Thirty Five

You've Got Some Nerve Howon

October 29, 2014


“Did you do anything to piss her off?” Tao asks.

“No I don’t even recall doing anything bad. She’s just so easy to piss off.” The words come from my mouth and I almost can’t believe them.

“That’s women. They get angry too easily.” Sunggyu says.

“Who even invited you?” Myungsoo is almost completely gone.

“YAH. Who’s carrying your alcoholic self home after this!” Sunggyu snaps at him.

“Okay okay whatever, but hyung. Think. She’s probably on her period. You know women always get mad when that happens.”

“He’s got a point it will probably go away soon.” Tao says and that’s last of the conversation that I remember from last night. I’m pretty sure Myungsoo threw up a few times, and I’m pretty sure Sunggyu is going to kill him. Kind of like how my head is killing me.

“Appa! Umma says breakfast is ready!” Daehyun shouts.

“Ugh. Okay I’m coming.” I say and then I roll over and go back to sleep, still tired. When I open my eyes its 1 in the afternoon. . Hoya you are in so much trouble.

I don’t eat and go straight to practice. After our four hour practice session I go out with the group and we go to eat as the 7 of us for the first time in a long while. I don’t feel stressed, this is my second family. We laugh together as a group, happily as we used to since the day we became friends. I forget everything else when I’m with them. But everything they relieved me off starts to haunt me when they’re gone. The cold autumn air in Seoul adds to the headache I carry with me as I walk home.

She’s sitting there on the sofa, watching television. She’s mad. She’s mad because I left without saying anything to her. Without having breakfast, the breakfast that she made. I head to the medicine cabinet and swallow something for my headache praying that it works quickly.

“You didn’t have breakfast and didn’t come home for dinner. What exactly where you doing out there Hoya?” She says coldly, without even looking away from the television.

“I’m sorry okay? I went to practice and then I went out to eat with the guys.”

“You should at least tell me if you aren’t going to come home. Then I don’t have to go through the problem of cooking you something to eat.”

“Problem? Cooking is a problem? Then maybe you shouldn’t cook.” I don’t even know why I’m fighting back. This is pointless and stupid.

“Then maybe I just shouldn’t cook for you at all.” She turns off the TV and the living room light as she goes to the bed room. I follow her in and she’s changing into her pajamas, and she sits on the bed, letting her hair down from its ponytail.

“Are we really just having a stupid fight because you’re on your period?”

Excuse me?” She’s really mad now.

“Answer me. Didn’t we say we wouldn’t have any stupid fights anymore?

“Wait. Hoya. What did you just say?” It seems like she finally came back to her normal self.

“I said didn’t we say we wouldn’t have any stupid fights anymore?”

“No, before that.”

“Oh that. I was just asking if we were fighting because you’re on your period.” It’s like I shot her or something. She gets up and starts walking back and forth.

“What is it?”

“Shh. Give me a second.”


She starts counting on her fingers and then her face changes and she runs out of the house. What the heck is going on?

She comes back ten minutes later with a bag in her hand and locks herself in the bathroom.

“Hey jagi are you okay in there?” I find myself saying.

“Hoya.” She says opening the door and coming out. “I think I’m pregnant.”

hahaha i am very tired ^^

& so yes i am leaving you guys with this. a bit short no?

but nonetheless 2/2 for today

Good night guys ^^ 

oh and to the new subbies wow, thank you guys o.o y'all just keep coming in<3 i really do appreaciate your comments and everything I LOVE YOU SUBBIES YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING<3 

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!