Thirty Nine

You've Got Some Nerve Howon

August 27, 2018


“Umma when can we go see the movie you’re in?” Haewon asks.

“Yah I told you it doesn’t come out until next week.” Daehyun answers her and ruffles her hair.

“Oppa you’re messing up my hair! Umma make him stop!”

“Daehyun leave your sister’s hair alone. Haewon we’ll go see it next week, okay?” I answer.

Hoya gets into the car and we drive off to the venue. We park and Daehyun gets out of the car, and Hoya helps Haewon out. “Appa can you carry me?”

“Yes princess.” He says and smiles at her, taking her in his arms. We go into the venue, greeting a few people as we go.

“You’re here!” Jieun says as we walk into the room where she and Myungsoo are sitting on a fancy couch.

“Hey can we take this picture already I’m getting tired of smiling.” Tao says.

“Rude.” Jiyeon says.

“Okay let’s take it.” Myungsoo says.

They all turn and smile for the photographer, take the picture and then Tao and Jiyeon move. They’re matching, both in blue.

“You look so pretty Jieun!” I say.

Hoya is laughing at something Myungsoo said, and then take a picture together on his phone.

“Take a picture with us!” Jieun says.

“That’s kind of what we came for.” Hoya says and we pose for a picture with them. The photographer takes the picture and then the rest of Infinite walks into the room. Hoya goes back to Myungsoo and his group members so they can take a picture.

“You just get cuter every time!” Tao says to Haewon who he’s holding.”

“Lori!” Jiyeon calls me over to her.


“Do you think we got away safely that night?”

At first I don’t know what she’s talking about but then I remember. Las Vegas, we were all there last week as Tao’s and Jiyeon’s witnesses for their secret wedding. Jiyeon rocked a fabulous dress and just between the six of us, we had a couple of drinks and went clubbing to celebrate, until the paparazzi found us.

“Yeah I think you got away. I’m pretty sure they don’t know you’re married yet. When are you going to announce it?”

“Okay good. I was paranoid on my honeymoon. Announcing it? I’m not sure. Sometimes soon though.”

“Let’s go to our table yeah?” Hoya says.

“You can’t go by yourself I have to hold your hand.” Daehyun says to Haewon who makes a pouty face but take his hand anyways.

“They’re so cute!” Tao says and takes a random picture of them.

“I swear he has more pictures of them than of us.” Jiyeon says.

We all walk to our table and Jiyeon tells me more of what she and Tao did on their honeymoon, and apparently half of it was shopping. Then Myungsoo passes by our table at the front and stands by the altar/stage.

“Whoa he looks so nervous!” Jiyeon says.

“Hahahahaha that’s funny!” Tao laughs.

“You were more nervous than him.” Hoya adds.

“Really Tao I thought you were going to faint.” I say.

Jiyeon laughs and Tao gives her a gentle smile.

Then it gets quiet because Jieun enters the room, looking like a princess in her wedding gown.

“Umma was your dress pretty like that?” Haewon asks.

“Yes baby.”

“Whoa appa you married a princess!” she says and we all giggle a bit at her words.

Myungsoo smiles so much it feels like his happiness has spread all over the room. They give sweet words to each other in their vows and then the food comes. Sungyeol and Sungjong MC the whole wedding which results in people laughing every two minutes. It’s a fun thing really.

We say goodbye to them when we leave and after getting home and we lay on couch watching TV for the last couple hours of the day.

“Umma she fell asleep!” Daehyun waves his hand over his sister’s face.

“Do you know what that means?” I ask.

“It’s bedtime?”

“Yes. Now go and get ready for bed.” I say, and he does it.

“She looks so peaceful I don’t want to move her.” Hoya says, but regardless picks her up and carries her to her small bed. “Do we have to change her? She looks really cute in that dress.”

“Yeah but it’s probably annoying to sleep in. You go get ready for bed and I’ll change her myself.”


I head back to our room after changing Haewon into pajamas and checking if Daehyun is in bed. I get into bed and Hoya turns to look at me in the darkness.

“After this whole day this is what I look forward to.”


“Being next you, knowing you’ll be there when I wake up. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

“I wouldn’t either Hoya.”

“Just stay here with me-


“Yes. Forever.”

And in his arms, I swear it all feels perfect. Just like the first day. Just like a week ago. Yes Hoya, I’ll stay with you forever.

OMG GUYS I'm going to cry. It's over D: I can't believe i finished it.

Really though, for those of you that have been reading it it, thank you so much for your support, your comments and all the love you've given to this story. Thank you subbies. I love all 50 of you<3 and i wish i could write more but this is it. This is all i have for this story. Everything has to end at one point.

so thank you guys so much. really. thank you.

gah it's gonna sound like an adverstisement but if i don't promote myself who else will right? haha ^^ 

in case you're not tired of me. Or if you happen to like exo or revenge then you should totally go subscribe to my exo story.

I'll probably update that soon. I've also got a vixx fanfict coming up ^^ so yay :D

Well that's all i've got thanks guys ^^ i love you :D

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!