
You've Got Some Nerve Howon


“Hoya will you chill out already. They’re coming.” Myungsoo gives him a look.

“I can’t. I just can’t. I have to tell her tonight.” He says and drinks his third glass of water.

He better do it tonight. Or else I might just go insane. You have no idea. I’ve watched these two flirt, smile, laugh,  and do everything together for the last two and a half months. And I mean everything. EVERYTHING. They walk to school together. Walk to class together. Get lunch together. He walks her to gym. By this time I’m surprised he hasn’t gone into the girls’ locker room.

They’re like the kind of couple that everyone thinks is perfect. Except they’re not a couple.


The waiter comes around and brings some more water. I was the one who suggested this place. The food is amazing of course, but so is the view. Perfect for a romantic date for… 6? Well I couldn’t sort out all the details. But without my help these two would stay single forever. I can’t say there’s nothing in it for me either. My sweet Jieun won’t know what hit her.

Right then, all three of them walk in looking amazing. Hoya’s mouth drops. Myungsoo does a double take.

What did I tell you? This is going to be a long night.



Seeing her walk in, in that outfit, makes my mouth drop. Damn Hoya, keep it together. How did you fall this hard for a girl?

But she’s so beautiful.

She greets me with a hug and a “Hi oppa.” My heart beats a bit faster. She smells amazing. Then she pulls away to go say hi to everyone else.

Tao sits next to her. But I don’t care because she sits across from me. He whispers something in her ear and they both look at me and laugh. This is so frustrating. I try to focus on something else. Jiyeon, as usual, is looking at her phone. Myungsoo, who’s across from her is being nice for once and talking to Jieun, who’s between us. He’s smiling; meanwhile Tao is glaring at him.

Those two both like her. Maybe a month ago she would have gone for Myungsoo, but the way it looks now, Tao has a better chance. Myungsoo’s not stupid. So why is he still going after her?

“You excited for your debut?” Lori asks.

“Yeah it’s getting closer by the day.” I say.

“So is graduation.” Tao adds.

“Yes! I can’t wait!” Jiyeon looks up from her phone.

“Me either, but I’ll miss you guys.” Jieun sighs.

“Hey hey! We’re all going to stay friends no matter what. Think about it. After we all debut we won’t know who really likes us for our real selves and not who they see up on stage.” Words of wisdom from Myungsoo are rare, but very effective.

“To us.”  Jiyeon says, raising her glass.

“To us.” We all say, and then dig into the food.

 I feel my phone vibrate near the end of dinner.

“Is it time yet?” the message says.

“Yes.” I text back.

I text Tao and Myungsoo, along with the rest of Infinite.  “GO.”



“Hey guys let’s go pay the tab.” Tao says.

“You guys finish up. We’ll be right back.” Hoya gets up and Myungsoo follows him.

As soon as they leave Jiyeon takes Tao’s seat. “I wonder what’s up with them.” She says.        

“They do seem kind of weird.” Jieun leans in as she says it.

Jiyeon’s eyes widen as she looks back at her phone. “Omo. You guys. Bora already got her dress for the masquerade ball.”

“What? But that’s not for like two months.” I say.

Jiyeon shows us a picture of Bora in her royal blue dress.

“Omo. It’s so pretty!” Jieun touches the screen as if she could feel it.

“We should go shopping together.” I suggest.

“Are you kidding? Obviously we’re going shopping together.” Jiyeon flips her hair. “I have to make sure me and my girls look fabulous.”

“Excuse me. May I have everyone’s attention?” The host of the restaurant states, he waits for everyone to get quiet before he continues. “If everyone could stop what they’re doing for just a second. We’re going to dim the lights to help out one of our customers tonight.”

The room gets dark and some figures move into the room by the small stage. After my eyes adjust I notice there’s more than five of them.

Then a spotlight hits one of them. He holds up a sign saying “Will”

Then the spotlight moves onto the next person. They spin around to reveal the word “you”.

Then “go”. Followed by “to”, “the”, and “ball”. Myungsoo holds up a sign saying “with”. Hoya holds up the sign “me”.  Tao then spins, fabulously of course, and then holds up the final sign, “Cho Lori?”

There’s silence for a second. Then I can hear everyone with their “Omo” and “Aigoo, that’s so cute.”

The spotlight hits me. Hoya steps down from the stage holding a microphone. There’s a spotlight on him too.

“Before you answer me I need you to know something. Cho Lori, I am totally and completely in love with you. We’ve spent almost all our time together since we met. This is not just me asking you to a simple ball. This is me asking you to be my girlfriend.”

I’m so shocked by this, but very, very touched by it. I feel like my heart is going to jump out my chest from all the happiness I’m feeling at this moment. Tears roll down my face.

“You don’t have to say yes. You can say no. But answer me, please.” He suddenly looks worried.

Next thing I know I’m making my way towards Hoya, with even more tears coming down. His eyes widen when I stop in front of him. I look down.

“What is it? Why are you crying?” He wipes away the tears with his thumb.

“Hoya.” I say.

“Ne jagiya?” He tilts my face up to look at me.

I hug him. “Hoya, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes a million times.” He hugs me back.

The whole restaurant breaks out into clapping and cheering. I look up and see Tao and the rest of Infinite smiling. A smile forms on my face too.

“Hoya you dummy. What if I would have said no?”

“Then I would have been extremely embarrassed, but I wouldn’t have given up. I’d chase after you. Forever.”

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!