Chapter 10

Only Learned Good Things

~Shinwoo POV~

*How am I gonna do this? How am I gonna tell her I'm part of an idol group without scaring her off?* Shinwoo thinks, trying not to let his panic show on the outside as he looks to Baro. *Oh he'll be no help... here goes then...*

You take a deep breath and start to speak, looking into ________'s eyes.

"Ok... I don't really know how to say this... So I'm just going to have to say it..." You take another deep breath. "We're part of an idol group, called B1A4. We debuted a few days ago." You try to read the expression of her face, but it's just... blank, glazed. Until she bursts into giggles, making Baro look up.

"You're what?!" She manages to say whilst giggling still. "You're an idol? I knew you were gorgeous, but an idol?!"

You're sort of stunned by her reaction, but you did half expect this. It is a ludicrous thing to expect someone to believe without evidence.

"Here." Baro interrupts her giggling by handing her his phone, which he'd loaded onto their homepage. You see her jaw drop and her eyes widen.

"''re really part of a idol group???" She stares at you both, and you both nod, simultaneously.

"B-B1A4... Seohyun told me to check you guys out... I was too preoccupied thinking about...well.. you!" She stares at the phone in disbelief. "I so wish I'd checked now..." She starts looking oddly melancholy...

"Don't worry! We only debuted very recently after all! We're still newbies. Lots of people don't know us yet." You smile and try to comfort her. She looks a little happier at this. But still a little forlorn.

"You're all so gorgeous!!" She says as she scrolls through each members profile. You hear her squeak as she gets to yours, she covers and starts to blush, which makes you laugh.

"Yah! I don't get a squeak?" Baro protests, his bottom lip out.

"You're adorable too Baro!" She says, but you can see it's too late, he's already sulking.

"So... that's why you had a driver? And why you were picked up by that car the night we met?" She finally starts asking questions, obviously recovering from your news.

"Yes. We don't always get them though. Usually it's just a people carrier that ferries us about. Nothing fancy." You smile, trying to tone down the idol lifestyle, not that it's anything special so far. It's been a lot of hard work to get where you are, you're still working your way up the food chain in terms of perks and fame, but it's worth it, because you get to do what you love, with people you love, B1A4 have become like a second family, Baro especially, like a mischievous little brother who's always one step behind you whether you want him there or not.

"Still... It's amazing... aren't you worried about being recognised??" ________ seem's to have just thought of possible consequences. "Won't your managers be unhappy?"

"Ah... well... we're not going to get spotted very much this early... but there is something our managers told us..." Before you can say anymore Baro's phone buzzes in ________'s hands and causes her to almost drop it in the remnants of her ice cream. Looking terrified she quickly hands it back to Baro.

"Ah Jinyoung-hyung." He looks at the screen and taps it and brings it to his ear. "Hyung, what is it?"

You can hear Jinyoung's voice faintly, but not enough to make anything out. Baro makes noises of agreement in reply to Jinyoung's muffled voice. He ends the call and turns to you.

"We got another performance. We have to go, like now!" Baro says grinning and gets up from the table.

"Wha? Now? It's too late for any of the music shows though." You're slightly confused at the news Baro just relayed to you, and sad, you didn't want to have to leave ________ so soon...

"It's a pre-recording, not sure which station. But we gotta go!" Baro starts tugging at your arm, showing his age again.

"Uhh..." You turn to ________, with no idea what to do. She looks equally as bewildered at all this.

"I know! Why doesn't noona come along to see us perform! She can be in the crowd! She can just be like a normal fan, no one has to know she knows us! I bet she'd love to see us now she knows what we do anyway!" Baro must think he's a genius by the look on his face, but you're terrified at the thought of your manager-hyungs and the others finding out about her so soon. You're frankly amazed the drivers agreed to keep quiet, but Baro can be very persuasive when he wants to be.

Before you reject Baro's idea entirely, you see the bright, happy look on her face, you couldn't disappoint that.

"Sure." You give in, smiling weakly. "Lets go then." ________ and you get up from the table, thank the shop attendants, and leave quickly, to find the black car purring outside, ready to go.

You all jump in the car, same order as before, Baro, you, then ________, just as squished as last time, but there was no time to think about it now. You had somewhere to be. And you had to be careful when you got there, to make sure no one saw ________ getting out the car with you. You don't want to think about what might happen if you got caught...



So like... today is actually one month since I started this fic(or any fic as a matter of fact, this was my 1st ever fic lol) XD I totally didn't realise until I checked XD. 10 seems like a nice number for a 1 month mile stone. But it feels like I should have written more than just 10 chapters o_O like 15 maybe, one every 2 days... not 3... XD

Anyways, I hope you're still enjoying it XD Soon the rest of the members will have bigger roles to play, though I have loved the Shinwoo/Baro brofest thats been going on XD

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Ooh I just caught up on this story and I have to say I'm so damn happy that they finally kissed because YAAAAAY!! Lol anyways I think this story is really cute~
Just ran across this story today and I absolutely love it! I hope it continues :)
Chapter 17: Ahh >.<
So cute!! Are you still writing this? I hope so!!
Hi again :)
Just letting you know we haven't forgotten about your story and I'm looking forward to the next part, whenever you're able to. Honestly I think it's my favourite.
Are you still working on this Author-nim? It really is very good.
It would be a shame if you gave up on it.
allb1a4 #6
Chapter 17: Uh, omnomnomnomnom. Wheree's my food? Sorry if I am rushing you.
allb1a4 #7
Chapter 17: This is awesome. Update please! I am hungry for more
Chapter 17: Yayayay!!! Thank you so much for updating!!! Gongchan and Baro are so cute. Would be so awesome to spend a day with them :).
allb1a4 #9
Chapter 16: Why do you never update can you please update I really really want to see this
allb1a4 #10
Chapter 16: ?