Disaster Strikes

My ChildHood Friend


The boys of Teen Top sat inside of the big black van. CAP sat in the front with the manager while L.Joe and Chunji sat behind them. Niel, Ricky, and Changjo sat in the far back. Ricky leaned over to Changjo and whispered something to him. Changjo nodded and took out his iphone, as did Ricky.
They began playing a racing game, since they didn't have anything else exciting to do. Everyone was tired. It was eleven at night already. Soon enough Niel and Chunji joined in on the race with their iphones. Chunji lost every single lap, he soon gave up and put it away. 
"It's okay, hyung. She'll be alright," Ricky tried to cheer him up. He rested his head on the window, staring out into space. He soon fell asleep.
Soo Hyo suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. She glanced at the clock, everything was spinning. The time had been four in the afternoon. Had she really slept that long? 
"Chunji oppa.." She fell out of bed and crawled her best to the living room. She panted heavily. She held up her hand and grabbed the cord to the phone. She pulled it, the phone fell to the ground. Soo Hyo took the piece of paper with Chunji's number on it out of her pocket. She dialed it, but there was no dial tone. It had unplugged itself when it fell to the floor. Everything then went black for her.
Teen Top had finished their recording for Music Core. They've been on the road now heading back to their dorm for about three hours. Chunji kept looking at his iphone. "Why hasn't she called..." he muttered under his breath. "Maybe she's busy!" Changjo reassured him. Without Chunji knowing, Niel called the dorms' phone. "I'm sorry, this line is currently unavailable," Niel looked surprised. "Did anyone unplug our phone?" He asked L.Joe. He shook his head. 
Niel started to worry deep down inside, but it was probably nothing. Chunji then called the phone and got the same message. He started to get impatient. He wanted to get back to his dorm as fast as he could. Soo Hyo could be hurt. He couldn't get his head away from it. An hour later, they arrived outside their dorm. Chunji opened the door to the van and ran out. "What's wrong Chunji?" The manager asked, although he already sped out. "He forgot that his television was on," L.Joe thought of a quick excuse. The manager nodded as the others got out. "No schedule for tomorrow. It's your day to relax," With that, the manager drove off.
The rest of Teen Top walked into the dormroom and gasped. They all were frozen. Soo Hyo was on the floor, with the phone in her hand. Chunji ran in from the kitchen with a cold washcloth. He was honestly scared. CAP walked fastly over to Soo Hyo and picked her up. 
He placed her on the couch as Chunji put the washcloth on her forehead. Changjo ran off to the restroom and came out with a thermometer. When it beeped, Chunji took it out. "38.5...." It was a serious fever. "I'll look for some medicine, hyung!" Ricky went to the fridge and looked for some fever reducer medicine.  There wasn't any. Chunji slammed his hands on the ground. "What do you mean there isn't any?!" He was furious. Ricky looked like he was about to cry. 
Chunji softened up after seeing this. "I'm sorry, Ricky.." he hugged him. CAP stepped outside the dorm. "I'll go get some. She needs medicine to get that fever down," L.Joe joined him and they left. Niel sat behind Soo Hyo and her hair. "It'll be okay, Soo Hyo... Everything will be fine," He kept talking to her, even though he knew she couldn't hear. Changjo and Ricky were trying to comfort Chunji.
Soon enough, L.Joe and CAP came back with medicine. They gave her some. "We'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see if it effects her fever.." L.Joe mentioned. Everyone went back to their rooms except Chunji. That night, he slept with Soo Hyo, holding her hand, his face on her stomach.
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sterlingpaper #1
nice one!! sooooo nice
nenestar #2
Dvoshfis you write great!!! Bwaa i loved this :) the ending was asdfghjl; ^^
camerielai #3
I like the ending with wg nobody..its all perfect
guatychick #4
awww i love how they are all so nice to her
it's a cute story. be sure to update! :)