The Last Fight

A Heart Divided

A/N: This is the last chapter. I hope you liked this story haha! If you did let me know. I started writing a sequel to this, but was debating whether to post it up or not. If you want to read the sequel comment and let me know..otherwise it'll stay offline! Thank you to my subscribers. You motivated me to keep posting up new chapters and sorry for the late updates! Enjoy!


Once Shadow had finished wiping out all of the monsters on his yard, he fell to his knees and screamed. He had just gotten back the love of his life, only to have her taken away in a heartbeat. He could feel the anger in his heart building up. He could picture himself slaughtering countless Dark Mists and Volkanosaurus. He tried holding in his tears, but he wasn't quite able too.

Luna: Appa~ A-are you okay?

Shadow: *sob sob*

Sulli: Did those things take Victoria-eomma?

Shadow then wipes his tears and tries to straighten himself back up.

Shadow: Y-yes, those darn monsters stole Victoria!

Amber: Where did they take her?

Shadow: I'm not sure, but they're going to regret touching Victoria!

Luna: Appa, are you okay?!

Shadow: I-I'm not sure...*sigh* You ladies are no longer safe.

Krystal: Wait!

LuSuBer: What?

Krystal: Didn't one of these things attack us before at our dorm?

Luna: that I think about it, I do remember that. Why didn't I remember that before?

Everyone then turns at stares at Shadow.

Shadow: *sigh* I wiped your memory on these monsters...

F(x): WHAT?!

Shadow: I'm sorry...

Luna: So then you must have been the one to wipe Victoria's memory then!

Sulli: It can't be! Could it?

Amber: It has to be! He wiped our memories! What makes you think he couldn't wipe Victoria's memories?

Krystal: This is crazy!

Shadow: I didn't wipe out Victoria's memory...

Luna: How can we believe you?

Shadow: Because I can't wipe out that much memory. I'm only capable of making someone forget whatever happened during the present to five minutes before. The attack on the dorm lasted less than five minutes.

Sulli: What?

Amber: How can we believe you anymore? You've kept all these secrets from us when we trusted you the most.

Shadow: *sigh* It was for your own protection. If you don't know anything about these monsters, then they aren't able to touch you and they won't show themselves to you.

Amber: That doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't they want to be seen?

Shadow: No, because if they were seen by many, they wouldn't be able to see everyone and watch their back. So someone could be nested up on a sniper perch and take a shot at the Dark Mist which is bad for them. If the person they're attacking doesn't know anything about them, then they can't harm that person, but that person can still harm them. It's a dangerous world for them, thats why they have a leader. I just can't seem to find this punk.

Krystal: So then, you're saying we can't get hurt by them?

Shadow: Not anymore...

Krystal: What?

Shadow: You now know about them. They will hunt you down.

Luna: Wait so then how were they able to touch Victoria? She doesn't know anything about them! Unless-- You told her about them didn't you?

Shadow: I didn't want too, but before I proposed to her, I told her what I really do.

Sulli: But we were there when you proposed to her! We didn't notice you telling her anything like that!

Shadow: That's because I told her a week before since I was going to propose to her that week, but I wanted to let her know what I do, so that she knew what she was getting herself into.

Luna: And she still agreed to marry you?

Shadow: I was just as surprised as the rest of you. She loves me despite the danger I'm able to put each of us in.

Krystal: Is this why you didn't want us to try and remind her of you?

Shadow: Yeah~

Sulli: Appa!

Shadow: Yes?

Sulli: So what really happened on the day of Victoria's car accident?

Shadow: *sigh* A Dark Mist got to her.

Amber: And you didn't do anything?

Shadow: I was trying to get to her...There were too many cars in the way. My watch beeps when a monster is nearby, and it was going off like crazy, so I knew there was one nearby. That was when I saw it run past me and saw it hit a car. I didn't know why it was attacking a random person, until Victoria's car peaked out and then I knew what was happening. Those monsters were trying to hunt her down. I couldn't shoot at it...

Luna: Why not?!

Shadow: Too many civilians. If I shot and missed, well lets just say there would have been more than one person being admitted into the hospital that day. I couldn't take that risk, so I had to try and manuever around everyone and get to her, but I was too late.

Luna: So what're you going to do then?

Shadow: Assign you four protection and go after these beasts myself.

Nickhun: What the heck was all that?

Shadow: WHAT?

Nickhun: What were those things?

Shadow: How'd you find my house?

Nickhun: Those things took Victoria...w-we have to get her back don't we?!

Luna: Nickhun! Did you follow us?

Nickhun: I was dropping by the dorm to visit Victoria, but you four left in a hurry, so I decided to follow you all to see where you were all in a rush too. Then all of this happened. What the heck are those things.

Shadow: Did you not hear me explain everything?

Nickhun: Yeah, but~

Shadow: Then you're in danger too...Dang it! My job is getting harder and harder! *sigh*

Shadow then flips out his phone and calls someone.

Amber: Who the heck are you calling?

Shadow: My "employer."

Shadow: Hello?

Employer: What is it?

Shadow: They got her?

Employer: They got who?

Shadow: Victoria.

Employer: *sigh* What do you need?

Shadow: The rest of F(x) was here and witnessed everything. I need someone to protect them as well as Nickhun.

Employer: Okay, was there anyone in particular you wanted to watch over them?

Shadow: Yeah, patch me to the Angels, I'll ask them personally, but if they can't help, then I'll need you to assign someone to watch over them.

Employer: Very well. Is that all?

Shadow: Give me all your intel on these things. Nests, possible places of gathering, anything!

Employer: Alright~ I've sent all the info to your tab. I also sent you a list of suspects of who might be the Demon Master.

Shadow: Thanks, that'll be all.

Employer: Very well, patching you through to the Angels.

Nana: Hello?

Shadow: Nana?

Nana: Yes?

Shadow: Is Raina there too?

Raina: Raina here! What's up?

Shadow: I have a favor to ask of you two.

Raina: Well there's actually three of us again.

Shadow: Three?

Angel 3: Hi my name is Lizzy!

Shadow: Hi Lizzy.

Nana: So what was this favor you were wanting to ask of us?

Shadow: I know you don't owe me anything, but I was wondering if you could watch over the F(x) girls and Nickhun?

Raina: Why? What happened?

Shadow: The monsters took Victoria. They stormed my house in force. It was as if they knew Victoria was going to be here. The F(x) girls were here and saw everything and know everything as well as Nickhun. They will soon be hunted down like Victoria four months ago.

Raina: Hrmm...

Shadow: If you can't help me then I understand. I just couldn't trust anyone else to watch over them than you girls.

Nana: Raina...

Raina: *sigh* Yeah, we'll watch over them. It's what Kahi would have done.

Shadow: Thank you so much! Is there anywhere in particular you want them to meet you or?

Just then the Angels showed up at Shadow's place.

Shadow: Or you can just do that.

Raina: They can just stay here at your place if that's fine with you. It's well fortified and you have all the weapons and ammunition we would need to defend off a wave of monsters.

Shadow: That'll be fine. Thanks again!

Sulli: Appa who are these ladies?

Shadow: Sulli, Luna, Amber, Krystal, and Nickhun. These ladies are known as the Angels. This is Nana, Raina, and Lizzy is it?

Lizzy: Yes sir! It's an honor to meet you by the way!

Raina: Lizzy! Shh~

Lizzy: *whispers* Sorry!

Shadow: Thank you. Well anyways, these ladies will protect you five for the time being.

Nickhun: What? I don't need protection! I can take care of myself! I don't need a girl to protect me. I need to go find Victoria!

Shadow: *sigh* I know how you feel, but you will only get yourself killed. I'll go alone.

Nickhun: I'm a man! You can't tell me what to do!

Shadow: Thats what you think. I already told you what to do, but I'll make you a deal.

Nickhun: And what's that?

Shadow: If you can beat Lizzy in a fight, then I won't hold you back and I'll let you go off and find Victoria.

Nickhun: Tch~ You've got to be kidding me!

Shadow: Not really...

Nickhun: I can't hit a girl!

Shadow: Then have fun getting your knocked to the ground. Lizzy!

Lizzy: Yes!

Shadow: Have fun~ Just don't over do it please!

Lizzy: Okay! Wait! How'd you know I knew how to fight?

Shadow: Because "they've" been talking to me about having a partner to fight these monsters, and well you were one of candidates that were listed as a possible recruit.

Lizzy: Really?

Shadow: If you're as good as what I read about you, then this should be easy.

Lizzy: Yes sir!

Shadow: Please, just call me Shadow~

Lizzy: Oh, Okay thank you! You there! Nickhun! Ready to fight?

Nickhun: Looks like I've got no choice! Don't cry if I hurt you!

Nickhun then runs at Lizzy and punches her square in the face. Lizzy then reels her head backwards and falls to her knees. Everyone was astonished except for Shadow. Lizzy then holds her face where she I got hit and starts crying.

Nickhun: Didn't I tell you not to cry? Well can I go now?

Shadow: Not quite.

Nickhun: What?

Lizzy: Come on! That was barely a punch!

Nickhun: What! Weren't you crying?!

Shadow: I'd watch yourself now Nickhun. Good job Lizzy! I'm impressed that you took the hit like that just to measure how strong his hits were.

Lizzy: You knew what I was doing?

Shadow: Yeah...

Lizzy: Now I see why everyone talks so highly of you! Okay...Nickhun! Time to get serious!

Nickhun then readies himself and goes in for another punch, but instead of taking the hit again, Lizzy dodges it and comes back at Nickhun with an uppercut causing Nickhun to fly backwards. Nickhun didn't see the punch coming and was completely surprised at how powerful Lizzy was despite her small frame.

Nickhun: *cough cough* The heck!

"I didn't hurt you too bad now did I? Lizzy said teasingly.

Nickhun: Pshh~ Of course not! You just caught me off guard that's all!

Nickhun then wipes some blood off of the corner of his mouth and stands back up and starts to run at Lizzy again. Nickhun fakes a right hook and does a round house kick. Lizzy wasn't expecting the round house kick, but quickly evades the kick before it connected with her head. Before Nickhun could recover from his attack, Lizzy quickly runs at Nickhun and hits him from behind while his back was still turned. Nickhun was completely taken by surprised and flew forward. Nickhun was about to get up again and repeat his process of fighting Lizzy, but Shadow stopped the fight.

Shadow: That's enough~

Nickhun: What! No! I can do this! I'm just exhausting her thats all!

Shadow: If you go anymore rounds with Lizzy, you won't be able to stand up anymore. You're lucky she's holding back and not hitting you with all of her might. If she did you wouldn't have been able to stand after the first hit.

Nickhun: What?!

Shadow then picks up a big brick off the ground.

Shadow: Lizzy!

Lizzy: Yes?!

Shadow: Think fast!

But before Lizzy could protest, Shadow threw the brick at Lizzy causing her fighting instincts to naturally react. She punched the brick, shattering it into a million pieces. Nickhun was shocked at the sheer power of this small framed girl. Nickhun looked at Lizzy's fist to see if there was any blood on it, but was surprised to see that there was barely a scratch on her hand.

Shadow: You see my point now Nickhun?

Nickhun just hung his head down in defeat, knowing that he had just lost to a girl.

Lizzy: Sorry~ I didn't mean to hurt you, but I was afraid if I didn't, Shadow would've gotten upset.

Lizzy then followed the rest of the Angels inside. Nickhun was left outside by himself to think about what he was going to do. Shadow and the girls gathered around his table to discuss what was going to happen. Shadow his tab and looked at the information that he was sent. He looked at the possible suspects of who might be the Demon Master. The first suspect he saw was a man, age 36, 178lbs, and 5'10". His name was Maru Chan. The second suspect was another man, age 29, 156lbs, 5'7". His name was Pire Lambda. Then Shadow saw the third suspect and was completely baffled. The third suspect was Gal Gadot.

Shadow: Whoa~

Raina: What is it?

Shadow: This can't be right? I know her!

Nana: Who is that?

Shadow: A friend I made. I raced her, and was supposed to take her on a fancy date. This can't be right! If she was the Demon Master, I would've known. My watch-- My watch...I..I never wore my watch when I was around her. She couldn't be the Demon Master! She watched over my cars for me! This can't be possible can it?!

Lizzy: Well this is just a list of suspects. It could be completely wrong.

Shadow: It could, but this can't be a mere coincidence now can it?

Luna: You know that girl?

Shadow: Yeah, me and Victoria met her when I drove her home from the hospital. Gal tried to cut us off illegally, so I cut her off by not letting her back onto the road. We became friends after that though.

Shadow then grabbed his phone and called his employer again.

Employer: Yes?

Shadow: Is it possible for you to find a person?

Employer: We do the impossible remember. Who is the person you want to track besides Victoria?

Shadow: Can you track Victoria or is it "impossible?"

Employer: Oh shut it! You know it is impossible to track any humans once they've gone through a Dark Mist's wormhole.

Shadow: *sigh* You could at least try to give a man some hope. Well anyways, I want you to track a number. It's 406-261-9842.

Employer: Alright, well it appears that this cellphone is still in Seoul-- You're not going to believe this.

Shadow: What?

Employer: This number is at one of the Dark Mist hotspots, but that's not just it. This nest is huge. Probably one of the biggest one. Could this be our Demon Master? Wait! First did you get that number to track anyways?

Shadow: It's a friend I met a while back.

Employer: You're telling me you became friends with the Demon Master?

Shadow: It's not like I knew that this person was the DM! The DM is possibly Gal Gadot. The only girl in your list of suspects. *sigh*

Employer: What do you plan on doing?

Shadow: Tch~ What do you think I'm going to do?

Employer: Sit there and whine?

Shadow: Ha, ha, ha~ I'm going to go get my girl thats what I'm going to do! But first, I need the coordinates on that phone trace.

Employer: Sending it to your tab right now. Good luck!

Shadow: Thanks~

Shadow then looks at his tab and becomes even more baffled once he see's where the place is. It was the warehouse. Shadow nearly keeled over.

Shadow: It was here all along. The DM's hide out was right under my nose all along and I didn't even notice it. I got into the building and didn't even notice any monsters or anything out of the ordinary. How could I have been so blind?

Sulli: Appa don't be upset.

Shadow: Huh?

Sulli: You were upset that week remember? Eomma made you upset since she wanted to do everything by herself.

Shadow: *sigh* I have to go.

Nana: Oppa~ Are you going by yourself?

Shadow: I have too...

Nana: One of us can go with you!

Shadow: I don't think so--

Nana: Look Raina and Lizzy can hold the fort. You'll need some help taking down those monsters. You're heading into an infested place. Who knows how many Volkanosaurus' are hidden underground. I should go with you!

Shadow: But--

Raina: Shadow, it's okay. Me and Lizzy can take anything DM throws at us. Plus, you'll be at their headquarters, so more than likely you'll have their attention and most of their forces will be there instead of here.

Nickhun: I'm going too!

Shadow: *sigh*

Luna: Oppa, I don't think that's a good idea--

Nickhun: I don't care! When you love someone, you go out of your way to help them!

Luna: But--

Shadow: Fine. You can come with me. Nana since Nickhun is coming with me, you stay here and help hold down the fort.

Nana: Nope! I'm still going with you!

Shadow: Why?

Nana: Just because you're bringing Nickhun along, doesn't mean you can toss me off to the side.

Shadow: Please~

Nana: Look, I'll be okay! I know you'll have my back. No worries!

Shadow: Alright. You win. Raina, if there's any problem you let us know asap.

Raina: Got it!

Sulli: So does anyone want to tell us how you three showed up out of no where?

Everyone: ....

Sulli: What?!

Raina: We'll explain everything to you in a bit if that's fine with Shadow.

Shadow: That's fine. They've been exposed to a lot already. Knowing more won't put them in anymore danger than they already are. Nickhun, do you know how to shoot a gun?

Nickhun: A little bit.

Shadow: Well here's a handgun and some ammo.

Shadow handed Nickhun a Desert Eagle and a belt that was holding a lot of ammo.

Shadow: Use your ammo sparingly, but don't be afraid to let loose and if need be, stay behind me or Nana. You won't survive a hit from any of those monsters, so always try to keep your distance from them. Also, always aim for the head. It will kill them quickly.

Nickhun: Got it.

Shadow: How good are you at driving?

Nickhun: I'm decent.

Shadow: You think you can drive at a very high speed?

Nickhun: I don't see why not.

Shadow: Well here are they keys to my Ford GT. You can drive a manual trans right?

Nickhun: Yeah.

Shadow: Alright. Stay on my tail and do not, for whatever reason stop for anyone or anything except for me, Nana, or Victoria. Got it?

Nickhun: What about the cops?

Shadow: What did I just say?

Nickhun: Got it, no stopping.

Shadow: Nana, you'll ride with Nickhun.

Nana: Got it!

Shadow: You all ready to go? Got all the equipment you'll need?

NaNick: Yep!

Shadow: Let's move out! Luna, Sulli, Amber, Krystal...stay safe, and listen to these girls. They'll keep you safe.

F(x): Okay...

Shadow starts to walk towards the garage until he's stopped by Sulli.

Sulli: Appa~

Shadow: Yeah?

Sulli: Be careful, and bring eomma back home!

Shadow: Will do Sulli, will do.

With that Shadow, grabs the keys to his Nissan Skyline and heads to the garage. He hands a walkie-talkie to Nana so that they can stay in radio contact. Shadow then drives out of his driveway with Nickhun following closely. They hit the highway and Shadow then floors it with Nickhun trying to keep up. Shadow was going at about 150mph and didn't see the cop that he had just passed. The cop then starts to chase after Shadow until he notices the Ford GT following closely behind Shadow. The cop blares his sirens to let the two racers know to stop, but Shadow and Nickhun do not stop. The cop notices that neither person wants to stop so he calls in for backup. The cop then decides to start ramming into Nickhun causing him to freak out.

Nana: Shadow! The cop is ramming into us!

Shadow: *sigh* Alright, you should be fine, I re-modified these cars so that they can take a bunch of hits. I'll slow down, just drive around me and keep going straight! I'll catch up!

Nana: Okay!

Shadow: Stay right up on my tail until I tell you to jump to my right and pass me got it!

Nana: Got it!

Nickhun then gets in closer to Shadow's car with only about 1ft of air separating the two cars from touching each other.

Shadow: 3...2..1.NOW!!

Nickhun then jerks the car to the right and blasts forward while Shadow slams on his brakes causing the cop behind Nickhun to slam right into Shadow's car. The cops car was totaled and couldn't do anything, but the cop himself was still fine. Shadow's car however barely had a dent in the thing. Shadow then slammed on the gas and caught up too Nickhun.

Shadow: Alright, the cop is taken care of. I'll take point again.

Nana: Alright.

Shadow: Be on your guard, because I don't think the cops are going to try and negotiate with us anymore. They'll more than likely try to just hit us which is exactly what I want.

Nana: What?!

Shadow: We need an army to stop these monsters. If they're mad at us enough, they'll chase us right into the Demons den.

Nana: Won't the cops be slaughtered?

Shadow: Why would they? They have no knowledge of these monsters. They can't be harmed, but since we'll be fighting these things, the monsters won't be able to keep themselves camoflauged.

Nana: Ohh, okay got it!

Shadow: Heads up! They've sent in S.W.A.T. trucks in! Nickhun stay on my tail and we'll get there no problem!

They drove for another twenty minutes trying to dodge traffic, but that wasn't much of a problem since all they had to do was stay in the passing lane since everyone else was moving over.

Shadow: Nana we're exiting here!

Nana: Okay!

Shadow: Be careful! These S.W.A.T. trucks might try to knock you off the ramp!

Nana: Got it!

There were about six S.W.A.T. trucks, ten interceptors and eight patrol cars chasing Shadow, Nickhun and Nana.

Nana: It looks like you got your wish Shadow.

Shadow: What's that?

Nana: You got your army.

Shadow: Haha~ Let's just hope this works!

They then ride down the ramp as quickly as they can. Shadow not easing up much on his speed while Nickhun is slamming on his brakes. They make a few turns and eventually make it to the warehouse. Shadow stops only a few feet away from the warehouse, with Nickhun right behind him. The cops arrive seconds later and see the trio step out.

Nickhun: Well this is going to ruin my image.

Shadow: It'll be fixed the moment the world knows that you're saving the world.

Nickhun: You really think they'll belive that I'm trying to kill monsters that are trying to take over the world?

Shadow: Not sure, but all I know is you won't be going to jail or prison thats for sure.

Nickhun: Really?

Shadow: Yeah. Let's grab our gear and go.

The cops quickly form a perimeter around the trio.

Cop: Stop where you are and put your hands behind you head. We have you surrounded!

The cops were about to start moving in until they noticed Shadow's sword and guns.


Shadow: Got your stuff?

NaNick: Got it!

Shadow: Let's move out!

Nickhun: What about the cops?

Shadow: What about them?

Nickhun: What if they start shooting at us?

Shadow: Let me worry about that. Just stay in front of me and we'll be fine.


Despite the cops protests, the three just keep walking towards the warehouse until one cop fires a shot at Shadow.


Shadow: Yes?

Nana: What?

Nana then notices that Shadow has his hand sticking out behind him and a bullet floating in mid-air.

Nana: How are you doing that?

Shadow: I'm not levitating it if thats what you're thinking. It's just my force field technique.

Nana: Ohh, okay makes sense now.

Shadow: Keep moving!

The cops were completely baffled as to why the bullet stopped in mid-air. Things were quiet for a second until they felt a rumbling underneath their feet.

Shadow: Uh oh.

Nana: Volkanosaurus?

Shadow: You got it.

Nickhun: What's a Volkanosaurus?

Shadow: You don't need to know. The less you know the better unless you want them to be able to kill you.

Nickhun: Got it.

Seconds later a Volkanosaurus rises out of the ground. The cops however don't see the Volkanosaurus. All they see is a gapping hole in the middle of the ground being created. Shadow knows that the cops can't see the Volkanosaurus so Shadow starts shooting at the Volkanosaurus to force it to make it's appearance. After the third shot, the Volkanosaurus roars in anger and reveals itself causing the cops to cower in fear. Many of the cops start to open fire on the Volkanosaurus causing the Volkanosaurus to turn it's attention towards them.

Shadow: Here's our distraction. Ladies first.

The Volkanosaurus tries stepping on the cops, only to find out that his feet only goes through the cops. The cops notice this and start to open fire on the Volkanosaurus, causing the Volkanosaurus to cower away. The Volkanosaurus starts to call for the help of the other Volkanosaurus and within seconds five more Volkanosaurus appear from the hole that the first one came out of.

Nickhun: Shouldn't we help them?

Shadow: They'll be fine.

Nickhun: How do you know that?

Shadow: Because I know everyone who works in this precinct.

Nickhun: What? No time for questions! Let's move!

They finally enter the warehouse to find an abundance of Dark Mists awaiting the trio.

Nana: That's a lot of Dark Mists...

Shadow: This should be easy.

Nana: Why do you say that?

Shadow: Look. Legs. These aren't fully grown Dark Mists that are able to defy gravity, but don't drop your guard. There are still a lot of them. Nickhun stay here at this door and shoot anything that gets close to you. Try not to draw too much attention to you got it?

Nickhun: Got it.

Shadow: Oh, and here's a dagger just in case.

Nickhun: Thanks.

The Dark Mists start to get antsy and start charging at the trio. Shadow then engages in battle with the closest Dark Mist. Shadow uses his sword to cut down the Dark Mists in great numbers, taking out about ten of them each with one . Nana on the other hand is running around and shooting the Dark Mists, each bullet piercing through the skull of one Dark Mist and hitting another one behind it. Nickhun just stands at the door, shooting any Dark Mist in the head that get too close. Shadow and Nana were greatly decreasing the number of Dark Mists in the warehouse until they felt the ground shake harder than they ever felt before.

Nana: What was that?

Shadow: Not sure, but I hope it's not what I think it is!

Nana: What would that be--

A huge spikey arm then crashes into the warehouse completely destroying one side of the warehouse and hitting Shadow which sends him flying out of the warehouse.


Nana was beginning to have some trouble fighting the rest of the Dark Mists on her own since she now had to watch over Nickhun.


Shadow: *cough cough* I'M FINE!

Nana: Whew..ARE YOU OKAY?


Shadow then runs to Nana to help her before she gets overrun. Shadow kills fifteen more Dark Mist leaving about fifty left for them to take care of. The only problem was that there was a gigantic Volkanosaurus staring down at the three.

Shadow: Nana~ I'm sorry to ask this of you, but I'm going to need you to take care of these Dark Mists on your own.

Nana: Got it! I'll try my best!

Shadow: That's all I ask of you. I'll try to kill this drugged up, on steroids, Volkanosaurus as quickly as I can.

Nana: Don't rush things! We can't afford mistakes right now!

Shadow: Ha~ Isn't that what I'm supposed to be saying to you?

Shadow then leaves Nana and Nickhun to fight the oversized Volkanosaurus.

Shadow: Come on Godzilla! Let's see what you got!

Volkanosaurus: *roars*

Shadow then fights the Volkanosaurus, doing everything he can to pierce the Volkanosaurus' sweet spot. Shadow uses his sword to try and stab the sweet spot, but only to find that the Volkanosaurus' skin is ridiculously tough. This Volkanosaurus' was gigantic in size. It was about as tall as the tallest building in Seoul and it's body was just as massive.

Shadow: Dang it! How am I supposed to defeat this darn thing!

Shadow then started using numerous techniques he learned and developed to try and put a crack into the Volkanosaurus' tough skin. Nothing seemed to work so Shadow did the only thing left that he could think of. Shadow took his gun and aimed for the Volkanosaurus' eye and shot at it, causing the Volkanosaurus' to roar in agony which gave Shadow the opportunity he needed. Shadow climbed all the way up the Volkanosaurus' body as quickly as he could and entered it's mouth. Once Shadow had entered the beast's mouth, he took his sword and rammed it into the monsters tongue all the way down to it's jaw to create a ledge for him so that he could hold onto his sword and stop himself from being swallowed. The Volkanosaurus' of course was freaking out at the sudden pain and was doing everything it could to try and wiggle it's tongue free. Shadow knew he didn't have much time left before his sword would dislodge out of wherever it was stuck, so he took his gun and started shooting upwards towards the top of the Volkanosaurus' mouth. Shadow was hoping that the bullets would be able to pierce through the monsters mouth and straight into it's brain. The bullets were piercing through, but it wasn't enough to get to the monsters brain. Shadow had had enough and put the hilt of his sword under his arm and started doing hand signs. He was going to try and punch a hole through the Volkanosaurus' mouth straight through to it's brain. Once Shadow had finished, he stepped on top of the sword and pushed himself up quickly, hitting the top of the monsters mouth with all the force he could muster. A white glow formed around Shadow's hand right before his hand made contact with the top of the monsters mouth. Once Shadow's hand hit the monsters mouth, the white glow engulfed the entire top part of the monsters mouth and soon a blast of energy shot out of Shadow's hand, blowing off the Volkanosaurus' head. Shadow was completely exhausted from using so much energy, but quickly gathered himself and jumped off of the corpse before it disappeared and rushed quickly to Nana's side. However, before he got to Nana, he noticed that they had already disappeared.

Shadow: What! Where'd they go?!

Then Shadow noticed Nana's gun on the floor.

Shadow: Dang it! Don't tell me they got them!

Shadow saw an opening that lead further down into the Earth. Shadow went inside the opening and eventually emerged into a lair which looked almost like a gym. There was a stage and a huge court, however the entire place looked dark and dreary. Shadow could feel a sense of dispair, sadness and loneliness that reaked from everywhere inside the place. He then noticed that there were Dark Mists all over the sealing, just watching Shadow's every move.

Voice: So you finally arrive.

Shadow then turns around to come face to face with Gal.

Shadow: Gal! You're the Demon Master?!

Gal: Did it not occur to you before?

Shadow: Well what do you think?

Gal: Haha~ You're a funny one. It's a shame I'll have to kill you.

Shadow: Where is Victoria, Nana and Nickhun?!

Gal: What does it matter? You'll be dead soon enough.

Shadow: Where are they!

Gal: Shh~ You need to practice your indoor voices. *whistles* You remember him don't you?

A Dark Mist drops down from the ceiling and lands a few feet behind Shadow. Shadow turns to look at the monster and notices something familiar about it.

Gal: Bring in the prisoners. Let's humor our guest here.

A pair of Dark Mists enter through a door next to the stage and with them followed Victoria, Nickhun, and Nana.

Shadow: Victoria! Are you okay?

Victoria: Shadow? I'm fine! What're you doing here?

Shadow: I don't know, just thought I'd run some suicide missions thats all.

Nickhun: Is he crazy?! Now isn't the time to be cracking jokes!

Gal: So do you recognize that Dark Mist over there?

Shadow: I suppose you're going to tell me anyways.

Gal: Haha~ You're right. That's the one that poisoned your pretty little girlfriend over there's mom and also the exact same one that killed your precious friend, what was her name now? It started with a G right? Gorilla? No that's not it. Gargle?

Shadow: It's KAHI!

Gal: Now now we wouldn't want you to lose your temper now!

Victoria: Shadow, what is he talking about? What happened to my mother?

Gal: I'll tell you what happened. You see, I was going to conquer all of China, until some idiot had to come and mess up my plans. This beauty here almost succeeded in poisoning your dear ol' mother, but Shadow here had to stop my precious Dark Mist before it could finish the job. Shadow then proceeded to extract all the poison from your mom, that's why his arm is in a cast, if you were wondering of course.

Victoria: Shadow~

Gal: He managed to save your mom, but didn't see my baby over here running at Shadow boy over here. My baby was going to deliver a finishing blow until that Gahemeth chick--

Shadow: KAHI!

Gal: Whatever, came and took the hit for him. So Shadow~ Why don't you take off that cast and let everyone see what your arm really looks like now.

Shadow: Why should I listen to you?

Gal: Fine then. GET HIM!

The Dark Mist starts to charge at Shadow. With only one arm, Shadow couldn't do much, but dodge and do hit-and-run tactics.

Gal: Why don't you just show everyone your arm. It's beautiful!

Shadow: I've had enough of this!

Shadow then broke the cast, revealing his arm which had turned extremely dark purple.

Nana: Oh my gosh!

Victoria: Omo!

Nickhun: What the?

Gal: I'm surprised you haven't completely turned into a Dark Mist.

Shadow: Ha~ I was lucky enough to seal off the poison in my arm before it could spread.

Gal: Well luck you. Now FINISH HIM!

The monster starts to charge at Shadow again, but this time at a faster speed.

Shadow: *whispers* That's it, just a tad bit closer..and...

The Dark Mist tackles Shadow and rams him into the wall.

Gal: Haha~ Guess the great Shadow isn't as great as he once was...

Shadow: Hehe~

Gal: Wait? Why're you laughing?! Oh no! Dark Mist GET BACK! IT'S A TRAP!

Shadow: This is for Victoria's mom and especially for KAHI!! AHHH!!

Shadow then lifts his poisoned arm up and slams his palm against the monsters face while grabbing it on impact. The monster tries to break away from Shadow's grip, but Shadow is holding onto the monster too tightly for it to be able to get away from him. Shadow then begins to channel the poison through his arm, into his hand and into the Dark Mists face.

Shadow: I don't think you are capable of tasting your own poison now are you?

The Dark Mist starts to freak out and scream in agony.


Shadow: This abomination has seen the last of it's days. BEGONE!

With that, Shadow channeled the rest of the poison in his arm into the Dark Mist, killing it instantly.

Gal: How dare you!

Shadow: I've been waiting for this day to give back your monster what it deserved.

Gal: You won't see the day of light once I'm done with you!

Shadow: You look beautiful now, but sadly beauty can be deceiving. Why don't you show us your true colors?

Gal: *demonic voice* With pleasure~

Gal then starts to levitate into the air and sprouts wings on her back. Her eyes become black, her hair becomes wild and her canine teeth start growing..

Gal: *demonic voice* I will kill you once and for all!

Shadow: You can try!

Gal then swoops down at Shadow trying to hit him, but Shadow dodges it and takes his gun and starts shooting at Gal. Gal dodges all the bullets and teleports behind Shadow to try and bite him, but Shadow evades and uses his sword to slice backwards since he was able to use both of his hands now to hold both of his weapons. Shadow's sword cuts Gal's cheek, but only enough to leave a cut mark. Gal then charges at Shadow while forming a spear from out of thin air to use against Shadow. Gal then starts stabbing at Shadow with the spear, but Shadow expertly parries the attacks. Shadow tries to counter with his gun, but Gal manages to hit Shadow's gun out of his hand. The gun slides next to Victoria. Shadow then tries to block, dodge and counter the best that he can with his sword, but Gal is too fast so Shadow isn't able to break through her offense. Gal manages to sweep Shadow off his feet and into a kill position.

Gal: Any last words?

Shadow: Don't miss!

Gal was puzzled, but didn't think much on what Shadow said and was going to strike him down with her spear, but was interrupted with a bullet to the back of her head. Gal then turns around to see that Victoria was the one who shot her. Victoria starts to panic and drops the gun and slowly starts to back away. Gal started to form a sword in her hand and was going to strike at Victoria, but was interrupted by Shadow stabbing her in the back. Pushing the sword as deeply as he could push it until their bodies were touching each other.

Gal: *demonic voice* You really think you got me huh?

Shadow: Huh?

Gal then takes her sword and stabs herself, piercing through her body and straight into Shadow's. Shadow was completely taken by surprise.

Gal: *demonic voice* Let me show you my true power.

Gal then fades into thin air to reveal that Shadow had indeed stabbed something, but it wasn't the DM, it was Victoria.

Shadow: Huh? No! No! NO! NO! VICTORIA!

Nana: Oh no!

Nickhun: VICTORIA!

Victoria: *sob, whimper* Hu hu hu hu..

Shadow: Victoria!

Victoria: *sob whimper sigh* T-t-this....really..hurts..

Shadow: GAL!!!

Gal: *demonic voice* HAHAHA!

Shadow: Baby, I'm so sorry!

Victoria then places her hand on Shadow's cheek and caresses his face.

Victoria: I-it's..okay! R-really!

Shadow: *sob sob* No! No it's not okay!

Victoria: Be strong f-for me okay?!

Shadow: *sob sob* No! You don't deserve to die! Not like this! This is going to hurt, but please stay with me Victoria!

Shadow then pulls his sword out of Victoria's chest.

Victoria: AHH!!

Shadow does his best to try and hold back his tears.

Shadow: Everything's going to be okay! I promise!

Gal: You shouldn't promise a girl something you can't keep!

Shadow: Don't listen to her.

Shadow then places his hand over his heart and focuses his energy into his hand until a green ball of light is glowing in his palm.

Nana: Shadow! Are you?! You can't!

Shadow: I have to! I need to...

Shadow then places his palm with the ball of energy over Victoria's chest and pushes the ball into her wound. The a green glow shoots out of the entrance and exit wound, but soon disappears.

Nickhun: What happened?

Shadow: Victoria are you okay?

Victoria: *sigh* Huh? T-the pain is gone?!

Shadow: T-that's hu hu.

Victoria: Hey! You're not looking so good! What did you do?

Nana: He used a healing technique.

Nickhun: A what?

Nana: A healing technique.

Nickhun: You knew healing technique's but you didn't think about using them to heal Victoria when she was in the hospital?!

Nana: It's not that simple!

Nickhun: What? What do you mean it's not that simple?

Nana: Healing technique's require life force. This means Shadow had to take however many years out of his life just to use that technique to heal Victoria's wounds.

Nickhun: So you mean, if he was to be able to live to like 72 years old, using healing techniques cuts back how long he lives?

Nana: Yeah~ and the thing is, this isn't the first time he's used that much life force energy.

Victoria: What do you mean?

Gal: Tsk tsk tsk..the poor lad, trying to save everyone again. You used soo much life force energy to try and save that Kahi girl, only to have her die right in your arms. Now you're too weak to even stand up and fight. So now you'll get to watch as I kill your beloved right in front of your eyes and you can watch her die in your arms.

Shadow: G-get away f-from her!

Gal starts to close in the distance between her and Victoria. Shadow uses what's left of his strength to stand up and hold his weapon in front of him to stop Gal, but he immediately falls back down. Victoria does her best to try and cover Shadow from Gal. Gal takes her spear and gets ready to drive it into Victoria's heart, but was stopped by a glowing light that surrounded Shadow and Victoria.

Gal: Wha? What is this!!

Gal is then hit with an energy force which sends her flying backwards.

Kahi: That felt soo good to do. I was getting tired of you!

Shadow: K-kahi! You're a-alive!

Kahi: Hey there. You look a little worse for wear don't you think? What were you thinking? Running a suicide op like this?

Shadow: Hehe~ Had to save her.

Kahi: I'm sure you did. I'll handle things from here now.


Kahi: Well it appears that my beloved friend here didn't waste his life force energy. I'm back, and ready to kick your . Too bad Shadow already weakened you, but I'll just end things quickly.

Gal: What?!

Kahi then pulls out a jar looking object and opens it.

Kahi: Time to put you in your place!

Gal: NO! IT CAN'T BE!!

Gal and every monster in the area was then into the jar. Kahi then seals up the jar quickly before Gal or the other monsters can escape.

Kahi: Well that's that.

Nana: Kahi!!

Kahi: Hey Nana~ Where's the rest of the Angels?

Nana: At Shadow's house.

Kahi: Hrmm~ Okay, well let me take care of Shadow.

Nickhun and Nana then run to the group and gather around Shadow.

Victoria: Ms. Kahi, can you help him?

Kahi: I'll see what I can do.

Kahi then pulls the sword out of Shadow's abdomen.

Shadow: Ahh!!

Kahi then places her hand over Shadow's wound and focuses her energy into her hand and heals his wound.

Shadow: K-kahi! What're you doing?

Kahi: Shh~ This is coming from the big man from up above. He sends his regards hehe~

Shadow: K-kahi~

Kahi: You've been so strong my friend. It's time for you to live your life now.

Shadow then slowly starts to regain his strength from the life force energy that Kahi was transferring to him.

Shadow: H-how are you still alive?

Kahi: Well I'm not technically alive in your dictionary. I'm actually a full-fledged angel now. I got the wings and everything.

Shadow: An angel? Wow~ I hope I can just rest when I get to heaven haha~

Kahi: It was my decision. It allows me to be able to help watch over you, so I chose to accept the position as an angel.

Kahi then takes her hand off of Shadow's abdomen since she was done transferring energy to him.

Shadow: So what happens now?

Kahi: The area is safe now, but I think you should solve the "girl" problem now.

Victoria: "Girl" problem?

Kahi: No offense...

Victoria: None taken.

Kahi: We'll give you two some space.

Kahi, Nana and Nickhun walk away from the couple to talk amongst themselves. Nickhun was going to stay there with the two, but Kahi dragged him away.

Shadow: So...

Victoria: So~

Shadow: Do you love him?

Victoria: Love who?

Shadow: Nickhun of course...

Victoria: Yeah, I remember the memories me and him made these past few months.

Shadow: What about me?

Victoria: I..I love you too...

Shadow: But?

Victoria: But, I also love Nickhun.

Shadow: Well I'm afraid, you can only choose one of us.

Victoria: I know.

Shadow: If you love him, then go to him.

Victoria: Huh?

Shadow: I love you too much to make you choose between two people you love. I'll make it easier for you. I'll choose for you.

Victoria: W-won't you be lonely and sad?

Shadow: Yeah~ Haha~ but you'll be happy and that's all I want.

Victoria: Oppa~

Five months Later...

This was going to be one of the biggest weddings ever. Mainly because it was a celebrity who was getting married. Who was this celebrity that was getting married? It was none other than Victoria from F(x) or otherwise known as Song Qian. The wedding was reaching it's as everyone awaited for the "I do's"

Pastor: ...As your lawfully wedded husband?

There was a moment of silence.

Victoria: ....hehe~ I do!

The End


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