The Assignment

A Heart Divided

He was awoken again, but this time by his alarm clock. It was 8a.m. and Shadow was not looking forward to getting up, but knew that he had to go take care of Victoria. He washed up, showered, and then got ready and left for F(x)'s dorm. Once he arrived, he noticed a few more cars were there. When he knocked on F(x)'s door, he could hear laughter and talking. Once Luna opened the door, Shadow could hear that some of the voices belonged to men.

Luna: Oh~ Good morning *whisper* appa~ *wink*

Shadow: Haha~ Good morning Luna! Is everyone awake now?

Luna: Yep! 2pm oppa's are here as well. Well just Nickhun and Chansung.

Shadow: Ohh~ I see.

Luna: Well come in~

Shadow: Thank you!

Shadow walked into the dorm and saw F(x) sitting on their couch while Nickhun and Chansung were sitting on some pillows on the floor. Sulli was the first one to notice Shadow enter the room.

Sulli: Oppa! Good morning!

Shadow: Haha~ Good morning Sulli! Sleep well?

Sulli: Yes! How about you? You didn't sleep well did you? You look really tired!

Shadow: Oh I'm fine. Could have used a bit more sleep, but I'm fine. Good morning to the rest of you as well.

Everyone: Morning!

Shadow: So what brings you two here?

Nickhun: Oh we just wanted to check up on the girls to make sure they're okay.

Chansung: I had nothing planned for today so I thought I'd tag along with Nickhun.

Shadow: I see.

Krystal: Shadow oppa! Why're you so dressed up! Isn't it hot outside?

Shadow: I'm not that dressed up am I?

Krystal: Well you're wearing long sleeves! Isn't it hot?

Shadow: Haha~ Yeah it is kinda warm outside, but I'm fine.

Krystal: Hrmm...

Shadow: Well Victoria, how are you? Feeling better?

Victoria: Yes, I'm feeling much better. Nickhun has been helping me out this morning since the girls didn't feel like helping me.

Sulli: What?! You said you wanted to do everything by yourself and not be a "burden" to anyone right?

Victoria: Yes yes. *sigh* It's much easier to say than do.

Shadow: Well is there anything that you still need or are you fine for now?

Victoria: No, I'm okay now. Thank you.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds until Shadow's phone started to ring.

Shadow: Oops sorry, I'll be right back.

Sulli: Oppa~ Who's calling you?

Shadow: A friend~

Luna: A friend?

Shadow: Haha~ Don't worry it's not that kind of friend.

Luna: Mhmm...

Shadow then leaves the room to answer his phone.

Shadow: Yep?

Caller: We've got intel that there's going to be a massive amount of monsters forming up in China. We'd send in the Angels to take care of the monsters, but knowing your connection with Ms. Victoria Song, we thought you'd like to handle the matter personally since her parents are currently still in China.

Shadow: Do you guys know what monsters are forming up?

Caller: Mainly Dark Mists, but from what we heard they're also sending in some new and improved Volkanosaurus.

Shadow: New and improved?

Caller: Yeah these new and improved Volkanosaurus are supposedly capable of creating heat much hotter than just fire and able to create lava. They supposedly have such tough skin armor tha--

Shadow: I fought one earlier this morning. These things are no joke. I'm going to need the help of the Angels as well. This won't be an easy task if they're sending in a platoon of these new and improved Volkanosaurus.

Caller: You fought one earlier this morning?

Shadow: Yeah, and shooting it in it's sweet spot doesn't affect it as much as it does a normal Volkanosaurus. I had to literally drive my sword into the head of the Volkanosaurus to render it useless.

Caller: I see, well with this new information we'll develop some new weapons for you to give you an edge over these new and improved Volkanosaurus. We'll also let the Angel's know of this information so that they can prepare themselves as well.

Shadow: When will this mass of monsters show up in China?

Caller: We're unsure, but all we know is that we got a message saying that China will become a ghost town in 68 hours. So this could mean that they're going to send in their monsters in 68 hours to wipe out everyone in China or we got 68 hours to stop the monsters from wiping out all of China. We checked into China to see if there was anything stirring, but as for now, China is fine. We'd suggest you making any final preparations that you need to make and head for China immediately.

Shadow: Very well, I'll just have to get someone to watch over Victoria for me. Feed me any new intel whenever you get some.

Caller: Understood, good luck!

Shadow then takes in a deep breath and walks back into the room of overly excited people.

Shadow: So what are F(x)'s plans for today?

Victoria: Well the girls have some photo shoots that they have to go to, and practice, but thats about it.

Shadow: Nickhun, what about 2pm?

Nickhun: Well I'm actually free today thats why we're both here.

Shadow: I see. Nickhun I have a favor I need to ask of you.

Nickhun: Uhh~ What is it?

Shadow: I need you to take over my place as Victoria's Personal Assistant.

Everyone: WHAT?!!!

Shadow: I'm sorry, I know it's sudden, but I need your help.

Nickhun: Umm~

Luna: What're you talking about! Why're you quitting as Victoria's Personal Assistant?!!

Sulli: Yeah why Oppa!!!

Shadow: I'm leaving to China for a business trip. I won't be back for a while.

Victoria: China? What're you doing in China?

Shadow: Haha~ I'm going to try and maintain peace between two groups of people.

Victoria: Ohh~

Amber: Victoria, don't your parents still live in China?

Victoria: Oh yeah! They do! You should say hi to my parents if you ever have the time.

Shadow: Yeah I'll do that.

Sulli: Hey guys! Are you all forgetting that Oppa is quitting as Victoria's Personal Assistant!

Luna: Yeah, this is all so sudden, who called you? What's happening?

Shadow: Oh no, I've been thinking about this for a while thats all.

Luna: How long?

Victoria: Do you not like me? I apologize if I made you angry with me!

Shadow: Umm, so Nickhun, will you take good care of Victoria for me?

Nickhun: Umm sure.

Shadow: Sure? Or yes?

Nickhun: Aren't they the same thing?

Shadow: No. sure means you're just saying yes because you're obligated to say yes, but 'yes' means you're willing to accept the responsibility whole-heartedly. So sure or yes?

Nickhun: Yes! I will take care of Victoria!

Shadow: Thank you...I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. My boss just made a last second departure change on me, so I have to leave now. Bye everyone.

Amber: You're leaving so soon?!

Shadow: Yes unfortunately. I'll see you all in a few months probably. If I'm late for my departure, my boss will kill me!

Luna: Ohh~ Okies, in that case take care of yourself!

Victoria: Be safe!

Sulli just gives Shadow a look that said "You'd better not even dare look at another women other than Victoria eomma." Shadow then chuckles to himself and left.

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