
A Heart Divided

The group made their way back to Victoria’s room. Once they walked back in, Victoria immediately stared at them with a confused look on her face. She had no clue as to what was going on and she wanted answers immediately.

Victoria: Will you all quit keeping me in the dark?! Who is that guy? What happened?

Unknown: Good afternoon Ms. Victoria Qian. SM hired me to be your personal assistant for the time being while you recover from your injuries. Is there anything I can do for you right now?

Victoria: Uhh? Did they really? Wait, but Amber just asked me why I didn’t remember who you were!

Unknown: Well I was hired to help you with your injuries eight months ago. You fractured your ankle bone really bad. Now they want me to help you again with your injuries. They thought that maybe a familiar face would help ease things, but it appears that you don’t remember me.

Victoria: What? Eight months ago? I can’t remember anything from eight months ago till now. All I know is I get this feeling that the past eight months is special to me. Maybe it was because of Oppa here helping me recover.

Luna: Yes don’t you remember? Oppa here helped you all the time. Almost all day and night just to make sure you were tended to thoroughly. I was quite jealous…

Victoria: Ahh~ I see, well in that case thank you for your help!

Unknown: Is there anything I can do for you now? Do you need a drink, food or a nurse?

Victoria: No, I’m fine for the moment, thank you!

Unknown: If you ever need anything, I’ll always be within earshot.

With that, the guy stepped back and let the girls talk with Victoria about everything. They explained to her the upcoming events and what they were going to do for the shows. A few minutes later Nickhun, Wooyoung and Junho showed up.

Nickhun,Wooyoung,Junho: Hello everyone!

Fx: Hello

Nickhun: How are you Victoria?

Victoria: Ohh umm I’m fine, how are you?

Nickhun: I’m good too.

Junho: Ahh~ Nickhun was soo worried when he found out that Nuna was hurt. He had us come here immediately.

Victoria: Ohh thank you so much!

Junho: Ohh Hyung, I didn’t see you there how are you?

Unknown: I’m fine thanks. How is the rest of 2pm?

Wooyoung: We’ve been good thanks to you!

Victoria: Do you help them with their wounds too?

Junho: Wha-

Unknown: Nah, I only help the ladies with their injuries haha…2pm dongsaengs are like my younger brothers so I take care of them when I can.

Junho: So how have you two-

Unknown: Ahh you mean have I been taking good care of Victoria noona? Yes I have been, no worries.

Wooyoung: Hyung, you’re acting kind of funny. Are you okay?

Unknown: Yes I am.

Nickhun: Hyung you look kind of sick, have you been eating well?

Unknown: Yes yes haha~

Luna: Junho, Nickhun, Wooyoung oppa~ can I speak to you three in private?

Junho: I suppose so…

The four left the room while a bewildered Victoria is trying to figure out why people keep leaving the room to speak privately.

Junho: Luna-sshi whats up?

Luna: Victoria has amnesia.

JNW: What?!

Luna: That’s why Appa keeps cutting you off. Victoria eomma doesn’t remember anything about the two of them. She doesn’t remember that they’re engaged. She’s forgotten the last eight months of her life. Appa wants to keep these last eight months a secret from Victoria eomma.

Nickhun: Why?

Luna: *sigh* He has a very long reason.

Luna explains the man’s reason for keeping Victoria in the dark about their relationship.

Wooyoung: Ahh~ Hyung…This is so depressing.

Junho: Yes, yes it is.

Luna: So could you all pretend that Appa is just Victoria eomma’s assistant?

JW: Yeah, sure.

Luna: Nickhun?

Nickhun: Huh? Ohh yeah yeah.

Luna: Oppa are you okay?

Nickhun: Yeah I’m fine.

Junho: Well this explains why Hyung looks so sad, tired, and keeps cutting us off.

Luna: He looks sad because he pulled her out of her car before it exploded.


Luna: Yeah, Appa was driving and didn’t realize that he was just a few cars behind Eomma. He saw a car that looked like hers drive through the road barriers and as he drove up, he saw something familiar about the car and ran out to help whomever was in the car. He found out that it was Eomma that was the one injured and pulled her out of the car right before it exploded.

Wooyoung: Wow~ Hyung is a hero.

Luna: Yeah that’s what I said.

Wooyoung: That’s so like hyung though.

Luna: What do you mean?

Wooyoung: He’s always helping people that he sees needs help. One time we were hanging out at a restaurant. As we left the restaurant, we saw a lady getting backed into a wall by three guys. We didn’t know what to do. We were worried and wanted to help, but since we’re celebrities we didn’t want to cause a scene. But before we knew it. Hyung walked straight up to them and told them to back off of the lady. They didn’t budge at first and stared at hyung straight in the eye. One of them tried punching hyung, but he simply swayed to the left and came back with a powerful punch and knocked the guy out. The other two looked a bit worried so they both started to gang up on hyung. Once the two were away from the lady, hyung told her to leave. He pointed towards us and told her we’d keep her safe for the time being. One of the guys got furious and took out a knife and tried to stab hyung, but it was so weird.

Luna: What?!

Junho: Hyung dodged the attack with ease. It looked like he knew what he was doing. As if he’d been in a lot of fights before. He grabbed the guys arm after the guy tried to stab him and twisted his arm. Hyung broke his arm, I think, because the guy fell down to his knees and grabbed his arm very tightly. The third guy was so scared that he wet himself. I thought for sure hyung was going to beat him up too, but all hyung did was slap him. Hyung said “do you plan to continue living this life? If you do and I find you doing something like this again, I will not show any mercy, you understand?” and with that the third guy left but hyung stopped him.

Luna: Why’d Appa stop him?

Wooyoung: That’s because hyung told him to take his friends with him. Hyung knelt down next to the second guy, the one who’s arm he broke. We thought he was going to threaten him or something, and the guy thought so too because he started begging for his life. But hyung just told him that he wanted to look at his arm. The guy was confused but let hyung look at it anyways. Hyung said that he didn’t break the dude’s arm, it just felt that way. He pressed some spots on the guys arm and slowly helped bend the guys arm and he was fine again. The guy was so confused and bewildered and relieved at the same time. Hyung told that guy the same thing he told the third guy, but he apologized to him for some what breaking his arm. The guy told hyung he won’t forget his mercy and kindness and would turn away from his wickedness. As for the first guy that he punched, well things didn’t work out too well for him.

Luna: Appa punched him again didn’t he?

Junho: Almost. He helped the guy come back to his senses, but the guy was ready to fight again, but then again who wouldn’t be. If you got into a fight with someone and then woke up with him standing above you, I think anyone would be ready to fight. However, hyung didn’t want to fight anymore and told him to turn from his wicked ways and live a better life. The guy just scoffed and swore at him. If I was hyung I would’ve punched the guy again, but hyung just told him to leave now or he’ll end up back on the ground again, but this time, he’ll leave him there to rot. That scared him more than anything, so he took off running faster than lightning. Hyung came back to us and asked the lady what her name was and asked if she was okay.

Luna: Wow that sounds so much like Appa! Was the lady okay?

Wooyoung: Of course, we were there to protect her at that time, remember?

Luna: Mhmm~ You all were too afraid to help the poor girl in the first place.

Wooyoung: Haha~ Well yeah, but…

Junho: Anyways, hyung asked her if she would feel alright if he escorted her home, because it was late and it wasn’t safe for a girl to walk home alone in the dark. She agreed.

Luna: How long ago was this?

Wooyoung: Ahh..1, 2, 8 months ago?

Luna: Really? Who was this girl he saved?

Nickhun: Victoria.

Luna: Eh?

Nickhun: It was Victoria. The person that hyung saved was Victoria. We didn’t know it was her until she ran up to us.

Luna: REALLY! That’s why she trusted Appa to take her home. She knew you all already. Nickhun why didn’t you offer to take her home? You two did have a pretend marriage after all.

Nickhun: I did, she refused and said she was fine.

Luna: Then why did she agree for Appa to take her?

Nickhun: You know how hyung is, he doesn’t take no for an answer.

Luna: Yeah, but still…

Junho: He spoke Chinese to her.

Luna: Ohhh~ That explains everything

Junho: He was able to relate to her in a way the rest of us couldn’t. He scolded her not only in Korean but also in Chinese. She had no choice but to accept his . He was not going to let her walk back alone.

Luna: Did all of you walk with them or did you leave them?

Wooyoung: Hyung asked us if we wanted to join them, but we said that we had to get back to our dorms and prepare for our schedules so we apologized and left them.

Luna: Aish~ Some friends you are.

Junho: What?! We wanted to go with hyung, but it would’ve been weird so we gave them their space. We were pretty sure Victoria noona wanted to thank hyung, but I doubt she wanted to do that in front of all of us.

Luna: *sigh* I suppose you’re right.

Wooyoung: It’s not just that, hyung liked Victoria noona a lot back then before he met her. So we figured we’d let him get to know her more and maybe something would work out.

Luna: Haha~ So in a way you all were helping him huh?

Junho: Yeah pretty much!

Luna: I see, I see, well lets get back inside, just remember not to bring up their relationship. Just pretend that Appa is Eomma’s personal assistant.


With that they joined the rest of the group and pretended like everything was normal.

Krystal: Yah! What took you all so long?

Luna: Ahh~ I was just telling 2pm oppa’s about our upcoming performances and asked if they’d like to help us with it.

Luna then try to inconspicuously wink at the rest of the girls without letting Victoria see to give them a hint that she explained everything to Wooyoung, Nickhun, and Junho.

Krystal: Ohh araso, but you all still took forever.

Luna: That’s because a certain someone here had to tell me a long story…

Wooyoung: What?! It was a good story though!

Luna: Haha~ Yeah yeah you’re right, it was a good story.

Sulli: Oooh!! Care to tell the rest of us?

Wooyoung: Ahh but it’s so long!

Krystal: Aww but oppa it sounds so interesting!

Wooyoung: I’d tell you, but Victoria noona is here.

Victoria: What?! What about me?

Junho: Yep yep, Victoria noona isn’t allowed to hear this amazing story.

Victoria: What! Why not?! I want to hear too!

Nickhun: Alright I’ll tell you.

Victoria: Really?

Nickhun then gets cold glares from Wooyoung, Junho, and Luna and decides to not tell her.

Nickhun: Ahh, just kidding.

Victoria: Aish! Don’t tease me like that!

Junho: Well Victoria noona, we hope you get better. We’d like to stay longer, but we have to get back to our schedules. Good bye, and take care. Get better! Fighting!

Victoria: Thanks, you all take care too. Bye!

Fx: Bye!

JNW: Bye!

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