The Parents

A Heart Divided

A/N: Shout out to jungheeyoung


Both felt feelings of blissfulness, but was soon interupted by Victoria's phone going off.

Victoria: Hehe *sigh* give me one sec okay?

Nickhun: Sure.

*picks up phone*

Victoria: Hello?

Caller: Victoria? This is your manager. Have you been going to the hospital for your check ups?

Victoria: I had check ups? Sorry, no I haven't gone. Should I go now?

Manager: Yes! If you haven't gone yet, then go now to make sure there isn't anything wrong.

Victoria: Okay. How many times am I supposed to go back and get checked up?

Manager: Umm, well it's been about two weeks since you left the hospital. Soo...once every few weeks haha~ You were supposed to go last week.

Victoria: Oh, well I'll go now then.

Manager: Okay.

*end of call*

Victoria: Nickhun! I have to go to the hospital for a check up. Do you mind taking me to the hospital? We can continue this "date" afterwards alright?

Nickhun: Haha~ Sure, lets go get you checked up first.

The two head back to Nickhun's car to go to the hospital. They drove for about half an hour until they finally arrived at the hospital. Victoria and Nickhun walked into the hospital together, but Nickhun mainly came just to help support Victoria despite her protests of him staying in the car or waiting room. They waited a few minutes in the waiting room until Victoria was called in to get her check-up. The doctor found nothing wrong with her bones or body, except for her brain. Since she was suffering from amnesia, the doctor tried his best to try and find what was wrong with her brain. After a few scans, Victoria was dismissed and was told to come back in two weeks to get another check up.

Victoria: So what do we do now?

Nickhun: Hrmm? I don't know.

Victoria: Want to watch a movie?

Nickhun: No~ A live performance of you dancing with someone again might drive me over the edge haha~

Victoria: Alright, so how about we go to the club?

Nickhun: What?! Aren't you still immobile from you--

Victoria: I was just kidding hehe! Lets just head back to the F(x) dorm and chill. I'm kinda tired from all the tests they were running.

Nickhun: Sure, that sounds like a plan.

Nickhun then drove the two back to the dorm to relax and wait for the other F(x) members to show up. Once they had arrived at the dorm, they sat on the couch and leaned their heads onto each other and took a nap. Victoria woke back up an hour later to find that Amber and Krystal had just arrived.

Krystal: Hey!

Victoria: Shh! *whispers* He's still sleeping.

Krystal: Sorry~

Amber: What's Nickhun-oppa still doing here?

Victoria: We were just relaxing here waiting for the rest of you to come back since we had nothing else to do.

Krystal: You seem awfully happy. Did something happen?

Victoria: Hehe~ Yeah, but I'll let you know when the rest of the girls get here so I don't have to repeat myself.

Amber: What is it? Why not just tell us now?

Victoria: *sigh* Oh fine, I can't hold it in anyways. Me and Nickhun are dating!

KryBer: WHAT?!

Victoria: Shh!

KryBer: What?!!

Victoria: I know right? I was surprised too when he asked, but I said yes.

Krystal: Ahh, umm, we're happy for you?

Amber: Yeah~

Victoria: Thanks girls~ hehe~

Amber: Well I'm going to go put my things away. Krystal, you coming?

Krystal: Umm, yeah~

Amber and Krystal quickly scurried off into Amber's room before Victoria noticed their disbelief of her dating Nickhun.

Amber: She's dating Nickhun!

Krystal: I know~ Shadow-appa isn't going to be happy when he hears that nor Luna or Sulli.

Amber: Well you can't blame eomma, she did lose her memory after all. I just really wish she would remember appa because she was much more happier and so were we.

Krystal: Yeah~ Hey, why don't we just break the news to her?

Amber: What?

Krystal: Why don't we just tell Victoria what happened in the past eight months. All of us are thinking it all the time. Why don't we just go ahead and get it over with.

Amber: Appa would be upset though. I've never see him mad, and I don't want to be the cause of him getting mad.

Krystal: Now that you mention it, you're right. When has he gotten mad? Victoria used to yell at him all the time, but he would just deflect her anger with his smile and happiness. *sigh* This is all just so wrong. Why did his boss have to make him go to China! Now of all times!

Amber: Shh, keep your voice down. We don't want Victoria to hear what we're saying.

Krystal: *sigh* I know, I'm just frustrated thats all.

Amber: I know, all four of us are. We just have to keep it together and just trust that appa knows what it is that he is doing.

Krystal: You're right.

They then heard loud voices and realized Sulli and Luna had arrived home.

Amber: We'd better hurry back out there and keep those two under control.

Krystal: Yep.

Victoria: Shh! Nickhun is sleeping!

Luna: Sorry! But--

Amber: What's wrong?

Luna: Oh, you two are home already? Well nothings wrong.

Amber: Okay?

Luna and Sulli then march towards Ambers room, but before they entered, they signaled for Krystal and Amber to join them.

Luna: Is she really dating Nickhun?!

Amber: Yeah~

Sulli: But she can't! She's engaged to appa! We were all there when he proposed!

Amber: Shh, not soo loud Sulli.

Krystal: Yeah, but she doesn't remember any of that remember?

Sulli: I know, but still.

Luna: So what happens now? Should we tell her?

Amber: And face the wrath of appa? I think not.

Luna: He won't get too mad at us right?

Amber: I don't want to be there when he's mad. As I told Krystal, I've never see him get mad. Disappointed yes, but mad? No.

Sulli: Appa's a good man, and I don't want to see him get hurt.

Luna: We know Sulli. We just have to take things slow.

Amber: Let's just trust that he knows what he's doing. He always seems to be right. Let's just hope he's right again this time.

LuSu: Yeah~



Shadow had just arrived in China and noticed nothing was wrong yet so he decided to go pay a visit with Victoria's parents before getting everything set-up. He took a taxi to their house which took him nearly an hour to get to because of the busy traffic and the difficulty of him trying to get out into the countryside. Once he arrived, Victoria's parents were a bit anxious as to whom was visiting them. They were hoping it was Victoria, but just as glad to see that it was Shadow.

VicDad: Hello! It's been a while since we've seen you.

Shadow: Yeah it has been. How have you and Mrs. Song been?

VicDad: We have been good thank you for asking. How have you been?

Shadow: Tired, but overall good.

VicMom: Victoria did not come with you?

Shadow: No, she got hurt during the car accident so she isn't allowed to go anywhere.

VicDad: Well let's go inside, you can explain to us the details of her condition.

Shadow: Thank you.

The three made their way back inside the house. Mrs. Song went and got drinks for all of them as they sat down at the dining table to talk.

VicDad: So how is our little girl?

Shadow: She's got some broken ribs, but she's healing fast. The doctor let her check out of the hospital the next day after her surgery.

VicDad: Really? Thats kind of fast don't you think?

Victoria's mom then returns to the table with some drinks.

Shadow: Thank you Mrs. Song.

VicMom: You and Victoria have been together long enough, you can just call me mom.

Shadow: Hehe~ Thanks. It'll take some getting used to, calling someone else mom, but I'm glad that it will be you. And to answer your question, yes I do think it is kind of early for her to be checking out, but I'm not a medical expert so I'm trusting the doctors know what they're doing.

VicDad: Hrmm, I suppose you're right.

VicMom: So has she been eating? She's always been picky with her food. If there isn't any pork, she will not eat whatever is cooked unless she is really hungry.

Shadow: Yeah, she's been eating. I've made sure she ate. There is one problem I have to discuss with you two though.

VicDad: What is it?

Shadow: Umm~

VicMom: Don't be shy, you know you can tell us anything.

Shadow: Well, it's that...*sigh* how do I put it. Victoria's got amnesia.

VicDad: What?!

Shadow: She's forgotten me. How we met, that we're engaged, everything. She's lost the last eight months of her memory.

VicDad: Well how could she forget you if it was only the past eight months she lost. It's not like--

VicMom: Honey, thats when they started dating remember? They met each other eight months ago. Don't you remember our little girl wouldn't stop talking about how great Shadow is?

VicDad: Yeah, I remember. It's just hard to believe that's all.

Shadow: I know, it's been tough.

VicMom: Have you told her about you two?

Shadow: No~ I decided to keep that hidden from her for the time being.

VicMom: What..why? You should tell her.

VicDad: Don't you love my daughter? Or are you using this as an excuse to see other women?

Shadow: I'm sorry, I didn't intend for it to appear like that. The car accident she was in was a very terrible one.

VicDad: What happened?

Shadow: I was driving on the highway but since the highway I was on was very busy at that time of day, I couldn't see what was happening a few yards ahead of me. All I remember seeing was her car crashing through the road barriers. There are two road barriers to help prevent cars from flying into the ditch. I saw her hit the first one, but I had to stop and look at the car in front of me since everyone slammed on their brakes and before I knew it, her car already pushed through the second barrier.

VicDad: And you did nothing?!

VicMom: Honey, calm down. I'm sure Shadow did everything that he possibly could, right?

Shadow: *sigh* I almost drove past, but as I told you, I recognized her car. There aren't many people with that kind of car so I had to stop and look. Her head was bleeding and I couldn't see any other injuries at the time being. I just knew that I saw gas leaking and I had to get her out of the car immediately. Her door was jammed and I was running out of time since a fire had started. I checked to make sure her foot wasn't caught on anything and I dragged her out of the window.

VicDad: Why didn't you wait for the police or firefighters?! Are you crazy! You put my daughter in more risk of getting hurt.

Shadow: I'm sorry, but I had to do it. If I didn't, you'd be staring at a coffin instead.

VicDad: What did you say!

Shadow: *sigh* Sir, the moment I got her out of the car and about three steps away, the car blew up sending me and Victoria flying. I held onto her for dear life and knudged her head closer to me so that when we landed I would take most of the impact from the fall instead of her. We were thrown onto a rock.

VicDad: Did you use her to soften your landing?

Shadow: Of course not! Once I hit the rock with my back, it took every ounce of energy, strength and will power to hold onto Victoria, especially when we landed back onto the ground. The doctors looked at my back and said that I was very lucky I didn't rupture my spine. She's safe and I did everything I could to keep it that way.

VicMom: Thank you.

VicDad: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so hard on you, it's just that it's my daughter and I'm really worried for her thats all.

VicMom: We didn't know what had happened, since all you told us was that she got into an accident and was badly injured. We didn't know that you saved our daughter from death and used your own body as a shield to protect our daughter.

Shadow: It's okay. You're her parents, and you have every right to be frustrated and confused about what happened to your daughter. Just know that I love her very much and will do anything to keep her safe. Even if that meant that I have to give up my life for her to stay happy. This is why I haven't told her about us. It's not that I don't love her. It's because I love her that I don't want her to know. If she remembers, what happens if she develops PTSD? I asked Nickhun to take care of her for however long she needs to heal.

VicDad: What? What are you talking about! Why are you having another man take care of our daugher? Shouldn't you be doing that right now?!

Shadow: Trust me, I want to be by her side right now, at this minute. I can't sleep knowing that she doesn't remember me. I'm here on business. Remember my job?

VicMom: You're a police officer right? Or something like that.

Shadow: Yeah, and I got a tip that something big was going to happen in town and was advised to come here immediately.

VicDad: Son, what is happening?

Shadow: The less you two know, the safer you'll be. What I can tell you is that, if I don't stop these bad guys here, China won't ever be the same again.

VicMom: *gasp* That bad?

VicDad: What is going to happen? Tell us.

Shadow: Forgive me for my rudeness, but I can't tell you. It will keep you safe this way. These bad guys are looking for me, and they'll kidnap or hurt anyone with any knowledge of me. I took nine different taxi's to get here, to make sure that I wasn't followed.

VicDad: I see.

Shadow: Sir, do you still practice martial arts or still practice sword fighting?

VicDad: Yes, why do you ask?

Shadow: I'd like to spar with you one time, if you would be willing to.

VicDad: Why so sudden?

Shadow: Well, I want to see if my fighting abilities are up to par. My job keeps me busy and I'm always in dangerous situations, so I want to make sure to fill any holes in my fighting style.

VicDad: Okay, sure.

The two walked into Victoria's dad's gym to spar. Victoria's dad used the mantis style while Shadow used his own style he created. Shadow never liked to initiate the fight, so he just stared down Victoria's dad. There was some silence before Victoria's dad initiated the fight. He strike at Shadow, but Shadow dodged and counter-attacked. Victoria's dad saw the hit coming, so he blocked it and strike again. Shadow was only blocking and dodging from this point. Victoria's dad noticed this and then told Shadow to get serious and start attacking. Shadow had seen enough of Victoria's dad's fighting ability to know that her dad wouldn't be able to keep up with his style. Shadow just continued to block, dodge and sometimes counter to make it look like he was trying.

VicDad: Look, I've been fighting for a long time. I know you're holding back so let loose already!

Shadow: I'm sorry, I just don't want to hurt the father of the person I love.

VicDad: Ahh~ Don't worry about that. I'm old, but I'm not that weak. Come on, let me see your full potential! I need to make sure you can protect my daughter from any baddies despite you being a cop.

Shadow: *sigh* Very well then. I won't hold back.

Shadow then sprinted at Victoria's dad, closing the gap between them at an incredible speed, that her dad didn't have enough time to react to Shadow's sudden speed. Shadow threw a punch to Victoria's dad's face, but didn't make contact. He just made the movement just enough to show where he would hit. Shadow then crouched down and spun around Victoria's dad while jabbing at the side of his rib before getting behind him. Shadow made sure not to hit Victoria's dad. Victoria's dad was so stunned at how fast Shadow was moving and then realized why he told everyone to just call him Shadow. His nickname was really fitting.

VicDad: Wow~ You're fast, but I'm still standing.

Shadow: Haha~ Yeah you are, but if my fist had made contact with your head, it would have been the end. I would've hit your temple too hard and too fast, it might have cracked your skull, I think?

VicDad: What about that jab to my rib?

Shadow: Oh! Uh? That was just because I felt like hitting there haha~

VicDad: You're a great fighter. I haven't been taken down so easily before and for you to take me down in just a few seconds is amazing. I was once renowned as the greatest fighter in China, but not anymore. I'm too old to tango with these young kids now.

Shadow: Thank you for your praise. You really are an amazing fighter. You blocked my first counter-strike which surprised me. Most people I fight don't normally see the counter-strike I did to you.

VicDad: Haha~ I guess, I still got it in me then.

Shadow: Yes, yes you do. Thank you for the sparing match. I think I should be getting on my way now. Duty calls, and I need to make sure I can keep these baddies cornered or things will continue to head south. Thank you Mr and Mrs. Song. You've both helped me a lot and I thank you both. I hope taking this job will help me to repay the favor back to you.

VicMom: Oh, you don't need to repay us back. You're the first person to ever make Victoria really happy. Before she met you, she was happy, but when she met you, she glowed with happiness every day. And not only that, you are a good kid and you listened and made sure to keep Victoria out of trouble despite the fact that she'd like to rebel every now and then. Like that time she tried to sneak out to go hang out with you and some friends, but you dragged her back home since she wasn't allowed to leave. You're a good person, I'm glad my daughter met someone like you.

Shadow: Thank you. I hope that the next time we meet, Victoria will be with me.

VicDad: You and me both.

Shadow: Okay, I got to go now. Bye! You two take care of yourselves now!

VicMom: Stay safe bye!


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