Know Me Better

Family? You & Me


____ Daehyun's POV___
*ring ring ring* 
I picked up. 
The clock blinked 11:00 PM.
Aish who the hell- 
"This is Miss Jung's lawyer, and I'm calling to confirm her and your appointment tomorrow at 10 AM. Thank you." 
A voice message played.
I groaned and rested my head on the car seat. 
"What is it hyung?" Zelo yawned, sleep coming over his tired eyes.
"My law appointment." I sighed, staring outside the car window.
Youngjae stayed silent, and Jongup was already asleep with Himchan hyung using his head as a pillow. 
"How's the little mistake progressing?" Yongguk hyung's deep voice startled me. 
I shrugged.
"I don't know anymore. It's not like  I care." 
"We all know you do Daehyun. It's Jung Minhee we're talking about. The one girl you actually cared for? You told us that with your own mouth. Don't you dare say you don't care."
Yongguk hyung scolded, his father-like instincts kicking in. 
I did tell B.A.P about Minhee...
Why did I? 
~~~~~~ Daehyun's flashback
"Hyung! Hyung! Who was your first crush?" Zelo whined, a cherry tomato in his mouth. 
B.A.P came back from performing 'No Mercy', and we were clad in our usual performance clothes- 
Everyone's eyes were now fixated upon me, even Jongup's as he drank down a water bottle from the fridge.
"W..what?" I mumbled, not really caring for this guy talk. 
"Ah- Daehyun~ Who was your first love?" Youngjae whined, rolling on the floor.
I shrugged.
"I can't remember." 
"I'm catching a liar's scent in this living room." Himchan hyung laughed, nudging me on the shoulder.
"Yongguk hyungah said he fell in love with a y club noona. Jongup hyung liked a pretty and smart noona. What about you?" Zelo kept asking, a mischievious grin on his face as he popped another cherry tomato in his mouth. 
"Dak chuh (shut up)- it's not that even important" I muttered, plopping down on the couch. 
"Yah Jung Daehyun!" Yongguk hyung scolded, patting poor and hurt Zelo on his back. 
"Miahn." I apologized half-heartedly, my mind drifting elsewhere. 
"In return of an apology hyung, just tell us who your first love was and when." Jongup rationalized the situation and the evil maknae's pouting face suddenly grinned in triumph. 
"Fine fine."
I lost, feeling the pressure of 5 guys upon me. 
"I was 10 years old, elementary school 4th year..." I mumbled, trailing off my sentence as her face came into my mind. 
"Was she a noona?" Zelo asked.
"She's 3 years younger than me. She's same age as you Junhong." I realized, blinking at the fact. 
"Ooowah! Then can I take her?" Zelo asked, his eyes twinkling. 
"Sure. Too bad you can't have her." I firmly spoke. 
"What do you mean?" Youngjae asked, peeking up from a book he picked up. 
"Jung Daehyun falling for a baby 1st yearer? I have to hear this." Yongguk hyung sat down appa-legged (criss cross applesauce lol) and folded his hands under his chin.
"She's the youngest heiress of the Jung family." I smirked, seeing all 5 faces rise in shock.
"J..Jung Mi..Minhee-ssi?" Himchan hyung stuttered. 
"She..she's my ideal type- in the world Daehyun!" He mumbled in surprise. 
"We used to go to the same elementary school." I nonchlantly shrugged, eyeing Youngjae's dark expression curiously. 
"So I can have her?" Zelo's face was now enlightened with a new idea.
"No Junhong. You can't have Minhee-ssi. She's too rich for you." Jongup laughed, patting Zelo's head.
Youngjae and I flinched at the same time at the usage of the word "rich." 
I had a poor background and Youngjae's mother was put in jail by rich people.
"So did she like you?" Yongguk hyung brought our attention back. 
"I don't know." I sighed, not wanting to revisit the terrible memory. 
That was now what, 2 days from a year ago. 
We're releasing the MV of Hurricane tomorrow, and here I am thinking about what happend 10 years ago. 
I looked at my reflection on the car window. 
___ Minhee's POV__
After recieving another call for an appointment from my lawyer, I was in Mrs.Yoo's room, staring at my B.A.P posters. 
I was nibbling on a sandwich for breakfast and tried to calm my shaky nerves from its agonizing stress.
After 8 years after the incident, Daehyun's face came up on TV, the Internet, on magazines- 
I couldn't avoid him. 
So I decided to stop my moping and start a new- 
As a B.A.P fan. 
Not just because of Daehyun, but because of the music they made. 
They spoke of the wrongful society and united the minority to power over majority. 
And I loved that power and courage they gave me. 
It was the closest thing to normal- being part of something you love.
"Miss Minhee- your 11o'clock transportation is ready." Jihye called out, coming into Mrs.Yoo's room.
"Miss Minhee?" She cautiously approached, recognizing a tear that escaped through my lids.
I quickly wiped it away and with a sniff, stood up. 
"I'm ready." I smiled, getting ready for my 11 o'clock business appointment.
Apparently Mother is very busy at her job and I have to take care of the family legal business.
I dressed in my usual expensive clothing and carefully balanced myself on the leather heels.
After all- this is the life I'm meant to live right? 
I sat in the car as it drove off towards business and money. 
And the sad part is, I can't allow myself to get tired of it.
"What's my next schedule?" I called Jihye, glancing at the clock - 3:00 PM.
The meeting ended longer than I anticipated it to.
"You have a meeting with Daehyun-ssi at the law department." Jihye answered.
I sighed and felt my heart drop a hundred feet.
"Gomaweo Jihye." I thanked, and hung up. 
"To the law department Ajusshi." I told the driver, and headed to the place of headaches and heartaches.
I was rubbing my temple in the back seat when my ankle brushed against something- 
I grabbed below the seat and found a duffle bag with a sticky note attached to it.
"Hwaiting! _Jihye." 
I read the note and took it off from the content. 
ping the bag, a smile ran over my lips. 
Normal clothes.
I quickly pressed up the blackend windows and changed, slipping off my heels and slamming in my favorite black Converses.
I zipped up the hoodie and drew the hood over my face, just in time as we arrived. 
"Thank you Ahjusshi!" I called out, drawing the windows down, and headed inside the building. 
Nobody knew who I was, and I felt better coming here like this-
Daehyun might treat me less like a rich brat if I was dressed normally. 
I entered the office and to my surprise, Daehyun was here already. 
"Miss Minhee?" The lawyer asked, not used to seeing me in hoodies and skinny jeans. 
"Yes, it's her." I heard Daehyun answer, and I hitched a breath.
"Sorry Lawyer Lee- I had a business meeting." I smiled, taking my seat and  knocking off my hood.
"Dressed like that?" The lawyer's eyebrows arched up.
"No I changed in the car because my feet hurt." I giggled, telling half the truth. 
The whole entire time I could feel Daehyun's eyes on me.
Keeping the rising smiles to myself, I silently signed the sheets and pretended not to realize his attention. 
"And that's it for today. Thank you Mr.Jung, and Ms.Jung." Lawyer Lee smiled, taking the papers.
The lawyer left the room, and I started to gather up my things. 
Glancing at Daehyun, he was about to leave too. 
He didn't say a word to me-
Disappointment imbued my thoughts and I sighed inwardly at the silence.
I stood up to leave, and didn't look back.
Everytime I saw Daehyun, only our happy moments in Elementary years came back to me. 
I always, always avoided the ending. 
Because the ending is why we're like this- 
We used to be one, so close and friendly.
We're so seperate.
We're so different. 
So... Cold. 
I thought wearing the clothes I would to see Daehyun might change something but of course not- 
He still hasn't forgiven me.
"Wait!" Daehyun's voice called out. 
I froze up from the inside, fear hitting me with every breath.
Keep walking Minhee- 
Keep walking. 
The moment Daehyun catched up to you, you'll only remeber the bad ending. 
The time you regret the most. 
I urged my feet on, quickening my pace.
"Minhee-yah!" Daehyun called out again, and I clamped my mouth shut from wanting to answer back. 
His footsteps accelerated, and so did mine. 
I was only few feets away from the last door, and was caught by a pulling force. 
I was yanked backwards, only to be turned around and faced with whom I feared- 
His face was laced with sorrow and desperacy as he croacked out,
"Why are you running from me?" 
That voice- 
That sweet voice I used to love.
"D..Daehyun." I mumbled, trying to breathe properly. 
His eyes reminded me so much of that time- 
When he cried. 
And hated me. 
~~~~~~~ Minhee's Flashback
Two days after having contacted my agents, I was happily drawing in my notebook.
Daehyun oppa would have recived everything he deserved -
A luxurious bed, bulletproof walls, cute clothes, and even Babo's cat house after a health treatment from South Korea's best vet.
I hummed in happiness, excited to see Daehyun oppa today. 
He missed out school yesterday- 
And it's probably because he was exploring his walk-in closet and guest bedroom. 
I was looking out the classroom window, giggling to myself when suddenly, the hall burst into yells and screams, followed by a murmur of shock. 
I turned my head around, and my eyes widened in shock. 
I couldn't even finish his name. 
"What the HELL have you ing done to my house?!" 
He shouted. 
All my classmates ran out of the classroom screaming, throwing off their scissors and paper for the arts&crafts assignment. 
"Mr.Jung! What are you doing in a 2nd year class using such language?!" The teacher stood up. 
Daehyun oppa shot a glare towards her that made her falter, and she clamped up . 
He turned back to me.
"Follow me RIGHT NOW." 
I was so scared- 
I never saw this side of Daehyun oppa.
Shocked with fear, I followed him as he threw me a glare sprinted off.
I tried to run, but my legs failed my and I was crying alone in the Busan streets.
I made it to the ocean view now, sobbing and dusty all over.
I tripped over a rock, but stood up, not caring for the bleeding scrape.
Dad's guards should be on their way now- 
I clenched my teeth and neared where Daehyun oppa should be- 
His house. 
I fixed it for him- 
What's wrong with it? 
Why is he so scary? 
Why is he yelling at me?
Drenched with tears, I walked to Daehyun oppa's house.
Or what used to be a house. 
The new walls were dented, and the door was broken. 
Wh..what happened? 
I entered a living room where the couch was turned upside down, and the expensive plates were shattered everywhere. 
I felt a rough shove on my shoulder-
And my eyes widened. 
Daehyun's hands were bleeding, and he was holding a bat. 
"Why did you do this to MY ing home?!" He shouted, making me wince. 
"W..what do you m.mean?" I stuttered, shaking from fear.
"YOU know exactly what the HELL I mean. Thought you could spend money on me so you can be comfortable around here? Listen up princess-  This isn't your world." He yelled, his bat dangerously close to his side. 
I blinked out tears after tears, realizing how selfish I've been.
I did this so Daehyun oppa wouldn't have to sleep on the cold ragged couch or starve- 
I thought I was helping him-
"M..Miahnhae Daehyun oppa- I.. I didn't k..know" I sobbed, wiping my soggy face. 
His tight grip on the bat loosened, and I saw his eyes change from angry to soft.
He took a step towards me, and I flinched
"'re right. All I have is money and I spent it without thinking I'd offend you." I croacked out, choking on my raspy voice.
*Clash* *Bang* 
"Find Miss Minhee! NOW!" 
A loud commotion rung through the house. 
My eyes widened, and I panicked. 
"Daehyun oppa- go hide! They want me not you- go hide!" I hissed, shoving Daehyun oppa in a closet. 
As I closed the closet door, the light from the window reflected something running down his face- 
I gathered myself and turned around,
Wiping away the rest of my tears, I ran outside the house. 
"It's okay! I'm here! I'm not hurt!" 
I yelled out, waving my arms. 
"Miss! What are you doing here? You can't run out like that!" The head bodyguard came over along with all his men. 
"Young Miss! Your knee is bleeding!" He exclaimed. 
"Check inside the house!"
 He commanded-
Oh no.
"There's nobody in the house- I tripped over a rock on the way. Jwesonghapneeda." I apologized, relieved that he called his men off.
"Let's get you home." He spoke, guiding me to the car. 
"Daehyun...." I mumbled softly, looking back to the broken house.
~~~~~~~ end of Minhee's Flashback
All the memories flashed by as I looked into his eyes. 
A tear rolled down my cheek, and I stared back into his guilty eyes.
And I broke down. 
"Oppa..." I sobbed. 
"Daehyun oppa-" 
"You do remeber me huh?" Daehyun oppa chuckled-
"Thought you forgot about me." 
"It's been 10 years Minhee. And I've never seen you since this week. Pretending like we don't know each other isn't helping- Princess." 
His sad eyes were brimmed with a glossy tear, and his lips curved into a smile.
I blinked.
"You changed a lot." I smiled. 
Hanging my head down and bringing it back up, I let a few locks of hair cascade down my face and cover the streams of tears.
"It's like we don't know each other at all." I choked out. 
Daehyun oppa's grasp on my wrist loosened, and his face fell before my eyes.
"Anniyah.... (No)" He mumbled.
"Daehyun-ssi. We changed. It's been 10 years since we met. You're a singer and I'm a heiress. Different people with different dreams." 
I gulped down my swelling throat, hoping my voice didn't crack. 
"Minhee-yah..." He croaked out.
"It was nice seeing you again Daehyun-ssi."
I bowed, and turned to leave. 
What will change if we cry and apologize? 
What will change the 10 years I spent thinking about him? 
The 10 years I spent hating myself for offending him? 
"Miahnhae Minhee." 
His voice stopped my tracks.
I turned around, not believing my ears. 
He was now walking slowly towards me.
"I'm sorry Minhee. I thought you changed. Changed into what society expected of you." He spoke, tears trailing down his face. 
"I shouldn't have second-guessed you. I should have known you wouldn't change into a selfish person. I should.. Should have known you better." 
I bit my lip.
"Then why didn't you?" 
I asked feebly, gathering up the last courage and  then sprinted off.
I don't want to face this today- 
I don't want to cry in front of a stranger.
I ran as far as my knee could take me- 
The scar I had gotten from tripping over the rock 10 years ago is now really a dead one, but it had slightly fractured my knee bone, for the rock had been dangerously pointy.
 Now I have this minor yet ugly scar and I can't run many distances due to the mini-fracture.
Thanks to my growing stages in 2nd grade, the injured bone had healed but not completely- 
Like the impact I recived as Daehyun yelled at me.
It heals, it tortures, it hurts. 
"You run fast." 
A voice called out from the darkness.
I whipped my head to the sound, clutching my knee.
"I went to pick up Daehyun but saw you sprinting off- did he do anything to you?"
Youngjae-ssi asked in concern.
"You followed me." I panted, steadily standing up.
"What else could I do?" He smirked, his gelled hair unmoving in the breeze. 
I breathed in a cold huff of air and spoke, "I'm sorry Youngjae-ssi. I was acting stupid last time. I was immature. I didn't know what I was doing..." I trailed the last sentence off, biting my lip.
"Oh.. That.. It's okay Minhee. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you, you know?" He shrugged, walking towards me. 
"You didn't do anything wrong Minhee. You know that right?" He smiled, the guilty look glazing his eyes. 
"I... I'm sorry Youngjae-ssi." I bit my lip, feeling my heart constrict.
I overreacted last time- 
He placed out his hand.
"Your phone." He nonchalantly spoke. 
"What?" I asked, confused. 
He smirked and reached for my purse. 
Boldly searching, he lit up as he found my phone and entered his number. 
"Call me when you're having troubles. There's a lot on your plate already. Thought you could use an idol oppa." 
He softly laughed. 
I was touched- 
"Youngjae-ss... Ani, Youngjae oppa" I murmured in gratitude.
I saw a glint of something in his eyes- 
Colored lenses? 
Oh My God! 
My fangirling instincts kicked in. 
The only thing that could pull me out of this miserable reality. 
"Hurricane!" I yelped.
The music video is releasing at midnight!! 
I already saw Infinite's Destiny, Bangtan's We Are Bulletproof Pt.2, and I couldn't have forgotten about B.A.P's Hurricane!!
Youngjae's face suddenly looked up in confusion, and he grinned. 
"There's still a good 7 hours left." 
I nodded and took in everything- 
Youngjae's gelled hair, colored lenses, loss of baby cheeks.
I felt like myself again, just staring at a B.A.P's face with a saftey wall called a fandom.
"Daehyun-ssi should be waiting. You should go." I smiled, dusting off my jeans. 
"Yeah. See you at midnight?" He winked, and I slightly melted. 
"Yessir!" I saluted, giggling. 
It somehow felt natural to be with the B.A.P member now. 
Only weeks ago I'd have screamed my head off at the sight of him- 
Now he's a friend. 
Weird huh? 
I both hate and like what the family mix up has done. 
"Prepare for hotness Minhee. This oppa looks super handsome in the music video. See ya!" He smirked, and left. 
I giggled, keeping a mental note in my head. 
Youngjae-ssi is a really good friend-
And as a fangirl biased with Daehyun, my heart both ached and raced to see him on the computer screen- 
Raced to pretend like nothing bad ever happened. 
Forgetting the bad and embarrassing reality.
Just like a girl in front of her crush. 
______Author's Note ______
I was just gunna end it where Minhee says goodbye to "Daehyun-ssi" but thought it would totally sap everyone's energy.
I literally started to forget how to breathe as Daehyun's face came forward as he sung "shining STAR" 
And I fell off my chair. 
So yeah. 
I watched the music video like 10 times, and Daehyun's so freaking 
And if Jongup looked y in 'Coffee Shop', Youngjae looks hot in 'Hurricane'.
But in all seriousness- 
I swear they know we are alive and wanted to kill our poor feelz.
Like OMG.
And Beast is having a comeback! 
Like WHAT?! 
T_T they want to make me choke from fangirling symptoms. 
But everyone: 
THE LOOF, The loof, the loof is on FIUH. 
I  was kind of on a semi-hiatus T_T 
sorry readers- 
This lazy- author decided to blow things up as soon as she finished a practice test and is adjusting to HIGH SCHOOL. 
It was rough. 
So I wrote this chapter A LONG TIME AGO AND I freaking forgot to update.... 
Wh..who does that?! 
I'm such a dumbturd. 
Forgive me TmT
talking bout them dirty society and all. 
Jepp Blackman is ALIVE hahaha 
I died when Daehyun started off all sultry and y, screamed that high note,
and him with that flashlight 
I PROMISE I'll make it up to all of you <3 
I luhv you guiess so much.
Stay tuned for more DaeHee clashes ;)) It only gets better from here. 
Better as in funny. 
Because I'm gunna make this hilarious for the first time ^.^ 
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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 27: YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING but not the last part with Jihye T_T
Girl I get you about school you're totally fine! XD
Are you going to one of the bap concerts? I'm going to the one in Chicago/Merrillville, IN!! :D
JungDeYa #2
Chapter 26: Omg they parted. I can't wait for the next 4 years, when the lovey covey Jung couple meet each other again! Abs I love it how you showed a strong relationship with Youngjae and J-Hope. xD BTS and B.A.P, can't get over my feels
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 25: Yayyyyyy!!!! Omg this is just lkhdgkalsgh I love it!!! I'm so excited to read what happens next!!!!
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 24: omo...yay they are official at last....but..why jinhee have to go the states....update soon authornim....
JungDeYa #5
Chapter 24: .. Why does she have to leave Korea? Dx CAN'T SHE TAKE DAEHYUN WITH HER. Omg, its going to be so heartbreaking for Daehyun when she leaves, because he doesn't even know that she will leave.
JungDeYa #6
Chapter 23: Lol. The part when Daehyun and her bra..LOLOL xD so cute. This was so funny and awesome. Lol, Zelo, your so innocent ;D
frostysnowprincess #7
Chapter 23: Hahahahhaha yesssssss this chapter made me laugh XD
Chapter 23: omg this is the funniest chapter ever!!! ㅎㅎㅎ i enjoy myself reading it! update soon and happy new year btw :-)
JungDeYa #9
Chapter 22: O . Em . Gee . Finally! Yes, omggg. Mrs. Jung has to like, go away. She's horrible.
frostysnowprincess #10
I love this so much ok you have no idea
Their mom is so nice and perfect
ok that's enough of me ranting. lol.