Thirty Seven

You've Got Some Nerve Howon

December 3, 2014


“Hehehe isn’t she cute sleeping? Do you share dreams with our baby? I wonder…” The caption to Hoya’s latest photo that he took of me and put on Twitter an hour ago when I was napping.

“You have no patience kid aish…” Sunggyu.

“I’m going to kill you.” Tao.

“EH? We’re going to be uncles again?” Woohyun.

“That’s great news hyung. Just don’t let Namu babysit.” Sungjong.

“Yeah leave it to me.” Sungyeol

“Both of you are idiots.” Myungsoo.

“Stop fighting guys~ Let’s just congratulate Hoya on his second kid.” Dongwoo.

The twitter conversation goes on forever including hundreds of fan girls congratulations.

“Don’t kill me.” Hoya says when he catches me coming into the living room.

“Kill you? Why would I do that? That was the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.” I say.

“Umma are you getting fat?”

Daehyun says looking at my stomach. I’ve been wearing loose clothing for the last month to hide my pregnancy, and today’s the first time I’ve work something that sticks to my body in a while.

Hoya and I laugh.

“Daehyun we have a secret to tell you.” I say.

“Secret! I want to know! Can you tell me?”

“Come here and sit with us.” I say, and he drops his toys and comes and sits on Hoya’s lap.

“Daehyun your mom isn’t fat. This right here…” He puts his hand on the small but visible baby bump. “This right here is your little sibling.”

“What? Umma you have my little brother in there?”

“We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl Daehyun.”

“How is he in there! Umma!”

“Daehyun do you want a little brother or a little sister?” Hoya asks, avoiding his question.

“I want a brother so we can play cars together!”

“But what if it’s a girl?” I ask.

“But I want a brother!” he gets off Hoya’s lap and pokes me belly. “You better be a boy! You hear me!”

“Daehyun he can’t hear you.” Hoya says.

“Umma when is he coming out of there?”


“That long?”

“He has to grow Daehyun.”

“Is he lonely? How does he eat?”

I laugh at his cute questions.

“It’s time for bed Daehyun.”  I say.


April 29, 2015

“OMG she moved!” Jiyeon squeals as she stares at my belly where her hand was just a second ago.

“She does that.” Hoya says.

“She does more than that she kicks too.” I say.

“She doesn’t move when I touch her.” Tao gives a pout.

“Uncle Tao can you teach me wushu! They teach me a lot of things in kindergarten but they don’t teach me that.” Daehyun asks him.

“Omg she really moves.” Jieun also freaks out when the baby moves inside of me. But I’m used to it.

“Why do you need to learn wushu?” Tao asks Daehyun.

“Since she’s a girl and I’m her oppa I need to protect her from bad guys!”

“What did I miss?” Myungsoo comes out of the bathroom.

“She moved oppa!” Jieun says.

“Really can I try?” Myungsoo asks.

“I wouldn’t waste my time she only moves with her aunts and Hoya.” Tao rolls his eyes.

“Go ahead I mean isn’t that what baby bumps are for so you can put your hands on them see if the baby moves?” I say.

Myungsoo comes over and stares at my belly like half the other people in the room.

“So just like…” He puts his hand on my belly. “I don’t feel anything.”

“She probably doesn’t like you Uncle.” Daehyun says and sticks his tongue out at Myungsoo.

“Are you serious? She’s moving a lot today.” I say at the movement she just made.

“Whoa you really can feel it. I guess she likes me too.” Myungsoo sticks his tongue out at Daehyun who makes a face at him and they both laugh.

“Hahaha maybe she just doesn’t like you Uncle Tao.” Daehyun says.

“She’s going to love me because she’s getting Gucci for her first birthday.” He says.

“Tao is that really necessary? She wouldn’t know what she was wearing anyways.” Hoya says.

“No niece of mine is going out there not looking fabulous.”



“Whoa did she seriously fall asleep?” Myungsoo points out.

“Should we leave?” Jieun asks.

“No that’s normal. She takes small naps like that. I don’t know how. She sleeps through everything. Daehyun turned the music on super loud and he was singing too and she slept through that.” I say.

“That’s so cute! I thought you were kidding when you put that on Twitter.” Jiyeon says.

“She might just be tired from the baby shower though.” Jieun asks.

“That’s possible. What did you guys do?” I ask. I invited Tao and Myungsoo over and we’ve done nothing but sit around all day playing with Daehyun and watching TV.

“Girl stuff with like… 200 other girls.” Jiyeon says.

“Are you sure none of those presents are Gucci?” Tao points to the big pile of presents they brought home with them.

“Who gets a baby Gucci?” Myungsoo gives him a look.

“Hate all you want my present is better than yours!”

“She’s shivering is that normal?”  Jieun looks worried.

I get up and get a blanket to cover her and soon enough she stops shivering.

“That’s so cute omo.”

“Tsk. Grow up guys.”

Nothing ever changes does it? It feels exactly the same as five years ago. But I’m glad it doesn’t.

2/2 for today ^^

whoaaa new subbies! hi there guys :D

okay okay so don't kill me... i've been doing double updates because i've really been in a writing mood lately :D ... here's the bad news hahahahahahahahaha


which means no updates until like monday or tuesday? 

sorry ): 

i love you guyssss<3

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!