His Hobby

A Heart Divided

Shadow: Haha~ don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.

Victoria: Really?! Thank you!!!

Shadow: Haha~ No problem. So are you ready to go yet?

Victoria: Yes sir!

Shadow: Then care to let go of my neck then?

Victoria: Oh~ yeah hehe~

Shadow: Buckle up.

Shadow then tries to fit the wheel chair into the back of the car. He almost strapped the wheel chair on top of his car, but luckily he managed to get it to fit some how. With that, they were off to F(x)’s dorm.

Victoria: I should call Luna and the girls to let them know I’m no longer at the hospital.

Shadow: Ok~

Victoria then proceeds to call the girls to let them know the good news.

Victoria: So oppa~ What do you like to do for fun?

“Well should I just show you what I like to do for fun?” Shadow said as he merged into the highway.

Victoria: You can show me what you like to do in the car?

Shadow: Haha~ that’s only if you really want to see it.

Victoria: Hrmm…sure!

Shadow: Then hold on to your seat belts!

Shadow then down shifted and slammed on the gas because he saw a white Porsche trying to pass him up illegally by using the shoulder. The Porsche saw that they weren’t going to be able to cut in front of the DB9 as soon as they’d like, so they floored it as well to pass the car in front of the DB9, but Shadow cut off the car to his left and swerved in front of the car that he was just behind blocking the Porsche from merging. Shadow then continued to shift upwards traveling at higher speeds climbing into the 159 mph range. He was surprised that the Porsche was still chasing him and not deciding to jump behind instead.

Victoria: AHHHHH!!!

Shadow: Haha~ Are you scared?

Victoria: Just a little bit.

Shadow was swerving in between cars at such high speeds that all Victoria could do was hold on for dear life. Shadow’s exit was nearing and he knew he had to either get behind the Porsche or fly in front of it and drift down the ramp. He figured since Victoria wanted to see what he liked to do, he’d show her the full effect, but kept the fact known in his head that she still has broken ribs. The driver of the Porsche realized what Shadow is intending to do so they tried blocking him off, but Shadow flipped up two switches on his steering wheel.

Victoria: Oppa what is that?

Shadow: Nitrous~

With that, Shadow pressed on his Nitrous and shot in front of the Porsche just in time for him to drift down the ramp at such a high speed that Victoria was sure they were going to flip over, but Shadow showed his mastery of driving to Victoria that moment by skillfully drifting down the ramp with ease. The Porsche followed him down the ramp and motioned for him to follow it. Shadow agreed and followed the Porsche into a huge opening away from many eyes. The Porsche parked facing Shadow so that both the driver side doors were tangent. The Porsche parked a few meters ahead of Shadow.

Shadow: Victoria, just stay in the car. I hope I didn’t make them too angry, because I kinda had fun haha~

Victoria: Oppa~ I’m scared.

Shadow: No worries~

Just then a beautiful girl stepped out of the car and stood in front of her car. Shadow then stepped out of his car and stood in front of his car as well.

Girl: You’re an amazing driver.

Shadow: Thanks! You’re amazing yourself, didn’t think you’d stay on the shoulder that entire time.

Girl: Wasn’t planning on it, but you blocked me from getting back into the highway so I had no choice.

Shadow: I see, so do you have a name?

Girl: You can just call me Gal.

Shadow: Okay, so does Gal have a last name?

Gal: Care to share your name first?

Shadow: You can call me Shadow.

Gal: Fitting, since all I could see was your shadow. The last name is Gadot.

Shadow: Gal Gadot, interesting, you’re not Korean are you?

Gal: Do I look Asian?

Shadow: No, but you are beautiful.

Gal: Flattery only gets you so far.

Gal then gets back into her car and starts to drive towards Shadow, but stops right next to him. She opens her window and hands him a piece of paper.

Gal: Call me some time. You seem like an interesting person.

Shadow: Ha~ Thanks. I’ll think about it.

Gal: Catch you around.

Shadow then re-enters his car.

Victoria: So what did she give you?

Shadow: Her number.

Victoria: Wow~ Shadow Oppa is so cool!

Shadow: Haha I don’t see how getting her number is so cool.

Victoria: All you did was race her and she gave you her number. Why is that?

Shadow: I have no clue, but all I know is that I wanted to know who that driver was.

Shadow then starts driving towards F(x)’s dorm again.

Victoria: Why’s that?

Shadow: She is an amazing driver. I guess I like to meet amazing people whether or not if I win or lose.

Victoria: Ohh, so what about me? Did you want to meet me?

Shadow: Yeah, but for different reasons.

Victoria: Different reasons?

Shadow: Haha~ Yeah, but I’m not going to tell you again.

Victoria: Tell me again? When did you tell me the first time?

Shadow: Some time within the past eight months.

Victoria: Aish~ Well I’ll never remember then.

Shadow: Never say never, because anything is possible through God!

Victoria: Uhh~ Uhh~

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