The Meeting

A Heart Divided

A/N: Sorry for such a late update! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy! =D



Shadow made his way back into the city to meet up with the Angels. He went to a fairly secluded hotel so there wouldn't be many eyes watching. He waited for about twenty minutes when the Angels finally showed up.

Shadow: It's about time you showed up. We've got to get this city locked down before those monsters strike.

Angel 1: Do you know when they're going to strike?

Shadow: Not a clue, was hoping you knew, Kahi.

Kahi: I may be the leader of the Angels, but that doesn't mean I know everything. Raina, do you have any idea when or where they're going to hit?

Raina: I talked with intel and they said that the best spot for an attack to bring down all of China would be in Hong Kong. So my guess would be that they're going to hit Hong Kong.

Shadow: That's about three hours away from where we are now. So did they give you ladies my updated weapons to help destroy these improved Volkanosaurus?

Kahi: Yeah, Nana should have it. Nana, his weapons.

Nana: Ah~ Here you go oppa!

Shadow: Thanks. They've really improved my sword.

Kahi: The research division figured out a way to use air as an energy source for your gun. So as long as there is air, you should have unlimited ammo.

Shadow: Has this thing been tested?

Raina: Once or twice. They were hoping you'd give it a go.

Shadow: So I'm their guinea pig for this gun? Gosh, I really hope this thing doesn't blow up in my face. I guess I'd better keep my other gun on me just in case this thing does decide to blow up in my face.

Nana: Hehe~ That might be a good idea.

Shadow: Haha~ So you ladies ready to go?

Kahi: As soon as you are.

Shadow: Then suit up, we leave in five.

Shadow left the Angels to go to the bathroom to wash up.

Nana: He's kinda cute.

Kahi: Hands off Nana, he's engaged.

Nana: What? Really? Aww that stinks.

Raina: So this guy is supposedly the top guy? How are we second to him? There's three of us and one of him!

Kahi: Shh~ You haven't seen him in action have you?

Raina: No...why?

Kahi: If you think Nana was fast, you should see how fast Shadow can be. There's a reason why people call him Shadow. It's not just a nickname.

Raina: Is he really that fast?

Kahi: Yeah and he's that good. He may not look it because he's such a nice guy, but he could beat all of us up if he wanted to. He'd probably do it with ease too.

Nana: I also heard that he's super calm during battle and that no one has ever seen him get angry.

Raina: Really?!

Kahi: You would be right. No one has ever seen Shadow get angry. I just hope it stays that way because who knows what kind of power is hidden behind that small frame of his. He's strong now. Just imagine how much stronger he will be if he's pissed off. He could possibly wipe out an entire army all on his own, not that he'd do that, but he'd probably wipe out an entire army of monsters though.

Nana: Wow~ Really?!

Raina: That's kinda hard to believe don't you think?

Kahi: I used to think the same way. Don't you remember? Before we were created as the Angels, I was the top person. It was hard to believe that some nobody was better than me. Until he saved my life from a swarm of monsters. I was out in Greece to take care of some monsters, but there was more than I could handle. I was sure I could take them all on, but was soon proven wrong when I became overrun. Shadow was listed as a possible candidate at that time to be chosen to help save the world, but wasn't chosen yet. I was cornered by some fully evolved Dark Mists and was about to be terminated until Shadow showed up. He was swift, agile, and moved with grace that those Dark Mists didn't see what was coming. He took them all out, each with only one of his blade. I was impressed and it was then, I realized why he was chosen to help save the world and why he was possibly going to be ranked higher than me as a fighter.

Raina: Why he sounds amazing...

Nana: And kind of dreamy.

Shadow: Kahi, are you telling them the story of how I saved you so many years ago?

Kahi: Oh be quiet. I was perfectly fine. We all knew I had those Dark Mists right where I wanted them until you had to show up.

Shadow: Well if you'd like, I can travel back in time and fix that problem.

Kahi: What?! You have that kind of power?

Shadow: Haha no! If I did, I'd fix another problem I'm having. But enough with the chit chat, we can talk while we're on our way to Hong Kong. Let's head out.

Angels: Yes!


Two months had passed and Victoria and Nickhun had started to fall more madly in love. No one had seen any sign of Shadow returning back to Seoul. No one knows what became of him. Sulli and Luna both tried getting a hold of him, but he never answered or returned their calls. They eventually began to worry, but they couldn't do anything since he was in another country. After the first month of Shadow being gone, F(x) had a tour in China. While they were there Sulli, Luna, Krystal, and Amber all kept an eye out for Shadow. However they couldn't find him, despite Victoria taking them everywhere. Now all they could do was hope that Shadow would one day return. They all knew he was still hurting from Victoria's amnesia and they knew he would hurt even more when he found out that she was dating Nickhun.

It was now August 14, 2013 and F(x) was on the set to record their new mv that they were working on. Nickhun was also there to support Victoria for a little while until he had to get back to his schedules. Victoria had just got done doing her shots, got off the stage and got a hug from Nickhun for doing a good job. There in the shadows was Shadow watching Victoria embrace Nickhun in her arms. No one could recognize Shadow since his left arm was in a cast, had bandages on his face and he walked with a limp. Shadow had trouble holding in his tears as he saw the love of his life kiss another man, but he saw that Victoria was happy which gave him bittersweet feelings. Luna turned and noticed Shadow, but she didn't know that it was him. Shadow noticed that Luna had spotted him and decided to leave the premises since Luna started walking towards him. Luna saw Shadow leave and started to walk faster to catch up to him. Shadow quickly exited the building door with Luna right on his tail. The moment Luna exited the door, she tried looking in the direction that Shadow went, but she couldn't find him. She was confused because the building was long and the building didn't have any walls protruding out so he couldn't have hid behind any walls. He also couldn't have ran around the building without her seeing either because she would've saw him if he did since she wasn't that far behind him. She was completely baffled and confused, but she gave up her search since she ran into a dead end and walked back inside.

Krystal: Unnie~ What's a matter? You look very confused.

Luna: Yah! Krystal...I thought I just saw Shadow-appa...

Krystal: What?! Are you sure? It's been two months since we've last saw him. Are you sure you're not just seeing things?

Luna: I'm not sure. I chased this man that looked like him outside just a second ago. I was right behind and almost got a hold of him, but once he stepped outside he disappeared.

Krystal: Unnie~ I think you're just seeing things now.

Luna: Yeah~ Maybe you're right. I guess my mind is just playing tricks on me since I miss appa.

Krystal: I know, I miss him too. I wonder where he is. He needs to come back now.

Sulli: Why do you two look so depressed?

Krystal: Luna thought she saw appa...

Sulli: Luna, your appa's here?

Krystal: Not her appa! Shadow-appa...

Sulli: What?! Really! Where?! Why didn't you tell me he was here before he left!

Luna: He's not here, it must have been my imagination only. I thought I saw a guy that looked like him, but I guess it wasn't him.

Sulli: Ahh! This is driving me crazy! Appa needs to come back to us now! The four of us are starting to go crazy.

Victoria: Why are you four going crazy for? You're not going to start sueing SM now are you?

Sulli: Huh?! Oh! No! Not that haha~ I'm just so excited for my close-up thats all haha~ I'm just driving everyone else crazy because I want to get my recording done.

Victoria: Oh~ Well you could just tell the director that you want to record yours immeditely.

Sulli: Oh~ Yeah. I think I'll go do that.

Sulli then leaves to go talk to the director to avoid causing any suspicion.

Victoria: So what're you girls going to do today?

Luna: Well I have a variety show I have to go to after this.

Krystal: Same here.

Victoria: Oh, Okay.

Luna: Why do you ask? What're you doing today?

Victoria: Well I'm just going to go back to the dorms for a little bit and once Nickhun is done with his schedule, we're going to go out for a bit.

Krystal: Another date?

Victoria: Yeah~ Hehe~

Luna: You two are getting pretty serious now huh?

Victoria: Yeah. I guess you could say that.

Luna: I see thats cool.

Victoria: Well I'm done with shooting for the day, so I'm going to head back to the dorms. Bye girls!

LuKry: Bye~

Victoria then leaves with Nickhun to head back to the F(x) dorm.

Sulli: Is she leaving?

Luna: Yeah, but I thought you were talking to the director so that you could start recording first since you're driving "all four of us" crazy?

Sulli: Oh~ Haha~ I had to make up something right?

Luna: Haha~ Okay, and to answer your question, yes she's leaving.

Sulli: Okay~ Well I have to talk to you two and Amber once we're done here.

Krystal: Why? What is it?

Sulli: Well it's--

Director: Sulli!!

Sulli: Huh? Oh! Coming! Luna. Krystal. I'll tell you later okay?

LuKry: Okay.

The rest of F(x) had just finished their recording for the day and were about to head off to their individual schedules, but before they all left they all huddled up at the F(x) changing room so that Sulli could tell the rest of them what was on her mind, everyone in F(x) excluding Victoria.

Amber: So what is it Sulli? Why did you need to talk to all of us for?

Krystal: Yeah what is it Sulli?

Sulli: It's about Victoria.

Luna: What about her?

Sulli: Guys, I can't take it anymore. Victoria-eomma not knowing anything about appa. I have to tell her!

KryLuBer: WHAT!!

Sulli: I'm sorry, but I have to do it.

Amber: Are you crazy?!

Krystal: Appa specifically told us to keep this between us. We can't tell Victoria-eomma!

Sulli: But--

Luna: No buts Sulli. We can't tell her.

Sulli: We can't, but I can.

Luna: Sulli~

Sulli: *sigh* Fine. I won't do it.

Luna: Good. We don't want to cause any problems in the group right now.

Sulli: Araso. Are you all headed to your schedules now?

Krystal: Yep! Me and Luna-unnie are going on StarKing.

Sulli: What about you Amber?

Amber: I've got to go to a radio show with Shindong-oppa.

Sulli: Okay~

Luna: What about you Sulli?

Sulli: I'm done for the day. I'm going back to the dorm.

Luna: Victoria's back at the dorm. You'd better not tell her araso?!

Sulli: ...

Luna: Araso?!

Sulli: *sigh* kay~

Luna, Krystal and Amber all leave Sulli to go finish up the rest of the things left on their schedules. Sulli slowly makes her way to the car thats going to take her back to the dorm, since she was still frustrated over the fact that she isn't allowed to tell Victoria about Shadow. She arrives home fifteen minutes later, exhausted and some what cranky. Victoria was already home cooking when Sulli walked into the dorm.

Victoria: Is that you Sulli?

Sulli: Yes.

Victoria: No plans today?

Sulli: No~ What about you?

Victoria: I'm going on another date with Nickhun later.

Sulli: Oh~ okay.

Sulli then heads to her room to go change into something more comfortable. Sulli and Victoria sat around the dorm for about two hours while trying to find something to do. Sulli wasn't really in the talking or playing mood so Victoria was stuck trying to find something to do by herself.

Luna and Krystal were both done with the recording at StarKing. Krystal still had more places to go too, but since Luna was done, she decided to go shopping since she remembered that they were getting low on food at the dorm. Luna went to the store and shopped for a little bit and then headed back to her car until she noticed the Shadow look-a-like whom she noticed earlier. So instead of going to her car, she ran towards the Shadow look-a-like to find out who it was. Since Shadow's back was facing Luna, he didn't see her run up to him.

Luna: Appa?

Shadow then froze because he realized he had just been caught by Luna. He didn't want to turn around so he pretended like Luna was talking to someone else and continued to start walking.

Luna: Yah! Is that you Shadow-appa?

Shadow just kept walking until he almost reached his car. He used his car remote to open up the door automatically for him. Luna was starting to get frustrated that this man was ignoring her, so she ran ahead of him to stop him.

Luna: YAH! Why didn't you-- Shadow?!

Shadow: *sigh* Sorry I think you have the wrong person.

Luna: Yah! Wait! It's you isn't it?

Shadow: I think you have me mistaken for someone else.

Luna: How stupid do you think I am!

Shadow: *sigh*

Luna: Where have you been for the past two months?! What happened to you?

Shadow: I was in China.

Luna: For three months? That's a lie! We were in China two months ago! Me and the girls were looking for you while we were on our tour! We couldn't find you!

Shadow: That's probably because you all were too busy and weren't able to look for me properly.

Luna: Where were you!

Shadow: As I said. China.

Luna: I don't believe you!

Shadow: Then you wouldn't believe me whether or not I told the truth.

Luna: ...

Shadow: I was in China, I know you ladies were in China. However you all were in Beijing. I was in Hong Kong.

Luna: Oh~ Well that would explain why we didn't see you. How long have you been in Seoul?

Shadow: Three days.

Luna: And you didn't think for one second to come check up on us?

Shadow: ...

Luna: Was that you at our mv shoot earlier today?

Shadow: Yes~

Luna: How did you disappear so quickly?

Shadow: I didn't actually exit out the door.

Luna: What?

Shadow: I merely just pushed the door open, but I actually ran into the room on the left. Once you turned back and left. I went out the door.

Luna: That explains everything. So tell me. Why didn't you come see us? We've all missed you a lot, especially Sulli! She's been going crazy.

Shadow: I could tell. I could see something heavy on her shoulders.

Luna: Stop avoiding my question! Why didn't you come see us?

Shadow: I didn't want you all to see me in this sorry state.

Luna: What happened in China?

Shadow: Whatever happened to me in China, lets just let it stay in China.

Luna: Did you get beat up?

Shadow: Luna please~

Luna: You owe us an explanation.

Shadow: *sigh*

Luna: Did you even know that Victoria is dating Nickhun now?

Shadow: Yeah...

Luna: Really? For how long?

Shadow: When I saw her kiss Nickhun earlier.

Luna: You saw that?

Shadow: Unfortunately, but she's happy, so it doesn't matter what I think.

Luna: What happened to you? You were fine before you went to China, but since you're back, it's like you changed.

Shadow: I'm sorry. I'm just really exhausted. Look, I'm tired, I'm going to go home now. Bye--

Luna: Uh, no you're not! You're coming with me back to F(x)'s dorm and you're going to explain everything to us.

Shadow: You mean to you and Sulli?

Luna: What?

Shadow: Victoria has a date with Nickhun today, and Krystal and Amber haven't finished with their schedules yet. They won't be home for a few more hours.

Luna: Then at least go say hi to Sulli.

Shadow: I can't let her see me like this.

Luna: And why not?

Shadow: I just can't. Good bye~

Shadow then steps into his car and drives off leaving Luna completely infuriated. Victoria and Sulli were still at home doing nothing. Sulli was starting to get very antsy and couldn't hold it in anymore so she decided to tell Victoria everything.

Sulli: Victoria-eomma!

Victoria: What is it?

Sulli: *sigh* You remember Shadow-oppa right?

Victoria: Yes, why? Does Sulli like him?

Sulli: What?! No~ He's a good friend that's all.

Victoria: Are you sure?

Sulli: Yes, I'm sure.

Victoria: I don't think so. I think Sulli likes him hehe~

Sulli: I don't! Because he's engaged to YOU!! ooops!

Victoria: What?

Sulli: *sigh* Shadow-appa is engaged to you...

Victoria: No he isn't. If we were engaged you think I would have remembered.

Sulli: That's just the thing! You don't remember! Why? Because it was part of those eight months of memory that you lost!

Victoria: Uhh?

Luna then enters the dorm, but Sulli and Victoria are completely oblivious to her entrance.

Sulli: You got into a car wreck which caused you to lose your memory of Shadow-appa. You two were engaged to get married!

Luna: SULLI!

Sulli: What?! You're back already?!

Luna: What're you doing?

Sulli: I had to tell her.

Luna: Victoria-eomma don't listen to anything Sulli is saying! She's just been on the edge lately and--

Sulli: I'm not making this up!

Victoria: Be quiet! Both of you! Luna is what Sulli is saying true?

Luna: Umm...

Victoria: Well is it?!

Luna: You and Shadow-appa had a relationship before you lost your memory.

Victoria: So then it is true?

Luna: Yes...

Victoria: Haha~ You two are funny, trying to scare me like that.

Sulli: We're not lyin--

Victoria: Well, I'm going to go get ready because Nickhun should be here any minute.

Sulli: But--

Luna: Shh!

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