The devil is gone

Fake ???? What ???

2:00AM                                                                                                                                                                             In a motel near Apujeong-dong 


The sky was dark , the wind had a slight chill to it. The cold breeze makes my exposed skin tingle and makes a chills run down my spine. But that didn't mattter today. Nothing mattered today I want to get my revenge and flee, When I say flee i mean run away from this country get a new identity and make my way to stardom. 


 I walked down over to the back door of the Apartments EXO lives in, Once I was at the door I noticed that they had a key lock on the door not like the new ones locks these days that use codes to be opened. I took one of the hair pins out of my hair and used it to pick the lock after about 5 falled attempts I finaly got the door open. I quietly slipped through they halls and opened the first door on my left and to my luck it was the one that Seohyun was sleeping and best of all Ara was there to. Both sleeping soundly for a few minutes I just listened to there steady breathing. " This like killing 2 birds with one stone" I whispered quietly.

I looked through my bag pulling out the knife I brought , I took a few minutes to look at the sharp clean blade and how it twinkled. Should I wake them up and watch them suffer or should I just kill them while they are sleeping. I stand there thinking about this to myself . I'll just kill them while there sleeping.


We weren't tired so me and Ara were just talking and playing around when we heard the door open and it's was followed by foot steps that seemed to be heading our way. 

" Did you hear that" I asked Ara.

" I did " Ara replyed 

We didn't need to speak anymore we quickly layed down pretending that we were asleep, I heard our the door open to our room followed by a shadow.  "this is like killing 2 birds with one stone " the person whispered. I reconized the voice it's Jiyeon LEE JIYEON. I thought she was taken away. She suddenly pulled out a knife , This girl has really gone crazy she's really wants to kill us I don't think so.  She started heading closer to where Ara was laying. I started panicking, I didn;t know what I could do. But that thought went away after I remembered the day Ara fought off those saseangs. 

The knife came closer to Ara's face, Ara grabbed a Jiyeon's hand and opened her eyes. I opened my eyes as well and screamed help hoping that the EXO members would hear it and come to our resucue.

" What the hell " Screamed Jiyeon trying her best to stab Ara but her hold was to strong. 

" You wanted to kill us , You coud have been more quiet and careful but your just care less" Ara said smirking.

That made Jiyeon angry, Jiyeon's eyes were full of rage and Her hair was mess she looked insane like she just ran away from some mental asylum.

" LEE JIYEON YOU ARE A STUPID INSANEEE GIRL I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT YOU BELONG IN A MENTAL ASYLUM " I screamed as I slapped her hard across her face. I could tell both Jiyeon and Ara were suprised by my action.

I wanted to hit her more she deserved alot more for the pain she caused me and my friend Ara , Exo and the dearest person in my life Luhan. 

" You deserve this , I have a desire to hit you even more - " I was about to continue when EXO came with there manager , But i didn;t care I need to say this so i continued. " but i'm not going to stoop down to your level I just want you to know that if you try to harm my friends once more I will do wht ever it takes to make sure that is the last time anyone  ever see's you " I said inraged.

The manager came and grabbed her. " Don't you girls ever worry I will make sure this insane girl goes to a place that she belongs A MENTAL ASYLUM" after saying that he left.

I feel like crying , I'm scared , I just can't hold it anymore . I crouched down and pulled my knees close to my chest and put my head on top and cried as much as I could. Luhan came and pulled me into his embrace and gestued the members to leave as well as Ara.

" It's okay Seohyun , It's fine don't worry it's all over your safe " Luhan whispered over and over again. He let me cry tell I was okay. 

After a few Seconds, Minutes , Hours I lifted my head up.

" Are you okay ' Asked Luhan? 

" Yes I'm okay I was just a bit scared " I said.

" Don't Worry i'm here so is Ara " Luhan said.

Ara she was here to she must be scared to . Without answering Luhan I ran out of the room with Luhan after me, Before I could leave Luhan grabbed me.

" Yahh what happened " He asked. 

" oh nothing it's just that Ara was here to she could have died as well I need to talk to her as well " I said , Luhan nodded and let me go.

I went into the Living room to see Ara cuddled up with Tao as the other EXO members are sitting there.

I was asked a lot of question's from the members but I just ignored them. " Ara , are you alright " I asked ?

" yup I'm okay I was scared but now I'm fine, How bout you " She said ?

as expected Ara is strong.  " I'm fine too I was just a little scared". I replied 

All of us talked for a few minutes the suho spoke up,

" We should go too sleep , We have a schedule and Ara and Seohyun's Duo debuts in 3 day's so i think we should rest".

" YES AHJUSSHI " Me and Ara replied will laughing.

" IM NOT AN AHJUSSHI " said suho before leaving.

It's been 2 years since exo's debut so proud of the boys, Here is a new chapter , How did you like it. Just a heads up this fanfiction is coming to and end soon so I hope you enjoy the last few fluffy and cute chapters



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Chapter 34: Yay! This was a good story, I hope you'll right more in the future! :D
Winterberry04 #2
Chapter 33: Update soon
Chapter 33: I hate you so much...
It was a really good chapter! Can't wait for the next! Keep them coming couz! :D ;)
Chapter 30: WAH SO CHEESY!!!!! WHEN DID YOU BECOME SO CHEESY COUSIN!? XD Loved it can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Miss_Kimjongin #6
Chapter 29: Update soon.
Chapter 29: YAY! WE GOT THE CRAZY PSYCHO TAKEN DOWN! >:D Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Chapter 27: Lol I see what you did there with the cameras XD. I finally got to slap her face, yay! >:D Can't wait for the next update!! :D