
A Heart Divided

The two finally arrived at F(x)’s dorm. Shadow pulled out the wheelchair, then proceeded to help Victoria out of the car. He was so thankful that there was an elevator at their dorm or getting her to the fourth floor would’ve been difficult. Shadow then knocked on their dorm door to see if anyone would answer. Sulli opened the door surprised to see Shadow and Victoria outside the door.

Sulli: Omo! What is Victoria doing back home so soon already?

Victoria: Didn’t Luna tell you? I called about fifteen minutes ago letting you all know that the doctors let me check out.

Sulli: Ahh~ I’ve been at home all this time. Would have been nice if someone texted me.

Victoria: Mianhae! I thought you were all together so I just called Luna.

Just then Sulli gets a text message from Luna letting her know that Victoria was coming home.

Sulli: Aish~ Fifteen minutes too late Luna unnie!

Shadow: So Sulli-sshi…are you just going to make us stand outside or?

Sulli: Oh~ Ah~ Haha~ Come on inside!

Victoria: Sulli is anyone else home?

Sulli: Nope, no one else is here. Manager oppa said there was nothing planned for me to do today so I just stayed home. Was just about to go crazy with boredom, thank goodness you two showed up!

Victoria: Haha~ I always knew you would be the first one to go crazy from boredom.

Sulli: Hey~!

Shadow: So umm did you want me to put your stuff away? Or did you want to have Sulli help put your items away?

Victoria: No, it’s okay I can do it myself.

Shadow: Oh really now?

Victoria: Yeah?! Why do you think I can’t?

Shadow: If you say you can then here you go.

Shadow then tosses Victoria’s stuff onto her lap.

Sulli: Oppa! Be careful!

Victoria winces at the sudden pain from her bag landing on her legs.

Victoria: I-I’m fine. That didn’t hurt!

Shadow: *sigh* Give that here, you’re entire body is trembling. I know that hurt, so quit putting on a brave face.

Victoria: No, that didn’t hurt at all!

Shadow: Really now?

Shadow then goes to stare closely at Victoria. Their faces were only a few inches away from each other.

Shadow: I can see you sweating with fear. You’re lying.

Victoria: I’m not lying!

Shadow: Haha~ You’re lying. Now I’ll just go place your bag on your bed, and we’ll just have Luna, Krystal, Sulli and Amber help you alright?

Victoria: Aish~

Sulli: Ah-- err Oppa! Aren’t you being too rough with Victoria eomma?

Shadow: Sulli-sshi you’re right. Sorry Victoria for being rude. Sorry Sulli for being rude in front of you as well.

Sulli: It’s okay!

Victoria: ….

Shadow: I think it’s best I leave. Sulli call me if you need anything or if Victoria needs anything araso?

Sulli: Are you sure leaving is a good idea? I don’t know how to help an injured person!

Victoria: Let him go Sulli.

Sulli: Victoria eomma?

Victoria: I said let him go. He obviously has better things to do.

Shadow: I’m extremely sorry if I offended you in any way Victoria. It just bugs me when someone is hurting and I can’t do anything to help them. Then I have to watch them put on a brave face and fight through the pain by themselves. No one should have to go through that. If I could bear all that pain to myself so that no one would have to go through it, I would. Sorry, bye~

Sulli: Oppa!

However, it was too late. Shadow had already left. Sulli then chased Shadow to stop him, but before she could do anything, he jumped over the railings.

Sulli: OPPA!

Sulli then runs quickly to the railing to see if Shadow was alright. What she saw scared her more than anything. There Shadow was, walking perfectly fine towards his car. Sulli now was ultimately confused because how could anyone survive that kind of jump? Sulli checked to make sure that they were on the fourth floor, because how could he be fine after jumping from the fourth floor? Sulli then walks back to F(x)’s dorm with a baffled look on her face.

Victoria: Sulli-sshi what’s wrong? I heard you yell, did something happen?

Sulli: …

Victoria: Sulli!

Sulli: Huh?

Victoria: What happened?

Sulli: O-oppa jumped over the railing~

Victoria: What?! What do you mean he jumped over the railing? Did you call an ambulance?

Sulli: No.

Victoria: Why not?! Isn’t he hurt?

Sulli: That’s the problem. He isn’t hurt. I saw him walking towards his car.

Victoria: What? You’re joking with me right?

Sulli: No~

Victora: So then, he really jumped over the railing and just walked away?

Sulli: Mhmm…

Victoria: Haha~ Alright you got me…Now where are the hidden camera’s?

Sulli: What? There are no hidden camera’s Victoria!

Victoria: Sulli? Okay, sorry you must be serious. It’s just kinda hard to believe that’s all.

Sulli: Sorry, I know it’s hard to believe, but I know what I saw. If you don’t believe me then you can go check to see if his body is splattered on the first floor.

Victoria: Ahh~ No thank you.

Sulli: Eomma what do we do now?

Victoria: Umm, we just stay calm and wait for the others to arrive alright?

Sulli: Okay.

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