
You've Got Some Nerve Howon

April !8 2010

~Gee gee gee gee gee baby baby~

“Agh. My head. Turn it off.” Hoya says groggily and turns over to the other side of the bed.

“Aish, who’s calling this early in the morning.” I try to grab my phone from the side table with my eyes closed but I fail so I open them. My head pounds loudly as I bring the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I say sleepily.                                                           

“Did you guys stay in Busan?” my mom asks.

“Yeah. We’re going back today.”

“Oh alright. Have fun sweetie.”

“Okay bye.” I hang up, not knowing how I lived through that conversation. I try going back to sleep but I don’t succeed. I decide to just get up instead. That’s when I see it. Clothes scattered all over the room. I feel something under the sheets and grab it. My bra?” I scream.

Hoya gets up. “What’s wrong?” he rubs his eyes. “Oh hey there, good morning.” He smiles playfully.

I throw a pillow at him. “Don’t look.”

“Araso, I won’t look.” He holds the pillow to his face.

As I’m getting dressed the memories of yesterday come back to me. I blush madly. My boyfriend saw me . I slept with him. Aish Lori, you’re so weak when it comes to Hoya. I head to the bathroom to wash my face. When I come out I’m glad that Hoya is fully dressed. He pours me a glass of water and then one for himself.

“How’s your head?” he asks.

“Better than Myungsoo’s that for sure.”

“That must so badly.”

I walk over to the mirror to fix my hair.



“You didn’t want to do it did you?”

I look up at him through the mirror. He’s looking out the window. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walk over to him. I lean my head against his back and wrap my arms around him.

“Hoya. There’s nothing I don’t want to do with you. I love you.”

“He stays silent for a while. “I love you too.”

We get a call from Tao to meet up with them downstairs. Myungsoo looks like nothing’s wrong but I bet his head is killing him. When we arrive at the station in Seoul everyone goes their separate ways. Hoya apologizes for being unable to walk me home but I reassure him it’s okay. I’m glad that the house is quiet. I spend my Sunday watching TV and head off to sleep.

April 19 2010

I wake up the next morning with a really strong pain in my abdomen. Dammit, I hate cramps. I take some aspirin and by the time I get to school the pain is gone. It’s all good until the pain comes back after gym. We’re leaving the locker room when I remember I forgot my phone inside the locker.

“You guys can go ahead; I have to go get my phone.” I tell Jiyeon and Jieun.

“Are you sure?” Jieun asks.


I go back into the locker room and I start feeling dizzy. I sit down for a while until it goes away and then I walk back into the hall. Tao crosses my path.

“You’re pretty late today. You’re usually halfway across the school by now.”

“Yeah, weird huh?”


My stomach turns the more I walk, until I can’t handle it anymore. I run to the nearest bathroom and all the food from lunch comes back up. Tears flow down my face. I’m so disgusted by myself. I flush the mess down and wash my face and mouth with water.

Back in the hall Tao attacks me with a billion questions. “Omg what happened? Are you okay? You don’t seem okay. Maybe you should go to the nurse? You want some water?”

“Tao I’m fine. Let’s just go to class. Water would be nice.” I lie. The pain has gotten worse.

We’re walking across the courtyard when I cough and the water I just had comes back up.

“Lori you threw up the water you just had like two minutes ago.  You’re not okay and that’s not normal.”

“I’m not. Help me please. “I give in.

“Let’s go to the hospital.” I nod at his suggestion.

I’m glad I make it through the bus ride okay. I check into the hospital and they call my mom right away. At first I’m just sitting there but then they run some tests on me. Tao seems really upset.

“Tao I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. Don’t lie to me.”

Then the nurse comes in. “The results from your MRI are in. It seems you have appendicitis. We’re going to have to do surgery.”

I’m scared. To make it worse the doctor comes in. “Hi. What’s your name?”

“Cho Lori.”

“Ah nice to meet you. I’m here to explain what’s going to happen during your surgery. Have you ever had one before?”


“So what’s going to happen is we’re going to cut you a bit and remove your appendix before it explodes.”

Yeah Mr. Doctor is great at calming people down. Then my mom enters the room.

“Sweetie are you okay?” She touches my forehead. I nod.

Someone hands a paper to the nurse. “The results of the last two tests are here. Her blood pressure is stable enough for us to operate.”

“What about the pregnancy test?” the doctor asks.

Pregnancy? But I’ve never…

Oh my gosh. But I have…

The nurse drops the papers. My heart races faster as she reaches for them and says…

Omo... What a clumsy nurse. I guess we'll just find out in the next chapter. :D

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!