
A Heart Divided

When Victoria had awoke from her sleep, she came to the realization that it was a new day. She thought to herself about her dreams, which caused her to contemplate whether those dreams were her memories. Luna came into her room to check in on Victoria.

Luna: Oh! Eomma you're awake. How're you feeling?

Victoria: Better thank you...Gosh I had the weirdest dream...

Luna: What was it?

Victoria: I had a dream that me and Shadow were holding each other's hand while walking on the beach.

Luna: Are you serious?

Victoria: Yeah, it feels some how familiar...

Luna: Victoria are you feeling better?

Victoria: Yeah why?

Luna: Cause your dream, well it's not a dream! You did walk on the beach with Shadow. You told us all about it about seven months ago.

Victoria: Really?! So I guess, hrmm.

Luna: What's wrong?

Victoria: I-I remember Shadow~

Luna: You do?!

Victoria: Haha~ I remember him! Where is he?!

Luna: I don't know? Probably at home?

Victoria: Where's my car? I'll drive to his house!

Luna: You know where his house is?

Victoria: Of course! He was my fiance' after all.

Luna: Well what about Nickhun?

Victoria: Oh yeah~ Well I guess I'll explain things to him later. I need to see Shadow now!

Luna: Haha~ Okay okay! Calm down, before you start freaking out!

Victoria: Haha yeah, you're right, you're right!

Sulli and Krystal then walk into the room because they heard Victoria and Luna cheering.

Krystal: Yah~ What's with all the commotion?

Luna: Eomma got her memory back!

Krystal: What?! Really!

Sulli: Eomma you got your memory back?!

Victoria: Yeah! I remember who Shadow-oppa is now!

Sulli: That's great!

Amber then joins the party since she was in the bathroom and didn't know what was going on.

Amber: What's happening?

Sulli: Eomma got her memory back!

Amber: What? No way! Thats awesome!

Victoria: Hehe~ So where's my car?

Luna: Oh~ Uhh, well...You crashed it.

Victoria: What?!

Luna: Yeah, but that doesn't matter now, I'll drive you and you can just tell me where to go.

Victoria: Okay! Let's go!

Everyone but Krystal was getting ready to head out the door and leave.

Krystal: WAIT!

F(x): What?

Krystal: We all still look like a mess, especially Victoria since she just woke up. Should we not wash up real quick first before we go?

Victoria: Uhh, yeah you're right! Let's hurry up and change and then we go!

Everyone agreed in unison and quickly went off to their individual rooms and got ready. They all got ready in under seven minutes and quickly drove towards Shadow's house. The girls excluding Victoria didn't realize how far Shadow lived because they were driving for what felt like sixteen hours, but in reality was only two hours. They finally arrived at Shadow's house and saw that he lived in a nice house, but a very secluded house. They noticed a huge house that had a lot of garage doors all of which were open to reveal all of his cars. They stepped out of the car all staring at disbelief at how luxurious Shadow lived.

Sulli: How many cars does he need?

Victoria: Is that my car? That is my car! I thought you ladies said I crashed it?!

Luna: You did, but I guess oppa fixed it for you maybe? Or maybe he has a car that looks like yours.

Victoria: Hrmm anything is possible.

They then saw Shadow walking out of one garage headed into another garage. They also noticed that Shadow had a sword on his back, and two guns holstered by his side.

Amber: Why does oppa have weapons?

Krystal: Maybe because he lives in isolation and wants to make sure he can protect himself from whoever might try to rob him?

Luna: That's a sad way to live don't you think?

The group the decides to walk towards Shadow, but Shadow had already noticed them and was walking towards them already.

Shadow: What're you all doing here? How did you find me exactly?

Luna: Uhh...

Victoria: Ladies, give me a minute?

Girls: Sure~

Shadow: Uhh? What is it?

Victoria then slapped Shadow in the face, which caused the rest of the girls to cover their mouths because they saw what Victoria did.

Shadow: What was that--

Before Shadow could finish his sentence, Victoria kissed Shadow deeply.

Shadow: Umm~

Victoria: Hehe~ Good morning...

Shadow: Good morning? What was the kiss for? Are you feeling okay?

Victoria: I'm feeling great! How are you feeling?

Shadow: Confused?

Victoria: Haha~ So why did you steal my car?

Shadow: I didn't steal it! I fixed your car after you-- Wait? How did you know that was your car?!

Victoria: I don't know? Lucky guess?

Shadow: Did you get your memory back?

Victoria: Maybe? Maybe not?

Shadow: Ha~ You..You did didn't you?

Victoria: Yeah~

Shadow then hugs Victoria and spins her around, but quickly sets her down and takes a few steps back and apologizes.

Victoria: What're you sorry for?

Shadow: You're Nickhun's girlfriend, not my fiance'. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just so overjoyed.

Victoria: It's okay!

Sulli: *whispers to the Luna, Krystal and Amber* This is the first time I have ever seen appa so neverous.

Krystal: I know right?

Shadow: I should go, thanks for visiting and sharing this good news with me!

Victoria: Wait! That's it? A hug and kiss and then you leave?

Shadow: It's not what you think.

Victoria: Then what is it?

The girls didn't notice that Shadow's watch was beeping like crazy which caused Shadow to be on edge. Shadow looked at his watch to see which direction the monster was in and noticed that the monster was coming from Luna, Sulli, Krystal and Amber's direction.

Shadow: Oh no!

Victoria: What?!


The girls were a bit confused, but realized why Shadow had told them to get down when they saw a dark smog start to appear before them. There was a Dark Mist standing in front of the girls and it was ready to sink it's teeth into them. Shadow's right arm was still completely useless so he had to use his left arm to swing his blade and shoot his gun. Shadow managed to cut down the Dark Mist in time before it could touch the girls, but quickly realized that his watch was still beeping rapidly.

Victoria: SHADOW!!

Shadow then turned around to see that Victoria was being taken away by a few more Dark Mists. Shadow quickly ran towards the monsters to try and stop them, but before he could reach them, a Volkanosaurus ran out from the trees and got in Shadow's way.

Shadow: Argh! I don't have time for this! You must be a newer Volkanosaurus because you're much faster than the regular Volkanosaurus, but I don't care! YOU'LL DIE JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM!

Shadow then quickly decimated the Volkanosaurus, but once he defeated the Volkanosaurus, the Dark Mists had already finished what they came to do and that was to transport Victoria some where else.

Victoria: SHADOW!


However Shadow was too late and didn't reach Victoria in time. Shadow then started decimating the remaining Dark Mist left on his yard since Victoria was already teleported to a different place.

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