The Story Begins

A Heart Divided

The time is 11:45 a.m. and the only sound the people living in Seoul could hear were police and ambulance sirens. It all started with metal grinding against metal and eventually a crash. A young lady driving in a white BMW Z4 GT3 was found in a ditch off highway I-44, badly injured and pulled out of a fiery wreck. Her name was Victoria Song. An unknown man saw the wreckage and immediately helped pull Victoria out of the fiery wreckage before the car blew up. Victoria was rushed immediately to the hospital along with the unknown man. Police cars lead the ambulance back to the hospital because Victoria was not just an ordinary person, she was the famous girl group F(x)’s leader. The moment the unknown man was no longer able to follow the stretcher and doctors, the policemen decided to question him.

Policeman 1: What is your relation to Ms. Song?

Unknown: She’s my fiancé.

Policeman 2: And you expect us to believe that a woman as famous as Victoria is engaged to you?

Unknown: Yes, why else would I run into that wreckage and try to save her? I doubt many people risk their lives to save a stranger in a burning car.

Policeman 1: He does have a point.

Unknown: Have you guys figured out how she ended up in this mess?

Policeman 2: Unfortunately no, but we’re investigating how she managed to drive through two road barriers. We’re suspecting foul play, but we’re not quite sure yet.

Unknown: Is there anything I can do?

Policeman 1: If you are her fiancé, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary with her? Anyone who didn’t like her perhaps?

Unknown: You’re asking me if there are people who don’t like Victoria? She’s a celebrity, remember? Each celebrity has a group of people who don’t like them, but Victoria was different. She didn’t have a lot of people who disliked her. I doubt an anti-fan would be so drastic as to try and kill her. Otherwise, why would they leave her in that burning wreckage to die? If I was a killer, I’d want to make sure that she was dead and not hope for the best. Unless, they had to scramble when I arrived and could not afford to be seen.

Policeman 2: Are you an ex-cop or something?

Unknown: Huh? Me? No. I just like to think my problems through, seeing every angle of the situation that I possibly can.

Policeman 1: Ok. So you have no clue as to who would try to hurt her?

Unknown: Unfortunately no, if there is anybody. I hope not. She hasn’t been acting weird either. We’ve been together for a while, so I usually know when something is wrong.

Policeman 1: I see. Very well then. We’ll let you know if we find anything.

Unknown: Alright. Thank you!

The policemen leave to go figure out what nearly caused Victoria’s death. They had to wait until after the surgery to make sure she wasn’t intoxicated or on any kind of drugs. Two minutes after the policemen left, the unidentified man realized that he didn’t tell the policemen who he was, so how would they be able to relay any information back to him anyways. He was going to call the police, but noticed F(x) running into the hospital.

Luna: Yah! Appa~ Is she okay?

Unknown: I’m not sure. They just took her in about two minutes ago. I’m very worried.

Sulli: What happened?

Unknown: I’m not sure. All I know is that she drove through two road barriers and nearly died. I’m so thankful that I recognized her car otherwise I would’ve drove by without realizing it was Victoria down there.

Krystal: Why? What did you do?

Unknown: I was quite positive it was her mainly because of her car. There aren’t many people around that drive that type of car. Regardless, I had to make sure the person was safe. I prayed that it wasn’t Victoria, but once I reached the driver door, I saw Victoria inside. I had to force myself not to cry and panic. I tried opening the door but it was jammed. I tried forcing it open, but that didn’t work. I knew I had to work fast because the car was on fire and gas was leaking. I didn’t know what else to do so I reached in, unbuckled her seat belt and pulled her out of the window. Before I pulled her out, I made sure her leg wasn’t caught on anything. I know her neck was probably pretty messed up, but as long as it wasn’t snapped, the last thing I had to worry about was bumping her head against the car. So I dragged her out and quickly picked her up and bolted. I got about 3 steps away before the car blew up. I just remembered tightening my grip on Victoria so that I wouldn’t drop her, or accidentally toss her and nudged her head closer to me before we landed so that I could prevent anymore whiplash.

Luna: Wow~

Unknown: Have you ladies noticed anything weird with Victoria? Was she acting weird?

Amber: Nope. If she was freaking out I would’ve noticed, because she always speaks Chinese when she freaks out.

Sulli: Hrmm.

Luna: What is it Sulli?

Sulli: Appa~ You said that you drove by and noticed her car. Did you not see the accident when it happened?

Krystal: Hrmm…you’re right! Appa~ Didn’t you see what happened?

Unknown: I couldn’t see much because I-44 is always busy around this time so there were many cars swerving in and out of lanes. I just remembered seeing a white car ramming into the road barriers, but I had to slam on my brakes because everyone else in front of me was slamming on their brakes. Before I could see anything else happen, her car had already gone through the second barrier and was rolling down the hill.

Luna: Sorry that we’re hounding on you Appa~

Sulli & Krystal: Ahh, mianhae!

Unknown: It’s alright, we’re all worried and on edge right now.

Luna: How are you holding up? Are you okay? All this talk about Victoria made us forget that you witnessed everything and had to pull her out. That must have been hard.

Unknown: I’m shaken up. Frustrated, upset, confused. I’d cry, but I’m too confused to cry.

Luna then hugs the unknown person to try and console him.

Unknown: Thanks Luna, I should call Victoria’s parents and let them know what happened.

Luna: Yeah, that would be a good idea.

The unknown person walks away to call Victoria’s parents to let them know about Victoria’s condition. The other four sit in the waiting room to wait and hear about any news from Victoria. The unidentified person eventually joins them after finishing his conversation with Victoria’s parents. Three hours passed and the doctors finally emerged. The unidentified person runs immediately to the doctor to find out how she is.

Unknown: How is she?

Doctor: She’s badly injured, but we managed to get her stabilized. She suffered from a severe head trauma, a few ribs are broken, but other than that, I’d say she is very lucky. She will make a full recovery. She’s asleep right now, but you can go see her now if you’d like.

Unknown: Thank you very much doctor! I don’t know what to say.

Doctor: It’s no problem.

The unknown person then runs back to Luna and the girls and explains the good news.

Unknown: The doctor said that she’s going to make a full recovery. She suffered a severe head trauma and some broken ribs but she’ll be fine. He says we can go visit her now if we’d like, but she’s still asleep.

The group gave a big sigh of relief and the tears fell. They hug each other for support while the unknown person calls Victoria’s parents to let them know she’s going to be okay. He then goes to see Victoria. Luna, Sulli, Amber, Krystal and the Unknown stare at Victoria as she sleeps, all of them with thoughts racing in their mind. Just then, Victoria starts to wake up and they all gasped. The Unknown immediately runs to her side and grabs her hand.

Victoria: Huh? Where am I?

Luna: You’re in the hospital Victoria.

Victoria: What happened?

Krystal: Unnie~ You got into a car accident.

Victoria: Luna, Sulli, Krystal and Amber, you all came to see me! Who’s this guy? Why is he holding my hand? Is he the doctor?

They all stared at Victoria in disbelief. Did she really forget who her fiancé was?

Amber: Uhh you don’t know who this guy is Vic?

Victoria: No, why am I supposed to know who he is?

Luna: He’s your…

The unknown person then cuts her off with a look.

Unknown: Can I have a word with the rest of you?

Sulli: Unnie~ We’ll be right back, araso?

Victoria: Araso.

The group leaves the room to hear what the guy has to say.

Luna: What’s wrong? What did you want to talk about?

Unknown: She forgot who I am…

Krystal: Appa~

Unknown: I should’ve expected this since the doctor said she suffered from a severe head trauma, but still…What do I do?

Sulli: Appa should just tell her.

Unknown: And then what? She’ll believe right away? *sigh* Please not a word to her letting her know who I am.

Luna: What?! Why? Don’t you want her to know?

Unknown: She just got into a car accident. Right now she’s facing many unknowns, I don’t want to confuse her anymore. If she does still love me, all things will work out again, but until then please no one tell her that we are engaged.

Luna, Sulli, Krystal: Araso…

Unknown: Amber?

Amber: Why do you want to keep your identity hidden from her? Don’t you love her?

Unknown: I do…I’m just scared for her and for myself. What if we tell her who I am and it triggers something in her brain that reminds her of the accident? It could cause her to have PTSD.

Sulli: PTSD? Appa what’s that?

Unknown: PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. People who have this basically relive a terrible event that they went through. They have no control over these impulses and once they start reliving the event that caused them to have PTSD, they can’t get out of it until the memory is finished. To them the memory is real and they remember everything, the smell, scenery, everything. It’s extremely vivid to them. I don’t want to trigger something that would cause Victoria to have PTSD.

Luna: Appa~

Unknown: Now do you understand why I don’t want her to know who I am?

Amber: Y-yes…We’re here for you, too. Victoria may have forgotten who you are, but we haven’t. If you need someone to talk to, remember to call us, okay?

Luna: Yes! We’re always here to talk with you, araso!

Krystal&Sulli: Yes we are too!

Unknown: Thanks ladies, I appreciate that. For now let’s just pretend I’m Victoria’s aid. Let’s go back in before she starts to worry.

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