Twenty Six

You've Got Some Nerve Howon

JULY 7, 2014


These last two months have been a crazy mix of emotions. Between our big revelation to the world and the announcement of our wedding it’s been insane. There was a lot criticism at first, as expected. There still is but it’s something we have to live with because as celebrities we basically are giving the public the right to judge our every movement if not our whole life. So really there’s no big difference between before we made this public and now. Infinite had their comeback. Jiyeon made her solo debut. Jieun made another album. Tao and his group had their first concert.

I wake up at the request of my bladder and head for the bathroom. I wash my face and go back to the living room, very confused. There are bottles of soju and food all over the table and even on the floor. Jieun is dead asleep on Myungsoo, and together they’re taking up the whole couch.

I go into the bedroom and find Jiyeon asleep on the bed and Tao asleep on the floor hugging a pillow. What happened last night? I had enough to drink to forget what’s going on but not enough to get a crazy hangover. I hear the beeping sound of the front door to our apartment open. Something clicks in my brain and I remember something. This is the apartment me and Hoya moved into just 2 days ago. I head back to the living room where I see Hoya come in with a drink and some snacks in his hand. That’s right. We still don’t have any food in the refrigerator. The food on the table is all things that our friends brought over. Hoya looks terrified at the mess.

“What is it?” I mouth.

He points to the clock. 11:03. Then it really hits me, all at once. Today’s our wedding photo shoot. Yesterday we had a house warming party which resulted in this huge mess. And Hoya’s parents are supposed to be coming over for dinner today too.

We scramble to clean, waking up everyone in the process. Between the 6 of us we clean the house in record time, 30 minutes. Within those 30 minutes everyone is out of the house and looking normal as if nothing happened yesterday. We all cram into an elevator laughing about the stupid things we said yesterday when we were drunk. Well except for Myungsoo, who for the second time has the hangover from hell.

Everyone goes their separate ways. Me and Hoya eat our corner store food breakfast in the taxi on the way to the photo shoot. Surprisingly we make it to the place on time. We get separated by the stylists when we get there. I squeeze into a short and plain dress white dress with some low heels and the ladies go away at my hair, making it wavy and giving me a natural makeup look. When they’re done they adjust a ribbon headband so that it doesn’t fall off of my head. They then lead me towards the garden outside which is the first place we’re taking pictures at.

There, Hoya stands in a tux, leaning against a bridge which is the only way to get over the small pond. I walk over to him and he takes a step back, eyeing me up and down, and then laughs.

“What?” I say.

“Nothing. You just look…” he tries to cover his mouth but ends up laughing instead. “16”

I cross my arms and turn around but he places his arms on my waist, tickling me, getting me to smile when I don’t want to. There’s the sound of the photographer clicking away with his camera. “Yes that’s perfect. Make her laugh more.” He says, pleased with the first couple of photos he took.

He tickles me until my stomach hurts and I break away from him, running farther into the garden, hiding behind a tree. Upon hearing footsteps near me I peek a little to the left side of the tree and don’t find anyone. I peek a bit to the right and I don’t see anything, so I sigh in relief. Then suddenly he pulls my wrist, causing me to squeal at the surprise. Here we are, my back against this tree, Hoya’s forehead pressed against mine. I look into his eyes for a second but they scare me so I look at the ground instead.

He gently grabs my chin, making me face him. “You look 16 but you also look pretty enough to be my wife.” I find myself blushing madly, something that hasn’t happened in a really long time. I can tell he’s amused by this. The photographer and his people laugh and whisper things, making me embarrassed.

“Come on.” Hoya says with a smirk on his face. He takes my fingers and intertwines them with his as we walk around the garden taking some more pictures.

We split up again and my cheeks are still on fire when I go pick out the next dress to change into. I spot long lacey dress and get a devious thought. Two can play at this game Lee Howon. I feel killer in these high heels and this tight dress. They put my hair up into a fancy bun and my makeup gives me a mature, elegant look. I take one last look in the mirror, satisfied with my look that will surely drive my fiancée over the edge. The ladies lead me to the next set.

I take a step into the room which is empty other than for the curtains by the window, and a piano. Hoya’s looking out the window as I draw closer. He turns around at the sound of my heels on the wooden floor and his stare is intense as if he’s taking my every movement in. But it’s too late. I don’t give him time to react. I simply wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss


hi there subbies! i see we got some new people. Why are you guys so quiet?:O talk to meeeee

xD i had a bit too much fun writing this chapter i was laughing as i was revising it. ^^ haha i hope you guys like the chapter :D

As for the link to the exo story, xD i'm having some problems deciding what exactly is happening within the story so it's kinda stuck as a draft for now....

oh. and i basically decided after this story is over i'm going to work on both my exo and vixx story(yeah i just kinda had a good idea for that like yesterday) ^^ but not until this one ends because i really wanna finish this one >.< I feel like i've kept you guys waiting for too long. :O

anyways love you guys :DD

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!