No, not like that! I didn’t mean it that way!

Sulli: Then what did you mean.

Shadow: *sigh* I can’t tell you. I won’t let you all get hurt because of me.

Sulli: Well I watched you jump over the ledge over there so I deserve some kind of explanation at least!

Shadow: Sulli I-- *sigh* I just can’t.

Sulli: If you won’t tell us then please don’t come back to us!

Victoria&Luna: Sulli!

Shadow: Very well then. I’m sorry to have disturbed you.

Sulli: Huh? What? That’s it? You’re just going to leave?

Shadow: Yeah~ Is that a problem?

Sulli: Yes it is! Because I want to know so that maybe we can help you with whatever problems you might be having. Every time I look at you, I always notice how tired you look.

Shadow: Sulli, I just can’t let you bear that kind of responsibility.

Victoria: Well what about if we all shouldered this burden together.

Shadow: MmMmm, no I can’t allow that. Sorry. Remember what I said before about how I preferred to bear all the pain by myself so no one would have to feel pain? Well I was serious about that. I’m sorry, but I should leave now.

Just then something shatters into the window. A black smog starts to rise in the middle of the room.

Amber: Whoa~

Luna: What is that?!

Krystal&Sulli: Ahh!

Victoria: Omo!

Shadow: Why did this thing have to come here. *sigh*

Shadow starts doing hand signs and then throws his palms up facing the mist. The mist then forms into a monster with great fangs. The monster is deformed with one long arm and one short arm. It’s body is slim, it has no legs, but it was at least six feet tall. It’s body is connected to a small dark circle connected to the ground. It is wearing a cage as a mask/helmet. It notices Shadow and runs to strike at him only to have his fist stopped by some sort of force field. A blue circle starts to form around the monsters fist where it impacted against the force field. Then behind the monsters head, there formed another blue circle. The monsters hand flew through the force field into some what of a different dimension but was really exiting through the blue circle behind it’s own head. The monsters hand emerged through the second blue circle which caused it to punch itself in the back of the head. It reeled it’s head back in pain and confusion. It looked back to see Luna and Krystal cowering in the corner. It then screamed a loud deafening cry while raising it’s arms up.

Shadow: Shh~ Don’t you know what time it is!

The monster starts charging at Luna and Krystal. Shadow starts doing another set of hand signs and runs right past the monster and jumps above Luna and Krystal, hitting the wall. He uses his legs to push off the wall and torpedo’s back at the monster while swinging his arm at the monsters neck. Just before Shadow’s arm connects with the monsters neck, a white glow forms around his arm allowing him to cut through the monsters neck, killing it. The monster then starts turning into smoke and vanishes into thin air.

Luna: O-oppa what was that?!

Shadow: That is what I call the Dark Mist. At least that was a weaker version of a true Dark Mist.

Amber: You mean there are more of those things?

Shadow: Unfortunately yes.

Sulli: And you fight these things all the time?!

Shadow: Thankfully no. You don’t want to see what I actually fight.

Krystal: We’ll take your word for it.

Shadow: Now you see why I didn’t want you all to know and get involved. What I do is dangerous and isn’t something someone should have to go through. Or have to worry themselves about.

Victoria: Then why do you have to worry about it? Why do you have to go through it?

Shadow: I suppose I can tell you all everything since I can’t really hide anything else anymore. I was chosen to protect this world from these demonic beasts. There are many other beasts out there. This is just one of them. The beast that I normally fight are called Volkanosaurus. These things stand at least 25 feet in height. Well at least the fully grown and fully powered ones do. The weaker ones only stand as tall as 10 feet, but just because they’re shorter doesn’t mean they’re completely helpless. They’re smaller, but put up a greater fight and are a lot more fierce.

Sulli: Do you not have any weapons you use to defend yourself with?

Shadow: I do, but I didn’t have time to bring them with me. Didn’t think they would attack here since you all didn’t know about my secret. I wonder what triggered their appearance.

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