
A certain boy woke up that morning to a rainbow. A perfectly arched rainbow with all the seven colours exploding brightly in his eyes. The rainbow was somewhat connected from his bedroom window to a certain larger than life poster. A poster Minho had come to stare at every single day without fail.  

A certain poster of the sparkling Lee Taemin. 

The very Lee Taemin that had stole millions of hearts. 

The very Lee Taemin that had caused two of his fans a heart attack recently when he smiled at them while walking outside the airport. 

The very Lee Taemin that has been no. 1 on the charts for 31 weeks and still counting.  

The very Lee Taemin that has sold out every single of all his concerts in mere minutes. 

The very Lee Taemin with hair so golden, even the wind wouldn't dare blow against it. 

The very Lee Taemin that had lips so pillowy and red, it has been said that he only ate strawberries and bananas. 

The very Lee Taemin whose hands were so pretty, even the king himself had invited Taemin to shake hands with him and not wanting to let go. 

The very Lee Taemin that Minho had fallen for. The goldenly, magically, sugary sweet boy that hypnotized the world by just being himself. His perfectly not even humanly, angelic self.

Minho rested his elbows on the edge of the window and grinned rather idiotically at the 40- foot long picture of Lee Taemin from the window of his small apartment. The rainbow somehow made the singer idol look even more magical. 


"Good morning my sunshine." Minho said to the lifeless poster outside his window. Maybe it is rather unhealthy for a 21 year old college boy to be head over heels over a 19 year old singer he has never met. But really he didn't care.  

Ever since a year ago when he accidentally watched a music video of the angelic boy, he couldn't stop himself from watching more and more. 

Choi Minho couldn't live a day without listening to this Lee Taemin. 

And call him crazy but the only reason why he took the rather shabby, really far from college apartment was because he had the perfect view of Lee Taemin from his window. 



Its 9 am now. And yes, Minho has to get to college. The very one he and his other two friends attended, Kibum and Onew.  

And they are the only two people in the world that knows this obsession Minho has with the idol boy. 



"Why are you all cheery this morning?" Kibum asked Minho the moment he walked into the cafeteria and saw the boy grinning alone at the table. 

"I saw a rainbow. " Minho said. 

"A rainbow?" Kibum raised his eyebrow at Minho. Minho from the outside looked like the most ing masculine guy you would ever meet but if you are a certain Kim Kibum and Lee Jinki, then you would really know what a little boy he really is. Sometimes Kibum wondered if Minho ever grew up like a normal person.  

"That connected me and Taemin." He smiled rather too wide at Kibum. 

"Still in love with that poster?" Onew came walking from the back. 

"Its not just a poster. Its a poster of Lee Taemin! The prettiest being alive." Minho said rather too eagerly to the two. 

"You know, its kind of unhealthy to like someone too much like this. Especially if you've never even met him." Onew said to the boy. Well, in all defence, Onew is majoring in psychology.  

"Doesn't mean that I can't like him. Okay, I know I may get overexcited at times, but really guys. I'm just a fan." Minho defended himself.

"If you say so. I wouldn't want to wake up one day reading about you getting caught stalking that singer." Kibum said back to the fanboy. 

"He's not just a singer. " Minho almost pouted. 

"Then what is he?" 

"The light that brightens up my world. "  



When Minho isn't being the dorky, shameless fanboy that he really is, he is rather-normal. Or close enough to what society calls normal. 

He is actually in college to be a chef. A culinary expert really. Much to the contrast that he even got into college on his football scholarship. His parents were just middle-class people that he really didn't want to burden any further with his tuition fees. 

And he is currently supporting his life by working part-time at a coffee shop. Good looks bring in big tips for him. He is however applying for internships in various companies because that made more money. He needed more money. Those Taemin limited edition merchandises were burning a flaming hole in his small pocket.  

And as long as his friend Onew hasn't diagnosed him as crazy, or close to that. He vowed never to stop fanboying for his sunshine that sang out rays of golden light. 

Oh how he adored Lee Taemin. If only Lee Taemin knew his heart, then maybe his company wouldn't sell his merchandises and albums so expensively. 




It was one morning when Kibum came by to visit Minho at his apartment and also eat-food. Because Minho can make-food, good food. Which he isn't good at and too broke to buy .

"Yah! Choi. Open the door." He said rather impatiently when Minho didn't open the door after ten minutes of him knocking.  

It was five minutes later when Minho opened the door for and stared at him widely. Maybe not so wide but his eyes were big enough that even if he half-opened it, it would look like a golf-ball. 

"What time is it?" Minho yawned. Not bothering to cup his mouth because he really didn't care what Kibum thought about morning breath since he is the one that forced Minho to wake at ungodly hours. 


" We don't have class today. Why the hell did you wake me up so early?" Minho said rather groggily before moving to the side and letting Kibum in. Maybe he shouldn't have watched those videos of Taemin last nights. His eyes were burning slightly right now because he stared at the screen too long, too late at night. 

"I'm hungry. Food please? " 



"Kibum, will you please stop hovering around me in the kitchen?" Minho groaned when Kibum kept on stirring the batter for the pancake and splattering them on the floor. 

"But I'm bored. You cook so slow." 

"Well, you're the one who wanted chocolate chip pancakes. I need to chop the chocolate chips first or they will be too big to melt later." 

"Chop faster then." 

"Kibum, say another word and I'll poison your food." 

"Do that and my ghost will haunt you for the rest of your life. " 

"Since you're so bored, how about you do me a favour and check my mail for me? Its downstairs, mailbox 347. The key is in the box over there." 



Its five minutes later when Kibum came up with a bunch of letters in his hand. 

Two of which were meaningless flyers. While one was the bill for electricity and water. 

Another letter however looked peculiar enough that Kibum decided it would be best if Minho opened it up himself. 

"Hey, this one looks kind of important. " Kibum passed the letter to the cooking boy. 

"What is it?" 

"I don't know." 

Minho then wiped his hands on a cloth before opening the seal on the letter. 


He read it word per word. 

And abruptly forgot how to breathe and eventually collapsing on the floor. 


"Yah! Choi Minho! " the other boy panicked. Immediately attending the boy. 

He took the letter that had blew the life out of Minho and read it himself.  


Mr.Choi Minho, you are hereby selected to be an intern at Global Entertainment. Please report yourself on Monday at 8.00 am for further information.



Kibum grinned even though Minho was still knocked cold on the floor. 

Maybe the fanboy might meet his idol. Finally.

He wondered particularly at how Minho would learn how to breathe again after this. 








Author's Note: okay. So. This is kind of the first chap. I hope you guys like it. And please comment and comment and comment ;)

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(Silver) this will be updated tomorrow.


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Chapter 16: It was really sweet i read in one go ....... I love it
Chapter 10: Aaaaiii so sweet
Chapter 6: Hahahaha taemin don't care
MightiestHeroes #4
Chapter 16: That was very sweet I feel like I just ate some cotton candy.
supergirl1901 #5
Chapter 16: Nice. I just can say this only word. Thank you for your beautiful writings <3
Chapter 16: Nice one... Very unique. This fic made it two my 2min list of favorite fics.
pinkyume #7
Chapter 16: "I have my wings to fly" will never mean the same to me anymore!!

I loved your story. Taemin has grown, but he's still a fairy~~~
marimpar2 #8
Chapter 1: was amazing reading this story
Chapter 16: i remember this being one of my favourites from you and re-reading this makes me realise just how much i love it and omG i seroiously love this so much <3333 thank you for writing this <3333 i love fairy taemin *^* and i'm happy key could experience love in the end ;u; and jongyu~
lil2min #10
Chapter 16: Amazing story !! Love it so much