Getting to Know Each Other Again

A Heart Divided

As morning came Shadow entered the room to check on Victoria to see if she was still okay. He noticed that she was still fine and sleeping peacefully, so he decided to go grab some juice and coffee. He returned five minutes later to find them still sleeping. So he placed the coffee on her table and hopped on the window ledge, sat down, drank his juice and stared out the window. Many thoughts raced through his mind, but as long as Victoria was awake and not in a coma, he wasn’t as afraid for her well being. Victoria awoke minutes later to find Nickhun holding her hand and sleeping. She didn’t notice that Shadow was sitting on the window ledge. Nickhun then woke up because Victoria moved her hand.

Nickhun: Ohh, you’re awake already? Well good morning beautiful.

Victoria: Hehe~ Good morning oppa! Huh?

Nickhun: What is it?

Victoria: Shadow oppa! How long have you been there?

Nickhun: What?

Shadow: Oh I just came in. Good morning you two, sleep well?

Victoria: Good morning and I slept well thank you. I don’t think I could say the same for Nickhun.

Nickhun: I slept fine, I coulda used a bed, but I’m fine.

Shadow: Victoria, there’s some coffee there if you want some. Don’t worry I talked to the nurses to see if it was alright for you to be drinking coffee. They said it should be fine. There’s one for you too Nickhun.

Victoria: Thank you oppa! You’re very thoughtful!

Shadow: No worries it’s part of the job!

Victoria: I don’t think so. You take very good care of me. I’ve only known you for a few hours, but you have taken care of me better than our manager and he takes good care of all of us.

Shadow: Haha~ Thanks, now quit complimenting me. You’re making me blush haha~

Nickhun: Thanks hyung for the coffee.

Shadow: No problem. So you two didn’t cause too much of a ruckus last night now did yah?

Victoria: MmMmm..Nope we just sat here and talked, but I was tired so I fell asleep early.

Shadow: Ohh okies, well I’ll be like a shadow now and be unseen, you two can continue your little conversation and pretend like I’m not here.

Victoria: Ah~ How are you going to do that?

Shadow: Very easy. Just give me a few minutes. Just talk amongst yourself, and you’ll forget that I’m even here.

Victoria: How?

Shadow: If I tell you now, you’ll just pay attention and I won’t disappear now will I?

Victoria: Araso.

Shadow kept to his ledge and sipped on his orange juice while staring out the window. Nickhun and Victoria spoke to each other for what felt like hours, but was really only thirty minutes. They talked about the most random things and Victoria started to talk to her heart monitor at times because it kept beeping. Without realizing it, she thought that Shadow had left and started to search for him.

Victoria: Haha~ Shadow oppa!

Shadow: Yes?

Victoria: You were right!

Shadow: About?

Victoria: You did disappear! Your name Shadow is really fitting! Haha~

Shadow: Haha I told you! But I was still within earshot just in case you needed anything.

Nickhun: Ohh will you excuse me for a second? My manager is calling me.

Victoria: Mm. Take all the time you need. So Shadow oppa~ what did you do yesterday when you left? Go anywhere special?

Shadow: ‘fraid not. Luna and the rest of the girls needed me so I helped them out for the rest of the night. Me showing up so early was just the result of me being done helping them haha~

Victoria: Wow~ You must be really tired! You didn’t get much sleep huh?

Shadow: I got a little bit of sleep so I should be fine.

Victoria: How much is a little bit?

Shadow: Ohh it’s nothing you need to worry about.

Victoria: Well since you’re my Personal Assistant I need to make sure you’re still able to work at optimal capacity.

Shadow: Haha~ My lack of sleep won’t interfere with my duties I promise! I’ll still be able to take care of you for as long as you need me to and at “optimal capacity.”

Victoria: *sigh* I was just saying that so you would tell me how much sleep you got! I’m just worried that’s all, but since you won’t tell me then I won’t force oppa to.

Shadow: Thank you for caring! I’ll tell you since you really want to know.

Victoria: Really? Thank you!

Shadow: The time I spent sitting up on this ledge is how much sleep I’ve gotten. I was asleep while you and Nickhun were conversating.

Victoria: What?! So that’s only like…THIRTY MINUTES! Oppa! Go get some rest! You must be exhausted!

Just then Nickhun re-enters the room.

Nickhun: Sorry Victoria, but I’m afraid that I have to leave. Manager hyung is really getting on to me about all the performances and promotions we have to do so I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay here with you today.

Victoria: Oh…okay well be safe and take care of yourself.

Nickhun: Thank you, well I hope you get better! Bye!

Victoria: Bye!

Nickhun: Bye hyung.

Shadow: Bye Nickhun. So Victoria, it would appear that you have no one else to stay here with you.

Victoria: Aish~ *Starts speaking in Chinese* Gosh, this isn’t good. He really needs to get some sleep…

Shadow starts speaking Chinese as well.

Shadow: Thanks for your concern but I think I can maintain myself for the time being.

Victoria: What?! You can speak Chinese as well?

Shadow: Yep. That’s why SM chose me to take care of you. This way I could scold you in Korean and as well as Chinese just in case you decided to be rambunctious with your injuries.

Victoria: I’m not that much of a kid!

Shadow: I know, you just like childish things right?

Victoria: Ahh~ How’d you know that?

Shadow: Haha forgot already?

Victoria: Forgot what?

Shadow: I’ll just let you think about it. Maybe you’ll remember why I could possibly know that.

Victoria: Hrmm~ Did you watch We Got Married when me and Nickhun got married?

Shadow: Afraid not, I’m kept pretty busy so I don’t get to spend much time in front of the television.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Hrmm~

Shadow: You’re not going to give up on this are you?

Victoria: Nope! It’s frustrating that you know so much about me, but yet I know very little about you. Why won’t you tell me anything?

Shadow: Because I like to keep things some what professional.

Victoria: But we’re like friends! You can tell me a little bit about you right?

Shadow: Haha~ I’ll think about it. I’ll be right back, I’m going to go talk to the doctor.

Victoria: Yah! Quit avoiding my question!

“Shhh~ You’re too noisy,” Shadow said teasingly with a smirk on his face. He left Victoria alone by herself frustrated at how clueless she was about everything. He returned minutes later with a befuddled look.

Victoria: Shadow oppa are you okay?

Shadow: Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine. I have some good news for you.

Victoria: What is it?

Shadow: I talked to the doctors, I’m a bit surprised, but they said that you can check out after they do one more check up on you just to make sure there’s nothing else wrong.

Victoria: Really?!! You’re not just messing with me right?

Shadow: *speaking in Chinese* Of course not!

Victoria: Hehe~ You sound so dorky when you talk in Chinese

Shadow: Aww, and here I was thinking I sounded like a natural Chinese person!

Victoria: Hehe~ Thank you oppa! Really.

Shadow: Aww, it’s no trouble! You’ll just have to take it easy, but at least you’ll get to stay at home and sleep on your bed haha~ Since you won’t be moving much with those broken ribs.

Victoria: *sigh* It’s okay. I won’t be a burden to anyone still. I will work hard to do everything I can by myself.

Shadow: So then what about me?

Victoria: What do you mean?

Shadow: Well since you said you’ll work hard to do everything by yourself, you won’t be needing me anymore right?

Victoria: Ah~

Shadow: Haha I’m just kidding, I’ll be by your side the entire time. Except for when you use the bathroom. You’ll be on your own when it comes to that!

Victoria: But what if I need your help?

Shadow: Umm, lets hope it doesn’t come down to that.

Victoria: But what if it did? What would you do?

Shadow: Why’re you curious?

Victoria: I just want to know.

Shadow: Very well, umm well it depends what you are doing that you need my help with?

Victoria: Since my ribs are broken, I can’t bend over right? Say I was taking a shower or bath and I needed help putting soap on my legs. Would you help--

Shadow: Nope~

Victoria: Haha~ Why not?!

Shadow: Uhh, one because you’ll be , two that’s something only your husband or parents should do for you and three, YOU’LL BE !!!!

Victoria: Haha~ But I would need help!

Shadow: I’ll just call one of the F(x) members to help you in that case.

Victoria: But I want your help!

Shadow: Ummmmmmmmmmm, well anyways is there anything you want me to pack up for you so that we’ll be ready to head out once you’re done with your check up?

Victoria: Yah! Oppa! Don’t change the subject on me!

Shadow: Would you prefer Nickhun help you with that or me?

Victoria: What?!

Shadow: Uhh would you prefer Nickhun help you, or me…?

Victoria: Why do you ask?

Shadow: The same reason why you asked haha~

Victoria: Aish~ Answer my question first!

Shadow: No! Me first!

Victoria: Hey! You can’t use Chinese against me!

Shadow: Too late! Already did! So you must tell me first now!

Victoria: *sigh* fine. I’ll tel--

Doctor: Hello Victoria. Are you ready for your check up?

Victoria: Oh, uh yes I am. So I can check out after the check up if you guys find nothing wrong with me?

Doctor: That is correct.

Victoria: Ok! I’m ready!

The doctor then proceeded to examine Victoria by checking her pulse, eye dilation, her ribs, etc. After about ten minutes, the doctor eventually finished his examination of Victoria and said that she was well enough to go back home. She would just have to take it easy, but her stay at the hospital would no longer be necessary for the time being. Shadow went with the doctor to sign all the paper work needed to check Victoria out. Once he was done, he returned to Victoria with a wheelchair.

Shadow: Ms. Victoria Song. Your chariot awaits.

Victoria: Haha!

Shadow: Here let me help you onto your chariot like a good servant should!

Shadow then proceeds to carry Victoria to place her on the wheelchair. She was surprised at the ease of which Shadow picked her up. She thought Nickhun was strong, but Shadow made no grunt when picking her up or showed any signs of straining to lift her. This however made her think of Nickhun’s words: “I’d like for us to be like that again.” She didn’t know what to do, but Shadow kept her fairly occupied and always on her toes despite the fact that she couldn’t move.

Shadow: Hey are you alright? You sort of drifted off into another world.

Victoria: Huh? Oh, I’m fine.

Shadow: So what were you thinking about?

Victoria: Umm, I was thinking about how strong Shadow oppa is…

Shadow: Haha, I’m not that strong.

Shadow then gathers Victoria’s belongings and starts pushing the wheelchair that she is on out of the room.

Victoria: Mmhmm!! You carried me as if I was a feather. I watched you closely! You didn’t grunt like most guys do when they carry something and when Nickhun carried me, I noticed that he always grunted when he picked me up and I could see a strain on his face, but with you there was none. Oppa must be very strong!

Shadow: Haha~ I think you’re over thinking things a little bit too much. Look at these arms! They’re smaller than yours!

Victoria then looks at Shadow’s arms to compare and realized he wasn’t that far off from the truth. Shadow’s arms weren’t bulky like Nickhun’s and yet he was able to carry her with such ease. She was starting to get really confused.

Victoria: That is so weird!

Shadow: Haha~ Told you I’m not that strong!

Victoria: Nope, I still think oppa is strong. Your arms don’t have to be as big as Nickhun’s to be strong. Just look at Jackie Chan!

Shadow: Haha! Have you seen Jackie Chan’s arms?! They are huge!!!

Victoria: Do you check out his arms?

Shadow: Fine they’re not at as big as Nickhun’s, but still he has some big arms!

Victoria: Haha fine! You win.

Shadow: Yay! My first victory against Victoria-sshi!

They finally came to Shadow’s car. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to fit everything in his car.

Shadow: I feel like an idiot now.

Victoria: You have a nice car. Why do you feel like an idiot?

Shadow: Because I drove this car instead of my other one haha~

Victoria: You have more than one car?

Shadow: Yeah~ I own this Aston Martin DB9 and a Nissan Skyline GTR, the 2009 model.

Victoria: Oooh~ Well I like this car, it’s very sportsy and luxurious looking.

Shadow: Haha~ Thanks, but there’s one problem, how am I going to fit this wheel chair. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to tetris it.

Victoria: Tetris it?

Shadow: Yeah~ You know like the game Tetris?

Victoria: Ohh! Haha~

Shadow: Well let me help you into the car. I hope you have enough leg room, I mean you should since there are no back seats.

Victoria: Really?

Shadow: Yeah, that’s why I said I felt like an idiot in not driving my other car. Oh well. Up we go!

Shadow then lifts Victoria up without realizing that he forgot to open the door.

Shadow: Uhhh, I forgot to open the door haha~ Could you help me out?

Victoria: What do you need me to do?

Shadow: Just bang on the door!

Victoria: Bang on the door?

Shadow: Yeah, just pound your fist against the door.

Victoria: Like this?

Victoria then pounds her fist against the door and the door opens, but instead of opening outwards like a normal door, it starts to slide under the car..

Victoria: Ahh! Did I break your car?

Shadow: Haha~ No you didn’t, but I knew that would scare you. I had this door customized like this. If you noticed, there aren’t any door handles.

Shadow then places Victoria in the car gently, making sure he doesn’t bump any part of her body against anything. This was the first time that Victoria actually got a close look at Shadow. She noticed many small scratches and scars on his arms. She noticed how exhausted he looked, but he still had a bright smile on his face and made it appear as if nothing was wrong. She couldn’t help but take a whiff of Shadow’s scent. It was weird, but since she was so close to him, she was curious what he smelled like and was pleasantly surprised to find out that he smelled really good.

Shadow: So are you done smelling me?

Victoria: You noticed that?

Shadow: Well I noticed you were still holding on to me and I was going to say something, but then I also noticed you looking intently at my body haha~ So yeah in a sense, I noticed everything.

Victoria: Oh gosh…this is so embarrassing!

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