The Confrontation and the Date

A Heart Divided

Nickhun then arrived ten minutes later at the F(x) dorm, after Luna had just told Sulli to stop talking, to pick up Victoria.

Victoria: Well Nickhun's here, so I'll see you girls later. Try not to be so crazy while I'm gone araso?

LuSu: Araso.

Luna: Sulli. Why were you telling Victoria about Shadow!

Sulli: I had to! It was driving me insane!

Luna: I know Sulli, it's driving all of us insane, but you shouldn't have gone and told Victoria!

Sulli: So what, it's not like appa is here anyways!

Luna: Don't say that!

Sulli: Well it's true right!

Luna: You're wrong!

Sulli: Oh yeah? Where has he been? It's been 3 months since we've last seen him!

Luna: It's been twenty minutes since I last saw him!

Sulli: What? Twenty minutes?!

Luna: I saw appa at the store~

Sulli: Are you kidding me?!

Luna: Why would I joke to you about something like that?!

Sulli: Where is he? I have to see him!

Luna: I don't know. At his house probably?

Sulli: Why didn't you stop him! Why didn't you bring him here?

Luna: Don't you think I've tried?!

Sulli: *sigh* I'm going!

Luna: To where?

Sulli: What does it matter?

Luna: Look I'm not mad at you Sulli! I know it seems like it, but I understand why you did what you did. Trust me, I've thought about telling Victoria so many times, but I believed and trusted in Shadow-appa's decision.

Sulli: *sigh* I'm going to try and find appa's house.

Luna: What? Where are you going to start?

Sulli: I don't know. I'll--

Just then there was a knock at the door which startled Sulli and Luna because no one was supposed to be home yet, unless Victoria forgot something. Luna then went to go answer the door to see who it was.

Luna: Omo! What're you doing here? I thought you were going home.

Shadow: I thought about what you said, I had to let Sulli know that I'm okay. Is she home?

Luna: Yeah, she's in the living room. Come in...

Shadow and Luna both walk into the living to find that Sulli wasn't in the living room.

Shadow: Thought you said she was in the living room?

Luna: She was, maybe she's in her room. She was going to leave to try and find you.

Shadow: So you told her that I was in town huh?

Luna: Y-yeah. Are you upset?

Shadow: Upset about what?

Luna: About me telling Sulli about you being in Seoul.

Shadow: Why would I be upset about that?

Luna: I don't know?

Shadow: I'm sorry, I'm just tired thats all. That might explain why it would seem like I'm upset.

Luna: Oh, sorry. I guess you really weren't joking about being tired.

Shadow: Yeah~

Luna: Sulli!

*Sulli yelling from her room*

Sulli: What?!

Luna: Come here!

Sulli: Wae?! I have to get ready and leave!

Luna: Just come here!!

Sulli then marches back into the living room frustrated at Luna's persistant request.

Sulli: *sigh* What do you want-- Appa?!

Shadow: Hey~ How're you doing Sulli?

Sulli: Appa~ Where have you been?

Shadow: I've been in China and I know what you're going to say already, yes you were in China, but I wasn't in Beijing, I was in Hong Kong.

Sulli: Ahh~

Shadow: Luna explained it all, but I kept tabs on you all while I was away in China.

Sulli: Why didn't you come say hi earlier?

Shadow: Well as you can see, I'm pretty bandaged up. I didn't want you to see me like this.

Sulli: Why?

Shadow: I wanted you to see me as a strong, confident person. Not as a weak, broken person.

Sulli: Appa, just because you have bandages on doesn't mean my view of you changes. When you saved me so many years ago, I will never look at you as a weak, broken person.

Shadow: *sigh* I just look so pitiful.

Sulli: Appa looks tough!

Shadow: Haha~ You're just saying that to make me feel better.

Sulli: Nu-uhh! Luna doesn't appa look tougher?

Luna: Yes! Appa does look tougher!

Shadow: Haha~ I see, so I guess I should get beaten up more then huh? So that I can keep getting bandaged up.

Sulli: Umm, no thats not necessary~

Shadow: Haha~ So how have you two been? I know me being gone has been tough on you all, well at least thats what Luna told me.

Sulli: Uhh, with you gone, things just didn't feel the same.

Luna: She was going crazy! Driving all of us crazy as well.

Sulli: Unnie!

Luna: Haha what?! It's true though!

Sulli: *sigh* I know...

Shadow: Haha~

Sulli: *sigh*

Shadow: Sulli, what's wrong?

Sulli: I-- I told Victoria about your relationship with her...

Shadow: I see~

Sulli: Are you upset?

Shadow: Yeah! I'M FURIOUS!

Sulli: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too! It's just that I couldn't hold it anymore and and--

Shadow: Haha~ I'm just kidding. Calm down Sulli! It's okay if you told her. I was gone for a while, leaving you four to take up my burden for me. So what you told her, I bet she didn't believe you anyways.

Sulli: Yeah, she didn't.

Luna: She thought we were joking with her.

Shadow: Luna you were in it too?!

Luna: What?! No! No! I wasn't! I just got home when I heard Sulli telling Victoria-eomma!

Shadow: Haha~ Calm down!

Luna: .... Why are you so calm about this?

Shadow: Well, there's no point on being upset about what's already happened right? I can't change what's been done, and being upset about it isn't going to change anything anyways, so why should I be upset right?

Luna: Yeah, I guess you're right. Wait so then you are upset?

Shadow: Haha~ No~ I'm not upset.



Victoria and Nickhun were at a fancy restaurant enjoying each other's company.

Nickhun: Whoa~ You look so beautiful!

Victoria: Hehe~ How many times are you going to say that?

Nickhun: Until you become ugly kekeke~

Victoria: Yah~!

Nickhun: Hehe I'm just kidding! You'll always be beautiful!

Victoria: *sigh*

Nickhun: Babe what's wrong?

Victoria: Oh, it's nothing.

Nickhun: What's wrong?!

Victoria: *sigh* It's just something Sulli said to me earlier.

Nickhun: Well she must have said something bad to make you look this upset. What did she say?

Victoria: Don't get mad okay?

Nickhun: Of course.

Victoria: Sulli told me that Shadow-oppa were engaged before I got in that car accident three months ago.

Nickhun: She said what?!

Victoria: I know right? I think she was lying, but Luna walked in right when Sulli said that. I asked Luna if it was true and she said that it was true. Luna tried to lie, which isn't like her. Is what they say true? Was I engaged to Shadow-oppa? Did we ever break off the engagement? If we didn't then am I cheating on him right now? *sigh*

Nickhun: Victoria...

Victoria: I'm so confused and it's hurting my head...Nickhun. I want you to answer my questions and I want you to answer them truthfully. I know that you and Shadow-oppa had some history together, so you two are fairly close right?

Nickhun: Uhh...

Victoria: Nickhun!

Nickhun: *sigh* Yes we were close...

Victoria: So then was Shadow-oppa and I engaged?

Nickhun: Look, let's just eat and we'll talk about it later. The food's already coming.

Victoria: I have to know!

Nickhun: If I told you the answer, would it change anything between us?

Victoria: I don't know...probably?

Nickhun: *sigh* I dreaded that this day would come, but I guess it was inevitable. Yes, you two were engaged and as far as I know, you two are still engaged.

Victoria: So I guess that would explain why I haven't taken this ring off my finger. Let alone even noticed it. Since we are in fact still engaged that means I'm cheating on him then...righ--

Victoria then places her hand on her head and slowly loses concious.

Nickhun: VICTORIA!

She collapses onto the floor while Nickhun races over to her side to try and help her the best that he can. He yells at the people around him to call an ambulance while he tries to help her. He doesn't know what to do, so he just sits there holding her body in his arms and caresses her face trying to wake her back up. An ambulance arrives seven minutes later and rushes Victoria to the hospital with Nickhun.

Nickhun: Victoria! Everything is going to be okay!


Luna: So appa what did you do-- hrmm?

Sulli: What is it?

Luna: Nickhun-oppa is calling me. I wonder what he wants?

Shadow: Well pick up your phone then haha!

Luna: Hello?

Nickhun: Luna?

Luna: Yes? What is it Nickhun--

Nickhun: It's Victoria!

Luna: What's wrong with Victoria eomma?

Nickhun: She passed out at the restaurant we were at! I'm at the hospital with her right now.

Luna: What happened?! Nevermind that. Which hospital are you at?!

Nickhun: Saint John's Hospital. Come quickly!

Luna: We're coming right now!

*end of call*

Sulli: What's wrong?

Luna: Victoria-eomma is in the hospital!

Sulli: What?!

Luna: We have to go now! We'll take my car! Let's go--

Shadow: I'll drive and we'll take my car.

Luna: What? Why?

Shadow: We'll get there faster.

Luna: Are you just scared of my driving?

Shadow: Come on~ There's no time to debate...I'm driving!

Luna: Aish~ Fine...but I call shotgun!

Shadow: That's fine, let's just go!

The three then quickly make their way to the Saint John's Hospital, arriving in a matter of minutes due to Shadow's intense driving.

Luna: Next time I drive!

Shadow: You look kinda green Luna hehe~ Are you okay?

Luna: Oh shut it~ Let's just hurry up and get inside!

They then enter the hospital and got directions to where Victoria was being hospitalized. They quickly ran to the spot where Victoria was admitted to. They spotted Nickhun waiting outside the doors of the surgery room.

Sulli: Nickhun!

Nickhun: Oh~ You're all here already...

Luna: What happened?

Nickhun: I'm not sure. One minute we're talking about Shadow and then--

Luna: Talking about appa?

Nickhun: Yeah, she wouldn't let up about it since Sulli told her about Shadow-- Huh? Shadow?! This is all your fault!!

Nickhun then grabs Shadow's shirt collar and rams him into the wall.

Shadow: It is?

Nickhun: Yes! If..if..

Luna: It's not appa's fault Nickhun! He did nothing wrong!

Nickhun: He left me to take care of Victoria!

Shadow: And that was wrong?

Nickhun: Huh?

Shadow: Are you telling me that me entrusting you to take care of Victoria was something I did wrong?

Nickhun: What? No!

Shadow: That's not what you're making it sound like.

Nickhun: Look! She passed out because she was trying to remember you! The last thing she said was that she was cheating on you since you two never broke off your engagement! So you're at fault for not breaking off your engagement with her before you let her stay under my care.

Shadow: I see, well how could she have cheated on me if she had no idea that she was cheating on me? Not that it matters. I'm not upset with her, I knew this would happen.

Sulli: What?! You knew she would like Nickhun?

Shadow: Yeah, I did...

Nickhun then lets go of Shadow.

Nickhun: Since when!

Shadow: The moment you walked into her hospital room.

Nickhun: What?! That was about three months ago. How could you predict that we would start dating two weeks later?

Shadow: Tch~ It's easy. Her eyes lit up faster than lightning the moment you came in. Plus her heart monitor showed that her heart rate was increasing, not that anyone noticed the heart monitor beeping faster.

Luna: What?! Really?

Shadow: So then she knows everything now huh?

Nickhun: Yeah...

They sat there in silence for about two hours, then the doctor came out to let them know that Victoria was going to be okay. They managed to get her stablized and her condition under control.

Doctor: If you all want to see her, then you can. She's awake now, just try to take it easy on her and no more forgotten memories for her alright?

Group: Okay.

Shadow: Thank you!

Doctor: No problem.

The doctor then leaves, leaving the group to decide who gets to see Victoria first.

Shadow: I guess I'll go in there first.

Nickhun: What makes you think you can go in there first?

Shadow: So I can break her heart and then you can make her feel better.

NickLuSu: What?!

Shadow: *sigh* She's happy with you Nickhun. I'll go break off our engagement, because it doesn't matter anyways.

Sulli: Of course it does! She just has to remember.

Shadow: But she doesn't remember and she's in love with another person. I should fight for her, but I don't want to cause any more problems in her life. I just want her to be happy. *sigh* Just be ready to call a nurse or something just in case something happens to her.

NickLuSu: What!

Shadow then leaves the three to themselves and walks into Victoria's room.

Victoria: Oh~ Shadow. I wasn't expecting to see you.

Shadow: Hehe...Sorry, I know you were expecting Nickhun or someone else, but you got me for the moment.

Victoria: Where have you been?

Shadow: I was in China for a while.

Victoria: Really? We were in China too.

Shadow: Really now? Well I was in Hong Kong. Where were you ladies?

Victoria: Oh, well we were in Beijing.

Shadow: I see, so how are you feeling? Better I hope?

Victoria: My head still hurts a little bit, but I'm feeling better.

Shadow: That's good...

Victoria: Oppa~

Shadow: Yeah?

Victoria: I have a question for you...Would you be willing to answer my questions?

Shadow: *sigh* Can I choose not to answer them?

Victoria: Please~ I need answers...

Shadow: *sigh* Very well, what are your questions, but I'm pretty sure I have an idea of what they might be...

Victoria: Are we engaged?

Shadow: We were why?

Victoria: Oh, are we still engaged now?

Shadow: Does it matter? Aren't you in a relationship with Nickhun?

Victoria: Yeah, but I want to know.

Shadow: Do you love him?

Victoria: Huh?

Shadow: Do you love Nickhun?

Victoria: Why do you ask?

Shadow: I just want to know thats all.

Victoria: Well answer my question first, then I'll answer yours.

Shadow: Answer me first then, I'll answer you.

Victoria: *sigh* Fine, yes I do love Nickhun. Now you answer me. Are we still engaged?

Shadow: No, not anymore.

Victoria: What? Really? When did we break off our engagement?


Victoria: ....Why would you break off our engagement? Do you not love me anymore?

Shadow then bit his tongue and held back his tears as he said these next few words.

Shadow: No, I don't. I was tired of seeing you with another man. I can't stand to have my heart broken anymore. We're through! I free you of your bond with me. You're free to love whomever you choose now.

With that Shadow gets up and leaves Victoria puzzled and distraught.

Shadow: Nickhun...she's all yours now.

Luna: Omo!

Sulli: Appa you didn't?

Shadow: I'm sorry, I did what had to be done. Take care of Victoria for me now will yah?

Sulli: Y-yes...

Shadow: Thank you.

Nickhun then goes inside Victoria's room to check up on her. Shadow then starts to leave the building. He gets about fifteen steps away from Sulli and Luna and then he collapses onto one knee.

Sulli: Oppa!

Luna: Oppa!

Sulli and Luna then run up to Shadow to try and help him up.

Luna: Oppa what's wrong?

Shadow: I'm just tired that's all.

Sulli: Well you should rest before you leave. You're in no shape to be driving.

Shadow: I'll be fine, please let me go. I...don't want to be in this hospital anymore.

Luna: Oppa~

Luna then lets go of Shadow's arm to let him leave, but Sulli was still clinging on to Shadow's arm, not allowing him to leave.

Shadow: Sulli~

Sulli: I can't let you leave in this condition!

Luna: Sulli~ Let him go.

Sulli: But-

Luna: Let appa go...

Sulli: *sigh*

Sulli then lets go of Shadow's arm, allowing him to walk away and leave. The two girls then make their way back to Victoria's room. They then entered Victoria's room to join Nickhun. The doctor that was operating on Victoria came into the room shortly after.

Doctor: Well Victoria's condition isn't as bad as it may look. She doesn't need to be hospitalized, so whenever she's feeling up to it, she can leave.

Nickhun: Oh~ Okay thank you doctor.

Doctor: No problem. What happened to your other friend that was here?

Nickhun: Uhh?

Sulli: He had to be some where.

Doctor: I see~ That's a shame. Well you all take care.

Group: Thank you~

Nickhun then left the girls to talk with Victoria privately while he went and checked out Victoria.

Luna: How are you doing eomma?

Victoria: Much better, thanks.

Sulli: I'm sorry.

Victoria: For what?

Sulli: It was because me telling you things that caused you to faint.

Victoria: It's okay. Things between me and Shadow well whatever we had between us is no longer existant.

Luna: Did he break up with you?

Victoria: Yeah~ Did he not tell you all?

Luna: He just said that you were Nickhun's now and that he did what had to be done.

Victoria: Oh~

Sulli: Eomma are you okay?

Victoria: I was kind of curious to find out who Shadow really was that's all.

Luna: You sound disappointed. Do you remember Shadow-oppa?

Victoria: No~ I don't remember anything about him still.

Luna: Okay then. Well lets get you dressed up and ready to leave.

Victoria: Luna.

Luna: Yes?

Victoria: Shadow said that he didn't love me.

Luna: What?

Victoria: ...I don't blame him though.

Luna: Victoria...If there's one thing you need to remember about Shadow-oppa, it's that he loved you with all his heart, mind, and strength. When he left to China, he some how was able to keep an eye on us. He knew we were going to China before I even told him we went to China. Victoria, Shadow loves you, but he knows that you love Nickhun too. He...*sigh*

Sulli: He just said that to you to make it easier for you to forget about him.

Victoria: Really? It must be hard for anybody to have to tell someone they love that they no longer love them anymore. It's so sad. Did he really leave?

Luna: Yeah he left...

Sulli: But he fell down and I don't think he was capable of driving.

Victoria: He fell down?

Sulli: Yeah, he was walking and then all of a sudden he just collapsed. I wasn't going to let him go, but he insisted on going.

Luna: He said "he didn't want to stay in this hospital anymore."

Victoria: I must have really hurt him. I have to go.

Luna: Go where?

Victoria: I have to find Shadow and make things right. Luna, Sulli, answer this one last question I have okay.

LuSu: Okay.

Victoria: Did I love Shadow?

Sulli: Luna, I'll let you answer this one.

Luna: *sigh* To say that you were in love with Shadow-oppa is an understatement. You two were crazy for each other. One of the cutest couples ever, always watching out for each other, even on variety shows or concerts. He took care of you day in and day out, while you cared for him emotionally. No one had ever seen you as happy as when you were Shadow-oppa. Even your parents said that.

Victoria: My parents?

Luna: Yeah, your parents said that Shadow was the one person in your life that made you so happy. They have never seen you any happier before.

Victoria: I have to go find Shadow.

Victoria starts to walk, but immediately starts to fall down, but Luna catches her before she hits the ground.

Luna: Whoa~ You're not going anywhere. You need to rest up first. Once you're rested and feeling better then you can do whatever you want, but as of now, you need to sleep!

Victoria: But--

Luna: No buts! Relax~

Victoria: *sigh* okay.

Victoria then sits down to relax, but was immediately reminded that she needed to change. After she had changed, she sat back down, rested for a bit while they waited for Nickhun to return. After ten minutes, Nickhun finally returned to take Victoria home. Nickhun was just going to let her walk, but Luna advised otherwise, so he went and grabbed a wheelchair for Victoria to sit in again. Once they had arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Nickhun then realized that his car was still at the restaurant. The four sat there dumbfounded because they had no way of leaving the hospital. So they decided to call their managers to come and pick them up. F(x)'s manager didn't pick up, but Nickhun's manager picked up and sent a car immediately to pick them up. They waited for almost half an hour before the driver arrived. Nickhun helped Victoria into the van and then the rest of the group huddled into the car. They sat in silence the entire ride back to F(x)'s dorm. Once they had arrived, Nickhun got out and helped Victoria up the stairs just in case her body decided to give out on her again. Nickhun said his goodbyes and left. Luna and Sulli helped Victoria into her room where she slept alone and in deep thought. All Victoria could think about was about Shadow. She thought about all the moments they had together that she could remember. She remembered how peaceful and safe she felt whenever he was around. She was unable to push her thoughts about him aside, so she had a hard time sleeping. Once she knocked out, she didn't hear anyone come home, or enter her room, but since there were only five of them, they all had their own rooms so the rest of the members just walked in to check in on her. As she slept, she had dreams about being in love with Shadow. She had dream where they were at a beach and they were holding each others hand and walking along the shore.

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