Back Then

Family? You & Me


Not even the emotional and lovely sounds of B.A.P's new song 'Coffee Shop' rid me of the cursed bitter taste in my heart.
Only few days ago I'd be squealing at Daehyun's heart-melting vocals and Jongup's y whispers of sadness- 
But even that's gone. 
The more I saw Daehyun in person, the more I remebered how much we had met, and how much he meant to me.
- and how heartbroken I was, and am.
Curled up in my bed with my laptop playing 'Coffee Shop' for the nth time, I closed my eyes and traced back in time. 
~~~ Minhee's Flashback
"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked, fidgeting with my phone.
I was sitting on a desk nervously in the abandoned classroom, which became somewhat of Daehyun oppa and my hideout.
He would read and I'd stare at him, humming to songs.
But today is different.
I'm going to take a leap of faith, trusting Daehyun oppa to catch me on the other side.
I'm going to ask my Daddy for permission go out for the first time.
"You're the one who's so interested in seeing my personal life." Daehyun oppa replied, rolling his eyes in carelessness.
His mischivious eyes made my heart skip a beat, and I automatically nodded and pressed the dial button.
I hope this works- 
"Minhee my darling! How's your day?" My Appa had picked up, his voice sounding warm and cheery.
I gulped guiltily and glanced at Daehyun oppa.
His enthusiastic nod made me give in- 
"Appa! I want to study with my friend at his place! We have an assignment due soon, and sunsaengnim said that we need to work as a team. With the bodyguards burdening my friend, my grades are going down." I blurted, hissing silently at my first attempt to lie to my father.
My heart was torn-
Obey my Daddy, or finally take a step towards my heart's decision.
The excuse wasn't a complete lie-
I just wanted to go over to Daehyun oppa's place,always wanting to know where he grew up and spent his time. 
He said there's nothing to see and that he didn't want to have company at home, but I pushed further and persuaded him to show me his place.
He somewhat agreed on one condition-  I have to rid of all of dad's tails he put on me.
"Sweetie, he's a guy? *Sir! sir!*  I have to go- Have fun! Come home before dinner!" He hurriedly rushed, followed by sounds of driving cars and talking businessmen.
Tha..that's it? 
I hung up, then looked at the curious Daehyun oppa.
"Appa said..he said.. Yes." I spoke, not beliving that getting permission was THAT easy .
It's what I wanted in the first place- 
"Come on. Let's go then." He sighed heavily, reluctantly grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me out of our secret classroom. 
I followed behind silently down the almost empty school hallway- 
The few students who saw us gasped, pointing to either me or Daehyun oppa in suspicion.
I ignored their glares and looks of pity and followed Daehyun oppa silently, wondering how far away he lived.
"So you finally have a free day in your princess life, and you'd spend it on me, just to see where I live?" Daehyun oppa had turned around, facing me with a cute and unbelievable expression.
"I'm not spending it on you, I'm spending it on me. I want to do this. Kay?" Picking up my sass volume, I strutted in front of him, twirled around, and stated, "Lead the way." 
But I was crossing my fingers that he didn't notice my blushing face that was close to his-
Over the year I've known Daehyun oppa, I developed some kind of a weird feeling for him. 
Smiling whenever he was, 
Laughing at his cheesy joke, 
Finding myself grinning just thinking about him. 
I didn't think it was that obvious but some of my classmates told me I was head over heels for him. 
"Don't worry, we are too." 
One of my classmates had said, causing my heart to drop. 
These strange feelings were doing weird things to me, and all I know is that I like being with Daehyun oppa, and I don't like him with another person.
Daehyun oppa just chuckled and obliged, leading me through streets of  Busan city. 
Just as I was feeling tired, the scattered buildings disappeared and the clear ocean came into view.
"Wah-" I let out a breathless gasp, the sparkling ocean now glinting with the sun's low glow as the sun set slowly.
All this- 
To me, right then and there, this place seemed flawless.
How come I never realized this beautiful paradise when Appa's office and my home was located in this very city?
"Pretty isn't it?" He chuckled, creating a shade with his hands to block out the excessive amount of gold and red light streaming through the ocean.
I nodded, feeling a warm and tinkling sensation spread around my body- 
Something I've never felt.
Like a hug.
I tilted my head to see Daehyun oppa-
And I gasped once more.
The sunlight perfectly lit every part of his complexion, making it glow as if he was a part of this scene-
It's... Beautiful.
My heartbeats were accelerating, and his face looked so perfect to me. 
He is perf...perfect.
He realized I was staring at him, and he turned his head with a confused expression.
"What are you looking at?" He chuckled, shading his eyes.
I blinked and cleared my throat, trying to come up with anything but his face.
"Umm..the s..sunset" I tried.
"Nice try sunflower." He smirked and started walking again.
I pouted and followed, feeling really tired by now.
The beautiful sunset accompanied us throughout the walk, and we came into a little common village with laundry blowing in the breeze and water faucets trickling into the dirt.
Dogs, which were tied with ropes near their metal scrap bowls of food and their worn down wooden dog house, were barking happily at us, as if welcoming us home.
He looked at me with an unsure feel, and started walking again.
"Look...I know it's probably disgusting and terrible-" 
He mumbled, only to be cut off by me.
"I already love this place so be quiet." I countered, smiling happily and shyly.
He then relaxed and stopped being so fidgety- 
Softly smiling, Daehyun oppa rounded a curve and came to a stop at one of the houses.
I could see the partially broken roof, the cracked cement walls, and broken windows.
I kept in my gasp- 
I expected this much, but now it's in front of my face and all I could muster up to feel was pity for the resident of this place.
But I don't want to let Daehyun oppa down. 
"Isn't it lonely here?" I asked, tilting my head.
He just shrugged and said, "Good enough for me." 
I was kind of... Angry. 
Mad at myself.
Daehyun oppa, my one and only best friend is having monetary problems while I am one of the richest people in South Korea.
I can fix his roof, mend the walls, and so much more-
And it wouldn't bother me at all! I don't even go shopping so might as well spend that excess tax money on something beneficial such as making oppa's life much easier! 
As I walked through his cracked and withered living room, I made up my mind- 
I'm going to fix his house.
It's the least I can do, right? 
Daehyun oppa introduced me to Babo, a kitten he just found on the streets that somehow came back to him every night.
His orange and brown streaks were just mere fuzz on his body, and I adored his round black eyes.
Babo purred as I rubbed behind his ears, and I giggled.
"Babo is so cute." I murmured, cooing at the animal. 
"Yeah he is." Daehyun oppa muttured, talking very vaguely.
"Good thing Babo's young. He can keep you company for a long time." I smiled at Daehyun oppa.
"And good thing you are too." He smirked, and I nudged him playfully-
And kept my insides from squealing out in happiness.
The sun was going down fast, and this hang-out had to come to an end.
I bid my farewell to Daehyun oppa and Babo, 
That night, I had gone home and contacted one of my secret agents.
I told the servant my command, and suddenly that heavy stone in my aching heart was lifted knowing that Daehyun oppa will finally sleep in a warm bed,have more clothes, and food to feed him and Babo.
Maybe this is why people at school avoided him... 
Because of his background.
Now I can finally go to sleep without worry.
I fell asleep with a smile on my lips, thinking about how happy Daehyun oppa will be when he recieves his present tomorrow when he goes home.
I looked up from my bed of blankets, shaking my head at the foolishness I was drenched in at that time-
It's been exactly 10 years now.
10 year-a-versary huh? 
I slowly swung my feet out the side of the bed, reading the clock-
4:30 A.M...
I glanced at the framed picture of Mrs.Yoo and me at the park, and headed into my closet.
___Youngjae's POV___
"Umma... Why are you in there?" 
I sighed for the millionth time.
The usual huh...
"Youngjae- I brought this upon myself. I blame no one for this punishment I was meant to recieve." Mother exlpained again. 
Her sad tears were rolling down, and I couldn't wipe them-
I can only trace my hands along the bulletproof glass, and console her through the few holes in the glass.
And yet I can't say anything more- 
The police officer is recording every word exchanged.
I only stared blankly at the orange uniform she wore, its sleeve frayed from the hard labor she was forced into.
"I'll get you out of there Umma. I promise." I stated once more, then stood as a police officer came to fetch me out.
"Mr.Yoo, your visiting time is over." The expected officer came in.
Without a word, I stood up and left, giving my mother a sympathethic look before leaving. 
Mother is innocent, and she's been framed because of money. 
My feet progressed its way to the one desitination in mind.
This plan is guaranteed to work, as long as it is kept quiet.
Whatever the case might be, I only understand one thing-
I hate rich people.
Snapping out my phone, I dialed a number, and blurted out the question.
"Where's Miss expensive Minhee?"
____ Nayoon's POV___
Panting hard, I slowed my run into a jog, then a gradual stop. 
I popped open my water bottle and took a full swig out of it, the excersize having deprived me of hydration.
Water carelessly dribbled down the side of my face, and I roughly wiped it away from my face.
By now the sky is turning into light shades of gray, purple, red, and orange, accompanied by strips of dark navy.
I sighed at the scene, hating myself for thinking of Busan's beautiful ocean sunset-
Forget it.
It's worthless isn't it?
"Minhee-?" A voice called.
I quickly whipped my head around, looking for the impossible source of sound- 
I mentally checked my disguise-
Cap covering half my face, check.
Mask covering the other half, check.
Hair in ponytail which rarely anybody expects out of the rich heiress, check.
Normal excersize clothes, check.
Who can recognize me? 
My search landed on a waving figure, his chubby cheeks pushed up in a smile.
I slowly tugged my mask and cap off, inching closer to see if it really was a B.A.P member calling out my name
"Minhee-yah!" He cheerfully called out, now walking faster towards me.
His face was now coming closer into view, clearing away from the bright sunlight covering most of his face.
"Uh! Youngjae-ssi!" I called out, immediately looking around for any journalists, paparazzis, or reporters.
Finding none, I let my guard down and approached the singer.
"What brings you here?" I giddly asked, feeling happy to meet him again- someone who finds me as a person other than the rich heiress.
It's been a while hasn't it? 
Scoffing lightly at my judgemental self, I looked up to Youngjae's smile, feeling hopeful. 
"I came here to see you!" He happily replied, lightly placing a hand casually on my shoulder. 
"Haha no, seriously." I laughed, swaying from side to side playfully. 
"I came for some fresh air- Gotta catch some while I can. B.A.P's gearing up for a new title song release." Youngjae explained, sliding his hands in his jean pockets.
I squealed as he exposed some B.A.P insider information, and slammed my cap back due to instinct-
A famous person can never be too careful at hiding his or her identity.
I think it's the reason why I feel so happy around Youngjae-ssi.
Because he doesn't wear a disguise or try hard to hide himself.
He's just so... Himself. 
And I respect, adore, and love his courage to be able to do that while I cower behind my cap and hoodie in order to avoid what people think of me publicly.
"How's your law case coming along?" He asked as we walked side by side, not caring a bit for the bypasser's suspicious or doubtful looks.
"We still need to wait a month or two at the least for everything to be clear." I sighed, thinking about all the encounters I will have to face with Daehyun in the future. 
"Omo! It's Youngjae!" A passing girl squealed, and I ducked my head and pretended to walk away. 
I heard Youngjae-ssi chuckle and sign the girl's paper enthusiastically, having small-talk with the passing fan. 
He's so open- 
So brave- 
Something I could never be. 
Drenched in depressing thoughts, I didn't know I was standing awkwardly until Youngjae-ssi tapped me on the shoulder.
"She's gone Minhee." He spoke, startling me out of my trance.
"Ah- yeah... That was nice." I tried to smile, and fell back into the routine of walking beside him. 
"Why do you hide from people?" Youngjae-ssi finally asked.
"Because they don't like me. Might as well as clear the way for them."
 I sadly smiled, hanging my head down and staring at my dusty sneakers.
"They love you, Youngjae-ssi. You sing and dance, and everyone loves you. Me? They see me as a useless rich trash, a good for nothing famous figure. Just another money spending heiress who's uneducated in behaviors and society manners." I continued, feeling the heaviness of my weary feet. 
Youngjae paused his walk for a bit, and I looked at him- 
The sky was now fading into a dark swirl of navy and rich red, the last of today's light bidding its farewell through the beautiful shade of red.
Youngjae's face was laced with a dark shade of confusion and concern, the early stars twinkling like his eyes. 
I inwardly chuckled at the scene, thinking of the very memory I wanted to erase from every part of me.
10 years or not, the pain never left.
"T...that's why you avoid people? Isn't it because they pester you with annoying and worthless questions? Isn't it because you find them.. Annoying and lowly?" Youngjae stuttered, his face contorted in confusion. 
"I want people to ask me things. I want them to talk to me. All the nice people find me annoying... So I stay away for the best." I blinked, not seeing where he was getting at.
"Then why the hell is-" 
He stopped, anger clearly boiling inside him. 
I flinched a bit, scared at the new side of the usually warm and kind Youngjae-ssi.
Then everything crumbled.
My expectations for him, the hopes I had- everything. 
Youngjae's expression looks so much like Daehyun oppa's cold glare from 10 years ago. 
It flashed in my mind, and my fear was soon tamped out with cold ice- 
Of course they are all the same.
Nice person or not, I'm the filthy rich princess.
Look how Daehyun and I am now. 
10 years and everything's as if it never happened.
I don't need to be reminded of the painful fact everytime I finally meet someone I find different- 
They all end up the same. 
"Why the hell what?" I asked coldly, not trying to hide any of the crumbling feeling inside me.
Youngjae stayed silent, his fists clenched. 
He looks really angry- 
What the hell have I ever done to him? 
I meet this nice person and he suddenly he changes to one of the typical others? 
I should be used to being treated like this by now but somehow I hoped that a B.A.P member will be different. 
That's why I liked them in the first place- 
They fight for what's right in today's society. 
And turns out, it's all for just money and show. I should have known. 
"You know what? I'm sorry Youngjae-ssi. I bothered you haven't I? Me prancing around, being worthlessly rich. I'll leave now. Jwesonghapneedah"
 I bowed down formally, the expanding pain in my chest growing. 
With a quick turn on my heels, I walked back where I came from, wanting to run away from this cursed place.
"Minhee-yah!" I heard Youngjae's voice call out desperately, but tore my heart away from the dangerous trap. 
My fumbling feet left its quick place and ascended into a miserable jog, my tears blurring my vision as I sobbed incessantly.
Why am I so ... So... Stupid?!
I should have known- 
Why am I so naive all the time? 
Even when Daehyun himself taught me the lesson never to have hopes to a person? 
Because they all think the same- 
I'm a worthless rich brat. 
After the miserable business lecture of just staring and jotting down notes, I was walking back home again. 
The sky is now a velvet sea of dark navy and black, embellished with twinkling lights of stars.
My tired feet were trudging along the mansion's long driveway, and my puffy eyes seemed to find every reason there is to cry.
Like a weak baby. 
All I know how to do is cry huh?
I pitied myself coldly, and entered my gigantic castle of a house through the back door.
Of course no one's home-
There's no mother's piping hot stew waiting for me in the kitchen. 
There's no hearty laugh of my Appa coming from the living room.
Just the shuffling of maids cleaning the expensive marbles I stepped on.
I dragged myself up the circling stairs and made my way to my room-
No heart-filled diaries waiting for me, no platter of mom's handmade snacks sitting patiently, just...nothing. 
And this is why after all the mean things people think of me, I'm jealous of them. 
They have everything they could ever want- 
Loving Ummas and caring Appas, all waiting for them in thier cozy houses.
Locking myself in the still big bathroom,I mindlessly stripped away my sweat-drenched business suit and tossed them into the dry-cleaning hamper,  and slid into the steaming shower.
I let the hot water try to melt all the cold realizations I learned today, but only ended up with silent tears and a bruised heart. 
I shouldn't have been mad or disappointed at Youngjae-ssi. 
He probably expected me to have some kind of feeling of superiority that others, but he didn't know that I think different.
That I don't care about money. 
I'll apologize to him when I get the chance, but I don't know if I'll actually get one.
I scrubbed down my long black hair with some natural flower and herb infused shampoo, and drifted my thoughts to the next forecoming meetings I will have to face. 
The more I met Daehyun in person, the more clear and definite my memories remind me of my worst times 10 years ago. 
No Minhee! 
I can't think of these depressing downsides again! 
Slapping my cheeks, I tried to wake myself up from the terrible dark side as the conditioner flowed smoothly through my hair. 
I scrubbed foam every inch of my body and let the warm water wash everything away down the drain- 
foam, slippery conditioner, and miserable memories.
I turned off the shower and stepped out, feeling refreshed and light. Everything's lovely now.
I pat dried my hair, wiped off all remaining water from my body, and slipped into my robe.
Glancing at the mirror, I traced my eyesight over the strong girl in front of me- 
I can do this.
No more weak Minhee. 
After towel-swishing and pajama slipping, I dove right into the comforts of my bed and fell right asleep with a forced smile on my face. 
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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 27: YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING but not the last part with Jihye T_T
Girl I get you about school you're totally fine! XD
Are you going to one of the bap concerts? I'm going to the one in Chicago/Merrillville, IN!! :D
JungDeYa #2
Chapter 26: Omg they parted. I can't wait for the next 4 years, when the lovey covey Jung couple meet each other again! Abs I love it how you showed a strong relationship with Youngjae and J-Hope. xD BTS and B.A.P, can't get over my feels
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 25: Yayyyyyy!!!! Omg this is just lkhdgkalsgh I love it!!! I'm so excited to read what happens next!!!!
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 24: omo...yay they are official at last....but..why jinhee have to go the states....update soon authornim....
JungDeYa #5
Chapter 24: .. Why does she have to leave Korea? Dx CAN'T SHE TAKE DAEHYUN WITH HER. Omg, its going to be so heartbreaking for Daehyun when she leaves, because he doesn't even know that she will leave.
JungDeYa #6
Chapter 23: Lol. The part when Daehyun and her bra..LOLOL xD so cute. This was so funny and awesome. Lol, Zelo, your so innocent ;D
frostysnowprincess #7
Chapter 23: Hahahahhaha yesssssss this chapter made me laugh XD
Chapter 23: omg this is the funniest chapter ever!!! ㅎㅎㅎ i enjoy myself reading it! update soon and happy new year btw :-)
JungDeYa #9
Chapter 22: O . Em . Gee . Finally! Yes, omggg. Mrs. Jung has to like, go away. She's horrible.
frostysnowprincess #10
I love this so much ok you have no idea
Their mom is so nice and perfect
ok that's enough of me ranting. lol.