Second Warning

Being A Mafia's Daughter Isn't As Bad As It Seems

Months passed by, and things have gotten better at school. Block B were able to handle their fans, and protect you guys at the same time.

Things have gotten quiet with your dad. He didn't receive any more threat letters. All of you became suspicious.

One day, as you were coming home from school, all of you decided to stop by your father's office. You entered the room to see him looking stressed out. His hand was on his forehead, and he was looking down.

"What's wrong, dad?" you asked. He handed you a letter. Your figured out that it was probably another threat letter. You, Kimiko, Block B, and Jaejoong read the letter.

"I see that you refuse to listen. Fine, have it your way. Since you didn't choose to play it safe, I am forced to get my hands dirty. I'll be coming after your daughters first.

P.S. I'll give you five days to think it over. It you do not decide by then, you can say good-bye to your daughters."

You guys couldn't believe it. This letter was worse than the other one.

"Dad! We have to do something!" you said. "What can we do?" you dad asked with an exasperated sigh. "We should go into hiding for a week or two" you said.

"What good would hiding do?" your father asked. "Actually, I think that is a good idea." Jaejoong cut in. "We can probably make them lose our trail if we hide for two weeks."

Everyone gave Jaejoong's idea a second thought. "I think that might work" your father said. "But, if for some reason they do find us; we will need backup."

"Our group is too small if it is just us." "Let's bring Mr. Choi with us then" Jaejoong suggested.

*Mr. Choi is one of the gang leader that is on good terms with your dad.*

"Great idea, Jaejoong. I'll call him now and we will leave tomorrow. I've already decided where we could hide for the next two weeks" your father said.

"Hide on our private island?" You and Kimiko asked. "No. We're going to our cabin in the mountains. They would never guess to look for us there."

"But it's cold up there!" Kimiko complained. "Better that than being kidnapped" you said.

"Okay then, it's decided. Everyone should start packing now. We leave tomorrow early in the morning" your dad said.


Author's Note: So, they're going into hiding. What do you think is gonna happen to them? :)


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Chapter 25: New reader and I love the traitors kekeke they really funny. Good job authornimm
Chapter 25: Hahaha! I love the ending! It's so funny, a bunch of traitors! Hahaha I can't stop laughing.
*serious mode. Poker face on*
I love your story!!!!!!!!! I love your writing skills!!!!! You're awesome!
Jessika98 #3
Chapter 25: This is a really good story! :)
Ty for reading ^^
Chapter 25: Love your stories :D
Thanks for reading ^^
The ending are pretty funny..i keep smiling while reading it...Block B ,Kamiko and my father such a traitor..kekeke but i love it...thanks for such enjoyable stories..
Haha, thank you for the kind words ^^
Hello lovely author....!! I'm the new reader for this story...ur story awesome...!? Fighting...!!
Awwww ^^ Thank you for that nice comment :)